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[SUPPORT] pihole for unRaid - Spants repo

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1 hour ago, eisen4 said:

I think the difference between your setup and mine is on the br0.7 config. I only have my default br0. No VLANs enabled. Attempting to give my instance of pihole a different IP worked to access the interface, but I think I probably need to configure it via VLANs for it to work.


In the meantime, I just put pihole on an old model B. Would rather have it in unraid.


What's your config for networking? 



Screen Shot 2022-02-03 at 10.29.55 AM.png

My networking is such that I have a vlan (vlan 7) where the docker resides and my firewall has rules to allow this out to the internet and between vlans as required. This is not required unless you have vlans also. If you do then you would need to ensure your firewall rules apply correctly to allow traffic from the various ip's etc

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After enabling Pi-hole on my network, and distributing DNS settings via my router, I'm getting a Privacy Warning on my Wifi network, and some iphones are saying they need to turn off Private Relay. I saw there is a way to fix that by disabling something in the config. I was wondering if there is something different I need to do in the docker config since I'm not running this on a Raspberry.

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11 hours ago, markc99 said:

After enabling Pi-hole on my network, and distributing DNS settings via my router, I'm getting a Privacy Warning on my Wifi network, and some iphones are saying they need to turn off Private Relay. I saw there is a way to fix that by disabling something in the config. I was wondering if there is something different I need to do in the docker config since I'm not running this on a Raspberry.

If you block apples domains it interferes with their functioning of those features.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Neidhard said:

Yesterday there was still the possibility to specify a fixed IP here. This option is now gone and I can no longer start PiHole with the IP.
The network type "Custom" is also no longer available.


Bridge network gives you that option

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I'm stuck right at the very start. My server's home IP address is and I access the server from most of my devices using a WireGuard VPN tunnel to IP What IP do I need to give this docker to make it work? Leaving it at the default, the web ui tries to default do which I can't access over the VPN. And if I try to access it using or 80, just brings me to my unRAID instance, naturally.

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On 1/10/2022 at 10:14 AM, Andiroo2 said:


Success!  I deleted the ../appdata/pihole/ directory completely and pulled a new image.  No go.  Then I changed the IP from .99 to .98 and it worked.  Something must be using .99 on my network already, even though my Unifi controller shows it as available.  More research to come, but for now my backup Pihole is running.  Thanks!


Follow up on this one.  My Unifi setup had created an internal honeypot on, but this wasn't listed in the clients section of the router.  This is why I thought it was available when I deployed Pihole to the same address.  Just in case anyone else has this issue in the future with their Unifi setup.

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On 7/5/2020 at 4:44 AM, dalben said:

What's the easiest way to setup a cron job in the container?  Or uses the server's crontab to trigger a command in the container?


I'm trying to sync 2 Pihole installs, one on a Raspberry PI, and this container. The final step is to run "pihole restartdns reload-lists" in the container to read the sync'd db and custom.list.  Any ideas would be appreciated.


For those interested, I just copy (rsync) the gravity.db and custom.list from the RPI directly to the appdata/pihole/ directory on unraid.  The restart command will read the new files in.  I'm simply using cron to kick off the push at 30min past the hour and I want to run the script here at 32min past the hour.  I'm sure there are sexier ways of achieving this but this is already maxing out my technical abilities.  This also assumes the docker version of pihole is running v5.

Do you have now a sexier way to sync 2 piholes?
Do you have an idea how to use two piholes if I can only setup one DNS in my Router?

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5 minutes ago, Konfitüre said:

Do you have now a sexier way to sync 2 piholes?
Do you have an idea how to use two piholes if I can only setup one DNS in my Router?

There might be something here:


On your DHCP server, you could put the address of pihole 1 as DNS 1 and pihole 2 as DNS 2. The way DNS works on LAN, DNS 1 and DNS 2 are both active, your clients will use both of them at random in parallel, it's not the case that they use 1 and only 2 if 1 fails. So that would give you an active/active HA setup.

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4 minutes ago, norp90 said:

There might be something here:

On your DHCP server, you could put the address of pihole 1 as DNS 1 and pihole 2 as DNS 2. The way DNS works on LAN, DNS 1 and DNS 2 are both active, your clients will use both of them at random in parallel, it's not the case that they use 1 and only 2 if 1 fails. So that would give you an active/active HA setup.

The problem is that my router can only have one local DNS

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10 minutes ago, Konfitüre said:

The problem is that my router can only have one local DNS

Could you setup your network so that one of the piholes is the DHCP server, have it set itself and teh 2nd as the DNS servers? Not perfect, if first fails network will still work but DHCP would be down.

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43 minutes ago, norp90 said:

Could you setup your network so that one of the piholes is the DHCP server, have it set itself and teh 2nd as the DNS servers? Not perfect, if first fails network will still work but DHCP would be down.

I can try but I would prefer to keep dhcp for my router 😕

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/24/2022 at 6:24 AM, Konfitüre said:

The problem is that my router can only have one local DNS


If your router is like mine (ASUS) then it only lets you set one DNS server in the DHCP settings because it then sets itself as the secondary.


So, if you want two piholes running, then

  • Set router's DHCP DNS server to pihole1. This then sets the DHCP DNS backup to the router.
  • Set the router's first DNS server to pihole2 and its second server to some external fallback, if you want that.

With this set up, if pihole1 goes down then DNS requests will get sent, via your router, to pihole2. Not ideal as you'll lose the requesting client on pihole2, but at least you're still handling the DNS.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hi All!

I've been having issues getting this container configured.  When I define an IP address I still get this error  "Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use."


I don't see where else to define the container IP.  I do have to use clean up app data every time I install otherwise it fails with another error message.



Edited by Wachuwamekil
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

For those having the issue with the container not working "

FTL failed to start due to cannot read /etc/dnsmasq.d/sedb0CBl7: Permission denied"

the issue for me was with the container data still being there when removing the container.
I had to manualy remove the "pihole" data from the appdata folder.

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I can’t get this to work for the life of me. I have a bunch of dockers working perfectly. Pihole just doesn’t want to, apparently. I’ve tried assigning an IP with bridge mode, but it seems to never actually work. If I do that with any other container, it’s fine. I’ve followed every recent suggestion in this topic. No dice.


is there anything that could break this container with recent updates?

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6 hours ago, swcrazyfan said:

I can’t get this to work for the life of me. I have a bunch of dockers working perfectly. Pihole just doesn’t want to, apparently. I’ve tried assigning an IP with bridge mode, but it seems to never actually work. If I do that with any other container, it’s fine. I’ve followed every recent suggestion in this topic. No dice.


is there anything that could break this container with recent updates?

Mine is still working fine and I updated to the latest unraid.

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My pihole docker quit running this past weekend too. Just earlier I got it running again through trial and error when checking settings and multiple times through removing, re-installing, and so on. I was able to successfully start it again after changing from bridge to br0 custom and putting the pihole server IP again in "Fixed IP address (optional):". Unfortunately at this point I don't recall if br0 custom is how it was before when working (as I hadn't changed anything prior to it failing), but that's just the last modification I made today where it finally pulled the image and started the container.


Didn't do much trying to fix it at first because it wasn't isolated to only the pihole docker breaking. My unraid server and network randomly went haywire over the weekend. Wifi dropped out and wired connections through switches quit working. Had to direct cable to the router with LAN uplink disconnected to prove to me at least the router and internet worked. So I then restarted network equipment and lastly the unraid server from the console. It wasn't until after I restarted the unraid server that normal network functionality was restored with everything plugged in. The only odd thing about that day was a brief power outage, but the server and router/switches all run on separate UPS battery backups (and the issue didn't crop up until an hour or two later). So nothing dropped out from the outage anyway.


I noticed the next day pihole docker wasn't started. It errored straight away. If I tried to modify and save, it had error:


docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint pihole (8a8c2ba0ef85c5d34b04f130094c63aec960cf40c038e269a1b86bb2e142a355): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.


I modified that to 81 once for fun and it errored saying 67 was in use. . .


Restarted unraid another time too with no change.


It was confusing because it's been running for a couple years now I think. I've also been on 6.10.x updates as they were released. I don't know what caused it, but I'm glad I had a second pihole running on a Raspberry Pi to keep the ad blocking active in the meantime.

Edited by super56k
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  • 3 weeks later...

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