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On 1/16/2021 at 11:10 PM, Loch said:

@BrunoVic@jmial  I've been running NC since like vers 12 or so and about every other time I upgrade it bonks totally. When I upgraded NC this time I ran into the same "internal Service Error". According to the NC forums that pretty much the generic error message. Instead of going through the logs I decided to just nuke the Docker image and delete the appdata directory. I was on vers 18 and was only really using it for file serving/backup which I have all going to a directory outside the appdata directory and Docker so I figured those files were all safe anyway. I tried deleting and starting from my back-up NC appdata folder but it gave me the same error.


After you delete the NC image and dir (I actually moved it instead for backup - although it doesn't work), you can just load your NC template and start from scratch. It will automatically install the newest version (v20) and recreate the appdata directory.


You will need to connect it to the old database so NOTE: If you want to keep your users/pw you will need to know your user/database/pw for your Nextcloud database on Maraidb (assuming you did the SpaceInvader video you can go there and maybe you used the same?? Fortunately I wrote mine down). O/w you will need to start fresh with a new db and users, etc :(


The issue I ran into here was it would not let me use the same admin account I used before so I had to create a new admin username/pw  and then use the old database. But with that, it set up and everything was still there including my upload history and such for other users. 


This is what worked for me. Good luck. But you may want to make back-ups of everything just in case.  I like Nextcloud and it has gotten much better over time, but it is still very temperamental! If it's not something easily googled, I just wipe it and start over.



Yeah that's basically the only thing I could do too. I had to start from scratch. Unfortunately there was no way to fix it from the state it was in. Despite what Skois says this wasn't some letsencrypt or 'overwritehost' => 'nc.domain.com' issue. Unfortunately I did find the logs the message was referencing but it didn't have any information. The logs were acting like the server was running normally. No errors what so ever. It looks like your strategy is the best we can do so far. I appreciate the response!

Edited by BrunoVic
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8 minutes ago, skois said:

occ status

It gives me this:

"root@1af0fcd2c990:/# occ status
This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3.<br/>You are currently running 7.4.14.root@1af0fcd2c990:/#"


I've done some digging into SpaceInvaderOne's videos, and I notice he has a video about upgrading Nextcloud that I missed. I'm following the guide now and see if that fixes it. I assume I'm still at version 15..


Edit: He updates through Nextcloud itself, so I obviously can't do that anymore.

Edited by FooYoungHi
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2 minutes ago, FooYoungHi said:

It gives me this:

"root@1af0fcd2c990:/# occ status
This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3.<br/>You are currently running 7.4.14.root@1af0fcd2c990:/#"


I've done some digging into SpaceInvaderOne's videos, and I notice he has a video about upgrading Nextcloud that I missed. I'm following the guide now and see if that fixes it. I assume I'm still at version 15..

Well that's it. If you upgrade docker, you must upgrade nextcloud also. So both of them keep up.
Here is the tags of the docker, you need to roll back. 

Update your nextcloud to v19,
update the docker to latest again.
update your nextcloud to v20.


This docker tag should let you access webui




If you don't want to update NC instance. try the latest working tag for you.
And keep it. Latest tags are for the latest NC instances.

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Anyone else have issues with Two-Factor TOTP Provider since the update to 20.0.6? The app has disappeared from my list... Its not in my disabled list, active list nor am I able to download it from the apps section. Problem I have is that it was active prior to the update and nextcloud is still looking for 2FA but says it hasnt been configured, as shown. I have managed to disable it for now but id like to actually have it active. Anyone else experience/fix this? 


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24 minutes ago, skois said:

Well that's it. If you upgrade docker, you must upgrade nextcloud also. So both of them keep up.
Here is the tags of the docker, you need to roll back. 

Update your nextcloud to v19,
update the docker to latest again.
update your nextcloud to v20.


This docker tag should let you access webui




If you don't want to update NC instance. try the latest working tag for you.
And keep it. Latest tags are for the latest NC instances.


I'm back into NC again and updating as we speak.

Is this way of updating (where you basically need to update twice) very common with dockers?

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22 minutes ago, FooYoungHi said:


I'm back into NC again and updating as we speak.

Is this way of updating (where you basically need to update twice) very common with dockers?

Depends. Most dockers run an update script on startup. So it updates the containing app every time you start it.
But nextcloud is too complicated to update automatically.

Because some apps you use might not be updated yet, or other dependecies inside nextcloud app. So for this reason, you need to update it yourself.

If you stay one major version behind the latest stable on NC app, docker base packages will be fine. But if you stay too many behind, some base packages might get end of life, (like the php you had problem now.) If you had upgraded to 19 you wouldnt have any problems!

For some reason i believe my english in this post is very bad (not native), i'm tired, Sorry :D 

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On 1/25/2021 at 6:41 PM, whitedwarf said:


FYI I just successfully reinstalled the OnlyOffice integration with nextcloud. I was getting an error when trying to connect to the Onlyoffice server in nextcloud. Looking at the OnlyOffice docker log I found out that it was due to a certificate error. Finally I was able to solve it by following these steps:

1. Open the console on the container
2. browse to /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json
3. Set 'rejectUnauthorized' to false


Maybe it could solve your issue as well.



Sorry for the late response.

I wasn't able to find a line for "rejectUnauthorized" in the default.json file at all :(


Unfortunately, I don't have time anymore to really do any more trobleshooting with this, so I'll probably have to give up and continue using Google Docs/Sheets until our current project is done and I have a bit of time in my hands again.


I still feel like my issue has something to do with me not being able to connect to NextCloud within the same network. Not about the certificates, but how our network is setup. Again, the modem we have does not support hairpinning, and we don't have a way to create vlan:s at this point. Could someone confirm if someone else got OnlyOffice  or Collabora to work without hairpinning or setting up a vlan to their network?

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23 minutes ago, REllU said:


Sorry for the late response.

I wasn't able to find a line for "rejectUnauthorized" in the default.json file at all :(


Unfortunately, I don't have time anymore to really do any more trobleshooting with this, so I'll probably have to give up and continue using Google Docs/Sheets until our current project is done and I have a bit of time in my hands again.


I still feel like my issue has something to do with me not being able to connect to NextCloud within the same network. Not about the certificates, but how our network is setup. Again, the modem we have does not support hairpinning, and we don't have a way to create vlan:s at this point. Could someone confirm if someone else got OnlyOffice  or Collabora to work without hairpinning or setting up a vlan to their network?

I don't think this is the problem here.. Because you connect to the openoffice through your external ip (domain), but again i might be wrong here.!

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4 hours ago, tazire said:

Anyone else have issues with Two-Factor TOTP Provider since the update to 20.0.6? The app has disappeared from my list... Its not in my disabled list, active list nor am I able to download it from the apps section. Problem I have is that it was active prior to the update and nextcloud is still looking for 2FA but says it hasnt been configured, as shown. I have managed to disable it for now but id like to actually have it active. Anyone else experience/fix this? 



I was about to upgrade when I saw your message. Were you able to solve the issue and have TOTP working back as normal ?

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So like many others, I got the below error.



This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3. You are currently running 7.4.14.


I was able to revert my docker image version by changing the repository under the container settings to linuxserver/nextcloud:20.0.2-ls107 from linuxserver/nextcloud.


This version allowed me to start NC.


Now going to Settings > Overview > Version, I can see I am running NC version 16.0.1.


So what is the proper way to update in order to use latest docker image?

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So like many others, I got the below error.
This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3. You are currently running 7.4.14.
I was able to revert my docker image version by changing the repository under the container settings to linuxserver/nextcloud:20.0.2-ls107 from linuxserver/nextcloud.
This version allowed me to start NC.
Now going to Settings > Overview > Version, I can see I am running NC version 16.0.1.
So what is the proper way to update in order to use latest docker image?
Update nextcloud until you get to version 19
Change docker repo to the latest again
Update the nextcloud to v20

After that keep in mind you need to first update image and then nextcloud

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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13 hours ago, skois said:

I don't think this is the problem here.. Because you connect to the openoffice through your external ip (domain), but again i might be wrong here.!


My understanding here, is that while the domain does indeed has it's own IP (of the domain server), it does still redirect your browser to our public IP, where our UnRaid server is.

From there, it's supposed to be picked up by the proxy, and then re-directed to the correct local-ip.


However, it never reaches the proxy, since again, my modem doesn't support hairpinning, meaning that when it gets asked to redirect a website to the same IP address the modem itself has, it doesn't know what to do with it. (I'm sure there's a better explanation of this, but I don't have the understanding to really dig that deep into this)

So what ends up happening, is that my domain does redirect the request to our public IP, our modem gets the request, and doesn't know what to do with it from that point on. Proxy never gets the request to redirect it.



12 hours ago, whitedwarf said:

I have the same impression. It's probably more related to the reverse proxy setup.

REllU, did you make sure all the related dockers are using the same "network type" (called proxynet in the video done by Spaceinvaderone) ?


I didn't set up my NextCloud with Spaceinvaderone's video, as that didn't seem to work for me. Instead, I used this guide to set everything up:



Within that guide, it shows how to create your custom network within UnRaid, like so:

docker network create <networkname>


I did this, and the dockers are indeed within this same network.

I do remember seeing some more configurations being done to such a network in somewhere, on top of just creating one.

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Hi folks, I searched for high IO but couldn't find any references.


below is an image of my cache drive IO with nextcloud docker image on. I added several "external storage" locations as "local" in nextcloud but other than that there's really nothing ON nextcloud. I do believe it's indexing photos metadata or something but I'm trying to find out why my cache drive is at 300-800 MB/s for nearly 24 hours after I install nextcloud. When I stop the nextcloud container the IO goes back to normal. 


I do also have my mysql database on this cache drive too which is really only being used by nextcloud ATM. Any ideas on why such high IO?



Another thing to note, it's been writing at these speeds for nearly 24 hours, mover has not run, and yet, no major disk usage impact. The Used/free ratio really hasn't changed...any ideas here?

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37 minutes ago, whitedwarf said:


Ok I disabled the app before upgrading to 20.0.6 and enabled it afterwards without any issue.

 Yea im about to go through the manual process of installing the app now... just looking at the appdata for nextcloud it appears to have fully removed the app files from the app folder. I get that during install it may for whatever reason show the app as incompatible  with that version but im surprised it has disappeared from the app list as a download option! 



No joy on first attempt....

docker exec -it nextcloud occ app:install twofactor_totp
Error: Could not download app twofactor_totp



Solved it...

I downloaded the .tar file fully extracted it and put it in the apps folder in the appdata and restarted nextcloud. The app re appeared in the disabled list for me. Enabled it and seems to be working as before. Still held the same link to my Google Auth app too. Was expecting to have to set this up again and delete the old one but seems to be fine. 

Edited by tazire
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Hi all,


I had issues with my original Linuxserver Nexcloud docker after trying to update from v17 to v20 - so today I deleted my mariadb and my original nextcloud docker and started again. I also deleted the /appdata/mariadb/ and /appdata/nextcloud/ folders, so it really is a clean install.


Anyway, after recreating the MySQL database and reinstalling NextCloud 20.0.6 all was good. I set up SMTP and then tried to recreate my first user and this is where the problem starts. As soon as I try to add a user I get an error -


An error occured during the request. Unable to proceed.
Bad request


Has anyone else had this error or know how I might be able to fix this?



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OK - I worked it out... because I was pointing the new installation to the original /mnt/user/nextcloud/ share on UnRAID - I had renamed all my original users folders so that as I added the users back in, it wouldnt delete their original data. However, I started with a test user account from the original installtion, but didnt rename the users data folder as I was going to test it. So, when I entered the original test users details, Nextcloud was trying to create a user folder - but couldnt create it as there was already a user folder there with the same name. So, I changed the test users data folder name (like all the others) and then Nextcloud was able to create the user folder in the new installation and I am now copying their data back into the newly created folders. 🙂

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22 hours ago, tazire said:


Solved it...

I downloaded the .tar file fully extracted it and put it in the apps folder in the appdata and restarted nextcloud. The app re appeared in the disabled list for me. Enabled it and seems to be working as before. Still held the same link to my Google Auth app too. Was expecting to have to set this up again and delete the old one but seems to be fine. 


Very strange. I had issues before upgrading (I was still on a 18.x version). The application tab was empty and I got the same message as you when trying via occ command. But it was solve with the update.
Hopefully everything is in order now.

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On 1/28/2021 at 12:05 AM, skois said:

I was able to revert my docker image version by changing the repository under the container settings to linuxserver/nextcloud:20.0.2-ls107 from linuxserver/nextcloud.
This version allowed me to start NC.
Now going to Settings > Overview > Version, I can see I am running NC version 16.0.1.
So what is the proper way to update in order to use latest docker image?
Update nextcloud until you get to version 19
Change docker repo to the latest again
Update the nextcloud to v20

After that keep in mind you need to first update image and then nextcloud

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

Thank! was able to update everything easily and successfully.

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On 10/23/2020 at 3:29 PM, skois said:

not on external storages, it won't work, been there

Hi @skois Thank you so much for your post on Face Recongition setup. Were you ever able to get it to work on external storage? I have mounted external storages as "Local". 


It looks like model 4 is the best right now, have you played around with the various models?


Did you ever pass a gpu through to the container to let the GPU process the files?


Thanks again!


Edit 1: I found this -- I can't tell if the feature was merged or not but the PR was closed.




occ config:app:set facerecognition handle_external_files --value true

occ user:setting USER_ID facerecognition full_image_scan_done false



I realized that the image got repulled each time the container was restarted and I didn't want to have to wait for the pdlib to install each time so I created my own docker hub image with the pdlib pre-installed. I plan to use nextcloud and to keep this image up-to-date but no promises.


All you need to do to use it is to replace the repository / image location in your docker config. Edit next cloud, hit advanced view and edit the following two fields from linuxserver.io path to mine. The Dockerfile is exactly the same with the addition of the compiled pdlib -- use at your own risk obviously.


Edited by srfnmnk
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2 hours ago, srfnmnk said:

It looks like model 4 is the best right now, have you played around with the various models?

I haven't done any benchmarks, i just selected model 4 because from the comparison chart on developers github seems the best.

haven't tried to do any GPU passthrough, but i would like to, i'm gonna try maybe next week!
Right now i'm planning some down time, moving server to rack and whole network!

I was planning also to create a docker with pdlib, but once pdlib goes to stable alpine, LSIO said will include it.
Right now only if i update the docker or change something needs to reinstall ( i have done some updates to the install script, to check if it is instailled before install it)

Here is the updated script

if [ ! -f $FLAG ]; then
  apk add --no-cache --upgrade make cmake gcc g++ php7-dev libx11-dev openblas-dev re2c

  rm -rf dlib pdlib
  git clone https://github.com/davisking/dlib.git
  cd dlib/dlib
  mkdir build
  cd build
  sudo make install

  cd /

  git clone https://github.com/goodspb/pdlib.git
  cd pdlib
  PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig ./configure
  sudo make install
  rm -rf /dlib /pdlib
#  touch $FLAG
  echo "Already run of 1st boot. Delete /config/firstboot.log to run again on next boot"


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Hi all,

I'm trying to setup nextcould and swag, so i can acces it from my own domain. I can't find why I don't get it working, it's probably something very simple and hopefully someone can point me into the right direction.


When I try to access nexcloud in the browser via nextcloud.mydomain.com, I get:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the webserver log.

This is the error I get from the nextcloud container, by clicking on log on the docker page:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getLogger() on null in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php:162
Stack trace:


How I set it up, is of course according to the spaceinvaderone video

For setting up swag, I have the custom proxy network, port forwards and entered my own domain. This is working, the log showed getting a certificate and ends on server ready. And I made the subdomain.conf without changes form the sample, because I will also be using nextcloud.mydomain.com.

Setting up nextcloud works, till the point where you acces it via your own domain. (also at this point clicking on webUI gives the same error) So I expect the config.php file, this is also the part which is differend from the video, because of swag instead of LetsEncrypt. This is the nextcloud config.php;

$CONFIG = array (
  'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',
  'datadirectory' => '/data',
  'instanceid' => '###',
  'passwordsalt' => '###',
  'secret' => '###',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  'trusted_proxies' => ['swag'],
  array (
    0 => '',
    1 => 'nextcloud.mydomain.com',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://nextcloud.mydomain.com/',
  'overwritehost' => 'nextcloud.mydomain.com',
  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'dbname' => 'db name from mariadb',
  'dbhost' => '',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,
  'dbuser' => 'user name from mariadb',
  'dbpassword' => 'password',
  'installed' => true,





I found some post on a russian forum, that mentiones the same error, pointing to a syntax error in the nextcloud config file. I copied and modified the file using nano in the terminal, this should be good, rigth? I will try to use notepad++ to see if it makes a differnce.



Omg, I'm stupid. Look where I placed the trusted proxies, it fucked up the domains array.

Edited by ZekerPixels
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Hi folks.

It appears that the repository at http://apps.nextcloud.com/ is down for a while, so many face problems with upgrading or freshly installing Nextcloud.

After a lot of googling, I've found a docker someone made to self-host the apps, and this is what I've done to solve it on my installation:

1. The docker is not available at dockerHub or CA, so had to run it manually using:

docker run -d --name='nc-cache' --net='lsio' -e TZ="Asia/Jerusalem" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -p '8000:8000/tcp' registry.r3ktm8.de/sealife-docker/nextcloud-cache:nightly

2. Added the following to "/mnt/user/appdata/SWAG/nginx/proxy-confs/nc-cache.subdomain.conf":

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    server_name apps.nc.*;
	access_log /config/log/nginx/nc_apps.access.log;
	error_log /config/log/nginx/nc_apps.error.log;

    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    client_max_body_size 0;

    location / {
        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        resolver valid=30s;
        set $upstream_app nc-cache;
        set $upstream_port 8000;
        set $upstream_proto http;
        proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;

3. Added "apps.nc" to my list of subdomains at the SWAG container and restarting SWAG.

4. Added the following to "/mnt/user/appdata/Nextcloud/www/nextcloud/config/config.php":

  'appstoreenabled' => true,
  'appstoreurl' => 'https://apps.nc.mydomain.org/api/v1',

and restarted Nextcloud.


Hope this helps, unfortunately don't know how to add it as a template to CA with automatic updates, but this is a start.

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