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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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29 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Yes hut the port mappings are not sticking IIRC if you change it in the config.

Please try to set it to 25575 again in the config and do a port mapping in the template from 25575 to 25576 on the host, for RCON this should eork.


Edit: Oh wait this was wrong. What you do can‘t work, you set the port in the confog to 25576 and you still map it from the container 25575 to 25576, remember you have set it to 25576 and now it should run in the container on 25576

Got it to work:

The first server is default everything except enabling RCON in the palworldsettings.ini .

Second server Set the port from 25575 > 22576 during container config. Then Changed the palworldsettings.ini from what I thought was correct 25576 > 25575 and it all worked out. I can see both in RCON and the script worked for both using 25575 in the palworldsettings.ini and script. Only thing that needed a different port in the beginning was the setting for RCON during docker creation "TCP - RCON". 

Edited by jtaz16
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Thanks an absolute ton for the work you put in Ich777.

I am wondering, is there a guide somewhere or resources somewhere that would teach me how to create my own game containers? I want to make my own to learn how and for future games that won't be done by you. But I have no idea where to start. 

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37 minutes ago, ToastedPirate said:

But I have no idea where to start. 

You should take a look at my steamcmd repository on GitHub over here and go through the branches.

Each individual container needs it's own custom start parameters and so on that's why I created branches, you can of course create for each container it's own repository on GitHub and Docker Hub which is way more common than I do it but it will work either way.


Of course you need to be a bit familiar with GitHub/Docker and how to build containers <- for that task I would not recommend building directly on Unraid. For example I build my containers in a LXC container, publish them directly to DockerHub and the GitHub Container Registry (you can push containers however you want or build them however you want, the above is only how I do it and of course a bit more sophisticated since it also involves Jenkins and so on).


I'm always here to help but the basics you have to figure out on your own.


I hope that helps a bit.

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hi guys, wanting to add the backup feature in for palworld, is it as easy as adding the following to the Extra Game Parameters line in the docker ?

-useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS -queryport=27015 -BACKUP=true -BACKUP_INTERVAL=120 -BACKUP_TO_KEEP=12

looks like this when i start the docker?

Screenshot 2024-01-27 085838.jpg

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worked yesterday. Now I cant start anymore:

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Success! App '2394010' already up to date.
---Checking if configuration is in place---
---Configuration found, continuing...---
---Checking if PublicIP is in place---
---Nothing to do, PublicIP: xxx still up-to-date!---
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
---Something went wrong, can't find the executable, putting container into sleep mode!---

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:20 PM, ich777 said:

Sorry, I don't accept any container requests anymore because I now have almost 200 applications on the CA App to maintain and I barely can keep up with that (I'm supposed to have a life somewhere in between and of course a job that earns me money... :D ).


Sorry about the bad news...

Not sure my canadian funny money goes far when I send some..  but your dockers have been reliable and a go-to for me for a while now..  

have you considered a patreon or something similar?   I know there comes a time when you need work/life balance..  but.. I for one would love to see you get paid for all your hard work..  and paid well enough that maybe your side hustle means you take a day off a week from the day job to do the side job?

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I am stuck on getting RCON enabled even with the steps above, I haven't touched the default template at all, I have enabled RCON in my config etc. and typing rcon -H machine ip -P 25575 -p password doesn't work it just hangs.


Just wondering if there is a step I am missing? Will provide whatever info is needed. Thanks in advance.

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6 hours ago, nisbne said:

looks like this when i start the docker?

No, you have to add three individual variables as described here with the button „Add another Path, Port, Variable“:


You should see in the log, right before it says „Start Server“ that the backup daemon has started.

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3 hours ago, Nodiaque said:

you guys don't use CA appdata backup and restore? This take care of that

Please see this post:


I find it abit iberkill to use CA backup if you want to have indovitual backups lets say for every 2 or 6 hours because you have to run CA Backup every 2 hours and depending on the size of you appdata share this could take very long and also introduces downtime from the dedicated server if you don‘t disable the automatic stop.

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32 minutes ago, Newtious said:

have you considered a patreon or something similar?


That means more work too and also what can I give people for that money that they pay there?


I can‘t maintain much more because about 200 applications is a lot and support too.


@Nodiaque already made a container for the game based on my repository and I assume it works very well. ;)

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36 minutes ago, noraa said:

Just wondering if there is a step I am missing?

Are you sure that you also append info or showplayers or something like that since otherwise it don‘t know what to do…


That it hangs is a common issue and I recommend using timeout in combination with rcon as described here:


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9 hours ago, ich777 said:

Please see this post:


I find it abit iberkill to use CA backup if you want to have indovitual backups lets say for every 2 or 6 hours because you have to run CA Backup every 2 hours and depending on the size of you appdata share this could take very long and also introduces downtime from the dedicated server if you don‘t disable the automatic stop.

Oh yeah if you want more then a daily backup, I totally agree with that.

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2 hours ago, Razzle65 said:

Anyone help with palworld resetting the config?

A bit more information would be good...?

Do you want to reset only the config itself then it's easy, stop the container, delete the config file (path is described in the description from the container) and start the container again <- be aware that you have to stop the container afterwards again since it pulls down the config file and you may want to change the server name, password and so on.

Do you want to reset the entire server it's also easy, stop the container and delete the Saves directory in Pal subdirectory <- same as above with starting/stopping the container.

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Ok, I got it i think.

I was using cloud commander to edit the INI, and i had to reopen the UI once stopping the palworld docker, then it let me save settings, and they stuck.

1 hour ago, ich777 said:

A bit more information would be good...?

Do you want to reset only the config itself then it's easy, stop the container, delete the config file (path is described in the description from the container) and start the container again <- be aware that you have to stop the container afterwards again since it pulls down the config file and you may want to change the server name, password and so on.

Do you want to reset the entire server it's also easy, stop the container and delete the Saves directory in Pal subdirectory <- same as above with starting/stopping the container.


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