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[Support] Paperless-ngx Docker

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On 6/4/2022 at 10:51 PM, trekk said:

Anyone else having an issue with paperless-ngx failing to connect to Redis? My Redis logs show that everything is working ok but I cant get paperless to work.


Here is the log:


I'm having this exact same issue. My redis works fine since other applications are using it and I see no errors in my redis logs when it fails to connect.

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Hello guys,
i hope someone can help me with my problem, i am relatively new to docker containers.
I could not find anything online that helps me find a solution to my problem.
Paperless-ngx always fills my docker.image instead of saving it to the array. Currently it is 96% filled and I don't know why. All files are max 1.2Gb in total. I have already enlarged the docker.image to 40Gb! in the docker settings.


Here you can see the memory usage is ok, but the docker usage is nearly at the max.





This is the template settings i'm using for the storage(do i have them wrong?)




I think I found part of the problem. I removed and reinstalled everything again and uploaded individual files as a test. Default allocation of the docker.image was about 8.26GB. Then when uploading it fluctuated between 8.26-8.27GB.
I have a PDF file with 481MB which I then uploaded, now it slowly but steadily increased by that amount until it stopped at 20GB. 1 file is responsible for a little over 11GB even though the file is actually only 481MB.

On the Paperless interface, the file remains in the uploader with "Processing Document" without anything else happening....

Edited by Tredaptive
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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm trying to add a password to the Redis container. I've read the instructions on the first page of the thread, but I dont know how to proceed. I've tried going to the edit page and adding a new variable and giving it the redis-server --requirepassword name, but it does not work.  What am I doing wrong?


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  • 1 month later...
36 minutes ago, kevin182 said:

I converted my paperless-ng container to ngx as described earlier in this post. I cannot access any of my files through the UI. Here is the error I get. Anyone else get this? Thanks.




Disregard. I got it working. For anyone interested. What I did is pull down original paperless-ng to the container. Made sure it was working properly. Then I just changed the repository to ghcr.io/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx:latest. It worked this time. I do not know what I did wrong the first time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Trying paperless for the first time. Everything seems to be working fine..

Tho its SUPER SLOW.. adding a pdf with 5 pages takes 30minutes.. any ideas why?

i get this errors.

[2022-10-27 12:32:55,440] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:33:09,337] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:33:38,938] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:33:40,858] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:34:11,364] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:34:28,097] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:35:04,921] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:35:26,245] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:35:50,141] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:36:02,096] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:36:33,746] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:37:02,956] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:37:24,657] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:38:24,894] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:38:44,121] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:39:28,089] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:39:34,188] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:40:36,314] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:40:48,926] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:41:46,572] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:42:02,799] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:42:15,957] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

12:42:20 [Q] INFO Enqueued 9
12:42:20 [Q] INFO Process-1 created a task from schedule [Train the classifier]
12:42:20 [Q] INFO Enqueued 10
12:42:20 [Q] INFO Process-1 created a task from schedule [Check all e-mail accounts]
[2022-10-27 12:42:40,081] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:43:09,270] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.

[2022-10-27 12:43:23,718] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page has no images - all vector content will be rasterized at 400 DPI, losing some resolution and likely increasing file size. Use --oversample to adjust the DPI.


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  • 1 month later...

I recently noticed my scanned documents are just sitting in the file queue. https://i.hah.rip/j2m.png

I use a scanning app on my phone, and send them to a webdav that moves them to the consume folder. They are immediately picked up by paperless and but then they just sit in the queued state.

I don't get any errors from the log, so I am a bit lost of where to even look?

I am running this on unraid, from ghcr.io/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx

Here is my log after a fresh restart and you can see it see's the two documents in my folder.



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I recently noticed my scanned documents are just sitting in the file queue [...]


Did you upgrade your Container to v1.10.0 around the the time you observed the problems? Can you please try to update your instance to the latest bug fix version v1.10.1 and check whether the problems persist? Make sure to do a backup before upgrading though.


I assume this has nothing do to with the Unraid template per se as it hasn't changed recently.

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On 3/22/2022 at 4:07 AM, jeypiti said:

The easiest way would be to simply adapt the existing paperless-ng template because you won't have to mess with any configuration:

  1. Find your paperless container in the UI.
  2. Open the configuration.
  3. Under "Repository", replace


  4. Click "Apply".

That's it!



  • Rename the container itself: In the container configuration, change the "Name" field to "paperless-ngx". It seems if you change this name you will also have to potentially re-configure the auto-start option.
  • Rename your appdata folder (while the container is stopped). After renaming the folder, make sure to mirror the name change in the container configuration field "Data" (and any other fields that reference the appdata folder).
  • Update the "Overview" field to remove references to paperless-ng and add paperless-ngx info. To do this, switch to the advanced view within the container configuration and paste the following into "Overview":
    Paperless-ngx is a document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper. Paperless-ngx forked from paperless-ng to continue the great work and distribute responsibility of supporting and advancing the project among a team of people.[br][br]
    Requirements: Paperless-ngx requires Redis as external service. You can install it from the CA store. Make sure to adjust the configuration in the template accordingly.
    Setup: Create a user account after this container is created i.e. from Unraids Docker UI, click the paperless-ngx icon and choose Console. Then enter "python manage.py createsuperuser" in the prompt and follow the instructions.
    Paperless-ngx Documentation: https://paperless-ngx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
    Additional Template Variables: https://paperless-ngx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html
    Demo: https://demo.paperless-ngx.com/

    (This is the text that the paperless-ngx template uses, you can find it here on GitHub)

  • In advanced view, change "Docker Hub URL" to


If you do all these optional steps, you have effectively transformed the old paperless-ng template into the new paperless-ngx template. There are two exceptions to this however: you can't update the template with links to the paperless-ngx GitHub repository or this support forum thread, both of those will still point to the respective paperless-ng resources.


The alternative is to pull the new template from CA but this will require you to copy over configuration with will lead to problems if you make a mistake. I haven't done this myself but the steps should be as follows:

  1. Stop the paperless-ng container.
  2. Pull the paperless-ngx template and copy over all the configuration from the old paperless-ng template 1-to-1 (including the old appdata folder name).
  3. Start the paperless-ngx container and check that everything is working as you'd expect.
  4. Remove the paperless-ng container.

Can I use this method to migrate from the deprecated Paperless docker as well? 

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On 3/13/2022 at 4:04 AM, T0a said:



Overview: Dedicated support thread for the Docker template paperless-ngx provided via the selfhosters/unRAID-CA-templates repository.

Project Page: https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx

Demo: https://demo.paperless-ngx.com/

Documentation: https://paperless-ngx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Registry: https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/pkgs/container/paperless-ngx

Changelog: https://paperless-ngx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html


This is the official paperless-ngx Docker support thread. Feel free to ask questions, share your experience with paperless-ngx or describe your paperless setup at home. I try to update this main post regularly based on your feedback. From here on, I will use the terms paperless and paperless-ngx interchangeable.


1. What is paperless-ngx and how does it differ from paperless-ng?

Paperless-ngx forked from paperless-ng to continue the great work and distribute responsibility of supporting and advancing the project among a team of people. The paperless-ng project hasn't received a lot of updates and bug fixes in the past month. Even pull requests are not merged for some time now.


For now, the paperless-ng and paperless-ngx Unraid templates will coexist in the community application store. That allows existing users to still rely on the mature paperless-ng for their productive environment and make the change to paperless-ngx once they feel comfortable.


Consider joining us! Discussion of this transition can be found in issues #1599 and #1632.


2. How to Install

2. 1 New Installation

  • Download and install a Redis container from the community application store (CA)
  • Download and configure the paperless-ngx container from the CA
    • Make sure you point the container to your Redis instance. Use your actual IP and not localhost, because the reference is resolved in the container. In case you need to pass a password to Redis, use the following connection string redis://:[PASSWORD]@[IP]:6379 instead. At the moment Redis doesn't support users and only provides authentication against a global password. You can pass anything as a username, including the empty string as in my example here. To configure a password for your Redis container, set 'redis-server --requirepass "your-secret"' as post arguments on the Redis docker container. Also make sure to not use any special characters. Otherwise, the connection string might not be readable by paperless.
  • Create a user account after this container is created i.e. from Unraids Docker UI, click the paperless-ngx icon and choose Console. Then enter the command "python manage.py createsuperuser" in the prompt and follow the instructions. Alternative, set 'PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER' and 'PAPERLESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD' in your paperless-ngx docker template. With the later approach, it might be easier to find your password to sensible documents stored in paperless.


2.1 Migration from paperless-ng


Paperless-ngx is meant to be a drop-in replacement for Paperless-ng and thus upgrading should be trivial for most users, especially when using docker. However, as with any major change, it is recommended to take a full backup first!



3. My personal paperless workflow

I use the iOS app ScannerPro to scan my documents and upload them via the app to a web DAV target on my Unraid server. The web DAV target is mounted in the container as consume directory.


I use the istant whether the processing failed for an uploaded document. Home Assistant sends then notificationpre and post hooks to execute web hooks in order to check via Home Asss about the import status to my phone. This way I can throw away the physical document without worrying about it not being imported.


How does your workflow look like? Feel free to share it in this thread. Here you can also find the official recommended workflow for managing your documents with paperless-ngx.


4. FAQ


4.1 Why does the consumer not pick up my files?

The consumer service uses inotify to detect new documents in the consume folder. This subsystem, however, does not support NFS shares. You can disable inotify and use a time-based polling mechanism instead (checkout the 'PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_POLLING' variable. If set to a value n greater than 0, inotify is disabled and the directory is polled every n seconds).


4.2 How to customize paperless-ngx?

Paperless-ngx does support much more environment variables than the Unraid template initially offers. You can find them in the documentation here. Make sure to have a proper backup before playing around with the environment variables.


4.3 What scanner do you use for paperless-ngx at home?

A list of scanners used by our community:

  • iPhone with ScannerPro app; one time purchase (@T0a)
  • More will be added when you share your scanner

Paperless-ngx also maintains a list of recommended scanners. Feel free opening a pull request over there to add your recommended scanner to the documentation too.


4.4 Can I use paperless-ngx on a mobile device?

Mobile support in paperless-ngx is also almost there. Some layouts don't work yet on small screens. There is also a mobile app in pretty early development stage. Though, it is only available in the Android store yet.


4.5 What is the future of the original paperless-ng template in Unraid?

At some point, I will probably remove the paperless-ng template and close its support thread.


4.6 How to configure PostgreSQL as a database?

See this post on how to configure PostgreSQL in the template. The official documentation gives further migration steps needed.


4.7 When running two instances of paperless, I cannot stay logged-in to both


That is because both instances share the same session identifier (cookie). Apply to one of them the environment variable PAPERLESS_COOKIE_PREFIX (documentation).

Can you share your pre and post scripts that allows to communicate with your homeassistant. I would like to replicate. Thanks for the writeup to get novices started on this great app !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I updated from ng to ngx some time ago. I'm using dyndns and have things set so I can go to:




I have NGINX running and have paperless.my_domain.dyndns.org pointing to my unraid server IP address port 8001.


While on my LAN, https://<unraid_server_ip_address>:8001 works as you'd expect. Works great.


When outside my LAN, paperless.my_domain.dyndns.org -> NGINX gets me to the paperless credentials login page, but after I enter my usual username and password I get a long pause followed by "504 Gateway Time-out" and "openresty" underneath that message.


I have the paperless app on my android phone. It's been "logged in" forever and seems to work. Turned off the wi-fi. Still works. I logged out of the paperless app, then back in. Used https://paperless.my_domain.dyndns.org. Entered my credentials. Get an error 504 after a long time. Kill the android process. Start the paperless app again and I can see my documents.


I've checked the NGINX and paperless-ngx docker logs and don't see an error message.


Browser access from outside my house would be useful. The phone app behavior seems odd. (I don't expect phone app help or support here, just providing information.)


Wondering if there's a guide or post on how to do this "right" because I'm obviously missing something.

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Hi guys,

I updated to paperless-ngx this year and I have issues with my already added thumbnail documents. If I add a new file it works but I don't get the thumbnail for documents that were added going to paperless-ngx. Accessing files is fine.

document_sanity_checker detects all the issues but it does not fix it. How do I fix it? Is there a command to update all thumbnails based on files sorted?

EDIT: Fixed using the command 


and fixing errors by hand when necessary.

Edited by cam217
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Is there a way to make the default view be documents instead of "dashboard"

I find the dashboard tab pointless as I'm only using this app to look at documents and dont upload any through the app (All documents are scanned in through the consume folder, which is a proper folder based hierarchy of all my documents which Paperless doesnt seem to support)

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