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[Support] binhex - Sonarr

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So I have matched the download folders paths for both Sonarr and  SabNZB so they are pointing to




In Sab the completed download folder is pointing to /Data


The error message is still saying: /data/TV ...Ensure the path exists and the user running sonarr has the correct permissions.

What am I missing?

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2 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

Ive read your thread and I still don't understand how to get the docker run command to appear, sorry.

Open the settings for this docker in the webUI. Change any setting and then change it back. When you click apply the run command will be displayed in a popup window. You can just copy and paste it to your next post.

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24 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

I am still having the issue.

Because data != downloads


2 hours ago, jonathanm said:

both halves of the mapping?


50 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

So I have matched the download folders paths for both Sonarr and  SabNZB so they are pointing to



You only made the host side match, container side must be the same as well.

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The template settings.


Or put another way, Sab tells sonarr that the download exists at /data/fileNameHere.mkv


Sonarr dutifully tries, but there is no /data mapped to it, hence the error you're seeing.


Changing the container path within either sonarr or sab to match the container path on the other will fix you up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Getting Indexer failed to release, turned on debug logs and found this;


2021-08-30 06:53:11.4|Error|ReleaseModule|Downloading nzb failed

[v3.2.2.5080] NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions.ReleaseDownloadException: Downloading nzb failed
 ---> System.Net.WebException: Failed to read complete http response
 ---> System.IO.IOException:  Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.


I getting listing but never finish the download of the nzb. 

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I'm having a weird issue that I tried searching for and can't find anyone else having. This has to be something I'm doing because I get the same behavior on both sonarr and radarr binhex dockers.

I have an SMB share mounted on my unraid which resides in /mnt/remotes/

I've mapped it in the binhex radarr and sonarr dockers

It shows up when I'm browsing in the docker's webUI through the import library page

I can click on the folder, but when I click ok, nothing happens and it doesn't add the folder to the list of folders I've already added

The folders I've already added are shares on unraid, so this seems like a remote smb share issue, or a me doing something wrong, which is probably the case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Binhex

First of all I love your docker repos.


I wanted to enable Sonarr with HTTPS, like the raddar and lidarr are configured.

but it seems that Sonarr docker is missing the certificate path and certificate password both in WebUI and in config.xml

So right now I only have the option to enable https and configure listening port, I can see the docker is listening on https://*:9897/sonarr/

But when I try to acces the url I get ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

Using Sonarr v3.


Any chance to fix that?

Thnx in advance


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On 9/19/2021 at 10:12 PM, CyberPunkMind said:

So right now I only have the option to enable https and configure listening port, I can see the docker is listening on https://*:9897/sonarr/

But when I try to acces the url I get ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

did you add the port 9897 to the container?

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On 9/24/2021 at 1:50 PM, binhex said:

did you add the port 9897 to the container?


I am able to open a connection to that port, but I am getting that connection closed, probably because of an invalid or self singed certificate that sonarr is using by default (The connection close is probably my Firewall, or AV Network Protection closing invalid https sessions).


Anyway I gave up on having all internal traffic under ssl as well (though from a security stand point, there is really no reason why internal traffic shouldn't be protected and encrypted as well).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sonarr updated last night (v3.0.6.1348) and I noticed an episode never downloaded like it should. Did a manual search and there was the release I wanted but with an exclamation mark next to it that said 'Contains these ignored terms: AMZN' which is weird because that's the required term as well. Checked the profile settings and all of my profiles now have the required terms duplicated in the ignored terms fields. When I try to delete them and then save it doesn't work - I get an exclamation mark in the save button. Deleting and trying to add a new profile results in the same thing.




EDIT: Seems to have been fixed now.


Edited by Hitcher
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else having issues with post processing?  I have it searching and downloading with sabzbnd no issues there.  The problem is once its done downloading it will move the files to the completed/tv directory but sonarr never picks it up from there and moves it to the tvshows folder.  Any help would be great on this issue.  I know it used to work just not sure when it broke for me.

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