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[support] digiblur's Docker Template Repository

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With my dive into the Home Automation scene my appetite for additional containers to use on the unRaid server has grown.  All of the templates point to a docker container that I was able to import from the dockerhub and adjust the settings for the unRaid environment.  I thought I would share these with everyone to save you a bit of work installing these.  The list will grow as I have several others to add, but instead of waiting here are the current list:





digiblur's unRaid-Docker-Templates

Template files for various Docker Containers for use with Lime Technology, Inc. unRaid Server

The docker containers referenced in this repo point to Docker Containers maintained by other individuals. These templates were created to make it easy for the average unRaid user to quickly install the containers without researching the various container variables and requirements.

UNMS - Ubiquiti Network Management System

alt text


Speedtest - Self hosted HTML5 Speedtest site

alt text

No Flash, No Java, No Websocket, No BS. This is a very lightweight Speedtest implemented in Javascript, using XMLHttpRequest and Web Workers. Great for troubleshooting bandwidth, ping and jitter issues through a reverse proxy with unRaid.


alt text

TasmoAdmin (previously SonWEB) is an administrative Website for Home Automation Devices flashed with Sonoff-Tasmota. Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJUhRyi3-BQ

HA-Dockermon - HomeAssistant Docker Container Monitor

alt text

A simple Node service which checks the status of a Docker Container and returns a RESTful response. It can also be used to issue start, stop, and restart commands. The primary purpose of this service is to interface with Home Assistant. Build automations/notifications for all of your docker containers and much more!

SmartThings MQTT Bridge

alt text

System to share and control SmartThings device states in MQTT. Setup is geared towards HomeAssistant but you can use any system that supports MQTT

Edited by digiblur
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  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding your Speedtest.net script, I love it, and it has already helped me to troubleshoot some issues with my ISP...

This report doesn't really fall under the heading of "Bug Report", since the script appears to be working very well...  I just wanted to let you know of a possible issue for some...


The results generated by your script, or running SpeedTest.net in either Chrome or Edge all show similar results for my speed, so I suspect they are all running similar versions of the testing script...  However when run in either Chrome or MS Edge it suggests that I download and install the Windows 10 UWP version of the SpeedTest App...  Once installed and run from there, it consistently gets much higher results that are much closer to the speeds told to me by my ISP...


Also for some reason the digiblur script is consistently reporting around 30ms-35ms ping instead of the 11ms ping everything else shows, when they all report they are connecting to the same server...  Minor, just not able to explain it...


Unfortunately my GoogleFu has come up short as to what exactly the difference is between them, and so I am not sure what if anything you can do to adjust the script to be more in line with the way the UWP app does it...


All tests were from the same machine, with digiblur's Script running from the UnRaid Host, and all other results from a Windows 10 VM on the same host...  It is mainly the Upload speed that changes in the app...


I am available for questions or testing if needed ?


digiblur's UnRaid Script ResultChrome ResultsMS Edge ResultsWindows 10 UWP App Results

Edited by Warrentheo
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I think this is broken at the moment. Just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the container, but when running the test the speeds don't change and the IP Address is blank. In W10 on Edge, the speed counters and IP show "undefined". When I click "Start" there's definitely network traffic though.

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On 8/17/2018 at 6:18 AM, jsebright said:

I think this is broken at the moment. Just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the container, but when running the test the speeds don't change and the IP Address is blank. In W10 on Edge, the speed counters and IP show "undefined". When I click "Start" there's definitely network traffic though.

I'm getting the same thing.  I know it was working, but something has broken it.  Just curious, are you running PiHole?  I thought it might have something to do with that.


EDIT:  PiHole didn't affect it at all. 


Edited by PaDadof2
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I'm not currently running PiHole, but I am running an adblocker on my router. Have just tried switching that off along with suspending adblock and ublock in the browser, but it makes no difference. Have tried a few browsers - the only one to show anything is Edge (and IE) on Windows which show "Undefined" so something is happening at the client end. If you look at "System Stats" you will see network activity (as long as you're not in a VM on the Unraid server!), so it's likely it's just the display widgets which are broken client side.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know how to feed the speedtest docker through the linuxserver/letsencrypt docker? I'd like to be able to have remote plex users run a speedtest to my server.


here's my nginx config:


location /speedtest {
                proxy_pass              http://10.X.X.X:6580;
                proxy_set_header        Host            $http_host;
                proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header        X-Scheme        $scheme;


I'm getting "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" in chrome with my puny attempt to pass it through.




I was not connecting to my https port. DUrrr. It still doesn't work right. 


Through nginx:

image.png.7927a010113e631ba43b6c12d05a0155.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-23 at 7.21.54 PM


Directly to the docker (IP Address field works correctly, I just missed it in the screenshot)

image.png.b02b4f0e3ebd9bc1ffbbb2b99eaa0bcb.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-23 at 7.23.17 PM


apologies if this is the wrong place to post.


Edited by ndaringer
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i have searched the web for information for the past hours, but i can't get the speedtest docker working behind the already mentioned revere Proxy.


The problem seems to be, that the speedtest_worker.min.js file wants to run from https://PROXNAME/speedtest_worker.min.js instead of https//PROXNAME/REVERSE/speedtest_worker.min.js 

i have no idea how to use nginx rewrite rules to fix this, everything i tried resulted in more errors :(

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On 11/24/2018 at 1:12 AM, ndaringer said:

Anyone know how to feed the speedtest docker through the linuxserver/letsencrypt docker? I'd like to be able to have remote plex users run a speedtest to my server.


here's my nginx config:


location /speedtest {
                proxy_pass              http://10.X.X.X:6580;
                proxy_set_header        Host            $http_host;
                proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header        X-Scheme        $scheme;


I'm getting "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" in chrome with my puny attempt to pass it through.




I was not connecting to my https port. DUrrr. It still doesn't work right. 


Through nginx:

image.png.7927a010113e631ba43b6c12d05a0155.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-23 at 7.21.54 PM


Directly to the docker (IP Address field works correctly, I just missed it in the screenshot)

image.png.b02b4f0e3ebd9bc1ffbbb2b99eaa0bcb.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-23 at 7.23.17 PM


apologies if this is the wrong place to post.



On 12/22/2018 at 5:47 AM, MandalorePatriot said:


I too am interested in the nginx reverse-proxy settings for the docker.


Well i have found a sollution that works... but it is not that great :/

first i setup my nginx config file like this:

        location /speedtest {
                include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;

that way, i can access the speedtest remotely. My Problem was, that the js worker was not called correctly :/


The "sollution" was to log into the speedtest docker console

install nano or any other file editor

edit the index.html file


search for 

                //test is not running, begin
                w=new Worker('BASEURL/speedtest_worker.min.js');
                w.postMessage('start'); //Add optional parameters as a JSON object to this command

and change it so that you set your BASEURL/ correctly.


This seems to work, but its not an ideal solution since it will be overwritten as soon as the docker container gets updated.
Also it won't work anymore if you try to access it via your local ip...


more of a bandaid solution

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tried UNMS (I own an EdgeRouter)

The webgui runs, everything seems fine.


But when try to connect to my EdgeRouter it fails, and I think I know why.


I tries to connect back to UNMS but using port 443, not 6443.

You can see this by looking into the EdgeRouter System config, there you see the UNMS url is pointed at port 443.


I will try to look into this more tonight, maybe by changing the UNMS port in the software to 6443 and then changing the docker mapping to 6443 -> 6443


Or maybe I am just doing something wrong :) 



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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried out the UNMS but when I tried to start it up the web ui fails and gave a posgres error in the logs, did you have to make any changes or did it just startup fine ?

Tried with the latest version after removing the container and image anyone else get it working recently ?


/var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response
Waiting for postgres to come up...
Starting postgres...
{"name":"netflow","hostname":"9668b2b4b120","pid":323,"level":50,"msg":"Failed to get DB schema version: connect ECONNREFUSED","time":"2019-03-27T07:33:32.105Z","v":0}
/var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response
Waiting for postgres to come up...
Starting postgres...
/var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response
Starting postgres...
{"name":"netflow","hostname":"9668b2b4b120","pid":323,"level":50,"msg":"Failed to get DB schema version: connect ECONNREFUSED","time":"2019-03-27T07:35:02.156Z","v":0}


Edited by dandiodati
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I, too, am having issues getting the UNMS docker to work, though mine are when I try and use an external domain and reverse proxy to reach UNMS:


First, you can find some more information on my issue here (trying to crosspost as I'm not strictly sure of where the issue is arising from): link


Short version is: I have the LSIO Let's Encrypt docker (tried it with the NGINX Proxy Manager one as well) running and working (serving other dockers externally).  I also have the oznu/unms docker installed and running.  I can add my ER4 to UNMS if I use tower.local:6443 (internal) as the UNMS server name in the host key but when I try to use unms.my.domain (external), UNMS connects and passes credentials to the ER4 but the ER4 never connects.


Setup Note

I have set the UNMS docker set up with PUBLIC_HTTPS_PORT and PUBLIC_WS_PORT set up to 6443 as that is the port assigned for SSL to the docker container.  So, internally, I use tower.local:6443, and this is what NGINX routes to for unms.my.domain.  However, if I remove the two PUBLIC assignments, none of the below troubleshooting results change.


Also, unms.my.domain and unms.my.domain:443 both work to access the UNMS webUI externally but unms.my.domain:6443 fails to connect nor is it reachable by ping.



New Troubleshooting:

1. In the unms.log on my er4, this is repeated over and over:

2019-03-29 21:23:00 ERROR connection error (unms.my.domain:443): HS: ws upgrade response not 101

  - This is returned whether I use NGINX Proxy Manager with "Websockets Support" enabled or if done through LE.

  - When using tower.local, I receive the following and the er4 connects to UNMS fine:

2019-03-30 17:08:23 INFO  unms: connecting to tower.local:6443
2019-03-30 17:08:23 INFO  connection established
2019-03-30 17:08:25 INFO  got unmsSetup

2. I found this page on support for the official UBNT UNMS docker and tried out the tests within the "Is it possible to ping UNMS from the device?" and "Does the connection upgrade to WebSocket?" sections.  Results, from my er4, internal and external are as follows:

Is it possible to ping UNMS from the device?

  • Internal:
    • "ping tower.local": completes, no error
    • "traceroute tower.local" and "traceroute": completes, one hop
    • "curl --insecure": version 0.13.3 is returned, which is accurate
  • External
    • "ping unms.my.domain": completes, no error
    • "traceroute unms.my.domain": completes, one hop
    • "curl --insecure https://unms.my.domain:443/v2.1/nms/version": I receive the html for a 404 error page.  BUT, if I go to that URL in my browser, I receive a page that only contains '{"version":"0.13.3"}', same as when i run the command command on the local address.
      • I have no idea why this is.

Does the connection upgrade to WebSocket?

  • Internal
    • "curl --insecure --include --no-buffer --header "Connection: Upgrade" --header "Upgrade: websocket" --header "Host: example.com:80" --header "Origin: http://example.com:80" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" https://tower.local:6443/"
      • Instead of the header that is supposed to happen as per the help page, I get the following 502 Bad Gateway header followed by the HTML of the "UNMS is starting" landing page:
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Server: nginx
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2019 17:37:03 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 2325

                   Keep in mind, connecting locally WORKS with no issue.

  • External
    • "curl .... https://unms.my.domain:443"
      • Now, I receive the following header, followed by the HTML of the UNMS login page.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Length: 8473

So, internal access gives me a bad gateway error when using the above curl command but the ER4 can connect, and external access at least passes me the login page with no error but does not perform the websocket upgrade and the er4 fails to connect (which at least explains the "ws upgrade response not 101" error from #1).  Sadly, no additional help is provided on what to do next on the referenced UBNT support page.


The Cry for Help

Is there something that I am missing?  Is there something additional that I need to set up in the UNMS docker?  I'm continuing to search and learn but I have been smashing against this wall for a couple days now.

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What I did to fix my UNMS a while back was to not host it using the host ip bridge, but giving it a new private IP address (its somewhere under main docker settings, that you need to enable the private ip range, then you can assign ip's on the docker interface)


Then just made it so it doesn't use the 6443 ports but the actual 443 ports in the docker port mappings.


Didn't have any PostgreSQL errors as far as I can tell. Will check the logs when I get home.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/25/2019 at 4:20 PM, dandiodati said:

I tried out the UNMS but when I tried to start it up the web ui fails and gave a posgres error in the logs, did you have to make any changes or did it just startup fine ?

Tried with the latest version after removing the container and image anyone else get it working recently ?


/var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response
Waiting for postgres to come up...
Starting postgres...
{"name":"netflow","hostname":"9668b2b4b120","pid":323,"level":50,"msg":"Failed to get DB schema version: connect ECONNREFUSED","time":"2019-03-27T07:33:32.105Z","v":0}
/var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response
Waiting for postgres to come up...
Starting postgres...
/var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response
Starting postgres...
{"name":"netflow","hostname":"9668b2b4b120","pid":323,"level":50,"msg":"Failed to get DB schema version: connect ECONNREFUSED","time":"2019-03-27T07:35:02.156Z","v":0}


It seems like the docker image is not able to create all the configuration files on start up. Under the /config directory its supposed to create a postgres directory with a bunch of configuration files but not able to do so when I point it to a /mnt/users/... volume on a unraid share. Thinking it could be a permission issue but tried changing permissions but still does not create the needed files. Anyone else seen this ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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