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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Thanks for having so many repositories!
I tried to create a second palworld game server now.
My steps were:

  1. Give it a different local IP adress
  2. Give it a different server files location
  3. Delete the UDP Game port entry since I need a different one
  4. Create a different Port
  5. Port forward in the router settings


Is the name of the UDP Entry important?

Are these the steps to create a second instance of the game server?

Edited by Ikeasofa
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4 hours ago, elkevo20 said:

1.) How can my friends join? Use my public IP or bad idea?

No, that's fine.


4 hours ago, elkevo20 said:

2.) How can I edit the configuration for the server?

Read the description.


2 hours ago, elkevo20 said:


Exactly this is the issue. Have you yet tried to stop it, then edit the config and then start the container again? <- This was discussed at least 20 times in this thread... :D


It is common practice to first stop the container, edit the config and finally start the container again.

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4 hours ago, Otterpatsch said:

Im very confused how to disable this behavior.

I'm not sure how it will work with volumes because I only use bind mounts, have you yet tried to create a bind mount?


4 hours ago, Otterpatsch said:

So how do i set the config ~/ark-se/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSettings.ini in such a way that its not overwritten.

Can you try to set these environment variables too:



It should not happen that it gets overwritten but I had it several times that if these variables are not set the container is not working correctly, at least not if you are not running Unraid.

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2 hours ago, FunkyJamma said:

Hey guys having a bit of an issue here, I have installed the dayz container i left all settings default the server then runs as you can see from the screenshot but I cannot connect to it. I am trying to connect through lan using the unraid ip. I have tried checking the lan tab on dayz as well as on steam but they dont show up, I have also tried to direct connect but nothing happens at all not even an error message. 

How do you try to connect exactly? What error message do you get? On which branch are you on the client, so to speak your PC?

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1 hour ago, Ikeasofa said:

I tried to create a second palworld game server now.

Please read this post:


You have of course give to container a different name and change the location for the game files for the second container.

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8 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please read this post:


You have of course give to container a different name and change the location for the game files for the second container.

Okay thanks. So the solution is to remove the text in the GAME_PARAMS and add my desired port number? Basically remove the EpicApp=PalServer and add port=xxxx?


Edit: just tested it and it works! I would never expect to enter the port in the game params field. Thank you!

Edited by Ikeasofa
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Is anybody else's Palworld server crashing a lot? It seems like it starts eating up a ton of memory that might be an issue, I've seen it using 15GB which is half my total server. Can it be limited?


Exception was "SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to read memory at address 0x0000000000000015"

From my crash logs

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3 minutes ago, mb9023 said:

Is anybody else's Palworld server crashing a lot? It seems like it starts eating up a ton of memory that might be an issue, I've seen it using 15GB which is half my total server. Can it be limited?

From my crash logs

People speculate it's the bEnableNonLoginPenalty. Try disabling it

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Hello, I tried searching for my issue, perhaps i missed it though...

I setup a palworld yesterday evening and it was running with no issues. my friends and I played on it, then this morning I had to unplug my unraid box (i did a clean shutdown first). Now when the game tries to boot, it gets stuck in a loop. i try to watch the log to see where the error occurs, but it loops to quick to see.

And because i saw someone had a similar issue to me, but the suspicion was old hardware, here is my CPU:
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core @ 3700 MHz
I'd suspect not hardware since it ran fine for hours.. right?

any suggestions appreciated!

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Is there times I can't download your repositories? Been trying to get the Valheim server to download, but am wondering if maybe I have an issue on my end as docker keeps failing to connect.


docker run
  -e TZ="America/Denver"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="OuterHaven"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="ValheimServer1"
  -e 'GAME_ID'='896660'
  -e 'GAME_PARAMS'=''
  -e 'VALIDATE'=''
  -e 'SRV_NAME'='staves1'
  -e 'WORLD_NAME'='staves1'
  -e 'SRV_PWD'='staves1'
  -e 'PUBLIC'='0'
  -e 'UDP_PORT_2456-2458'='2456-2458'
  -e 'BACKUP_FILES'='true'
  -e 'BACKUP_TO_KEEP'='24'
  -e 'USERNAME'=''
  -e 'PASSWRD'=''
  -e 'GAME_PORT'='2456'
  -e 'UID'='99'
  -e 'GID'='100'
  -e 'DEBUG_OUTPUT'='false'
  -e 'LOG_OUTPUT'='false'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/images/valheim.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw'
  --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:valheim'

Unable to find image 'ich777/steamcmd:valheim' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc01:571f:e759:a87a:2961]:443: connect: network is unreachable.
See 'docker run --help'.

The command failed.


Edited by Staves
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30 minutes ago, Staves said:

Is there times I can't download your repositories? Been trying to get the Valheim server to download, but am wondering if maybe I have an issue on my end as docker keeps failing to connect.


Looks like your system is having issues connecting to docker hub.  Not directly related to this or any other docker images.

Edited by dlchamp
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13 minutes ago, dlchamp said:

Looks like your system is having issues connecting to docker hub.  Not directly related to this or any other docker images.

Okay thats what I thought. Still learning my way around Unraid, I appreciate the insight and now know where to look a bit deeper.

The thing I find weird about this is my other docker containers update/function fine

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

How do you try to connect exactly? What error message do you get? On which branch are you on the client, so to speak your PC?

I found some one who had the same issue a few months back on this thread. Apparently the only way to connect to it is to open up steam go to favorites and manually add it as ipaddress:27016 and this allows it to be discovered. This is not the game port apparently its the discovery port. 🤷‍♂️

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6 hours ago, mb9023 said:

Is anybody else's Palworld server crashing a lot?



6 hours ago, mb9023 said:

It seems like it starts eating up a ton of memory that might be an issue, I've seen it using 15GB which is half my total server.

On my server it consumes at times now 20GB+

6 hours ago, mb9023 said:

Can it be limited?

Sure, you can limit the size that the container can use, bit be aware if the container reaches that limit it will crash and restart, that will ultimatily lead to corrupt save files in the long term.


6 hours ago, mb9023 said:

Exception was "SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to read memory at address 0x0000000000000015"

Are you sure that your RAM in your system is okay and that you weren‘t running out of RAM already?

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1 hour ago, Staves said:

docker: Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc01:571f:e759:a87a:2961]:443: connect: network is unreachable.

Are you sure that IPv6 is set up correctly in your network?

It seems like your system can‘t communicate with DockerHub and that‘s the reason why it fails to download the container.


Are other containers working? I do nothing different than other maintainers and host the containers on DockerHub.

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43 minutes ago, FunkyJamma said:

This is not the game port apparently its the discovery port. 🤷‍♂️

Exactly the Query port is used to query the server and the Query port returns the Game port and all other things like Map, Server Name,…

I don‘t see a reason why that should be wrong.


45 minutes ago, FunkyJamma said:

Apparently the only way to connect to it is to open up steam go to favorites and manually

That‘s not entirely true, he actually managed to find it in game, I think he had not set the checkbox Show Password protected Servers IIRC.

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Hi I'm facing an issue by connecting to my Palword server remotely 
Connection type : Bridge 
8211 UDP open and pointing to the server local ip

27015 TCP/UDP open and pointing to the server's local ip ( Reddit comment suggestion ) 


I can connect locally with a password

but my friend is getting a "Connection Timed Out" Message when he tries to connect to my public ip.

Modem restarted .. router restarted .. container restarted  .... didn't work !!!

My ISP is fine I can access other dockers via SWAG so this Palworld Server should be less complicated. 

Edited by Thamer Alfuraiji
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1 minute ago, Thamer Alfuraiji said:

Hi I'm facing an issue by connecting to my Palword server remotely 

8211 UDP open and pointing to the server local ip

27015 TCP/UDP open and pointing to the server's local ip ( Reddit comment suggestion ) 


I can connect locally with a password

but my friend is getting a "Connection Timed Out" Message when he tries to connect to my public ip.

Modem restarted .. router restarted .. container restarted  .... didn't work !!!


You shouldn't need to open 27015.

Did you give your friend your public-ip:port? For example:

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