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[Plugin] Linuxserver.io - Unraid Nvidia

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12 hours ago, saarg said:

Didn't know there were fake ones around. Could it be either a hardware incompability or bad card? 

It also depends on where you bought the card. 

Yea after having these issues I started doing some research and I'm fairly certain it is a fake card. Should have figured so based on the price. 


Anyway I've tried a different 1050ti and it's recognized. Now to pass it to plex and do some testing!

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8 hours ago, Xaero said:

Understood - though you wouldn't be patching anything - just a wrapper script (which is what most containers use for startup anyways)
Just a suggestion, after all. Eventually mainline Plex will support nvdec either way so not a big deal to work around until then.


We would modify something from plex, so yes it is a patch. Unless it's coming from plex, we are not adding it as we don't want the extra support it creates. You have noticed the amount of posts here about it not working? 


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We would modify something from plex, so yes it is a patch. Unless it's coming from plex, we are not adding it as we don't want the extra support it creates. You have noticed the amount of posts here about it not working? 
I wholeheartedly agree with this. The aim of this plugin was never for us to take on all the issues with transcoding and fix them.

If Plex isn't doing what it should be doing then speak to the Plex Devs, we shouldn't be applying hacky workarounds for an issue that lies within their program.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

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Once I actually had a legitimate 1050ti everything went super smooth! I was able to get encoding and decoding working and my cpu is thanking me.


The only issue I had with the plex patch for decoding was when I renamed the transcoder file to 'Plex Transcoder2' it claimed it couldn't find the file. I think it was acting weird with the space but no matter what I did I couldn't get it to see the file. I then decided to just name it transcoder and it worked perfectly.


Thank you to everyone involved in this!

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On 2/27/2019 at 4:38 PM, JasonM said:

Same here with a P4000. I'm on the Plex official Docker. I plan to try the LSIO container this weekend.

I figured out the issue for me. I wasn't using the latest plexpass version of the docker I was in. It was giving me a server version of 1.14.x It should be 1.15.x

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1 hour ago, Blumpkin said:

I figured out the issue for me. I wasn't using the latest plexpass version of the docker I was in. It was giving me a server version of 1.14.x It should be 1.15.x

That worked here also. But with hardware decode and encode both running, artifacting is *really* bad.

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I have several older shows that are usually in avi format... Has anyone experienced when running such older .avi files that they are unable to when HW is enabled, but then immediately work when disabled ( by removing --runtime=nvidia)?


I figured if for whatever reason HW transcoding could not support something it would just fall back to the CPU to handle, am i mistaken?, 

Edited by pimogo
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Given the hit and miss rate of this and my lack of understanding alot of this (although i have HW decoding and encoding working thanks to members on here) has anyone else thought of jumping ship to EMBY/tried it? Im debating giving it a go and see how i get on with it. im an annual user of plex and was debating the lifetime plex pass when it next comes out but the lack of HW decoding is seriously tempting me to just move to a working solution. 

How do people find EMBY? im guessing that the app is not as common as plex on older smart TV's etc?  

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2 hours ago, Randall8686 said:

Given the hit and miss rate of this and my lack of understanding alot of this (although i have HW decoding and encoding working thanks to members on here) has anyone else thought of jumping ship to EMBY/tried it? Im debating giving it a go and see how i get on with it. im an annual user of plex and was debating the lifetime plex pass when it next comes out but the lack of HW decoding is seriously tempting me to just move to a working solution. 

How do people find EMBY? im guessing that the app is not as common as plex on older smart TV's etc?  

Have you taken a look at Jellyfin instead of EMBY?  No paywall / subscription required.

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10 hours ago, JasonM said:

Same issue with 5.1 audio selected. I'll give it a few days and see what my remote users have to say.

Same issue with pascal. Turing cleans up the image a lot. I’ve tested this on an Ubuntu server with a 2080. We have to wait the drivers and it means a hardware purchase for most unfortunately.

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Prior to this NVIDIA project, I was passing the QuickSync device to the Plex docker for HW acceleration. Perhaps if I pass the device back in and revert to the unpatched docker, it'll use the GPU for encode and the proc QuickSync for decode. I'll try this tonight.

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3 hours ago, Pducharme said:

@Randall8686 In short, for me, EMBY = Superior backend, options, etc.,  but Web Player & apps = sh*t.   It's why I tolerate PLEX drawbacks in the options regarding to transcoding.   My dream would be that the 2 company merges and create a PLEXBY or EMPLEX with best of both :)

Hopefully Jellyfin will fill this void.

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6 hours ago, Randall8686 said:

Given the hit and miss rate of this and my lack of understanding alot of this (although i have HW decoding and encoding working thanks to members on here) has anyone else thought of jumping ship to EMBY/tried it? Im debating giving it a go and see how i get on with it. im an annual user of plex and was debating the lifetime plex pass when it next comes out but the lack of HW decoding is seriously tempting me to just move to a working solution. 

How do people find EMBY? im guessing that the app is not as common as plex on older smart TV's etc?  

In my experience, Emby is a litter better, as it doesn't force transcoding as often. The interface isn't that nice, though.


For example, I have a 4k 10 bit HEVC file that I want to play on my Fire TV 2. Plex forces a transcode (which sucks transcoding HDR), but emby direct plays it.


I would hold out and wait on Jellyfin, if I were you. Open source and free fork of Emby that is getting started.

Edited by Blumpkin
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So just a heads up regarding my fake 1050ti experience. Don't be an idiot like me and buy the cheapest one out there as it's likely fake. I was able to confirm mine was for sure fake and was a rebadged GTX550. When you connect it to the system it shows up as a 1050ti but none of the drivers worked. After looking closer you can see the chipset of the audio driver is what nvidia used in the GTX550.



You'll notice on the right side the chipset is the GF116.

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Interesting thoughts from everyone, it’s not the paying for I have an issue with. If some one spends time on making great software I’m happy to pay for it. I personally would not work for free and don’t expect others too but free is always a bonus. But I just want the best solution. I share my library with about 10 users and plex is really easy for the parents to use.

I do have issues with plex. Just watching a film on direct play now in my network and get a message of “server not powerful enough” yet will happily transcode a 4K stream outside my network. So plex is not without its faults.

I think if plex supported encoding/deciding by default, did not have the odd hiccup with available bandwidth/server power when I know that is not an issue as if I play on convert automatically on my tv its faultless (nvidia shield on a 1gbit network) I would be really happy with it. But plex themselves won’t say if they intend on supporting decoding via gpu hardware or not. Frustrating when you spend money with them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, Randall8686 said:

I do have issues with plex. Just watching a film on direct play now in my network and get a message of “server not powerful enough” yet will happily transcode a 4K stream outside my network. So plex is not without its faults.

What client are you using to watch this on?

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On 2/24/2019 at 1:30 AM, saarg said:


It will be available when it's available. 

Asking when it's released won't make it appear any faster. We have a life also and it's not all of us that does the compiling. 

As much as I support this notion having little spare time to manage myself: it's been a week.


Can we help you guys build and troubleshoot an RC5 build with the latest drivers?


I would gladly spin up an unraid VM and try this out if you gave me directions on the steps required.

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