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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

That's definitely not the case... Some routers need to be restarted some times.


Please delete the forwarding of the other ports, this is a security risk!!!
I always provide the necessary ports in my templates and you never need to forward more ports, even if other sites suggests that.

Otherwise I won't release the containers to the public.


Another side note even if you forward these ports they point to nothing (but it's still a security risk) because if they are not forwarded in the template they can't be reached anyways.


Please trust me on that, I do my research on that and test every single container before releasing it.

Thanks for the help. I just fixed the ports and limited to what's in the container.

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First thanks for the Valhiem Server, once I figured out the port forwarding everything worked perfect. However I cannot seem to get mods to work. I have enabled BepInEx for Valheim, loaded the mods into the plugin folder in appdata, I see the mod gets installed but no change when I log in. Do I have to manually enable BepInEx somewhere else, am I missing something else?? I can customize the mod (once installed) but doesn't change anything. Does BepinEx not work if crossplay is enabled?

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13 minutes ago, bkruse88 said:

Does BepinEx not work if crossplay is enabled?

I don‘t think that anything else than the vanilla server will actually work to ensure crossplay is working.


Have you yet tried to disable crossplay and connect to the server with a PC client and BepInEx installed and enabled? Please remember most mods are client side only and if you have some server mods installed the client needs them too or at least BepInEx installed.


Please also keep in mind that modding is always up to the user and in general I can‘t give support for mods because I simply can‘t know how every mod is working.

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51 minutes ago, GOODWINML said:

Trying to find someone that has successfully set up a DayZ Server Docker. I am stuck, can't get it to work.

Did you change your game client to the beta branch?

What is exactly not working, do you have at least a log or something like that?

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On 3/15/2023 at 2:43 AM, ich777 said:

What settings do you want to edit besides the already available options in the Docker template?

It's all good.  The documentation was sparse.  I thought there was some admin console where we pick the frequency of attacks and the seed for the server etc..  I've since moved on from this game.  But thanks for answering.

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17 hours ago, GOODWINML said:

I have made a dedicated DayZ in windows before but as a docker I am lost! Beta Branch? I have some fields filled in in docker but many not filled in. Especially in the more settings.

Please remove your Steam Account credentials, it has a reason why they are hidden in the "Show more..." section, the account credentials are only needed when they are not hidden away and marked with a red asterisk (*).

If you enter the credentials like you did the server won't work most certainly, please do the following:

  1. Delete the container
  2. Delete the folder for DayZ that lives in your appdata directory
  3. Pull a fresh copy from the CA App and leave everything at default in the template
  4. Wait for it to download the game
  5. After the download finished open Steam
  6. Click on View -> Server Browser -> Favorites -> Add Server
  7. Enter your SERVERIP:27016 (of course replace SERVERIP with the IP from your server) and click on Add
  8. Click Refresh twice


After you did that the server should show up, please keep in mind depending on your Internet connection the download on the first start from the game could take some time, you can check that by clicking the Container Icon on the Docker page and click Logs (note that you maybe don't see much at first and have to wait for a few minutes because the download only refreshes after a few minutes).

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9 minutes ago, CouchPawTayTow said:

Hi @ich777 - not sure of the protocol for making requests, but wondering if you might be able to make an app for Carrier Command 2 dedicated server. Wiki Info here there I could find. and the steam store page. Cheers!

I think it should be possible but I don't own the game and I've stopped creating containers that I don't personally own (supporting such containers is a nightmare).

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Hi @ich777,


Like others in this thread I've also been having problems with the Valheim Dedicated Server, where when crossplay is enabled I can't successfully make any type of connection to the server. I've tried troubleshooting this myself, but just can't seem to make any headway in getting it functional.


The server works without issues locally and over the internet without crossplay enabled so there isn't anything wrong with my port forwarding or weird network quirks. I even went as far as using my phone's hotspot to test the connection from another 'part' of the internet (it worked fine), and this has since also been confirmed as working by other friends who play on the Steam version who have had no problems connecting.


The server sets up correctly with no issues or networking errors, but eventually just gets stuck endlessly printing this in the logs:

03/28/2023 20:01:10: Game server connected
03/28/2023 20:01:28: Server ' *servername* ' begin PlayFab create and join network for server 
03/28/2023 20:01:28: PlayFab reconnect server '*servername*'
03/28/2023 20:06:10: Update PlayFab entity token


Interestingly the dedicated server runs correctly on my gaming pc, and prints the above whilst getting a step further:

03/28/2023 20:03:10: Joined PlayFab Party network with ID "<UUID>"
03/28/2023 20:03:11: Created PlayFab lobby with ID "<ID>", ConnectionString "<redacted>" and owned by "<redacted>"
03/28/2023 20:03:11: Session "My server" registered with join code <joinCode>
03/28/2023 20:03:11: Retry join-code check 99
03/28/2023 20:03:12: Session "My server" with join code <joinCode> and IP <redacted>:2456 is active with 0 player(s)

My theory was that there was something on my network that was perhaps blocking the PlayFab networking back end from working, but this pretty much rules that theory out.


I've attached a screenshot of my container config, in case you want to take a look, but I'm pretty confident that there isn't anything wrong with it. As, like I said, it works fine until you add the '-crossplay' paramater to the GAME_PARAMS field.


I'm completely stumped at this point, so if there's anything you can think of that would help I would be extremely grateful!


Thanks in advance! :)


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5 minutes ago, FireStrider said:

I'm completely stumped at this point, so if there's anything you can think of that would help I would be extremely grateful!

I really can‘t help with -crossplay since I can‘t test it anywhere.


I can set up a container as for others and you can test if you can connect to the crossplay container.


Please be aware, if you are connecting from a Linux PC to a crossplay session it won‘t work from my experience.

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I can set up a container as for others and you can test if you can connect to the crossplay container.

I have the Game through Steam on Windows and can play on crossplay servers hosted by others no problem, so there isn't any issue with my game client connecting to them. So whilst your offer is much appreciated, it wouldn't really help much!


This seems to be an issue with connectivity with the PlayFab system, and it only seems to be an issue whilst running on Unraid in a Docker Container. I've even tried Docker Images created by others and they also don't work, exhibiting the same printout in the logs. So there's something about my Unraid setup that is causing the issue, but I don't know what because other than running a bunch of services in Docker Containers (Plex, Tailscale, Wordpress and a few more, all of which work without problems) I haven't done anything with it.


This whole situation is just plain weird.

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9 minutes ago, FireStrider said:

This seems to be an issue with connectivity with the PlayFab system, and it only seems to be an issue whilst running on Unraid in a Docker Container.

Don't get me wrong, but why can I host it on my Unraid machine and it is working just fine?


I think there might be something wrong with your forwarding or the Hair Pin NAT.

Have you yet tried to connect from outside your LAN if you can see the server?


Again, I really can't tell what's going on but I really don't think that it has something to do with Unraid or the Container.

This is most likely like in other cases a network issue of some kind.


12 minutes ago, FireStrider said:

but I don't know what because other than running a bunch of services in Docker Containers (Plex, Tailscale, Wordpress and a few more, all of which work without problems) I haven't done anything with it

You can't compare that because it works very different than anything you've mentioned above since it connects through PlayFab and that can cause issues when Hair Pin NAT is not working properly.


I can join the game just fine when using -crossplay even from my local network.

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Hello, since today I just can't connect to my Valheim servers. Everything seems good and the server is running... So i went in the logs and got a missmatch problem in the Valheim+ version. And the result is that the container is put into sleep mode. Any idea anyone what's going on here? 🤔


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37 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Don't get me wrong, but why can I host it on my Unraid machine and it is working just fine?

I really wish I knew, because this problem has been bothering me for well over a week at this point!

It's weird that this is 'plug and play' for some and not others. And I'm honestly at a loss as to why.


38 minutes ago, ich777 said:

You can't compare that because it works very different than anything you've mentioned above

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I wasn't trying to compare the Dedicated server stuff to the other services I run. I was just pointing out how I use UNRAID, in an attempt to communicate that I haven't really messed with the OS in depth in a way that could potentially cause issues.


40 minutes ago, ich777 said:

since it connects through PlayFab and that can cause issues when Hair Pin NAT is not working properly.


34 minutes ago, bonienl said:

Some routers do not support hairpin NAT at all, some routers do this automatically out-of-the-box and some routers need to be configured to enable hairpin NAT.

I'm convinced that this isn't a NAT or Router issue, at least in terms of my actual physical network (not the Unraid Network) because I can host a Dedicated Server Session with Crossplay on my Windows machine and can connect to it without issue.

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9 hours ago, MisterB said:

And the result is that the container is put into sleep mode. Any idea anyone what's going on here? 🤔

Seems like it can't grab the latest version from GitHub.

Do you have any AdBlockers or similar somewhere on your network which could possibly block access to GitHub?

Did you maybe restart the container multiple times?

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18 hours ago, ich777 said:

I think it should be possible but I don't own the game and I've stopped creating containers that I don't personally own (supporting such containers is a nightmare).

Understandable! Thanks for the reply anyway. If you do any VR gaming, it's a pretty good revival of the original carrier command. Best played with 2+ other people (lots of things to manage) though. Flat screen experience isn't too bad either.

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Have you yet read that post, maybe this will help

I had already tried shifting the Docker container to the host network, which you'd think would eliminated all potential issues, but, for me at least, the problem still persisted. Not sure why.


Out of curiosity, last night I tried moving it instead to the MacVLAN network that UNRAID provides, and that I already use for PiHole. And after an initial hiccup where it managed to connect but then kept repeatedly disconnecting and reconnecting, it managed to stay connected and has remained connected over night.


I was able to successfully connect to the server, both with the Direct IP/Steam networking and the Join Code/PlayFab networking systems.


Not sure why other solutions didn't work for me, or why the default Bridge network has been giving me issues, but if this is the solution to finally have it working then honestly at this point I don't care. I just want to play Valheim with my friends who have Xbox!


Thanks for your time in trying to help me, it is very much appreciated! :)

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8 hours ago, ich777 said:

Seems like it can't grab the latest version from GitHub.

Do you have any AdBlockers or similar somewhere on your network which could possibly block access to GitHub?

Did you maybe restart the container multiple times?

No adblockers or similar on my Unraid server... And no I didn't do multiple restart of the container, Should I?

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44 minutes ago, MisterB said:

No adblockers or similar on my Unraid server... And no I didn't do multiple restart of the container, Should I?

Can open up a Unraid terminal and execute this command and post what the output is:

wget -qO- https://api.github.com/repos/valheimPlus/ValheimPlus/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f4 | cut -d 'v' -f2


After that please open up a terminal from the container (click on the Icon and on Console), execute this command and post the output:

wget -qO- https://api.github.com/repos/valheimPlus/ValheimPlus/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f4 | cut -d 'v' -f2


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On 3/28/2023 at 2:21 AM, ich777 said:

Please remove your Steam Account credentials, it has a reason why they are hidden in the "Show more..." section, the account credentials are only needed when they are not hidden away and marked with a red asterisk (*).

If you enter the credentials like you did the server won't work most certainly, please do the following:

  1. Delete the container
  2. Delete the folder for DayZ that lives in your appdata directory
  3. Pull a fresh copy from the CA App and leave everything at default in the template
  4. Wait for it to download the game
  5. After the download finished open Steam
  6. Click on View -> Server Browser -> Favorites -> Add Server
  7. Enter your SERVERIP:27016 (of course replace SERVERIP with the IP from your server) and click on Add
  8. Click Refresh twice


After you did that the server should show up, please keep in mind depending on your Internet connection the download on the first start from the game could take some time, you can check that by clicking the Container Icon on the Docker page and click Logs (note that you maybe don't see much at first and have to wait for a few minutes because the download only refreshes after a few minutes).

1, i take it thats the docker I need to uninstall.

2, delete dayz folder. I am a windows person. How to delete 1 folder like that?

3, install new dayz docker from app section.

4, how do I tell it's downloading? Where is it putting server data?

6, Where in steam? I click on view, only option with server in name is "Servers". No "Server Browser.

Screenshot 2023-03-29 191037.png

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