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[Support] binhex - Plex Pass

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31 minutes ago, coltonc18 said:

Can anyone help me with the command to stop the service in terminal for the container?  I'm trying to run DB Repair, and I can't find anywhere to know the command to manually stop the PMS in Binhex-Plex

you can run the script i wrote, that should take care of it for you and will give you the option to repair the db, simply drop to the console for the plex container and run  /home/nobody/dbrepair.sh - please ensure you have a backup of your plex database BEFORE you do this, any loss of plex data is not my responsibility.

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12 minutes ago, binhex said:

you can run the script i wrote, that should take care of it for you and will give you the option to repair the db, simply drop to the console for the plex container and run  /home/nobody/dbrepair.sh - please ensure you have a backup of your plex database BEFORE you do this, any loss of plex data is not my responsibility.

Thank you!!! Have never seen this before! Thanks so much, sending you money for a beer!

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3 minutes ago, coltonc18 said:

Thank you!!! Have never seen this before! Thanks so much, sending you money for a beer!

yeah its relatively new, i wrote it to help out people who run into db corruption, i hope it works for you, please let me know as you are my first live user to use it 🙂

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16 minutes ago, binhex said:

yeah its relatively new, i wrote it to help out people who run into db corruption, i hope it works for you, please let me know as you are my first live user to use it 🙂

I think it worked without any issues!! I will have to see if I get anymore malformed messages, but integrity check came back good, so this looks like it worked.

Thanks for such an easy tool to correct something like this!

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I'm getting this error when trying to load after a repair..


2023-07-19 21:10:55,837 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
Error: Unable to set up server: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: attempt to write a readonly database (N4soci10soci_errorE)


But have run a permissions fix and now loads ok.


Thanks for the script.

Edited by dopeytree
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13 hours ago, dopeytree said:

But have run a permissions fix and now loads ok.

glad it worked, but disappointed about permissions not being set, there is a function in the script to set permissions after the repair process, so im confused as to why that didnt correctly set ownership and permissions on the repaired db, hmmm.

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Anyone else getting audio transcode errors?


[Req#1324d/Transcode/c84211b1-37ac-49d3-917a-254e66ffe394/3ca30f37-f27d-419c-a1ca-a63a7544890a] [eac3_eae @ 0x14a8a494cdc0] EAE timeout! EAE not running, or wrong folder? Could not read '/config/transcode/pms-67d2ab01-5872-4d76-bf65-b0675a05e8a0/EasyAudioEncoder/Convert to WAV (to 8ch or less)/c84211b1-37ac-49d3-917a-254e66ffe394_485-0-324.wav'


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4K DoVi (HEVC Main 10) content shows like this when doing HDR to SDR.

Does anyone else get this?

Hardware should be capable of transcoding easily.


11th gen igpu 11-900t


I have the device added as device /dev/dri


How do I tell it to use all the intel driver capabilities i.e to match the default nvidia variables.





Edited by dopeytree
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looking for some assistance, here. up-to-date with binhex-plexpass on unraid 6.11.5

recently seems unable to handle certain files, and i've been trying to narrow down the cause:

i thought DTS was the issue on my Samsung TV, as i believe they are unable to play it, though the transcoder should work.

my Roku is also having the same issues, however. i tried a non-DTS movie today and it did not work, though it was DD5.1

the movie that did work was the same size as the DD5.1, but FLAC audio. it did transcode the audio, and it worked fine.

so there's something in the transcoding...


I have an NVIDIA [GeForce GTX 950] GPU which should be more than capable.

i used TrashGuides recommended Plex settings for transcoding, but wanted to check with the binhex container settings

TG recommended to use /tmp/plex for the /transcode setting, i'm not sure if that will certainly use my SSD cache(?)

the other binhex settings ": NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" i don't know what to set?

nothing is available to click and choose.


the Plex console logs are a mess, it is running things constantly and i have no idea what it's doing, it's not any library scan or anything i've asked it.


as a workaround, i can sometimes get the item to play on my laptop PMS, pause it, open TV/Roku, and Resume it from Continue Watching. no other way works, but always get the error message "unable to add to play queue"


i've attached the log of what is constantly happening when i'm not trying to play anything.


what information can i give that can help someone help me lock this down and get plex working as it should?


thanks for any assistance


InkedScreenshot 2023-08-02 21.25.23.jpg

InkedScreenshot 2023-08-02 21.19.59.jpg

Edited by gellux
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am wondering if anyone is experiencing issues recording.  I can tune in channels, but if I try to record, I get the error "it looks like something went wrong. please try again".  This has been since updating to the most recent docker version about a week ago.

I keep seeing two errors in the logs:


  • downloadContainer: expected MediaContainer element, found html
  • Invalid library metadata ID tv.plex.xmltv://episode/CNN%20News%20Central/1/288 passed.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Having an issue with plex transcoding using an iGPU. I have a 12700K and i was utilizing the iGPU for transcoding. It was working a month ago with out issues. I was watching a movie today and noticed that the iGPU was not being used.  Pictures attached with current settings. Please let me know what i need to do to have this fixed. 

docker settings.png


plex settings.png

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2 hours ago, T_Matz said:

It was working a month ago with out issues. I was watching a movie today and noticed that the iGPU was not being used.

looks like the linuxserver docker image is suffering the same issue, therefore i would suspect a plex bug, see here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/40463-support-linuxserverio-plex-media-server/?do=findComment&comment=1303054


your best bet is to raise this as a post on the plex forum and see what they have to say about it.


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12 hours ago, binhex said:

looks like the linuxserver docker image is suffering the same issue, therefore i would suspect a plex bug, see here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/40463-support-linuxserverio-plex-media-server/?do=findComment&comment=1303054


your best bet is to raise this as a post on the plex forum and see what they have to say about it.


Did a little digging, this is an existing thread mentioning the broken HW transcoding for igpu:- https://forums.plex.tv/t/hdr-tone-mapping-with-hw-transcoding-not-working-for-12900k-cpu-on-pms-version-1-32-5-7210/845595/86

In short its a plex bug triggered by kernel version, but they dont know what they changed in their codebase :-), so the current options are:-

Disable HDR Tone-Mapping

Downgrade Plex to
Downgrade Unraid to 6.11

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having some trouble getting remote access to work port for container was showing up as ???? so I added one. but I must have something wrong. Forwarded correctly on my router.

Plex is claiming it's happy now but actually moving any data 


Command executiondocker run
  -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="nas-mass"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="binhex-plexpass"
  -e 'TRANS_DIR'='/config/transcode'
  -e 'UMASK'='000'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'TCP_PORT_32400'='32400'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:32400]/web/index.html'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/plex-icon.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/datapool/':'/media':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plexpass':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-plexpass'



Not seeing any errors though in plex log:

2023-09-09 13:58:03,390 INFO success: plexmediaserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-09 13:58:17,690 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
Critical: libusb_init failed

2023-09-09 14:13:22,155 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output:
Jobs: Exec of /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/EasyAudioEncoder-1847-linux-x86_64/EasyAudioEncoder/EasyAudioEncoder failed. (13)


Was on old nas. Unraid plex works on LAN fine.



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May seem like a dumb question but I am new to unraid. Not new to plex.

When I downloaded your version of plex-server its states it the same version ( as the official release. I thought folks were downloading yours to get the "latest" release of plex-server? Is that correct or am I misunderstanding something?

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12 minutes ago, xokia said:

May seem like a dumb question but I am new to unraid. Not new to plex.

When I downloaded your version of plex-server its states it the same version ( as the official release. I thought folks were downloading yours to get the "latest" release of plex-server? Is that correct or am I misunderstanding something?

plex server or plex-pass server?, plex-pass is bleeding edge and is currently at version '' plex is currently at version '', both are up to date with the latest version.

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11 hours ago, binhex said:

plex server or plex-pass server?, plex-pass is bleeding edge and is currently at version '' plex is currently at version '', both are up to date with the latest version.

Was referring to plex pass version. Ok I will try again and see what it says.


*edit* seems to works thanks


Do you know why if I direct play nothing shows up in the dashboard as playing. If I force transcode it shows up in the dashboard. This behavior did not exist when running under ubuntu. Clearly we can see the network is streaming something.






I can confirm if HDR tone mapping is enabled HW transcode is broken. If you disable HDR tone mapping HW transcode will work. I am using 13900 CPU with iGPU

Edited by xokia
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So I reverted back to 6.11.5 and plex server just does not seem to work correctly. HW transcode does not work at all. You still have to disable tone mapping on 6.11.5 to get HW transcode to work.

If I direct play a 4k movie I see multiple issues.

    1. You are unable to skip forward. The display does not show the correct length of the movie

    2. The movie does not show up in the dashboard as being played as indicated in the above image where you can see network traffic is streaming but not status of movie.


I have the i9 13900 with i915 GPU

    I see issues when trying to force transcode of 4k movie
           If after movie starts you go to HD then try to change the resolution it gives you no option but convert automatically.

           If you choose that and then go back to HD NOW you can choose which resolution you want.


Just doesnt seem like the docker container and plex-server are working correctly together.


So frustrating to get plex working correctly!! 


*edit* my issue was solve

Issue was:
     1. Needed latest driver (Intel-GPU-TOP) which does not appear in driver directory.
     2. Had a corrupted test file.




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I'm looking for some help with my PLEX server. When I run any PLEX docker within 1.5 days or less it will go unresponsive with the only way to recover being a hard reboot or it will crash and reboot on its own. Without PLEX running server is solid as a rock. I have tested multiple PLEX dockers with no change and ran memtest86 (free only supports 4 passes) with no errors. Any other ideas?

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4 hours ago, chishola1 said:

I'm looking for some help with my PLEX server. When I run any PLEX docker within 1.5 days or less it will go unresponsive with the only way to recover being a hard reboot or it will crash and reboot on its own. Without PLEX running server is solid as a rock. I have tested multiple PLEX dockers with no change and ran memtest86 (free only supports 4 passes) with no errors. Any other ideas?

Video driver issue?

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1 hour ago, chishola1 said:

I'm using the integrated GPU on my 13th gen intel and quicksync for hardware transcoding. What is the best way to check those video drivers?

Did you install Intel-GPU-TOP


plugin "GPU Statistics" will show you the workload in the GPU

Edited by xokia
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