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[Plugin] Linuxserver.io - Unraid Nvidia

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I just upgraded to 6.8.0 and upon reboot was not able to access the server - it was not getting an IP address assigned to it. Tried a few reboot and same issue. Then I removed my GTX760 card and things started working.


Updated Unraid NVidia to 6.8.0, re-installed the card, and now having the same issue again where Unraid is not getting an IP.


Am I looking for help in the right place? hah.

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After I first upgraded to Unraid Nvidia 6.8rc9 it took a couple of minutes after the server booted up for me to get to the webUI, I could ping the server but just had to wait a bit to access the UI.  Today when I upgrade to the 6.8 release I didn't notice the delay the UI refreshed tot he server login dialog fairly quickly. Try pinging the host to see if the network interface is alive.

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15 hours ago, torch2k said:

I just upgraded to 6.8.0 and upon reboot was not able to access the server - it was not getting an IP address assigned to it. Tried a few reboot and same issue. Then I removed my GTX760 card and things started working.


Updated Unraid NVidia to 6.8.0, re-installed the card, and now having the same issue again where Unraid is not getting an IP.


Am I looking for help in the right place? hah.

I'm not sure if your first update to 6.8 was stock unraid or the nvidia build, but if it was stock unraid, report the issue in the bug area.

If you haven't tested stock unraid, try that first and see if the same issue is there.

Edited by saarg
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16 hours ago, torch2k said:

I just upgraded to 6.8.0 and upon reboot was not able to access the server - it was not getting an IP address assigned to it. Tried a few reboot and same issue. Then I removed my GTX760 card and things started working.


Updated Unraid NVidia to 6.8.0, re-installed the card, and now having the same issue again where Unraid is not getting an IP.


Am I looking for help in the right place? hah.

Nowhere near enough information to say.  I agree with @saarg try stock Unraid, if it's still an issue then post a bug report.


If it works on stock Unraid, then I'd need to know what NIC you're using on the chance it's one of the OOT drivers, as that's really the only thing I can think of.  The fact it works if you remove your card suggests that it's not a NIC issue though, sounds more hardware related.


However someone else has reported it as working with a GTX760.

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I just installed nvidia version 6.8.0 RC-9


Trying to setup the Nvidia container for PLEX, but it will not hardware transcode and when I type "watch nvidia-smi" into the terminal I get the following message: "failed to initialize NVML: Unknown Error".  Has anyone seen this? Any workaround?


- I have Plex Pass LSIO docker image installed

- The issue seems to be that the 1050ti I have is not clearly seen by the OS as "watch nvidia-smi" isn't working

- I have a windows VM that I passthrough this Video card to, But as far as my research goes, if the VM is turned off there should be no issues.

Edited by weezzer008
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1 hour ago, weezzer008 said:

I just installed nvidia version 6.8.0 RC-9


Trying to setup the Nvidia container for PLEX, but it will not hardware transcode and when I type "watch nvidia-smi" into the terminal I get the following message: "failed to initialize NVML: Unknown Error".  Has anyone seen this? Any workaround?

What have you done so far?

What video card are you using?


Make sure:


1) put all required parameters in the plex image container of your choice. ( recommend LSIO )

2) Use plexpass version of plex

3) Have a plexpass subscription or memebership

4) don't copy and paste parameters from forum. (hand type or copy and paste to a notepad program first)

5) check HW transcoding box in your plex settings. 

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After recently discovering the work you guys have done, i've added a GTX 1050 to my unraid server.  I have the LSIO Emby docker setup and in my transcoding settings can see the GPU detected as a hardware encoder/decoder but when i attempt to convert any files they still use the CPU. I have posted on the Emby forum but been told Docker support is still not officially supported so wondering if anyone else can shed some light on it


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3 minutes ago, reggierat said:

After recently discovering the work you guys have done, i've added a GTX 1050 to my unraid server.  I have the LSIO Emby docker setup and in my transcoding settings can see the GPU detected as a hardware encoder/decoder but when i attempt to convert any files they still use the CPU. I have posted on the Emby forum but been told Docker support is still not officially supported so wondering if anyone else can shed some light on it

ffmpeg-transcode-3f02cb60-8ceb-4c5b-a955-93ebea7194ed_1.txt 171.15 kB · 0 downloads

I don't use Emby but I've read on here you need Emby Premier. Are you a premier member?


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2 hours ago, reggierat said:

After recently discovering the work you guys have done, i've added a GTX 1050 to my unraid server.  I have the LSIO Emby docker setup and in my transcoding settings can see the GPU detected as a hardware encoder/decoder but when i attempt to convert any files they still use the CPU. I have posted on the Emby forum but been told Docker support is still not officially supported so wondering if anyone else can shed some light on it

ffmpeg-transcode-3f02cb60-8ceb-4c5b-a955-93ebea7194ed_1.txt 171.15 kB · 0 downloads

Need more info.


Post screenshots of your Emby webui settings for transcoding.  Also post your docker run command.

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root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='emby' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='GPU-2c8cd41b-4bf5-73dc-1eff-96d27d64113b' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8096:8096/tcp' -p '8920:8920/tcp' -p '1900:1900/udp' -p '7359:7359/udp' -v '/mnt/user/Movies/':'/movies':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Music/':'/music':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/emby':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/emby' 





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21 minutes ago, reggierat said:

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='emby' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='GPU-2c8cd41b-4bf5-73dc-1eff-96d27d64113b' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8096:8096/tcp' -p '8920:8920/tcp' -p '1900:1900/udp' -p '7359:7359/udp' -v '/mnt/user/Movies/':'/movies':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Music/':'/music':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/emby':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/emby' 






You need to RTFM....  ;)


You're missing --runtime=nvidia from your docker run command as mentioned in the instructions.  So you're passing through the card, but you aren't telling the container to use the nvidia docker runtime.


EDIT:  Actually I'm not so sure the instructions are that clear.  My bad.....


EDIT2:  Although it does include it on the Docker template.



Edited by CHBMB
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root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='emby' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='GPU-2c8cd41b-4bf5-73dc-1eff-96d27d64113b' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8096:8096/tcp' -p '8920:8920/tcp' -p '1900:1900/udp' -p '7359:7359/udp' -v '/mnt/user/Movies/':'/movies':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Music/':'/music':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/emby':'/config':'rw' --runtime=nvidia 'linuxserver/emby' 




Still hitting the CPU


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