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[Support] binhex - Krusader

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Wondering in the old SB version to correctly copy data onto the array you would want to go under UNRAID then user then shares.  In this new one  just wondering as I don't see the same path but there is a path for media that then had all my created shares in it is this going to correctly  use the array? 


And sorry if stupid question  just new to unraid 

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11 hours ago, Frank1940 said:


Please NO!!!!  You logon onto the server with a user name and password.  When you logon, you have root privileges.  You  can log off from the GUI by clicking on a button if you wish to prevent access to this Docker.  Why introduce another username and password to get to a file manager  which has far less potential for doing damage than the 'popup' terminal built into the GUI that has absolutely no protection on it?  


Because all you need is access to the router, to redirect port 6080 to the unRaid server to get a root access.

Edited by Jobine
French -> English lolll
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7 hours ago, Aceriz said:

n this new one  just wondering as I don't see the same path but there is a path for media that then had all my created shares in it is this going to correctly  use the array? 


/media can point at any host path you want, the default is /mnt/user so if you navigate to /media using krusader it will show you all the user shares, by what you described above (never used the SB version) im assuming the SB version had a mapping of /UNRAID to /mnt, so you then have to navigate down the subdirs to get to /mnt/user, but the effect is the same.

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8 hours ago, Aceriz said:

Wondering in the old SB version to correctly copy data onto the array you would want to go under UNRAID then user then shares.  In this new one  just wondering as I don't see the same path but there is a path for media that then had all my created shares in it is this going to correctly  use the array? 


And sorry if stupid question  just new to unraid 


You might want to watch this video on how to setup Krusader. 




While it is for the old Docker package, Krusader in the new version is not that much different than the old one.   It will show you how to setup your toolbar so that you have bookmarks to the locations that you go to the most often.  This is how my additions to the toolbars look:





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3 hours ago, Jobine said:


Car il suffit d'un accès au routeur, pour rediriger le port 6080 vers le serveur unRaid pour avoir un accès root. 

This is an english speaking forum, please don't post only foreign language, if you must post other language to get your point across, please also post a best translation to english.


To your point though, if someone hacks your router, you have bigger issues.


But when you are done using this docker, turn it OFF.



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2 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

This is an english speaking forum, please don't post only foreign language, if you must post other language to get your point across, please also post a best translation to english.


To your point though, if someone hacks your router, you have bigger issues.


But when you are done using this docker, turn it OFF.




Sorry for my text in french ... my error ?

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I was using the latest version of the Krusader Docker to delete some files.  I quickly found out that it now deletes them to a Trash bin.  While I realize that there people who like this  sort of thing, I am one who does not.  How does one turn it off?  (I hate waiting the time that it takes to copy the files to the Trash container and then I have to delete them again from the Trash.)

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On 5/31/2018 at 6:18 AM, Jobine said:


Because all you need is access to the router, to redirect port 6080 to the unRaid server to get a root access.



Yeah im not sure why hes so against a password.. its just a VNC server, and with no UN/PW all you have to do is be on the network to get root access. Mind you all you could really do is mess things up and not get data off it... but still I dont want some malicious person getting in and deleting all my stuff due to a lack of a pw on VNC.

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1 hour ago, Dstubbs28 said:



Yeah im not sure why hes so against a password.. its just a VNC server, and with no UN/PW all you have to do is be on the network to get root access. Mind you all you could really do is mess things up and not get data off it... but still I dont want some malicious person getting in and deleting all my stuff due to a lack of a pw on VNC.



Here is the URL for Krusader:




I wonder if the    autoconnect=1   is an option to which allows the autoconnect.  If it is, perhaps, a variable could be setup which would provide the appropriator string to require a password or the current one which does not require the password. Thus the user could choose which one he wanted depending of his assessment of the risks involved.  


EDIT:::   IF you set  autoconnect=0  , it does put up a connect button but clicking it doesn't  require a user name or password.  So that is only a partial solution.  But if the UN/PW code is inserted, then  the user should be able to select which method to use.  

Edited by Frank1940
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So im sure i can add in password protection, the question is should it have password protection turned on by default or turned off?.


For those of you who do NOT want a password, i would ensure you can toggle password protection on or off, probably based off whether the password is present or not.

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2 hours ago, binhex said:

the question is should it have password protection turned on by default or turned off?.


The default in the past has always been to have it turned off.  Thus, most people will expect it to be 'Off'.  To avoid a support hassle, I would leave that as the default.


Plus, if I understand what the risk is, the malicious person has to gain access to the LAN side of the router and to that segment of the network which contains the server.  They also have to know that port 6080 is open (or port scan all of the 65000+ ports since it is out of the normal range) to do their worst.  This would require a network with poor security on it or assigned/allowed users who are untrustworthy.  Most of us don't have these network problems as our servers are in a home environment.  But I can see where a server in a business environment might easily have this type of situation...  

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12 hours ago, binhex said:

So im sure i can add in password protection, the question is should it have password protection turned on by default or turned off?.


For those of you who do NOT want a password, i would ensure you can toggle password protection on or off, probably based off whether the password is present or not.


ok so this is now done, please create an env var with key 'VNC_PASSWORD' value is the password you want, please ensure its 6 characters or more.


if you dont have the key present, or the value is blank (or less than 6 chars) then you wont be prompted for a password.


edit - its currently building so do a check for updates in about 30 mins.

Edited by binhex
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15 hours ago, binhex said:


if you dont have the key present, or the value is blank (or less than 6 chars) then you wont be prompted for a password.


Just updated and this remained unchanged for me (no password required).  If it works to add a password for those who wanted it, everyone should be happy.

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We consider our home network a safe one, but still add SSL as an extra security layer.

In the same manner some dockers (as Krusader) need to be protected.

A password is one way, but also shutting down the docker when it's unused.

I wonder if there is a way for a docker to shutdown when it's unused for X minutes.

In this case: when there is no VNC session for a configured time.

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When I start up Krusader after installing, I get a dialog box saying something to the effect of "Unable to write to /home/nobody.....  bookmarks won't work until you fix this".


What do I need to configure?



Edited by Griz
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7 hours ago, Griz said:

When I start up Krusader after installing, I get a dialog box saying something to the effect of "Unable to write to /home/nobody.....  bookmarks won't work until you fix this".


What do I need to configure?


i would suspect that user 'nobody' (as defined via PUID) and/or group 'users' (as defined via PGID) do not have write permissions to the folder /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-krusader and thus no settings are being saved (note /home/nobody is soft linked to the path just mentioned thus the error is actually complaining about write perms to /mnt/cache/....).

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In the share settings for " /mnt/cache/appdata", I have security set to "Public".


My understanding is that nobody in linux is a built in "user"...   Do I need to create an unraid user named "nobody"?  What is nobody's password?  I'm obviously in way over my head...  

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9 hours ago, Griz said:

In the share settings for " /mnt/cache/appdata", I have security set to "Public".


My understanding is that nobody in linux is a built in "user"...   Do I need to create an unraid user named "nobody"?  What is nobody's password?  I'm obviously in way over my head...  


no you dont need to create the user nobody, it already exists, lets check perms, do the following:-


1. open unraid web ui, click on the 'terminal' icon or putty/ssh in to unraid

2. execute the following by copy and pasting in:-

ls -al /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-krusader

3. paste the output of the above here.

Edited by binhex
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Thanks for the help!


Linux 4.14.26-unRAID.
Last login: Mon Jun  4 07:23:10 -0400 2018 on /dev/pts/0 from
root@Inara:~# ls -al /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-krusader
total 32
drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users    64 Jun 10 21:14 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    70 Jun 10 21:06 ../
drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root      6 Jun 10 21:14 krusader/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root    162 Jun 10 21:14 perms.txt
-rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 24712 Jun 10 21:49 supervisord.log*



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