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[SUPPORT] pihole for unRaid - Spants repo

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2 hours ago, gtosnipey said:

In Unraid in the top right corner hit "Terminal" and type in

chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/appdata/pihole

Then pihole webpage automatically refreshes and logs out. Then once you log in things are all set. 

update: downgrade to v4.1 ran chmod and its perfect no more error message at settings and everything seems to be working fine. I owe you a beer :}

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Hi all,


Apologies if this isn't the right forum, but given it's Pihole related and on unRAID, I thought I'd start here.


I want to implement this script https://gitlab.com/grublets/youtube-updater-for-pi-hole/-/tree/master in order to see if I can have better results blocking YouTube ads across my devices.


I've followed the readme, edited and saved the file. I am stuck in scheduling it - I've looked at the CA User Scripts plugin but am definitely no cron/linux expert - far from it. Do I need to move this script to the flash drive or is there a way to get it to run as intended so it updates in the background?


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Hey, seeing that DNS over HTTPS is getting more and more relevant these days, is it possible to include Cloudflared in a future (or maybe an alternative) docker image (https://developers.cloudflare.com/ ) ?
A writeup on installation and setup; https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns-over-https/

I haven't messed to much with dockers before, but if the above is not possible, would the correct way to proceed be to fork this image to my own private dockerhub/git (not looking to steal any of Spants excellent and hard work though) ? Not sure if that's even possible though


Have a great day everyone! 


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Good Morning Everyone,


May I ask, would someone mind sharing how to change the pihole hostname? Currently it displays the name of the container. I believe I saw somewhere that stated it could be done with a docker variable however, I am unable to find any screenshots on what needs to be done.


Thank you all in advance for your help.



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4 hours ago, mfwade said:

Good Morning Everyone,


May I ask, would someone mind sharing how to change the pihole hostname? Currently it displays the name of the container. I believe I saw somewhere that stated it could be done with a docker variable however, I am unable to find any screenshots on what needs to be done.


Thank you all in advance for your help.



I finally found the answer on how to take care of it in the "extra parameters" section by adding --hostname=(whatever I want to call it).

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I have a dumb question after watching the video and reading the first few posts.  It looks like you can specify an IP address in the configuration.  So lets say my unRAID server runs at, can I set the IP address for the Pihole at and not have to change the unRAID port number to 81?  It looks like I can just give it any old IP address outside of the DHCP server's addressable range.  But I wasn't sure how that worked if you had two addresses on the same NIC.

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@spants just wanted to call out a small typo in the CA Info notice for this template.


"make sure that you fixe the unRaid servers dns to point to a real DNS Server."


Should probably be something like:


"make sure that you have fixed your unRaid servers dns to point to a real DNS Server other than your PiHole."




Edited by cybrnook
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I searched around in this forum and I see this has been touched upon but never deliberated. 

I run pihole on a pi and I could easily implement dnsec and unbound using this official tutorial https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/unbound/

I also run a backup pihole in my unraid. Can anyone please guide me as to how to configure dnsec and unbound in unraid? Thanks. 

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Has anyone who uses this container setup replication between two Pihole installs?  There's a couple of scripts out there but none seem to be docker friendly.  I have an RPI running Pihole (used to use this container but server issues meant the internet went down when the server went down.  Family not happy if I'm not here).  I would like to spin up this container to give me some resiliency on my LAN.  DNS 1 on the RPI and DNS 2 on Unraid.  Not keen to have to add settings and changes twice so looking at auto-synchronisation.

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On 5/16/2020 at 5:38 AM, gtosnipey said:

Update: Even after I fixed the issue, it just came back on Version 4.4, I am getting the permission denied for the same folder. Hmmmmm...



There was a problem applying your settings.
Debugging information:
PHP error (2): parse_ini_file(/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/admin/settings.php:11

After unsuccessfully changing the branch from 'latest' to 'dev' and running chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/ I found a solution:

In my docker config I changed /mnt/cache/appdata/pihole/pihole/ to /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/pihole/ and /mnt/cache/appdata/pihole/dnsmasq.d/ to /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/dnsmasq.d/

All the error message seem to have gone away.

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On 6/17/2020 at 10:52 AM, Andrew2019 said:

After unsuccessfully changing the branch from 'latest' to 'dev' and running chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/ I found a solution:

In my docker config I changed /mnt/cache/appdata/pihole/pihole/ to /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/pihole/ and /mnt/cache/appdata/pihole/dnsmasq.d/ to /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/dnsmasq.d/

All the error message seem to have gone away.

This brought my whitelist and blacklist back.  You sir are a genius and a god :-) Working with 'latest' on v5.0. Thank you big time!!!

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Anyone having issues with the blacklist and whitelist not working in v5.0? Lets say I add a domain to my blacklist "nba.com" for example. No matter what device I use the site isn't blocked. So I tried other sites on the blacklist and it doesn't look like its working.  I can see them listed on the blacklist, I did an update for gravitar, but still no change. Thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

pihole just stopped working on me.  I cannot figure out what my problem is. Fully uninstalled and reinstalled.  Still not working.  Doesn't resolve any DNS queries.  Tried changing the servers it uses by editing the docker settings but still nothing.  Where can I look for information on what's going on?


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What's the easiest way to setup a cron job in the container?  Or uses the server's crontab to trigger a command in the container?


I'm trying to sync 2 Pihole installs, one on a Raspberry PI, and this container. The final step is to run "pihole restartdns reload-lists" in the container to read the sync'd db and custom.list.  Any ideas would be appreciated.


For those interested, I just copy (rsync) the gravity.db and custom.list from the RPI directly to the appdata/pihole/ directory on unraid.  The restart command will read the new files in.  I'm simply using cron to kick off the push at 30min past the hour and I want to run the script here at 32min past the hour.  I'm sure there are sexier ways of achieving this but this is already maxing out my technical abilities.  This also assumes the docker version of pihole is running v5.

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On 7/3/2020 at 7:05 PM, ZenBuddha said:

pihole just stopped working on me.  I cannot figure out what my problem is. Fully uninstalled and reinstalled.  Still not working.  Doesn't resolve any DNS queries.  Tried changing the servers it uses by editing the docker settings but still nothing.  Where can I look for information on what's going on?


Not sure why, but changing my Network Type from Bridged to Custom: br0 fixed my issues.  I was able to see that DNS was just not responding at all from the logs and using nslookup.  So started playing with the network type and that's what fixed it for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, RoninTech said:

Pi-hole was working great with version 5.0.  I just updated to version 5.1 and now I see this permanently on the dashboard.  Anyone else seeing this?  Ad-blocking appears to still be working, so the issue is just a reporting one vs. core functionality.

It is just the browser cache that needs to be cleared.  On mobile devices I had to clear my cache.  On Windows 10 in Chrome, all I had to do was a "Ctrl+F5" to refresh and force a bypass of the cache.

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11 minutes ago, FDM80 said:

It is just the browser cache that needs to be cleared.  On mobile devices I had to clear my cache.  On Windows 10 in Chrome, all I had to do was a "Ctrl+F5" to refresh and force a bypass of the cache.

FTL wasn't working either for me which was fixed by writing to the port file.  SHIFT+F5 in Brave fixed the display problem for me.

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Updated to latest build today, having issues accessing any websites.. Had to access the router and change default DNS to something else.. Nothing on the network received any internet. 


Whitelist/blacklist page seems to be empty.. appdata set to /mnt/user/appdata/pihole.. 


Everything worked perfect before I updated.. 

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