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Preclear plugin

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Nice review above!


unfortunately i have had a bad experience, which i am not 100% sure it is related to the plugin but here goes.


I helped a friend build a mini server the last week or two, where we picked up a HP gen8 micro server on special, to which we added 3 seagate 8TB archive HDD's.


I managed to get the preclear working via the gui after creating an array , and then deleting the config again ( Preclear was complaining about a missing disk.cfg).



in any event - we then connected to the gui every few hours - monitoring the progress, and everything went very ok . Preclear finished in about 72 hours which is roughly double the time my 4TB drive took - really ok with that - especially since we performed all three drives at the same time.


Problem we encountered - directly after the preclear, the main page showed some strange values for the flash drive.


Flash ID was missing ( with unraid requesting us to buy a key again),  Flash reported reads of something in the range of 144,000,000 (massive number - i might be missing some zero's ), and writes of about 16,000.


restarting the machine confirmed my suspicion - the Flash gave up on us (in hindsight - i should have made a screengrab and captured the syslog)



Is there any chance that the plugin performs constant reads from the Flash in any way? i dont think there should be a reason, but just in case.


going to return the flash today, and  request a replacement key from Limetech - so server should be able to get going soon.





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Flash ID was missing ( with unraid requesting us to buy a key again),  Flash reported reads of something in the range of 144,000,000 (massive number - i might be missing some zero's ), and writes of about 16,000.


restarting the machine confirmed my suspicion - the Flash gave up on us (in hindsight - i should have made a screengrab and captured the syslog)



Is there any chance that the plugin performs constant reads from the Flash in any way? i dont think there should be a reason, but just in case.


going to return the flash today, and  request a replacement key from Limetech - so server should be able to get going soon.

Sounds like you may have found a way to trick it into preclearing your flash!
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This same thing happened to me when I was trying to preclear using the preclear script on my AOC-SAS2LP-MV8


My Flash went bonkers with what appeared to be millions of reads/writes


Well in all fairness I did find out my motherboard seemed to be having issues and as well I replaced my PowerSupply.

I'm to chicken to try it again on my production server. lol

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It seems as though Neo_x had a bad USB flash drive and kizer had a bad PSU. Several people have had success with this plugin, myself included, and one of my servers is also an HP Microserver Gen8 - I see no reason to blame it for either of these incidents. Read operations don't wear flash memory anyway.

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It seems as though Neo_x had a bad USB flash drive and kizer had a bad PSU. Several people have had success with this plugin, myself included, and one of my servers is also an HP Microserver Gen8 - I see no reason to blame it for either of these incidents. Read operations don't wear flash memory anyway.


I agree. I have seen nothing in the posts above to suggest to me that this Plugin is in any way a contributory factor to each issue(s). I maintain - Excellent Plugin that I see no issues with at all.


It will be interesting actually. It's another excellent gfjardim Plugin BUT unfortunately gfjardim is MIA at the current time. I wonder how this plugin is going to fare in 6.1.7 and as we end up upgrading eventually through to 6.2 when we have no developer support for it?


To his absolute credit dlandon has forked gfjardim's work for Unassigned Devices and that Plugin is now safe BUT we can't expect him to do it for ALL of gfjardim's Plugin's however good the Plugin might be....

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Another solution can be the inclusion of some functionality in unRAID itself...


I absolutely agree but I didn't want to start a "LT are only 3 guys, It Will Happen when it Happens, How about you do it yourself, Just Submit a Feature Request and Wait.." type back and forth of posts.


It's not a huge drama if the Plugin doesn't get 6.2 Support as the tried and tested method we have all been following for years is still there.


*Noting the first sentence of this post he Takes a Deep Breath* ...


I do wonder, given the work that has been put into this Plugin though how much work it would take LT to incorporate the functionality .....

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I guess you need to wait and see what 6.2 brings ...


Wait, I just assumed LT swore you to secrecy and you already knew all the new stuff??


I know nothing, just rumours  ;) ;)


Well jeez, if you're not even on the "list"; I don't even stand a chance  ;D


Note the  ;) ;)


I was wondering after I posted about those... I think of few of us need to take bonienl out for a few beers  ;)

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I guess you need to wait and see what 6.2 brings ...


Wait, I just assumed LT swore you to secrecy and you already knew all the new stuff??


I know nothing, just rumours  ;) ;)


Well jeez, if you're not even on the "list"; I don't even stand a chance  ;D


Note the  ;) ;)


I was wondering after I posted about those... I think of few of us need to take bonienl out for a few beers  ;)


I am all for that :) but with a little patience you will know all about 6.2, again just rumours  ;)

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Hi, fellow Unraiders!


I am preclearing my first WD Red 6TB - I never used the preclear plugin before, but it was pretty easy to setup and it's going right now. Should I have disabled the preread since this was a bare, unformatted drive or just took all the defaults?  Just wondered if I ought to abort and rerun with new settings. It's been running for 3 hours - Pre-Read (1 of 3). 24% @ 133 MB/s (3:00:18) I sat it up for 3 passes but I may stop it after 2 if there are no issues.


All I did was install it last night, and run an extended smart test - it passed with no errors. So I started a preclear.


By the way - thanks to gfjardim and bjp999 for this - I don't hate the command line but there are lots of folks who do. That makes it easier for me to recommend Unraid - great support community and solid software that makes NAS less of a mystic pilgrimage for nerds and usable by more of the masses.

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Loving the preclear plugin.. However..


I do not seem to be able to -start- a preclear with the plugin.. I now start it in screen tru commandline and the gui will show progress.. What could be at fault ?

Screenshot? Does it not give you anything to click on to start it or does it give you something to click on but clicking on it does not start it?
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