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Hello, i have a Problem with Shinobi CCTV. Creating the Docker works just fine but it Cannot creat a user in MariaDB (Error 1369).

I tryed adding the user manualy but it wont work eather.


maybe someone has an solution for this Problem because i just dont find one.

thanks in advance!

ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1 in file: '/home/Shinobi/sql/user.sql': Operation CREATE USER failed for 'majesticflame'@''
See the MariaDB Knowledgebase at http://mariadb.com/kb or the
MySQL manual for more instructions.

You can start the MariaDB daemon with:
cd '/usr' ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir='/var/lib/mysql'

You can test the MariaDB daemon with mysql-test-run.pl
cd '/usr/mysql-test' ; perl mysql-test-run.pl

Please report any problems at http://mariadb.org/jira

The latest information about MariaDB is available at http://mariadb.org/.
You can find additional information about the MySQL part at:
Consider joining MariaDB's strong and vibrant community:

Starting MariaDB ...
230210 11:44:47 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.
230210 11:44:47 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
Wait for MySQL server ...
mysqld is alive
Setting up MySQL database if it does not exists ...
Create database schema if it does not exists ...
Create database user if it does not exists ...
Default Superuser : [email protected]
Default Password : admin
Log in at http://HOST_IP:SHINOBI_PORT/super
Starting Shinobi ...
2023-02-10T11:44:55: PM2 log: Launching in no daemon mode
2023-02-10T11:44:55: PM2 log: App [camera:0] starting in -fork mode-
2023-02-10T11:44:55: PM2 log: App [cron:1] starting in -fork mode-
2023-02-10T11:44:55: PM2 log: App [camera:0] online
2023-02-10T11:44:55: PM2 log: App [cron:1] online
Shinobi : cron.js started
Available Hardware Acceleration Methods :  vdpau, vaapi, drm
FFmpeg version : 4.1.6-1~deb10u1
Node.js version : v12.21.0
Shinobi : Web Server Listening on 8080
2023-02-10T11:45:00-08:00 Current Version : 79f60848a40766f53cb0a3944cecedaa0e0b0cbc  
2023-02-10T11:45:02-08:00 Shinobi is ready.  
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: Stopping app:camera id:0
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: Stopping app:cron id:1
Shinobi is Exiting...
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: App [cron:1] exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT]
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: App [camera:0] exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT]
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: pid=250 msg=process killed
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: pid=251 msg=process killed
2023-02-10T11:53:10: PM2 log: PM2 successfully stopped
MariaDB Directory ...
Starting MariaDB ...
230210 11:53:15 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.
230210 11:53:15 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
Wait for MySQL server ...
mysqld is alive
Setting up MySQL database if it does not exists ...
Create database schema if it does not exists ...
Create database user if it does not exists ...
Default Superuser : [email protected]
Default Password : admin
Log in at http://HOST_IP:SHINOBI_PORT/super
Starting Shinobi ...
2023-02-10T11:53:21: PM2 log: Launching in no daemon mode
2023-02-10T11:53:21: PM2 log: App [camera:0] starting in -fork mode-
2023-02-10T11:53:21: PM2 log: App [cron:1] starting in -fork mode-
2023-02-10T11:53:21: PM2 log: App [camera:0] online
2023-02-10T11:53:21: PM2 log: App [cron:1] online
Shinobi : cron.js started
Available Hardware Acceleration Methods :  vdpau, vaapi, drm
FFmpeg version : 4.1.6-1~deb10u1
Node.js version : v12.21.0
Shinobi : Web Server Listening on 8080
2023-02-10T11:53:25-08:00 Current Version : 79f60848a40766f53cb0a3944cecedaa0e0b0cbc  
2023-02-10T11:53:27-08:00 Shinobi is ready.  

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On 3/11/2022 at 10:26 AM, Douglas_D said:



Hopefully you were able to figure this problem out, but in case you haven't, or others are searching for a fix, I had this same problem when I started up with zwavejs2mqtt. I found out I didn't have the appdata and zwavejs log folders set in my docker image. Make sure you go to advanced view and expand out the "more settings" section to get the appdata section to show. If it doesn't show up, click "Add another path, port, variable, label, or device" and add a new path as shown below. 


Good luck.RFbSyCS.png

OMG Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm trying to reinstall speedtest-tracker. I removed the old image and reinstalled. All goes well until I open the logs and get this line repeating;


warning: require(/config/www/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /config/www/artisan on line 18


Is anyone able to help with this problem? I've never had it before.




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2 hours ago, MikeyJJ said:



I'm trying to reinstall speedtest-tracker. I removed the old image and reinstalled. All goes well until I open the logs and get this line repeating;


warning: require(/config/www/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /config/www/artisan on line 18


Is anyone able to help with this problem? I've never had it before.




Looks like the Unraid Docker for the original Speedtest-tracker has been abandoned and there is a fork of it with more up to date commits: ajustesen/speedtest-tracker - I'm giving it a go from the Docker hub to install to see if I can get it to work and will be using a backup of my original database to populate with historical transfer speeds. Will update with progress.

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6 hours ago, DrBazUK said:

Looks like the Unraid Docker for the original Speedtest-tracker has been abandoned and there is a fork of it with more up to date commits: ajustesen/speedtest-tracker - I'm giving it a go from the Docker hub to install to see if I can get it to work and will be using a backup of my original database to populate with historical transfer speeds. Will update with progress.


Ah that's a shame. let us know how you get on! Thanks!

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On 2/16/2023 at 4:24 PM, Alex.b said:


I'm trying to use SQLITE with my Wiki.js instance.


I managed to get it to run by only providing a filename in the DB_FILEPATH variable.  Knowing the database wouldn't survive an update, I just wanted to take it for spin.  The docker user is not 'nobody', so there's going to be permission issues with appdata.  Best solution for me was to just switch to the linuxserver.io container and everything worked flawlessly.

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16 hours ago, MikeyJJ said:


Ah that's a shame. let us know how you get on! Thanks!

Seems that there is a template maintained by ZappyZap:

giving that a try now as the Dockerhub version didn't seem to work as expected but the template seems to just configure more OOTB.



Seems to be a lot better than the DOCKERHUB install without a template - it installs SQLite as the default DB but can also connect to InfluxDB if you have one set up.


I can't see any way to import old results but I have them as a CSV for comparison.


Edited by DrBazUK
adding context of first impressions
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I am having a problem after the latest update to the technitium dns server.  Can anyone help me resolve this?


System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/etc/dns/blocklists' is denied.
 ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.IO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(String fullPath, UnixFileMode unixCreateMode)
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at DnsServerCore.DnsWebService..ctor(String configFolder, Uri updateCheckUri, Uri appStoreUri) in Z:\Technitium\Projects\DnsServer\DnsServerCore\DnsWebService.cs:line 126
   at DnsServerApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in Z:\Technitium\Projects\DnsServer\DnsServerApp\Program.cs:line 54

Technitium DNS Server is stopping...
Technitium DNS Server was stopped successfully.

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On 3/3/2023 at 7:53 PM, Gary said:

I am having a problem after the latest update to the technitium dns server.  Can anyone help me resolve this?


System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/etc/dns/blocklists' is denied.
 ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.IO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(String fullPath, UnixFileMode unixCreateMode)
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at DnsServerCore.DnsWebService..ctor(String configFolder, Uri updateCheckUri, Uri appStoreUri) in Z:\Technitium\Projects\DnsServer\DnsServerCore\DnsWebService.cs:line 126
   at DnsServerApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in Z:\Technitium\Projects\DnsServer\DnsServerApp\Program.cs:line 54

Technitium DNS Server is stopping...
Technitium DNS Server was stopped successfully.


I had the same issue, and if I remember correctly, I had to move some directories/folders around in the data folder.  It was either that, or the actual mount point.  On mine, it was looking for another directory inside the data folder, THEN the blocklists under that.  I'd assumed it was because I was coming from another person's technitium app, and not something with the official one though.  Below is my directory structure under the appdata/ts-dnsserver directory.


My definition for the data directory on the docker page:


If that doesn't work, look at how the permissions are set.


I'm now getting the issue where it tells me version information is 'Not Available' since I switched over to the official.  I can force-update it, but it never shows that there's an actual update available or that I'm 'Up To Date'.  No biggie I guess, since I was coming from a version that was WAY behind the actual releases (6.x I think).


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Has anyone had this issue? I was backing up my server using Backblaze, and ran into a pop up that said something about not having permissions to a certian backblaze file, and when I clicked on the message to read it, I get this screen. I have tried to rebuild the docker container 2 different times, and this happens. 

This is after file discovery, and when stuff starts trying to back up. I click onto settings, and this happens. No matter how many times I stop the container, or restart it nothing changes from this point forward. image.thumb.png.14a82025496fdd43247fda919b2e22b2.png

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Looking for some help with an error returning upon attempting to download videos in youtube-dl-material


Here is the error text:

Error while retrieving info on video with URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8RS6SZRk_4 with the following message: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/youtube-dl -o video/%(title)s.mp4 --write-info-json --print-json -f bestvideo+bestaudio --merge-output-format mp4 --write-thumbnail --dump-json http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8RS6SZRk_4

ERROR: Unable to extract uploader id; please report this issue on https://yt-dl.org/bug . Make sure you are using the latest version; type  youtube-dl -U  to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.


Error persists after the following troubleshooting:

  • Restarted the docker
  • Confirmed up to date (v4.3)
  • Forced update
  • used another ytdl docker (youtube-dl-server) and video downloads without error
  • Removed and reinstalled from orphan image
  • Removed with ophan and reinstalled anew


Edited by starwak3
added trouble shooting steps
  • Upvote 1
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So the "Path" setting for logs isn't a directory path - it's the name of a file.

By setting the variable to /log/file.log - the app now writes to that file - not creating logfiles under that directory as I assumed it was going to do.


autobrr - Unable to write log file.


What are the permissions required to allow autobrr to write out logfiles and files.


I have /logs mapped to /mnt/user/x/logs with permissions drwxrwxrwx nobody:users - but the docker logfile shows:


zerolog: could not write event: can't rename log file: rename /logs /logs-2023-03-09T01-02-54.677: permission denied


The directory /mnt/user/appdata/ shows:


drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  98 Mar  9 11:49 autobrr/


Any ideas on why the docker can't write logfiles.  The docker setting has /logs set to read/write, slave - the same setting as for appdata.


Edited by Droid999
Solved - needs a file not a path.
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Could someone help me/ provide a guide on how to install Monica?

here is my set up:




I have a mySQL database ( named `monica`, but when I launch the monica docker , I get this in the logs:

Unable to contact your database

Despite my mySQL docker being active, and the port 100% being the right one. Any insight as to why Im not able to contact it?

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the backblaze personal backup container directs here if you click support.  i try to start it but the webui does not respond.  the log says


[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 00-app-niceness.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] 00-app-niceness.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 00-app-script.sh: executing... 
  any idea what is wrong

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First, apologies if posting here an in the Discord is a no-no.



I've got a Seedsync snafu that's got me stuck. I've been running it for years but noticed something odd and now it's acting up on me. I've managed to figure out the UID:GID issue so now the container is writing the DL's under 'nobody' but the permissions are all messed up for new files getting written.


It sets them in a way that no external system can delete/move the files. I can't figure out how to correct this problem. I've run the Docker New Permissions tool on the entire system but while that fixed previous files/folder, it does nothing for new ones.




I've searched for the better part of 2+ hours and tried many things. I've added a 'umask 0000' variable to the template. I've open the console of the Seedsync container and ran 'umask 0000'. The mapped DIR in the container is 777 and is owned by user 99.


Nothing changes. All new downloads have the permissions set above in the screenshot.


I'd be pulling my hair out but I don't have any left.

Edited by aglyons
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