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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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9 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Then you have to force an update of the container of the Docker page (looks like you have the old version).

That is actually a feature, you can share SteamCMD over multiple container since it's only needed at the startup of the containers and can be used from multiple containers at once. ;)


Have you already provided the log?

Are you sure that you have a password that is longer than 5 characters?

ddube's solution worked for me.  I had to restore one of the earliest backups and it finally stopped looping.

Thanks for the help everyone.

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@ich777 you the man. I figured that was going to be the case but wasn't sure. I will force update the container after I have someone check to make sure the world didn't reset again after last nights restart. I also thought I remember reading once upon a time that containers could share the same steamcmd but I wasn't confident enough in my memory. I feel like i can't remember anything these days. Thank you very much. I appreciate all the help and info and everything you do.

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On 12/14/2020 at 6:51 PM, Cessquill said:

Hi - is it possible to make a docker for Urban Terror?  Looking to get our work's guys playing again and don't want to configure a VPN just for that.  I see it's been done as a docker on the docker hub, but I've never got my head around non-Unraid dockers.


(if it's easy to install from the hub and I'm just being stupid, don't put yourself out :) )

Hi - thanks for making this!  Didn't realise you'd done it and found it by accident.  Installing now and trying out

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7 hours ago, ich777 said:

Please read the description of the container.


To update simply restart the container, if that doesn't work set the Variable 'Validate' to 'true' without quotes so that it validates the files and pulls the new update (please delete true after the update was successful since it will always validate the game files and the startup takes longer).

Can't seem to get mine to update. Also removed the docker and readded but it keeps saying success. 

---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Update SteamCMD---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
Logging in user 'USERNAME' to Steam Public ...
Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
---Update Server---
---Validating installation---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
Logging in user 'USERNAME' to Steam Public ...
Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 12.26 (7340032 / 59862244)
Success! App '896660' fully installed.
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Starting Backup daemon---
---Start Server---
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 1 milliseconds to initialize
CApplicationManagerPopulateThread took 0 milliseconds to initialize (will have waited on CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread)
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): SteamGameServer012 / GameServer
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): SteamUtils009 / Utils
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 892970
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): SteamGameServer012 / GameServer
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): SteamUtils009 / Utils
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): SteamNetworking005 / Networking
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): SteamGameServerStats001 / GameServerStats
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION002 / HTTP
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_V002 / Inventory
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 71): STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION010 / UGC

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2 minutes ago, Hanky said:

In the posted log it is set to true yeah

Then it should be updated, sometimes SteamCMD is a little "special".

You have to try it again.

What version does it tell in the in game server list?


EDIT: Have you already tried to connect to it through the Steam Server Browser?

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10 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Then it should be updated, sometimes SteamCMD is a little "special".

You have to try it again.

What version does it tell in the in game server list?


EDIT: Have you already tried to connect to it through the Steam Server Browser?


Not tried through browser as I can see it in server list, but it tells me the version missmatch.

EDIT: Same in the browser.


Edited by Hanky
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9 minutes ago, Hanky said:


Not tried through browser as I can see it in server list, but it tells me the version missmatch.

Try to stop the container for about 10 minutes and then restart it with the Validate option set to 'true'.

I see already a container in the server list that was updated:



Sadly enough I really can't do much about that if SteamCMD doesn't want to update the game...

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Hey everyone, 

This morning I was also having a problem with an 'Incompatible version' of client & server for a Valheim world I'm hosting for some friends. 

I opened a shell for the docker, navigated to the /serverdata/steamcmd/ folder, and executed the ./steamcmd.sh script to troubleshoot. I had made a new Steam account just for dedicated servers, and set validate to 'true' in the docker setup. 
When I tried to update the Valheim server with the steamcmd command

app_update 896660

 it gave me some kind of error about not having the 'rights to the software' or something (this was a few hours ago, can't really remember).

Still using steamcmd, I logged in as anonymous

login anonymous

and ran the app_update command again, and the server software updated to the proper version. Then I removed the account info from the docker tab in Unraid. I wasn't sure if ich777 had force_install_dir set to the default location or not, and I didn't want to mess up any of his scripts, so I left that alone. 


I restarted the docker, and my world had been erased. It was clearly the same world 'seed', as the landscape was identical and I still had the map info in my game client, but all the structures my friends and I made had vanished.

I expanded a backup with tar -xzvf from 4am this morning (thanks again for implementing this, ich777), and pasted the contents into the /mnt/user/appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/ folder, and after a restart, my server worked again. 


I hope this is helpful for anyone else who can't get their server to update. Seems that steamcmd doesn't like certain accounts to update this software.



Edited by bearcat2004
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3 minutes ago, bearcat2004 said:

Hey everyone, 

This morning I was also having a problem with an 'Incompatible version' of client & server for a Valheim world I'm hosting for some friends. 

I opened a shell for the docker, navigated to the /serverdata/steamcmd/ folder, and executed the ./steamcmd.sh script to try and troubleshoot. I had made a new Steam account just for dedicated servers, and set validate to 'true' in the docker setup. 
When I tried to update the Valheim server with the command app_update 896660, it gave me some kind of error about not having the 'rights to the software' or something. So then I logged in as anonymous and ran the command again, and the server software updated to the proper version. Then I removed the account info from the docker tab in Unraid. 


I restarted the docker, and my world had been erased. It was clearly the same world 'seed', as the landscape was identical and I still had the map info in my game client, but all the structures my friends and I made had vanished.

I expanded a backup with tar -xzvf from 4am this morning (thanks again for implementing this, ich777), and pasted the contents into the /mnt/user/appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/ folder, and my server worked again. 


I hope this is helpful for anyone else who can't get their server to update. Seems that steamcmd doesn't like certain accounts to update this software.



Fixed it for me ❤️ Didnt erase though!

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6 minutes ago, bearcat2004 said:

removed the account info from the docker tab in Unraid. I wasn't sure if ich777 had force_install_dir set to the default location or not, and I didn't want to mess up any of his scripts, so I left that alone. 

Please don't put in Steam credentials where they arent marked as required in the template, otherwise the download will/can fail.

Also the container should do all automatically also updating but the update doesn't work sometimes because of Linux caching and SteamCMD is sometimes a little special.


The force_install_dir and everything that is needed to update the server is only executed on a Container start/restart.


9 minutes ago, bearcat2004 said:

I expanded a backup with tar -xzvf from 4am this morning (thanks again for implementing this, ich777)

Nice that it works as expected ;)


1 minute ago, bearcat2004 said:

I still donated to ich777 because he's clearly some kind of a nerd god walking among nerd mortals. 

Appreciated and no I'm not a nerd god, I even didn't run the server only for testing and so on because I simply got time to play because of the game and this thread, the game is really in an alpha state where everything can happen that you don't expect, that's why I implemented the Backup function for now, eventually I will disable it one day when the issues are resolved ;)

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11 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please don't put in Steam credentials where they arent marked as required in the template, otherwise the download will/can fail.

Also the container should do all automatically also updating but the update doesn't work sometimes because of Linux caching and SteamCMD is sometimes a little special.


The force_install_dir and everything that is needed to update the server is only executed on a Container start/restart.

Some friends of mine from the west coast (US) weren't able to see my server in the Valheim serverlist, but they could connect through the Steam server browser via IP address. I made the new account and put the credentials in the template to test whether they would be able to join the game in the 'Friends' tab, but they still couldn't see the server. 


I'm a little concerned about removing the credentials now, since I'm not sure the server would run correctly if I removed them from the template. It took a few tries of replacing the files from the backup and restarting the server; there were several restarts without credentials that still wiped the world and appended '.old' to the .db and .fwl server files. 


I figured you had force_install_dir built into a container startup script, but I was too dumb and lazy to learn how to mess around with any of that, and I trust you implicitly. Either way, you're obviously welcome to join my Valheim server and I may even invite you to my wedding. 

Edited by bearcat2004
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Got the Valheim docker setup and it worked great for about a week.
I updated (restarted the docker) to get the latest Valheim server update this morning.
Connecting to it directly (from Steam Server Faves) now gives my a client 'Disconnected' message.  
It also shows up on the dedicated server list (in game) but connecting to also gives me a client 'Disconnected' message.

Does anyone have a solution or workaround?

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So after updating I was able to get the server to start working by replacing my world.db by the world.db.backup. My server was in a boot loop of crashing and restarting.

**here is my problem**
Now after updating my sever seems to kick off all the players every 20/30 mins The server doesn't crash, it just kicks everyone off and you can rejoin in a few seconds. Here is my log file, to me, a noob, it looks like its restarting something every so often, not sure if good or not,  I assume something is wrong, maybe the backup world is corrupt, but I don't have a clue on how to debug this. Any ideas?


Edited by InCaseOf
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5 hours ago, daquint said:

Got the Valheim docker setup and it worked great for about a week.
I updated (restarted the docker) to get the latest Valheim server update this morning.
Connecting to it directly (from Steam Server Faves) now gives my a client 'Disconnected' message.  
It also shows up on the dedicated server list (in game) but connecting to also gives me a client 'Disconnected' message.

Does anyone have a solution or workaround?

Corrupted DB - Fixed and back at it!

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7 hours ago, daquint said:

Does anyone have a solution or workaround?

I think you found the solution, hope my backup solution works for you too... :)


9 hours ago, bearcat2004 said:

Some friends of mine from the west coast (US) weren't able to see my server in the Valheim serverlist

This is completely game dependent and has nothing to do with Steam, I think the show the servers that are near to you but I may be wrong about that.


9 hours ago, bearcat2004 said:

I'm a little concerned about removing the credentials now

You are talking about the steam credentials or am I wrong?

If so please remove them, the game will fail to update on the next update...


I would do it like this way:

  1. Look at the Backup folder in your valheim directory and pull the last backup out of there (also look at the timestamp when it was made so that you actually got a faily "new" backup).
  2. Stop the container
  3. Remove the credentials
  4. Hit Apply to start the container again


If everything is working then you can play now, if the container loops or the world doesn't look like before open the archive that you copied over and put it in the savegame directory (look at the second recommended post here in this thread at the top).


6 hours ago, CorneliousJD said:

Brand new Valheim install here, not having any luck...

First of all I edited the post and put the log in a file to not bloat the thread. ;)


What have you changed in the template? Are you sure that you have a password that is at least 5 characters long?


6 hours ago, CorneliousJD said:

--dns= already to extra paramaters but making no difference

I would only add this if you got problems updating the game.


Please try to start over, delete the Valheim Container, then delete the 'valheim' folder from your 'appdata' directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App and try to not change anything if it starts up.

Is the game on the Cache drive and is the path something like '/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim'?


4 hours ago, Meleniumshane90 said:

I have Factorio setup as default, which is set to download the latest stable version (V1.1.21), and it updated to a beta version (V1.1.24). Anyone know of a fix to this? I'm hoping it didn't break my game save.

I only made the template for Factorio but you can change this by changing the tab in the template at 'Repository' from 'factoriotools/factorio:stable' to something like in your case 'factoriotools/factorio:1.1.21'.

You can get a full list here (if you want to see all tags, click on Tags): Click


4 hours ago, InCaseOf said:

The server doesn't crash

The server does indeed crash, but I can't see why...


4 hours ago, InCaseOf said:

maybe the backup world is corrupt

Try to revert to an older Backup or you start over and see if this happens too on a new world.




For all of you please note that this game is in pretty early alpha state and such things can happen and I can't really do much about those things.

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7 hours ago, Meleniumshane90 said:

I have Factorio setup as default, which is set to download the latest stable version (V1.1.21), and it updated to a beta version (V1.1.24). Anyone know of a fix to this? I'm hoping it didn't break my game save.


2 hours ago, ich777 said:

I only made the template for Factorio but you can change this by changing the tab in the template at 'Repository' from 'factoriotools/factorio:stable' to something like in your case 'factoriotools/factorio:1.1.21'.

You can get a full list here (if you want to see all tags, click on Tags): Click

Huge thank you for responding! I was able to get it working with the info you provided.

In case someone's searching for this in the future:

I stopped the server, punched in the info above, and it wouldn't load the game. I figured it was because the latest save was incompatible, so I backed the files contained in "appdata\factorio\saves" to my desktop and grabbed the one that what was from the last time my friend's and I played. I edited that .zip file (in my case "_autosave3.zip") to "_autosave1.zip", as well as the folder contained within the .zip file to "_autosave1". I deleted all the saves in "appdata\factorio\saves" using Krusader, then moved my save into that folder. Started Factorio and was able to login without issues.

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Apologies if this has been asked before, I looked but couldn't find an answer


Regarding the Valheim (of course) dedicated server.

I there a way to see the server logs themselves? I know how to access the docker logs (which might just be the exact server logs I'm talking about...), which works fine. But what I'm looking for is to be able to see which users connected to the server and at what time? Not sure if that can be surfaced in the docker logs or if that's even possible? 


Saw this image that outlined something similar, do I need to enable a different level of logging somewhere?

Edited by Jupiler
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14 minutes ago, Jupiler said:

But what I'm looking for is to be able to see which users connected to the server and at what time? Not sure if that can be surfaced in the docker logs or if that's even possible?

This would be something that you can ask on the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub.


14 minutes ago, Jupiler said:

Saw this image that outlined something similar, do I need to enable a different level of logging somewhere?

Yes, turn on the debug log output in the template by clicking on 'Show More Settings' and turn the value from 'false' to 'true' (without quotes), but keep in mind that this will completely spam your log...

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On 2/9/2021 at 3:21 PM, luckyy said:

Just thought I'd share my experience setting up a Valheim server with this docker app from @ich777(thank you!)


You don't need to worry about Steam authentication for Valheim, the default anonymous user can download and host a server (yay!), so no fuss with Steam users or Steam Guard to worry about.

  1. Deploy the docker as provided, leaving username & password blank.
  2. The Server Name field is important, this is how your name will appear in the public server list in Valheim.  (as of this writing there are 7 "Valheim Docker" server names, good luck finding yours!    So choose something unique that you and your friends can find.
  3. World Name is the name of your world, this can be anything, if you wish to import a single-player or self-hosted save file in your docker, this name must be set to the same name/spelling as your save game world.
  4. Save the docker/let it install.
  5. You'll want to make sure your firewall or router has UDP ports 2456-2458 forwarded to your Unraid server's IP so the game can work as intended.

In 10-15 minutes typically you should see your server name in the public server list in Valheim, you're done!



* if you wish to import a previous save file, you need to make sure the Docker is Stopped first.   Then browse your local computer's profile, typically in "%appdata%\..\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds" you will find your save games.


You'll want to take a copy of your world files, database, everything named the same as your world name over to your docker data files, by default with this docker settings should be:

\\<your unraid server IP or name>\appdata\valheim\.config\unity3d\IronGate\Valheim\worlds


Place your save game files in there, and overwrite any existing newly generated world of the same name with your save game.


Start the Docker, wait for it to appear in Valheim, join & play!


I hope this was helpful for someone, took a bit to figure out the exact steps to follow :)


This was very helpful. I was able to get the server going with these settings.

I however cant get it to show under community servers. My friends can connect using my IP I'm the only one that sees it in the community list in game. 

Any ideas ?

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