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[Support] binhex - Radarr

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33 minutes ago, binhex said:

try issuing:-

ls -al /media/movies

doing a ls media will list directories in /media, but 'ls media movies' will try and list files/folders in /media and /movies, i would suspect /movies doesnt exist and its a subdirectory of /media, right?.

Correct, it is a sub directory of /media. ls -al /media/movies worked , it can see all of my files. I posted the screenshot below to show that my paths are aligned as per your previous response. I have also tried using mnt/user/media/movies. i have also tried adding additional paths for both dockers and nothing has made radarr start moving files again. This all worked flawlessly before I moved everything to a new server. 







Edited by heathhd09
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11 minutes ago, heathhd09 said:

Correct, it is a sub directory of /media. ls -al /media/movies worked , it can see all of my files. I posted the screenshot below to show that my paths are aligned as per your previous response. I have also tried using mnt/user/media/movies. i have also tried adding additional paths for both dockers and nothing has made radarr start moving files again. This all worked flawlessly before I moved everything to a new server. 







the host path for /data is not the same for both, there is a trailing forward slash on the host path for the /data volume map for radarr that is not present for qbittorrentvpn, try removing that slash, or add it to qbittorrentvpn, either way they must be the same and currently are not.

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21 hours ago, binhex said:

the host path for /data is not the same for both, there is a trailing forward slash on the host path for the /data volume map for radarr that is not present for qbittorrentvpn, try removing that slash, or add it to qbittorrentvpn, either way they must be the same and currently are not.

Sorry about that I was doing some testing I updated to the below and tested again and files still were not moved. 



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Hi, People

I've tried this program on my windows box to test and I like it.  I figure moving it to a Docker container will be even better and allow it to automatically move files for me without fuss.   I want to put run it from a Docker but I want to have it perform its searches from  my VPN .  I have a Docker Torrent Downloader and it gave me options to setup my VPN account in there.   I see know way to do that in RADARR.



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6 hours ago, storagehound said:

Hi, People

I've tried this program on my windows box to test and I like it.  I figure moving it to a Docker container will be even better and allow it to automatically move files for me without fuss.   I want to put run it from a Docker but I want to have it perform its searches from  my VPN .  I have a Docker Torrent Downloader and it gave me options to setup my VPN account in there.   I see know way to do that in RADARR.



Typically, you have it running through a proxy/privoxy which has a VPN on it (several things can run through this proxy without affecting your VPN limits).  In Radarr this is Settings, General.


Several of binhex's VPN dockers have privoxy support (deluge, etc.), but if you aren't running one of those then install the binhex-proxyvpn docker, set it up with your VPN and point Radarr's proxy at this docker.


A good video that explains it is here 


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1 hour ago, Cessquill said:

Typically, you have it running through a proxy/privoxy which has a VPN on it (several things can run through this proxy without affecting your VPN limits).  In Radarr this is Settings, General.


Several of binhex's VPN dockers have privoxy support (deluge, etc.), but if you aren't running one of those then install the binhex-proxyvpn docker, set it up with your VPN and point Radarr's proxy at this docker.


A good video that explains it is here 


Ugh! I watched several of his videos and didn't even notice this.  From the title this looks like what i want.  I didn't want to VPN the whole sever.  Thanks.

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2 hours ago, Cessquill said:

Yep, you're just running VPN on a docker, and routing anything you want through it.  Everything else stays the same.

Of course my VPN is not listed  😂 ...but I'll figure out how to use the "custom."  I'll see if I can mimic my Transmission Docker settings in any way.  Thanks again. 

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On 3/15/2020 at 12:57 PM, storagehound said:

Of course my VPN is not listed  😂 ...but I'll figure out how to use the "custom."  I'll see if I can mimic my Transmission Docker settings in any way.  Thanks again. 

Thanks again, Cessquill

This lead to me making several changes including dropping Transmission and moving to Binhex's Deluge.  This also addressed the issue of files not moving properly.  I'm pretty happy so far.  I'm still playing with some of the options to fine tune things.  But overall I am happy.   👏

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting the "Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr:" 


Yesterday I changed all the paths to match in the docker container. I then deleted the database, and started over again, so the paths would be updated. I thought that had fixed it. 


But now I'm getting the import failed error again. 


Radarr creates the new file folder. It can see where they are, and if I manually move the files into the newly created folders, it can rename them.  What am I missing?

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6 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Match what? Post the docker run command for your downloader and radarr.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-sabnzbdvpn' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes' -e 'VPN_USER'='*********' -e 'VPN_PASS'='********' -e 'VPN_PROV'='pia' -e 'VPN_OPTIONS'='' -e 'STRICT_PORT_FORWARD'='no' -e 'ENABLE_PRIVOXY'='no' -e 'LAN_NETWORK'='' -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=',,,,,,,' -e 'ADDITIONAL_PORTS'='8081' -e 'DEBUG'='false' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '9876:8080/tcp' -p '8090:8090/tcp' -p '8118:8118/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/media/':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbdvpn':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-sabnzbdvpn' 



root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-radarr' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '7878:7878/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/media/':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/media/':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-radarr' 

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So I have an issue everything was working fine, then it it just stopped. For some reason it won't import any files downloaded. I hit the console in the container and I can see all the files from there. Radarr WebUI sees the folders via the remote path mapping that is mapped to the correct folder as well. Any idea whats going on?


EDIT: nevermind something was wonky and qbittorrent didn't put them in the right spot

Edited by neruve
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been having some wonky problems with this container recently.  Last week usenet downloads wouldn't import and move the completed files correctly.  Now that seems to be working, yet now it won't copy torrent files and move them to /media.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason Radarr is not automatically moving downloaded NZBs from NZBGet. I get this error in the docker log:


2020-04-25 15:50:04,589 DEBG 'radarr' stdout output:
[Error] DownloadedMovieImportService: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /downloads/completed/Movies/The.Gla(...)

Also getting the same error in the Radarr log.

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3 hours ago, Stubbs said:

For some reason Radarr is not automatically moving downloaded NZBs from NZBGet. I get this error in the docker log:


2020-04-25 15:50:04,589 DEBG 'radarr' stdout output:
[Error] DownloadedMovieImportService: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /downloads/completed/Movies/The.Gla(...)

Also getting the same error in the Radarr log.



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I have Sonarr and NZBGet set up in binhex Docker containers.


For the most part, Sonarr and NZBGet are working in harmony. The connection to NZBGet tests successfully, and the majority of the time Sonarr is able to send reports to NZBGet.


However, on checking the logs, Sonarr is regularly receiving the following error when trying to connect to NZBGet:

Unable to retrieve queue and history items from NZBGet: Unable to connect to NZBGet. Error getting response stream (GetResponse): ServerProtocolViolation: '' 1:05am

Any idea why this would happen sometimes but be fine the rest of the time? Here's the full set of logs where this happened last night, and because of the error Radarr I think got confused and added 2 downloads for each movie (so you can see that despite the error the two apps can actually communicate):





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I am fairly sure this has been asked and answered before many times but I simply can't wrap my head around some of the pathing and I feel like I need help. What I am trying to do is use Radarr to download Movies to my seedbox and then transfer them to my home server, so I can keep uploading for private trackers indefinitely without having to double up.


I have managed to get the Deluge client in my seedbox to play nice with Radarr on my home server so if I search for a movie and add it from home it starts downloading to my seedbox. However afterwards like many people here I get the "No files found are eligible for import in..." error in Radarr. At this point I am completely lost with the /data and /media paths in the docker settings, the remote pathing in Radarr settings and the actual path where the movie is supposed to go.


My setup is like this:

I have a share "Movies" in my home server where I want the movies to be and where Plex library is. 

I have managed to mount my seedbox as a folder - basically I have a share "Whatbox" with a folder "Whatbox" inside which I have used sshfs to mount my seedbox. This is where some of the issues start. I can't seem to see the mounted folder (Whatbox\Whatbox) through going through my Network drives and going into the Whatbox share - the folder just seems to disappear. I can however see the folder and the contents - the seedbox - if I go through the dashboard - shares or if I use the terminal. 


I have set my docker settings as:

/data           -                    /mnt/user/Whatbox/Whatbox/          (which technically should be pointing to the seedbox)

/media         -                   /mnt/user/Movies/

/config        -                   /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr


What I need to happen is:

1- Search movie in Radarr and send it to Deluge to download it to ":\files" in my seedbox (which it automatically does as thats the default save location)

2- Radarr to look at ":\files" (which I feel should basically be: "/mnt/user/Whatbox/Whatbox/files" but I am not too sure) to find the file - this part is not happening, as it can't locate it.

3- Copy the file to " /mnt/user/Movies/" - haven't gotten to this stage yet.


I am fairly sure this involves me changing something with remote paths but everything I have tried has failed. When I go on remote paths and try to point the local path I can't find the mounted seedbox folder under data or under mnt. I can't be completely sure what the remote path is supposed to say either. These might be very simple questions I am just having trouble understanding the folder structure within the docker and how to navigate it to point to the right directory.


Thank you in advance for all the help!

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i can not get this radarr to rename any of my movies? What's the deal? Is it broken?

I have rename turned on, even have rename folders turned on but no dice.

It will go through and pop up little messages saying is it organizing/renaming but it never does anything.

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On 5/2/2020 at 3:45 PM, fetret said:

I am fairly sure this has been asked and answered before many times but I simply can't wrap my head around some of the pathing and I feel like I need help. What I am trying to do is use Radarr to download Movies to my seedbox and then transfer them to my home server, so I can keep uploading for private trackers indefinitely without having to double up.


I have managed to get the Deluge client in my seedbox to play nice with Radarr on my home server so if I search for a movie and add it from home it starts downloading to my seedbox. However afterwards like many people here I get the "No files found are eligible for import in..." error in Radarr. At this point I am completely lost with the /data and /media paths in the docker settings, the remote pathing in Radarr settings and the actual path where the movie is supposed to go.


My setup is like this:

I have a share "Movies" in my home server where I want the movies to be and where Plex library is. 

I have managed to mount my seedbox as a folder - basically I have a share "Whatbox" with a folder "Whatbox" inside which I have used sshfs to mount my seedbox. This is where some of the issues start. I can't seem to see the mounted folder (Whatbox\Whatbox) through going through my Network drives and going into the Whatbox share - the folder just seems to disappear. I can however see the folder and the contents - the seedbox - if I go through the dashboard - shares or if I use the terminal. 


I have set my docker settings as:

/data           -                    /mnt/user/Whatbox/Whatbox/          (which technically should be pointing to the seedbox)

/media         -                   /mnt/user/Movies/

/config        -                   /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr


What I need to happen is:

1- Search movie in Radarr and send it to Deluge to download it to ":\files" in my seedbox (which it automatically does as thats the default save location)

2- Radarr to look at ":\files" (which I feel should basically be: "/mnt/user/Whatbox/Whatbox/files" but I am not too sure) to find the file - this part is not happening, as it can't locate it.

3- Copy the file to " /mnt/user/Movies/" - haven't gotten to this stage yet.


I am fairly sure this involves me changing something with remote paths but everything I have tried has failed. When I go on remote paths and try to point the local path I can't find the mounted seedbox folder under data or under mnt. I can't be completely sure what the remote path is supposed to say either. These might be very simple questions I am just having trouble understanding the folder structure within the docker and how to navigate it to point to the right directory.


Thank you in advance for all the help!

I managed to sort this out and I hate unanswered questions in forums I come across years later so this is what I did - my problem was I was unable to see the mounted seedbox within the share/within the docker. I still am not 100% what was causing this but I managed to get around by using the flag -allow_other when mounting with sshfs. After this it became trivial:

I could see the seedbox files under radarr. I kept the same paths except changing the /data for Radarr to   /mnt/user/Whatbox/Whatbox/files (where Deluge downloads torrents to) and then changing remote paths to: "/home/fetret/files/   ------- >  /data/".


Also do not forget to restart the docker after you unmount/remount!


Hope this helps some folks!

Edited by fetret
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$ docker run -d \
>     -p 8989:8989 \
>     -p 9897:9897 \
>     --name=sonarr \
>     -v /media/tv shows:/media \
>     -v /Torrents/Complete:/data \
>     -v /docker/sonarr:/config \
>     -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
>     -e UMASK=000 \
>     -e PUID=100 \
>     -e PGID=100 \
>     binhex/arch-sonarr
docker: invalid reference format.
See 'docker run --help'.


why am i getting this error

Edited by d3funct
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All,


I was wondering if anyone could assist me with getting Radar to rename the movies? Previously this worked, I think I had to reinstall the docker and since then it isn't removing full stops etc. My binhex-sonar is working fine though and I verified the settings off of each of the containers, they appear near enough identical in all aspects.

I uploaded screenshots of what I believe are the relevant settings. Is there something obvious I am missing? :)






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