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[Plugin] CA Appdata Backup / Restore v2


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I got this error trying to run the backup/restore plugin on 6.8 RC1


Oct 16 08:23:13 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:23:13 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:23:13 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:23:13 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:23:13 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:25:50 unRAID nginx: 2019/10/16 08:25:50 [crit] 7268#7268: *499895 pwrite() "/var/lib/nginx/client_body/0000001182" failed (28: No space left on device), client: unix:, server: , request: "POST /pub/disks?buffer_length=2 HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost" Oct 16 08:26:03 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:03 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:05 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:06 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/PluginAPI.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:06 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:06 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:12 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:14 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:22 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:23 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:32 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:33 unRAID root: error: /plugins/ca.backup2/include/backupExec.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:34 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:35 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:36 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:36 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:37 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:38 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:39 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:39 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:40 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:42 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:42 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:43 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:44 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:44 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:45 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:46 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:46 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:46 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/DeviceList.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:46 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:47 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:47 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:48 unRAID root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:52 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:52 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:52 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:53 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:53 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:53 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:54 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:54 unRAID root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: uninitialized csrf_token Oct 16 08:26:54 unRAID root: error: /plugins/dynamix.system.temp/include/SystemTemp.php: uninitialized csrf_token




Your rootfs is probably full

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3 hours ago, almulder said:

So for the appdata, I see there is the folder on the cache drive and also on the regular drives. do I need to back up both or just the cache drive? (appdatas is set to cache preferred)

The appdata share is the amalgam of the appdata folder on ALL drives.  If you backup at the share level then Unraid will handle this transparently for you.    With Use Cache=Prefer then if their is space on the cache mover will transfer files from array to cache (assuming the files are not open).

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3 hours ago, itimpi said:

The appdata share is the amalgam of the appdata folder on ALL drives.  If you backup at the share level then Unraid will handle this transparently for you.    With Use Cache=Prefer then if their is space on the cache mover will transfer files from array to cache (assuming the files are not open).

And the files likely will be open if your dockers are running. Possibly you have some of your system share not on cache also, which will make dockers not perform as well and will keep parity and other disks spinning.

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Hi, first of all, thank you for this excellent plugin!


The plugin works very well except with the binhex's qBittorrentVPN docker. That is, let's assume I have active downloads in the docker and it is stopped when a backup is started. All the previously active downloads are restarted from the beginning after the docker is restarted. If I just manually stop and restart the qBittorrentVPN docker and there are active downloads, the active downloads' state is checked as they should and after the the downloads continue where they were before the stoppage of the docker.


So, does the CA Backup plugin stop the dockers in some different way compared to a manual stoppage or what might cause this? I have tested this several times with the identical results.

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I am just looking into some very large backups (125GB) and would like to exclude all the artwork folders from lidarr, emby, sonarr, radarr etc as they are the bulk of the backups & why they take so long.  I see I can exclude the root folder but cannot go into each folder to disable sub folders in the backup settings? am I missing something or is this not possible?


Many Thanks!

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2 hours ago, mbc0 said:

also just to add to that, is it possible to restore just one folder? I had a problem with lidarr (self inflicted) and wanted to restore just that folder

Exactly what I've just came here for. I messed up a single container and need to restore only that container.


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I have an issue where the binhex plex container is not restarting. I am not sure how to debug this further. The container clearly receives the signal to stop the container and the status in the plug menu shows it was "started" although I dont know exactly what that entails. I have to manually restart the container when I've noticed its not running. it only happens with plex which I do know takes quite a LONG time to backup due to the size of my library and the number of small files. Perhaps there is a timeout or some other thing at play here? I have checked for conflicts such as mover which starts 2 hours after this backup


Docker container log:

2019-10-22 02:00:02,811 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request
2019-10-22 02:00:02,811 DEBG killing plexmediaserver (pid 50) with signal SIGTERM
2019-10-22 02:00:02,812 INFO waiting for plexmediaserver to die
2019-10-22 02:00:02,834 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
Critical: libusb_init failed

2019-10-22 02:00:03,231 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22692706314896 for <Subprocess at 22692706373904 with name plexmediaserver in state STOPPING> (stdout)>
2019-10-22 02:00:03,231 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22692706418256 for <Subprocess at 22692706373904 with name plexmediaserver in state STOPPING> (stderr)>
2019-10-22 02:00:03,231 INFO stopped: plexmediaserver (exit status 0)
2019-10-22 02:00:03,231 DEBG received SIGCHLD indicating a child quit



Plex plugin status: 

Backup / Restore Status: Not Running 
Starting binhex-plexpass
Starting tautulli
Starting binhex-sabnzbd
Starting binhex-radarr
Starting binhex-sonarr
Starting openvpn-as
Starting duckdns
Backup/Restore Complete. tar Return Value: 0
Backup / Restore Completed

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On 10/21/2019 at 5:37 AM, mbc0 said:

also just to add to that, is it possible to restore just one folder? I had a problem with lidarr (self inflicted) and wanted to restore just that folder

Did you ever figure this one out? I'm trying to figure out the best way to restore my Plex database after it corrupts from the 6.7.x sqlite db corruption bug.

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The plugin does not support only restoring a single folder from the zip.

This is a feature req that has been iterated multiple times, and is nearing the top on my white board (ok, that's what's written on my hand).

You can however do a google search for "tar man page" in the meantime that should be able to give you the appropriate command options to use manually

Sent from my NSA monitored device

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Hi I have running on two servers, I backup to folders on local servers, then use other software on a windows machine to auto make another copy of the backup to the other server. After running the backup, access to the folder that contains the flash drive backup gets locked and I cannot open it with windows or Krusader from a remote machine but can with the local machine. This happens on both server flash backup folders, the libvert backup folders are still accessible. I work around this by running new permissions after every backup. I have been using CA Appdata Backup/Restore for some time with no problems. I am running Unraid Version 6.8.0-rc4 on both machines, this seems to have started around the same time as the upgrade but not 100% sure.

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This sounds like a side-effect of the fact that in the 6.8.0 rc series the permissions on the flash drive are far more restrictive (as described in the release notes), and I expect this is being reflected in the backup copies of the flash drive.


it might make sense for the plugin to be altered so that the copy of the flash drive is explicitly set to have less restrictive permissions?   

Edited by itimpi
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