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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Can you also post a screenshot from your Docker template please?

Please set the appdata share in the share settings to use disk1 only.

Maybe the file is written to another disk and that's why the container cant find or better speaking see the file?


May I also ask why your appdata share is not on the Cache? Do you have no Cache installed in your server?

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Hey there long time lurker first time poster, i'm usually able to find my answers amongst all of the question asked on this support form however this one has got me.


I spun up your rust server container and all is working however i would like to know how to have the game description be read from the server.cfg file rather than the docker template. All of the other lines are being read correctly from server.cfg with the exception of the Server Description.  Any help would get great.



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3 hours ago, Clay said:

All of the other lines are being read correctly from server.cfg with the exception of the Server Description.

Is it not possible to use the variable in the template?

What happens if you leave it empty in the template and specify it in the server.cfg?

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44 minutes ago, Clay said:

Leaving it blank won't allow the template to be applied. "Please fill in this" message appears.

Please enable the Advanced View in the top right corner in the template, click on Edit at the variable and at Required where it says Yes change it to No.


45 minutes ago, Clay said:

Using the variable in the template doesn't allow for special cosiderations like /n for new line to spruce the message up.

Have you yet tried to escape this special characters with \ like:



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Hi there, I've been trying to configure the Ark server container to use mods, but just can't seem to get it to work. I tried moving a configured GameSettings.ini file into it, but it would ignore the ActiveMods line. I also tried making a server with server manager then replacing the entire saved folder in the container with that from ASM (I changed the WindowsServer -> LinuxServer to match).

Is this container able to use mods? If you've talked about this before in the thread, just say and ill go hunt it down.

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On 1/5/2023 at 6:16 PM, KyrVorga said:

Hi there, I've been trying to configure the Ark server container to use mods, but just can't seem to get it to work. I tried moving a configured GameSettings.ini file into it, but it would ignore the ActiveMods line. I also tried making a server with server manager then replacing the entire saved folder in the container with that from ASM (I changed the WindowsServer -> LinuxServer to match).

Is this container able to use mods? If you've talked about this before in the thread, just say and ill go hunt it down.


Hello @KyrVorga, yes, you are able to use mods with this container.  It has been quite a while since I set this up so please bare with me, there is more detail somewhere within this forum topic which is how I was able to get this working, if I come across the posts, I will be sure to share them.  In the meantime, here is some information on my current setup that has been working for quite some time.


Within the Docker setup in the "Extra Game Parameters" you need to make sure to include "-automanagedmods", if you are setting up a cluster you will want to make sure this is only on the first map to startup within the cluster, also make sure that you give the first map plenty of time to startup before the next map in the cluster starts to give the mods enough time to update. 



You will also need to add extra parameters to the Docker template for the steam workshop, again, this will only be setup on the first map that starts up in the cluster if applicable.





Full container path in the below screenshot is:  /serverdata/serverfiles/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/SteamCMD/Linux/steamapps



Full container path in the below screenshot is:  /serverdata/serverfiles/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/SteamCMD/Linux



I hope this information is useful and is able to get you up an running with mods.


Edited by DBone-Unraid
Fixed a typo for "-automanagedmods"
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1 hour ago, DBone-Unraid said:


Hello @KyrVorga, yes, you are able to use mods with this container.  It has been quite a while since I set this up so please bare with me, there is more detail somewhere within this forum topic which is how I was able to get this working, if I come across the posts, I will be sure to share them.  In the meantime, here is some information on my current setup that has been working for quite some time.


Within the Docker setup in the "Extra Game Parameters" you need to make sure to include "-automanagemods", if you are setting up a cluster you will want to make sure this is only on the first map to startup within the cluster, also make sure that you give the first map plenty of time to startup before the next map in the cluster starts to give the mods enough time to update. 



You will also need to add extra parameters to the Docker template for the steam workshop, again, this will only be setup on the first map that starts up in the cluster if applicable.





Full container path in the below screenshot is:  /serverdata/serverfiles/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/SteamCMD/Linux/steamapps



Full container path in the below screenshot is:  /serverdata/serverfiles/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/SteamCMD/Linux



I hope this information is useful and is able to get you up an running with mods.


Bless you good sir, that is so helpful. that should be all I need to get it running : )

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I'm currently trying to run the "TheForest"-Docker, but I'm getting some errors.


Some general information of the system:
- UnraidOS Version: 6.11.5
- Ports 8766, 27015, 27016 are opened on the router and forwarded to the game server
- Created token for App '242760' and pasted token in GAME_PARAMS like mentioned in the docker description: 'serverSteamAccount C6Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
- Created the docker with the other parameters like in the image shown below
- The docker uses custom network type with a fixed ip address
- Internet-Provider: Vodafone (GigaCube --> no public IP)
- UPnP enabled


The problem is:
- server is not shown in the multiplayer list (also not LAN)
- ports 27015, 27016 are open, but 8766 is closed (scanned with nmap)
- getting errors according to the startup log (I assume Wine?)
- the steam service can't be loaded (maybe that's why the port is not open), see service_log
- the steam page with all game servers (steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers) shows that the token was never used


Some ideas from my side:
- Steam Service didn't start up, that's why port 8766 is not open
- Because of Vodafone-Provider Steam can't directly connect 
(I heard some time ago that Vodafone uses an additional Firewall; 
I had some problems with that already during setup of a WireGuard VPN but couldn't connect / ping to my router)

Has anyone an idea why the server is not working properly?
If you need any additional information, just let me know.


Thanks for your help!



Creating the docker:




service_log.txt connection_log_27015.txt TheForest_startup.txt

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1 hour ago, CyberDev said:

- Because of Vodafone-Provider Steam can't directly connect 

If you are behind a CG-NAT there is nothing I can do about reaching it from the outside world, I would recommend that you ask your provider if they have a plan with a static IP so that you can forward ports to and form the outside world.


1 hour ago, CyberDev said:

- The docker uses custom network type with a fixed ip address

Why? This is not necessary.


1 hour ago, CyberDev said:

- ports 27015, 27016 are open, but 8766 is closed (scanned with nmap)

That's just normal because the game servers use a proprietary protocol and don't answer to default requests.


What happens when you open up the Steam Server Browser (View -> Server Browser) and add the server in your Favorites by entering: CONTAINERIP:27016 and click Refresh once.


1 hour ago, CyberDev said:

Has anyone an idea why the server is not working properly?

The container is definitely working properly and running, how much CPU and RAM does the container use?


1 hour ago, CyberDev said:

- getting errors according to the startup log (I assume Wine?)

Yes, these are not strictly speaking Errors... please ignore them, as you can see from the last line Game autosave started, this is the indication that the server is running.


1 hour ago, CyberDev said:

- UnraidOS Version: 6.11.5

Do you have a cache drive installed? Please use the path /mnt/cache/appdata/... instead of /mnt/user/appdata/... if possible but please also make sure that you've set Use Cache to Prefer in the Share settings. The use of /mnt/cache/appdata/... is not done by accident.

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Thank you for the quick and detailed reply!


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

If you are behind a CG-NAT there is nothing I can do about reaching it from the outside world, I would recommend that you ask your provider if they have a plan with a static IP so that you can forward ports to and form the outside world.

I already asked them for a static public IP, unfortunately they couldn't help me with that. They said it's simply not a feature that GigaCubes support. 

Therefore I wanted to use a VPN (Tailscale), hoping I can get the connection to Steam Servers working, which should work if I understand the matter correctly?


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Why? This is not necessary.

Unfortunately when I tried that with the 'host'-custom-type the docker got stuck at startup during the Test-Phase for the connections. If I can reproduce that, I will post the error / time when the docker is hanging up.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

That's just normal because the game servers use a proprietary protocol and don't answer to default requests.

Ah ok, I didn't know that, but that explains it.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

What happens when you open up the Steam Server Browser (View -> Server Browser) and add the server in your Favorites by entering: CONTAINERIP:27016 and click Refresh once.

That was a good hint. Steam recognises it as a 'The Forest' - GameServer with the currently correct name (The Forest Docker) and the amount of players (4). When I try to connect, Steam opens the game and shows a blackscreen with white font saying 'Connecting Client'. But this is all, I think it's hanging there. Also in the Server Browser Window it shows an Ip-Address, which is not my local IP but another beginning with 45. (I assume it's my "public" IP-Address) and the status of that "client" is 'not responding'.

Could that be the case because I use a token from the account with that I want to connect to the server?

Maybe I need a different token from a different steam-account for the docker?


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

The container is definitely working properly and running, how much CPU and RAM does the container use?

The docker uses about 30% of CPU and about 3.5GiB of RAM.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Yes, these are not strictly speaking Errors... please ignore them, as you can see from the last line Game autosave started, this is the indication that the server is running.

Alright, I will ignore them. I thought already that this might not be an harmful issue because of the last line but I didn't know what the last message of the startup is :)

2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Do you have a cache drive installed? Please use the path /mnt/cache/appdata/... instead of /mnt/user/appdata/... if possible but please also make sure that you've set Use Cache to Prefer in the Share settings. The use of /mnt/cache/appdata/... is not done by accident.

Yes I have two cache drives installed. Use Cache of 'appdata' is set to 'Prefer'. There are two paths to appdata within the docker template. One for SteamCMD and one for theforest itself.
Shall I change the path of both entries or just the one for 'theforest'? 

For the testing now I will set - as mentioned in the template - only the ServerFiles (theforest) to the given path (/mnt/cache/appdata/...).


Thank you for your help and have a nice evening! 



If I open the game first and then try to connect to the server it works (incorrect password for the default admin password ('adminDocker') but with the 'Docker' password it works)!

This should not be a problem because I think it's possible to change the admin password in the config.

The loading screen with the title 'Connecting Client' only appears when not opening the game first.

Edited by CyberDev
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35 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

Therefore I wanted to use a VPN (Tailscale), hoping I can get the connection to Steam Servers working, which should work if I understand the matter correctly?

I don't think that this will be the solution since all of your friends or anyone who wants to join your server needs a connection to this VPN.

Anyways this is nothing that I can help with since this is CG-NAT and you should look that up and how you can workaround this, but please be aware that you have to tunnel UDP too for this container to work.


39 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

Unfortunately when I tried that with the 'host'-custom-type the docker got stuck at startup during the Test-Phase for the connections. If I can reproduce that, I will post the error / time when the docker is hanging up.

This shouldn't happen at all and the container should just work fine in bridge mode too. If this is the case then this seems like some other kind of network issue to me.


40 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

The docker uses about 30% of CPU and about 3.5GiB of RAM.

Then it is running and waiting for connections, this is always a good indication to see if it is running or not.


40 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

There are two paths to appdata within the docker template. One for SteamCMD and one for theforest itself.
Shall I change the path of both entries or just the one for 'theforest'? 

The SteamCMD path can use (and is set by default to) /mnt/user/appdata/... but I recommend for the game files to use /mnt/cache/appdata/... to avoid some weird issues.


42 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

If I open the game first and then try to connect to the server it works (incorrect password for the default admin password ('adminDocker') but with the 'Docker' password it works)!

adminDocker is only for the in game console to become admin.

Docker is the connection password for the server.


43 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

This should not be a problem because I think it's possible to change the admin password in the config.



43 minutes ago, CyberDev said:

The loading screen with the title 'Connecting Client' only appears when not opening the game first.

TBH I've never tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser and I've only searched the in game server list but that's not possible in your case because it will not show up when you are behind a CG-NAT.


Anyways, glad that you can now connect and it is working as intended, I really can't help with your CG-NAT issue since I'm not that familiar with that and how to workaround this, maybe create a post on the General subforums, maybe someone over there can help.

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Thanks again for the reply!


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

I don't think that this will be the solution since all of your friends or anyone who wants to join your server needs a connection to this VPN.

Anyways this is nothing that I can help with since this is CG-NAT and you should look that up and how you can workaround this, but please be aware that you have to tunnel UDP too for this container to work.

Yes you're absolutely correct, it's not a good solution. But I worked on that problem the last few weeks and couldn't find a solution, that's why this is currently the best chance I have. On occasion I will look for a better one in another Unraid-Topic :)

Thanks for the hint with the tunneling of UDP, I will include that when I set up the VPN.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

This shouldn't happen at all and the container should just work fine in bridge mode too. If this is the case then this seems like some other kind of network issue to me.

I thought so as well. If I encounter this problem again I will post it here on the forum.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Then it is running and waiting for connections, this is always a good indication to see if it is running or not.

Good to know for the future.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

The SteamCMD path can use (and is set by default to) /mnt/user/appdata/... but I recommend for the game files to use /mnt/cache/appdata/... to avoid some weird issues.

Alright, I will do so.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

adminDocker is only for the in game console to become admin.

Docker is the connection password for the server.

Ah yes, I just started with the game yesterday so I only assumed there would be any ingame console. Now I have an explanation for that.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

TBH I've never tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser and I've only searched the in game server list but that's not possible in your case because it will not show up when you are behind a CG-NAT.

Me too! I didn't know there is a Server Browser View. I think browsing ingame for servers is the default and proper way as this should work in general case (Unfortunately not possible as you said in my case).


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Anyways, glad that you can now connect and it is working as intended, I really can't help with your CG-NAT issue since I'm not that familiar with that and how to workaround this, maybe create a post on the General subforums, maybe someone over there can help.

Yeah! I know you can't help me with the CG-NAT, I will see how this will go on. Maybe someone can help in another subforum.

Thank you again for your immediate support and have a nice weekend. :) 



Just tried again with network type = 'host' and the docker gets stuck just after DS configuration tests. The whole startup is attached.


Edited by CyberDev
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7 hours ago, CyberDev said:

Just tried again with network type = 'host' and the docker gets stuck just after DS configuration tests. The whole startup is attached.

I can't se anything obvious why it shouldn't work but TBH I've never tried to run the container in host mode and I would never recommend doing that because I see no point why you would even do this.


Anyways did you turn on validation in the template? If yes, please turn it off again since this is only meant to be turned on when you have some issues and the container is not updating the game properly if the developers release a update.

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8 hours ago, d_buster said:

Just installed Dayz server and can't figure out how to get the thing running...can someone please point me in the right direction?

Do you have more information please?

What's not working?

How much CPU and RAM does it use?

Can you post the log from the container (click on the container icon and then on Logs, safe it in a text file and drop the text file in this text box)?

Did you change anything in the Docker template?

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9 hours ago, ich777 said:

I can't se anything obvious why it shouldn't work but TBH I've never tried to run the container in host mode and I would never recommend doing that because I see no point why you would even do this.


Anyways did you turn on validation in the template? If yes, please turn it off again since this is only meant to be turned on when you have some issues and the container is not updating the game properly if the developers release a update.

Thanks for the reply!
I will change the network type back to standard 'bridge'. I thought there could be some issues if running the docker in bridge mode.

I have validation enabled, but I'll change it back to disabled.

Good to know that it's only for updating the container, thought it couldn't hurt to enable it :-)


Just one question regarding the docker itself and save files:

Is it possible to initialise a game with existing save files?

I have some saves already on another PC and I'm wondering if I could use these files for the server.

Could that be done by just replacing the save files on the server with the existing ones?

Edited by CyberDev
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I'm getting the following error when running the Valheim SteamCMD server:


/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 255:    65 Trace/breakpoint trap   (core dumped) ${SERVER_DIR}/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "${SRV_NAME}" -port ${GAME_PORT} -world "${WORLD_NAME}" -password "${SRV_PWD}" -public ${PUBLIC} ${GAME_PARAMS} > /dev/null


Trying to run it on an OVH VPS (1 core 2GB memory). Is there somewhere I can trace the log and see what is causing this issue? 

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1 hour ago, bamtan said:

Trying to run it on an OVH VPS (1 core 2GB memory). Is there somewhere I can trace the log and see what is causing this issue? 

What OS are you running on that Server? Keep in mind that you need to run something recent like Debian 11 or on of the newer Ubuntu releases.

1 Core and 2GB of memory are way too less resources for Valheim and I think that it crashes because of too less RAM.


For example this is my container (with Valheim Plus enabled) and no one is playing on there currently (i5-10600):


(this is even without system resources, this is only the container)

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5 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Sure thing, just put it in the Saves folder.


Let the container start once and after that stop it, replace the Saves folder, start the container again.

Thanks! Actually I'm trying to understand how saving in multiplayer with 'The Forest' works and it seems to be more complicated than I thought. 

If I replace the server files with the existing ones I can't continue the game (the button for continuing when joining the server is greyed out). I just have the option to join as a new game. Is there anything I can do to get back my old inventory? The world and it's buildings seems to be fine. Is there any configuration to force all players to save their game when the server saves the game? 

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