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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server

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I don't think it will work if the beta is a higher version number. Try setting it to a specific past version, restart, then set it to "latest". That should get it back in line.


I've just had a look and the version I'm on now isn't the DVR Beta, and the VERSION number I'm on ( is lower than the DVR Beta version number.


Is there a way to edit the file that is called for the docker run command directly? Just thinking if so maybe I can just add the version variable to that, instead of trying to do it via the GUI

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Here it is

Try deleting the version variable, start the container and then add the version variable again. Look if the variable is in the run command after that.

just gave that a try but no luck, it still doesn't show in the run command  :(


I don't think you are adding the variable correctly. Post a screenshot of the edit screen for the variable.

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I don't think it will work if the beta is a higher version number. Try setting it to a specific past version, restart, then set it to "latest". That should get it back in line.


I've just had a look and the version I'm on now isn't the DVR Beta, and the VERSION number I'm on ( is lower than the DVR Beta version number.


Is there a way to edit the file that is called for the docker run command directly? Just thinking if so maybe I can just add the version variable to that, instead of trying to do it via the GUI


How are you trying to update? Are you clicking the update docker button? That replaces the container with the docker from the repository... which is a specific version not necessarily the latest. To update the Plex version, in the docker list click the Plex icon left comun and select Restart. That will restart the container which checks for a new Plex version at Plex. You can monitor the process by clicking the Log in right column while it restarts.

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The problem is that you've given that variable a name (ie: a human readable thing), but have not given it the KEY (which is VERSION)


You're a star, thanks Squid! All working perfectly now! :)  Apologies for doing something so dippy.


Maybe it would be handy to make the KEY field required, so others can't make the same mistake - worth posting this elsewhere?

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The problem is that you've given that variable a name (ie: a human readable thing), but have not given it the KEY (which is VERSION)


You're a star, thanks Squid! All working perfectly now! :)  Apologies for doing something so dippy.


Maybe it would be handy to make the KEY field required, so others can't make the same mistake - worth posting this elsewhere?

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The problem is that you've given that variable a name (ie: a human readable thing), but have not given it the KEY (which is VERSION)


You're a star, thanks Squid! All working perfectly now! :)  Apologies for doing something so dippy.


Maybe it would be handy to make the KEY field required, so others can't make the same mistake - worth posting this elsewhere?



Thanks Squid, much appreciated ?

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i'm stumped here please help.

i had plex running great HAD being the key word until i went into my plex and accidently deleted my server.


so then I deleted plex appdata from my cache /mnt/cache/appdata/plex


resinstalled the docker


now in my plex the server still won't show up.


What am i doing wrong?


I will donate if you can help me get it working




# Login via the webui at http://<ip>:32400/web #

# and restart the docker, because there was no #

# plex token found in the preference file #




[cont-init.d] 50-plex-update: exited 0.

[cont-init.d] done.

[services.d] starting services

Starting dbus-daemon

Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


[services.d] done.

Starting Avahi daemon

Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


Starting Plex Media Server.

6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


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Docker setup and logs look fine, tried looking in your appdata folder and checking out the Plex logs?


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


I am having this same issue with Plex.  Every time I start it up for the first time I get stuck at "[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing..."  If I stop the docker and restart it, it will load up.  but next time I reboot the server I have the same problem

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I'm having a mare with Remote Access which I think is due to my ISP starting their IPV6 rollout (BT in the UK with the new Smart Hub) - researching last night it seems Plex doesn't fully support IPV6 yet. 



Anybody else encountered and hopefully solved this problem?  it seems like I'm in a double NAT situation as I have both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses.

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Hey all, having some issues with my new plex media server. 


So, installed everything, got media added and shared.  Everything works great, but the server shuts itself down every 4-8 hours.  It says a direct connection is unavailable from anything external.  The docker still says its running in the unraid GUI, but it hangs when I try to access the Plex media server Web UI.


Any ideas?  Where should I pull logs from?

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I am trying to switch from Limetech Plex docker over to the Linuxserver docker and I have a couple of questions:

[*]When I remove the Limetech docker, do I need to remove the image too?

[*]When I add the Linuxserver docker, do I need to rebuild the library?


Thank you in advance!


1. Yes

2. No, you shouldn't have to

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Hey all, having some issues with my new plex media server. 


So, installed everything, got media added and shared.  Everything works great, but the server shuts itself down every 4-8 hours.  It says a direct connection is unavailable from anything external.  The docker still says its running in the unraid GUI, but it hangs when I try to access the Plex media server Web UI.


Any ideas?  Where should I pull logs from?


Try looking in /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs

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I am having an issue with the plexpass update channel, plex seems to freeze after a few hours and gives me the following error in the logs. https://i.imgur.com/Xwy8ELj.jpg


No idea how you've got Plex configured either docker or the app itself, sorry not given us anywhere near enough information to try and work this one out.  May well be a Plex (config) issue rather a docker issue.  Have a look at the docker FAQ to get an idea of what we need as a MINIMUM....  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481150#msg481150


Also try looking in the Plex logs as I've pointed to above.

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