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[Support] binhex - SABnzbd

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Not sure how the docker system works, but I get this from logging into the unraid box:


root@Pootle:/mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/config/autoProcessTV# /usr/bin/env python  
/usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory
root@Pootle:/mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/config/autoProcessTV# /usr/bin/env python2
/usr/bin/env: python2: No such file or directory


It works... not like that. You'd have to attach yourself to the actual docker instance.


do a "docker ps" and find your container ID.


Then "docker exec -i -t 665b4a1e17b6 bash" (replace with the proper ID) and you'll be inside your container.


Hi, thanks for that, sorry was half asleep when I posted yesterday. Still no joy getting it working though


ok can you post the script your trying to get working and i will take a look at it.

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I think this is what most of us are using to integrate sickbeard and sabnzbd





#!/usr/bin/env python

# Author: Nic Wolfe <[email protected]>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

    import autoProcessTV
    print ("Can't import autoProcessTV.py, make sure it's in the same folder as " + sys.argv[0])

# SABnzbd user script parameters - see: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/user-scripts

# 0  sys.argv[0] is the name of this script

# 1  The final directory of the job (full path)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print ("No folder supplied - is this being called from SABnzbd?")
    download_final_dir = sys.argv[1]

# 2  The original name of the NZB file
org_NZB_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else None

# 3  Clean version of the job name (no path info and ".nzb" removed)
clean_NZB_file = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 4 else None

# 4  Indexer's report number (if supported)
indexer_report = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 5 else None

# 5  User-defined category
sab_user_category = sys.argv[5] if len(sys.argv) > 6 else None

# 6  Group that the NZB was posted in e.g. alt.binaries.x
group_NZB = sys.argv[6] if len(sys.argv) > 7 else None

# 7  Status of post processing. 0 = OK, 1=failed verification, 2=failed unpack, 3=1+2
sab_post_processing_status = sys.argv[7] if len(sys.argv) > 8 else None

# Only final_dir and org_NZB_name are being used to process episodes
autoProcessTV.processEpisode(download_final_dir, org_NZB_name)

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I think this is what most of us are using to integrate sickbeard and sabnzbd





#!/usr/bin/env python

# Author: Nic Wolfe <[email protected]>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

    import autoProcessTV
    print ("Can't import autoProcessTV.py, make sure it's in the same folder as " + sys.argv[0])

# SABnzbd user script parameters - see: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/user-scripts

# 0  sys.argv[0] is the name of this script

# 1  The final directory of the job (full path)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print ("No folder supplied - is this being called from SABnzbd?")
    download_final_dir = sys.argv[1]

# 2  The original name of the NZB file
org_NZB_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else None

# 3  Clean version of the job name (no path info and ".nzb" removed)
clean_NZB_file = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 4 else None

# 4  Indexer's report number (if supported)
indexer_report = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 5 else None

# 5  User-defined category
sab_user_category = sys.argv[5] if len(sys.argv) > 6 else None

# 6  Group that the NZB was posted in e.g. alt.binaries.x
group_NZB = sys.argv[6] if len(sys.argv) > 7 else None

# 7  Status of post processing. 0 = OK, 1=failed verification, 2=failed unpack, 3=1+2
sab_post_processing_status = sys.argv[7] if len(sys.argv) > 8 else None

# Only final_dir and org_NZB_name are being used to process episodes
autoProcessTV.processEpisode(download_final_dir, org_NZB_name)


for some reason I thought it called the autoprocesstv.py script directly, although I guess the reason for the error is likely the same

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** Sorry I posted in wrong container thread, I am actually using the VPN version please disregard this post*****


I'm having a similar issue. I removed the container and image and reloaded from the most recent. I don't have a perms.txt in the config directory.


Here's the error I'm getting -


[info] Env var PUID defined as 99

[info] Env var PGID defined as 100

[info] Setting permissions recursively on /config...


I do not have those variables set right now, but couldn't find anywhere listing what they would need to be set to.


Any help is appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dumb question.  1.0 came out on the 15th.  the docker site says it was updated to 1.0 on the 16th.  And i just updated mine today on the 19, and it says .8.x?


.8x is 1.0. 

they talk about it in this thread.


SafihreSABnzbd dev 1 point 4 days ago


Some months ago we did a feature-freeze and made the 1.0.x branch that contains what is now the official release.


In the develop branch we are already quite some features ahead but just didn't update the version numbering yet!


However this docker is still 0.7.20 according to the info in help.  So not sure where you are seeing .8x, linuxsever.io dock perhaps?


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Hey guys,


Upgraded to the new version.  I have been having some problems though with (what appear to be incomplete) files not completing and remaining in the queue unfinished.  I have been going over the settings and I can't seem to resolve this issue.


I have attached some screens of the settings and hoping someone can see where I have gone wrong.


Thanks in advance.









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I am also receiving multi errors now:


Cannot change permissions of /config/Downloads/complete/movies/filmname.cp(tt0172495)


and SQL Failures.


Where is the log in Sab now?


I have "sudo chmod -R 755" both /complete/movies and /complete/tv folders and the error still appears.


I just can't figure it out :/ anyone have any ideas?


See full screenshots here:


This might be a hangover from a previous bug, try deleting perms.txt in your /config folder and restart the docker. If the issue persists then it could well be a sab bug introduced in v0.8

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  • 3 months later...

I want to move SABNZB PHAZE's plugin to binhex docker, but don't understand the volume and portmappings. In the current plugin setup I setup the watched folder to a cach only share called nzb. I also have categories defined and Relative folders are based on: /mnt/user/Movies2. I use port 8085 non-SSL at the moment. How do I use these settings in the docker? Which port mappings should I use? Why are port 8080 and 8090 setup by default?

Should I use direct folders in Categories like mnt/user/movies/mkv instead of relative folders?


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I updated to 6.2.4 2 days ago. When I rebooted, SAB started right up. I just stopped the array so I could adjust a couple of global share settings (in the middle of migrating to XFS format), and when I started the array, I can't get SAB to start now. appdata is on my cache drive, and that was not a part of the share exclusions I made. (see attached for proof!! :))


I click the icon, then click start from the pop-up menu. The WebGUI page refreshes, but SAB doesn't start.


Here are the last few lines of the supervisord.log:

Created by...
___.   .__       .__                   
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
| __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
| \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    < 
|___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2016-11-09 19:37:16.878748 [info] Host is running unRAID
2016-11-09 19:37:16.927184 [info] System information Linux 18268a8575dd 4.4.30-unRAID #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 5 12:09:05 PDT 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2016-11-09 19:37:16.984877 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2016-11-09 19:37:17.040157 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2016-11-09 19:37:17.243657 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
chown: cannot access '/usr/lib/couchpotato': No such file or directory
chown: cannot access '/usr/bin/couchpotato': No such file or directory


couchpotato is, in fact, missing from both /usr/lib and /usr/bin, but I have no idea why. I can only assume that it was there when the server was rebooted for the 6.2.4 update 2.5 days ago... I used the Docker Buttons Stop All button to stop the dockers, in case that might be a hint.


Do I need to remove the container & reinstall?



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I updated to 6.2.4 2 days ago. When I rebooted, SAB started right up. I just stopped the array so I could adjust a couple of global share settings (in the middle of migrating to XFS format), and when I started the array, I can't get SAB to start now. appdata is on my cache drive, and that was not a part of the share exclusions I made. (see attached for proof!! :))


I click the icon, then click start from the pop-up menu. The WebGUI page refreshes, but SAB doesn't start.


Here are the last few lines of the supervisord.log:

Created by...
___.   .__       .__                   
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
| __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
| \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    < 
|___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2016-11-09 19:37:16.878748 [info] Host is running unRAID
2016-11-09 19:37:16.927184 [info] System information Linux 18268a8575dd 4.4.30-unRAID #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 5 12:09:05 PDT 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2016-11-09 19:37:16.984877 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2016-11-09 19:37:17.040157 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2016-11-09 19:37:17.243657 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
chown: cannot access '/usr/lib/couchpotato': No such file or directory
chown: cannot access '/usr/bin/couchpotato': No such file or directory


couchpotato is, in fact, missing from both /usr/lib and /usr/bin, but I have no idea why. I can only assume that it was there when the server was rebooted for the 6.2.4 update 2.5 days ago... I used the Docker Buttons Stop All button to stop the dockers, in case that might be a hint.


Do I need to remove the container & reinstall?

My slip up, please pull down latest build (just done)


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk



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  • 2 months later...

Anyone gotten the message "Exit(-1) Cannot run script /config/autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.py " .  SABnzbd has been working great for years except for the last couple of days.  Nothing has changed on my end(maybe the docker has updated), but now I am getting this message.  Has anyone else experienced this?

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Anyone gotten the message "Exit(-1) Cannot run script /config/autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.py " .  SABnzbd has been working great for years except for the last couple of days.  Nothing has changed on my end(maybe the docker has updated), but now I am getting this message.  Has anyone else experienced this?


its due to you upgrading to sabnzbd 1.2.x, stolen from LSIO post:-


This is one of the changes in SABnzbd 1.2.0


"Python post/pre/notification-scripts now require execute (+x) permissions"



SSH into to your unRAID machine, cd "change directory" to where your post processing script lives.

And enter: chmod +x nameofyourscript.py

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Anyone gotten the message "Exit(-1) Cannot run script /config/autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.py " .  SABnzbd has been working great for years except for the last couple of days.  Nothing has changed on my end(maybe the docker has updated), but now I am getting this message.  Has anyone else experienced this?


its due to you upgrading to sabnzbd 1.2.x, stolen from LSIO post:-


This is one of the changes in SABnzbd 1.2.0


"Python post/pre/notification-scripts now require execute (+x) permissions"




SSH into to your unRAID machine, cd "change directory" to where your post processing script lives.

And enter: chmod +x nameofyourscript.py


Thank you!  Worked like a charm!

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Just moved over from v5.0.4 and phazes plugins for Sabnzbd. I am using your docker now on version 6.3. I got everything setup but am having trouble with first part i am testing. I have it all setup on my cache drive and I am trying to change to where sab puts the movie after downloading. I took a screen shot of my catergories page from phazes. I am trying to put in the following into the folder path and it does not seem like it is working because the movie fails during post processing because it cant create final folder. The path is "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" is that not a valid path anymore in unraid 6?

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The path is "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" is that not a valid path anymore in unraid 6?

It's a valid path in unraid, but not INSIDE the docker. Dockers map folders according to the parameters passed to them. So, if you passed "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" to the docker as your /data location, you would select /data as the path in SAB, and it would save in "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" in unraid.


I advise reading Binhex's (and the general unraid) FAQ on dockers before you get in too deep.

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