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I want to route another docker container (e.g. nzbget) through nordvpn. This is fine but the reroute of the nzbget frontend with port 6789 doesn't work yet. I configured this as explained in spaceivader one's video as a port mapping (6789 to 6789).

How do I get this working?


Edit: It's solved now for me. I would't have expected that I have to fill in my local network adress range into the nordvpn lan settings...



Edited by Bastel-Frank
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I have not seen this listed but am curious if people are seeing this issue.


The nordvpn container works fine for me for about a week. At some point I think it re-establishes a new ip with the server. When this happens my other containers linked to nord stop updating. 


My only fix is to edit nord by going inside the container and I just type a letter then delete and hit apply. This updates and rebuilds my other containers and will then starting working.


If someone knows a fix that would be awsome!! 

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On 3/9/2022 at 5:16 AM, R3nFoly said:

Hey guys.


I'm still getting wrong username/password.

Changed the password. No joy.

Disabled the MFA. No joy.

Manual setup password. No joy.


Have no idea what else I can do.

Anyone can give me a direction?

Did you ever get this settled?  I've had the same issue, been trying all day, and NordVPN hasn't replied to see if there's something on my account wrong. 

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I have 3x separate instances of deluge running and I'm trying to map them all to NordVPN by following all the instructions provided here.

However, no matter how I try to define custom ports, these default ports are always defined.

I've tried:
- Changing the ports in the config template

- Changing the ports in the client settings

- Changing the ports in the client config files

No matter what, these defaults are the only thing that works no matter how I try to configure it.

Any ideas?


CleanShot 2022-03-23 at 17.08.21@2x.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll post this here, as I spend far to long looking for it myself.


It's a list of the nordVPN counties for the nordVPN API. Particually usefull when using IMTheNachoMan's Nordlynx container. Please note, this list is from somewhere else, it may not be correct.


For the "QUERY" Variable in IMTheNachoMan's NordLynx container, use the following line with the number adjusted to whatever country you want to connect to. In this case it is connecting to Estonia.




 Country codes:
2, Albania
10, Argentina
13, Australia
14, Austria
21, Belgium
27, Bosnia and Herzegovina
30, Brazil
33, Bulgaria
38, Canada
43, Chile
52, Costa Rica
54, Croatia
56, Cyprus
57, Czech Republic
58, Denmark
68, Estonia
73, Finland
74, France
80, Georgia
81, Germany
84, Greece
97, Hong Kong
98, Hungary
99, Iceland
100, India
101, Indonesia
104, Ireland
105, Israel
106, Italy
108, Japan
114, South Korea
119, Latvia
125, Lithuania
126, Luxembourg
128, North Macedonia
131, Malaysia
140, Mexico
142, Moldova
153, Netherlands
156, New Zealand
163, Norway
174, Poland
175, Portugal
179, Romania
192, Serbia
195, Singapore
196, Slovakia
197, Slovenia
200, South Africa
202, Spain
208, Sweden
209, Switzerland
211, Taiwan
214, Thailand
220, Turkey
225, Ukraine
227, United Kingdom
228, United States
234, Vietnam

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/21/2022 at 1:45 AM, r3wind said:

Did you ever get this settled?  I've had the same issue, been trying all day, and NordVPN hasn't replied to see if there's something on my account wrong. 

In the end I just created a VM and installed the client on it.

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Hello, unfortunately I despair of the web interface of Jdownloader.
I have adjusted the network in NordVPN and tried all suggestions since page 1.
This is how it looks currently. 


What can I test? Thank you very much.


JD Docker:




Edited by Pascal51882
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/16/2022 at 2:27 PM, Pascal51882 said:

Hello, unfortunately I despair of the web interface of Jdownloader.
I have adjusted the network in NordVPN and tried all suggestions since page 1.
This is how it looks currently. 


What can I test? Thank you very much.


JD Docker:





The adress is:


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On 3/21/2022 at 2:45 AM, r3wind said:

Did you ever get this settled?  I've had the same issue, been trying all day, and NordVPN hasn't replied to see if there's something on my account wrong. 


Had the same issue. Password worked fine for the Windows client.

Set a new password shorter then 30 character, only numbers and letters, 10 characters long ==> issue solved

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I've set up the Nordlynx version succesfully and also tunneling other container's traffic through it works.


But I see one odd behaviour and have no clue:


I use xteve as a container to provide a m3u file for clients. xteve runs through that VPN via "--net=container:nordlynx".


I am able to get acccess to that m3u with every app or desktop client (http://UNRAID-IP:34400/m3u/xteve.m3u).

I did add 34400 to the ports in Nordlynx and get access in the browser to the GUI.


But: When I use the exact same URL in Jellyfin to get access to the m3u, it gets no access.

Same behaviour in Plex, when adding it as a DVR (http://UNRAID-IP:34400)- it won't find xteve.


Jellyfin and Plex are running as dockers, too, but do not use the VPN.


Do I have to open Upnp or something similar, maybe?





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im struggling to get this to run. 


In my docker container log , I get the below...


[2022-08-14T23:40:43+00:00] Enabling connection to eth0
[2022-08-14T23:40:43+00:00] Enabling connection to secure interfaces
[2022-08-14T23:40:43+00:00] No interface network6 detected
[2022-08-15T00:40:43+01:00] Enabling connection to network
[custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
[ls.io-init] done.
[2022-08-15T00:40:43+01:00] Finding the best server...
[2022-08-15T00:41:40+01:00] Unable to select a server ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯


My docker command that runs....


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='nordlynx' --net='br0.1' --ip='' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Unraid" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="nordlynx" -e 'PRIVATE_KEY'='MYKEYHERE' -e 'QUERY'='' -e 'NET_LOCAL'='' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://s1.nordcdn.com/nordvpn/media/1.1527.0/images/global/logos/square/nordvpn-48.svg' --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 'bubuntux/nordlynx' 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/10/2022 at 3:53 PM, mrflux said:

What makes the nordlynx container better than the nordvpn one? Don't they both use nordlynx?


I tried both but the nordlynx container was leaking my ISP's DNS. Did anyone have the same issue?


Sadly the nordlynx container is leaking DNS as long as the DNS Parameter is not set.


See https://github.com/bubuntux/nordlynx/issues/67




 Maybe this can be added to the template. 


  • Like 2
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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't get something to work. Not sure what exactly doesn't work.


NordVPN container config:


- Location: (empty)

- DNS:,

- Technology: NordLynx

- Username

- Password

- TOKEN: (filled in my token)


All other fields left default. Run the container, log says it's successfully connected.


Unfortunately, I found no documentation on how to actually, you know, use this. How do I do anything with it?? I had to dig into this topic to find some screenshots of how it's supposed to be configured. Turns out I need to fill in "Extra parameters" which is only visible in advanced mode (top-right). Okay. But then what? Because it don't work, mates...


I'm trying transmission to use nordvpn, so I've set "Network" to "None", and added "--net=container:nordvpn". The transmission container starts fine, but its web interface has now become unreachable. No clue what I should do about this. Documentation, should there be any, should proooobably have a few words on how to configure a client-docker, so to speak.


Transmission works fine when "Network" is set to "Bridge" and extra parameters cleared again. So I'm on a bit of a loss. What is actually blocking what, and where did I go wrong?...

Edited by thany
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  • 5 months later...

Anyone tried installing this Docker image recently in Unraid? (nordlynx)

Here's what happens on my Unraid:


I click the Install button on the apps page, then get taken to the configuration page, then after making sure it's all good, I click Done and, instead of seeing this show up running under my docker images, I'm taken back to the apps page, and no nordlynx shows up there at all along with the rest of my docker images.


Is this expected? Should I be changing anything else in the settings before clicking Done?




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I've had this up and working for a while (at least I believe it's working, no way to test it) but I just did an update last night and the icon for the docker is gone and when I take the icon image link from the advanced tab of the settings (edit) page and put it in my browser it ends up a 404 error. I tried posting on the github that the docker brings me to and was told "This page doesn't do the unraid app" so here I am.

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Shame on me for updating.  I updated docker yesterday and it no longer works.  Then there was another update today which I presumed fixed the issue -- no avail.  Docker doesn't connect to Nord.  Any solutions?


Note that logs show:

A new version of NordVPN is available! Please update the application.
New feature - Meshnet! Link remote devices in Meshnet to connect to them directly over encrypted private tunnels, and route your traffic through another device. Use the `nordvpn meshnet --help` command to get started. Learn more: https://nordvpn.com/features/meshnet/
Connecting to United States #9895 (us9895.nordvpn.com)
You are connected to United States #9895 (us9895.nordvpn.com)!



curl ifconfig.io

yields no connection to the outside network.

Edited by Hawkins12
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2 hours ago, Hawkins12 said:

Shame on me for updating.  I updated docker yesterday and it no longer works.  Then there was another update today which I presumed fixed the issue -- no avail.  Docker doesn't connect to Nord.  Any solutions?


Note that logs show:

A new version of NordVPN is available! Please update the application.
New feature - Meshnet! Link remote devices in Meshnet to connect to them directly over encrypted private tunnels, and route your traffic through another device. Use the `nordvpn meshnet --help` command to get started. Learn more: https://nordvpn.com/features/meshnet/
Connecting to United States #9895 (us9895.nordvpn.com)
You are connected to United States #9895 (us9895.nordvpn.com)!



curl ifconfig.io

yields no connection to the outside network.

I have the exact same problem. Woke up this morning to broken VPN hence deluge could not download.


There was a update which I applied today, but still no joy.


From NordVPN console issuing the following commands ...

$ curl ifconfig.io        -> returns my router public IP @ , no longer a NordVPN Server IP


$ curl ifconfig           --> returns my router public IP @ as well


I can connect to my nordvpn  account form norVPN console using 

$ nordvpn login --token <MY PRIVATE KEY TOKEN>


I can also logon with my nordVPN username and PW with ...

$ nordvpn login --username MY-USER-NAME --password 'MY-USER-PASSWORD'


next when I issue the command

$ connect


it automatically tries to connect to one of Canadian NORDVPN servers .. which is what I want as that is where I reside.


then spits out this message ...


"A new version of NordVPN is available. Please update the application"



if I do a ...


$ nordvpn status


I get the same new version avail error in addition to "Status:Disconnected"



I'm not sure where to go from here.  I spent the whole day playing with various suggestions found in this thread for both NordVPN and NordLynx and in both cases the are not working.  NordLynx hangs then comes back with a could not find error when I try a $ curl ifconfig.io


Man linux scares the crap out of me ... Yes I am a windows guy.  I have had plenty of headaches on UNRAID, Solaris & OMV servers when they update.


anyhow hoping you all can help .. I'm guessing nothing can do as the NordVPN app is pooched.   Not sure what is going on with NordLynx.


would love to get one of these working again so I can download feeling confident that I will not receive a NastyGram from BELL  Canada regarding my P2P activity. 🙂





Edited by E-ManN
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