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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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4 minutes ago, jiyang1018 said:

After this update, Version: 6.9.2, I cannot find [Enable additional search results from dockerHub] in settings under Apps.

Is it moved to a new location? Thanks.


On 10/17/2021 at 7:38 AM, Squid said:


Today's release brings first and foremost a new GUI for CA, thanks to @Mex and @jonp, which really modernizes everything.


Other notable changes:

  • Check is done at initialization to see if the docker image is full or mounted read-only.  CA will not be usable until either Docker is disabled or the problem is rectified.
  • Minimum required Unraid version is 6.9.0  If you haven't already updated to 6.9+, then this is highly recommended.  CA will NOT get backported onto previous OS versions. 
    • Changes to the minimum OS version required by CA are not taken lightly and there are always reasons behind it, and in this case one particular change would have not been compatible with prior versions and would have been a real pain to work around.  Not to mention the required testing etc that would need to be done on previous versions of the OS.  (I probably spend more time actually testing CA than programming it)
  • All of the various startup categories (New, Random, Trending, Top Installs) are removed and are now consolidated into a single "Home" page with the addition of a Spotlight section.  Each subsection includes a "Show More" link to display all of the relevant apps.
  • All available options on apps if they are installed (ie: Uninstall) are available when searching / browsing, not just from installed apps.  NOTE: If you've renamed an app when installing it, the Uninstall etc are not available when browsing - only within Installed Apps.  This is the same behaviour as previously.
  • DockerHub searches (or more to the point, a GUI for searches) are removed.
    • When this feature was originally introduced in 2015, CA was able to determine the dockerfile from the dockerHub search results and was able to create a template that (in theory) contained all the the environment variables, paths, and ports that the container required to operate.
    • In and around October 2018, a change at dockerHub meant that CA was no longer able to analyze the dockerfile to determine the required entries.  Effectively this meant that since Oct 2018, each and every dockerHub search has necessitated the user having to visit the dockerHub page to manually determine the required entries and then add them to the template themselves, as effectively the template CA generated was a blank template with only the repository entry filled out.
    • Because of the necessity of going to dockerHub anyways (and that many users probably wouldn't and then would be surprised as to why the CA generated template wouldn't give you a functioning app), CA is now going to force you to go to the dockerHub page.  IE: each and every search on dockerHub now simply takes you to a dockerHub search results page and you can then determine the appropriate entries for the template when you hit "Add Template" on the docker tab
    • I do recommend that you delete the contents of /config/plugins/community.applications/private/dockerHub on the flash drive if it's present, as the templates which are stored in there are basically blank templates.  Any reinstalls etc of dockerHub conversions will not be impacted by deleting this folder
  • A fair amount of work has been done to installing and managing multiple instances of apps.  Most notably, when clicking Install 2nd instance, the name of the app is automatically changed (to reflect a 2nd instance) with the result that the appdata entry should also wind up changing (on most apps) to reflect a second instance.  This is still an advanced feature and needs to be enabled in CA's settings
  • Managing installed applications can now be done via any search or browsing instead of being relegated to the Installed Apps section on previous versions of CA
  • Languages will now appear within Installed Apps
  • Numerous other fixes, a smaller code-base, and simpler skinning system


Thanks to everyone who took part in the beta program for CA (your name if I'm aware that you took part is now included in the credits)


More features to come :) 


Multi-Language Notes:


With the complete overhaul of the GUI also comes a whack of new phrases which need to be translated into the various languages.  If you were previously contributing to the languages translations, look at the en_US files and update the translations accordingly.


Also, translations for the "Reason" in spotlighted apps are also supported.  This is however handled via a separate repository outside of the normal language translations.  Please issue pull requests against https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Recommended.json if you wish to contribute.  New "Reasons" to translate will be available every month.


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20 hours ago, Squid said:

Exactly.  Seemed to me to be completely pointless to have a GUI when no matter what you had to go to dockerhub to find out everything you needed to add in anyways.  So I forced you to do that.


Unfortunately, most people don't understand that change and thought I was taking something away from them.  Which I'm not.  But, I have given in to pressure and it will get re-added on the next release.


10 minutes ago, jiyang1018 said:

After this update, Version: 6.9.2, I cannot find [Enable additional search results from dockerHub] in settings under Apps.

Is it moved to a new location? Thanks.

See above.

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Docker Hub Searches are back (and always enabled for the time being - I'm going to see how it goes on that).  I still recommend that the contents of /config/plugins/community.applications/private/dockerhub be deleted.  Previous versions saved every install (or attempted install) within this folder with the result that your previous apps section tended to get quite filled if you were installed from dockerHub.  Now, only actual installs will get saved.  The contents of this folder if it exists is not needed for operation unless you added your own private templates into it.


Default display mode is with descriptions turned on, and the addition of actions etc appearing on the cards.  If descriptions are not appearing, then you have made a change to CA's settings and you will need to re-enable the descriptions option.  The slimmer display mode will probably be removed in a future update. 


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On 10/18/2021 at 11:31 AM, Squid said:

Sort by updates is / was pretty much meaningless except for plugins.


The "Update Available" within the docker tab bore no relationship to whether or not the template used for CA had the date of the last update updated accordingly.  Especially with the major contributors having their containers set up to automatically build as new versions of the app itself came available or for security reasons, or every Friday rain or shine, the templates were never upgraded to reflect that.  


The only "true" measure of whether the container is still maintained / updated on a regular basis is to go to the Registry (support drop down on the info panel) and look at the dates on the Tags on the dockerHub.


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unraid 6.8.3 with ca version 2021.08.31

its showing there is an update but wont upgrade because of min version check, i could have sworn in the past it would just not show an update for an unsupported version?

> plugin: installed Unraid version is too low, require at least version 6.9.0

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12 hours ago, zoggy said:

unraid 6.8.3 with ca version 2021.08.31

its showing there is an update but wont upgrade because of min version check, i could have sworn in the past it would just not show an update for an unsupported version?

> plugin: installed Unraid version is too low, require at least version 6.9.0

Yeah.  IIRC that got fixed in and around 6.7.0  Nothing I can do about that though as it's an OS thing.

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Went to use the community apps today and I got this 


Something really wrong went on during defaultSortOrder
Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

OS: 6.8.3
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36 Edg/95.0.1020.53

<br /> <b>Warning</b>: require_once(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Translations.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>15</b><br /> <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Translations.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/emhttp') in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>15</b><br />

Diagnostics are attached.


My server has been running fine.... the only issue I have had in ages is it failed to upgrade to 6.9.2. I started to look into it then noticed a lot of folks having bother so I thought I would wait for the next one.... don't know if that helps at all.


Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?


I am quite lost without the community applications!




Edited by Squiggley
Updating details
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Hi guys,

I try ton install CA on my unRAID v6.8.3 and here is the problem :




How can I install CA on 6.8.3 ?

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