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[Support] Linuxserver.io - SABnzbd

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12 hours ago, dkerlee said:

(deleted from Unraid > General and moved here)


I see that Sonarr (docker linux|server.io sends a download to Sabnzbd (docker linux|server.io 2.3.3 [1f04343]) successfully. But the download just sits there, and no mkv is extracted from the rar files.


sabnzbd reports


Repair [630d80d5bde8430a9bc59eb7932c8288] Quick Check OK
Unpack [630d80d5bde8430a9bc59eb7932c8288] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds
[630d80d5bde8430a9bc59eb7932c8288] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds


While Sonarr just thinks the episode is downloading 100%, and sitting there. As soon as I manually unrar e "blah blah.rar.part001.rar" the mkv comes out, and Sonarr immediately files it away.


I know Sabnzbd is sitting in a container, and doesn't have access to the normal /user/bin/unrar.


I do have some odd settings in there to keep Sabnzbd from thrashing the server if it's working on a dozen or more episodes at once. Settings > Switches > Post processing > 
Nice Parameters -n10

IONice Parameters -c2 -n4

Extra PAR2 Parameters -t0

I don't recall where I got those things. I'll try pulling them out and seeing if that makes a difference.


Anything jump out at anyone? Any other specific logs to include?






Not sure where the "docker run command" was, so I'll include a couple of screen shots of the config screen for both dockers.




sabnzbd 20180513.zip




It might be those custom options. I use the default options and it has no problems unraring. In fact, the later versions do unrar while still downloading. Pretty cool

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In the Sab log files can you tell me which episode it failed to unpack or process? Thanks


Edit: I can see what you mean, it says unpacking then shows 0 unpacked.


2018-05-11 18:27:39,266::INFO::[newsunpack:835] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds
2018-05-11 18:27:39,266::INFO::[newsunpack:268] Unrar finished on /incomplete-downloads/Once.Upon.a.Time.S07E21.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS-Obfuscated
2018-05-11 18:27:39,270::INFO::[postproc:388] Unpacked files []
2018-05-11 18:27:39,271::INFO::[postproc:393] Finished unpack_magic on Once.Upon.a.Time.S07E21.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS-Obfuscated


As someone suggested, back-up the options you have then turn them off. Try again and report back. 

Edited by witalit
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On 3/25/2018 at 11:04 AM, Rick Gillyon said:

Sabnzbd updated on Friday, and after restarting I was getting an error when trying to access it via the browser:

Access denied - Hostname verification failed

Was working fine before the update. Nothing I changed helped, I couldn't start the interface from browser with http://unraidpvr:8083/ like normal. I hadn't realised I was on the unstable branch, so I edited the container to take away "unstable" and after restarting, I could get in once again. All is working as it should except that the "version" section on the Docker tab looks like this:



Any ideas? For either problem... :)


Docker properties currently look like this:




FYI this is a bit older but make sure to to the Config in Sab and go to "Special" and scroll down to the bottom. There's a section for a whitelist, make sure it reads "tower" or "Tower" depending on how you are trying to access it (or whatever hostname you use for your Sab box) 


The case sensitivity is key -- it matters. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey All,


I have been using this docker for a while now and have this issue since starting but figured I would pose the question here.  Whenever I am downloading something via this docker my Windows 10 VM will lag.  The entire VM just freezes briefly for say 7 seconds then come back but then will continue to lag for 7 seconds until the download is complete.  I use CPU pinning and have both the Docker and VM on different cores.  No other dockers do this and I have some pretty intense ones running.

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On 5/29/2018 at 10:09 PM, comfox said:

I have been using this docker for a while now and have this issue since starting but figured I would pose the question here.  Whenever I am downloading something via this docker my Windows 10 VM will lag.  The entire VM just freezes briefly for say 7 seconds then come back but then will continue to lag for 7 seconds until the download is complete.  I use CPU pinning and have both the Docker and VM on different cores.  No other dockers do this and I have some pretty intense ones running.


Is Sab writing to the same drive that the VM is living on? I used to share the cache drive as cache/VM storage, and would experience VM lag issues during download and other Sab file activity (unraring etc).


Also, are you using a platter drive or an SSD for your VM? SSD definitely helps with VM performance.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying to shift from PhaZe plugins to Dockers, and for sabnzbd, I'm used to using port 9090. However in this Docker, there are 2 ports being shown, 8080 and 9090. Why is there 2 of the ports and how can I make it only use 9090? 8080 is currently taken up by unifi already.

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I set Port 1 to 7979, Port 2 to 9090 (the default), went into sabnzbd settings and edited the port from 8080 to 9090, but it didnt work, it's stuck with 8080. Even tried editing the config.ini directly, no go. Seems like there's just no way to switch the ports..

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13 minutes ago, CyberMew said:

I set Port 1 to 7979, Port 2 to 9090 (the default), went into sabnzbd settings and edited the port from 8080 to 9090, but it didnt work, it's stuck with 8080. Even tried editing the config.ini directly, no go. Seems like there's just no way to switch the ports..


You shouldn't touch the ports in the config of sabnzbd, only in the container template. 

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Thanks, think that's the way to go for now. I finally got time to configure this again, and having some confusion in making it work similar to Phaze plugin.


With Phaze plugin we had direct access to the file system, so the Categories had their path in absolute format. 


However with docker, and that I also moved Sonarr from Phaze over to docker, Sonarr will not have access to Sabnzbd's final download folder. How would Sonarr monitor the tv category and the file path (/Downloads that's visible in Sabnzbd) and move the file (that Sonarr can't see I think?) in the correct folder that's been set inside Sonarr?

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54 minutes ago, CyberMew said:

Thanks, think that's the way to go for now. I finally got time to configure this again, and having some confusion in making it work similar to Phaze plugin.


With Phaze plugin we had direct access to the file system, so the Categories had their path in absolute format. 


However with docker, and that I also moved Sonarr from Phaze over to docker, Sonarr will not have access to Sabnzbd's final download folder. How would Sonarr monitor the tv category and the file path (/Downloads that's visible in Sabnzbd) and move the file (that Sonarr can't see I think?) in the correct folder that's been set inside Sonarr?


think of it this way 


mount point or docker volumes are a union between the internal path of a docker and a path on the host


if you give the same name to the container side of the mount, and bind the same host path to two different containers,  you can use the same container side path in the config ui of any app and as long as the permissions for each app to access the path(s) it works the same it would were it natively running on the host

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My current setup is such that Sabnzbd docker volumes is pointing to /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/complete-download for Downloads and /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/incomplete-download for Incomplete Downloads.


So from my understanding so far, Sonarr needs to point it's container /downloads path to /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/complete-download instead of what I am currently setting it as (/mnt/cache/appdata/sonarr/downloads)?


Assuming the above is correct, then how would I get Sonarr to move the downloaded files to it's final destination? I am also assuming it's through the /tv path in Sonarr?  So this would mean I need to change ALL of my current config in Sonarr from /mnt/user/TVShows/* to /tv/TVShows/* right?


Thank you very much for your help!

Edited by CyberMew
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1 hour ago, CyberMew said:

My current setup is such that Sabnzbd docker volumes is pointing to /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/complete-download for Downloads and /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/incomplete-download for Incomplete Downloads.


So from my understanding so far, Sonarr needs to point it's container /downloads path to /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/complete-download instead of what I am currently setting it as (/mnt/cache/appdata/sonarr/downloads)?

Tentatively yes, but since you didn't itemize what the path mappings (container side) are for Sab, I can't say definitively

1 hour ago, CyberMew said:

Assuming the above is correct, then how would I get Sonarr to move the downloaded files to it's final destination? I am also assuming it's through the /tv path in Sonarr?  So this would mean I need to change ALL of my current config in Sonarr from /mnt/user/TVShows/* to /tv/TVShows/* right?

Yes.  But you can take a shortcut and instead map /mnt to /mnt on Sonarr which will save you from switching the basefolder for all of your TV shows.


23 hours ago, sparklyballs said:

think of it this way 


mount point or docker volumes are a union between the internal path of a docker and a path on the host


if you give the same name to the container side of the mount, and bind the same host path to two different containers,  you can use the same container side path in the config ui of any app and as long as the permissions for each app to access the path(s) it works the same it would were it natively running on the host


To explain what @sparklyballs said in English, you can keep every single one of your settings, etc in Sab (ugh), Sonarr, Radarr, or CouchPotato (also ugh) by simply mapping/adding another path of  /mnt to /mnt on each and everyone of the apps.



See also this:  https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086


Edited by Squid
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Thanks! That is really helpful, the /mnt trick seems to be very useful (I created another host path in settings, hope it didn't break anything that also uses /mnt internally), though I guess giving the whole /mnt might be a little too much. The link that you gave is also very useful for understanding as well. I'm already used to sab so I'm going with that but I'm changing over to Radarr from CP soon since CP isn't that reliable for me sometimes.

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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, ucliker said:

So I am just curious, I've had Sabnzbd running for a long time now but I would like to know if my config is wrong. For the Temporary Downloads folder should it be 

/downloads - /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/downloads or /downloads - - /mnt/cache/downloads ?


It really just depends on what you want to do. If you really understand volume mapping instead of just following someone else you should know how this works and how to customize it for your particular needs.


Typically, if someone needs multiple dockers to access the downloads, they might put them in some "global" downloads folder, but even that's not really necessary. Just so long as the multiple dockers have mappings that go to the right unRAID folders it should work.

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8 hours ago, ucliker said:

For the Temporary Downloads folder should it be 

/downloads - /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/downloads or /downloads - - /mnt/cache/downloads

For temporary downloads, its largely moot because only Sab needs access to the temp files.  But, like @trurl says, you need a "global" downloads for all the containers for the completed downloads.  See https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086


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Thanks for the replies guys. I have a global downloads folder for my dockers /mnt/cache/downloads and that's where everything that needs it points to. I was just curious about setting up another Sabnzbd docker to test something. I use HandBrake to convert movies and tv shows from Sonarr and Radarr and I am always left with two version of the files (original and converted). I wanted to see if I could automate a deletion folder or something.


Squid I read that post last year and it's great, I just wish I had that information when I originally built my unRaid server lol. I guess it's better that I had to learn along the way. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible to get support for this container here even though my container isn't on my unraid machine? My current issue is that sab is consistently complaining about not liking my temporary/incomplete and completed download folders:

download_dir directory: /unsorted/incomplete error accessing

In the container's logs I see:

018-09-01 16:58:05,867::ERROR::[misc:526] download_dir directory: /unsorted/incomplete error accessing

2018-09-01 16:58:05,868::DEBUG::[misc:1625] Applying permissions 0755 (octal) to /unsorted/incomplete


The container is binding /mnt/unsorted from the host to /unsorted in the container, and /mnt/unsorted is an SMB/CIFS share on a remote windows machine. If I'm shelled into the container as root, I am able to touch and manipulate files just fine. I've also tried chowning and chmodding the directories as 911:911 with 0777 permissions to no avail. For some reason, I wasn't having this issue on Ubuntu 18.04, but I've since moved to 16.04, as Docker is pretty unstable for me on 18.04. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by airnorton
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