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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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10 hours ago, Daxxio said:

I saw this was a problem with the container before in the thread. Could that be it?

This was because the developers form Valheim+ changed something and it broke the download from the files.


I've now tried this on my server and it works without a hitch, I even installed SteamCMD new and as you can see here from the logs, it installs just fine: valheim.txt


Something must prevent your server from communicating with Github, what does this command:

wget -qO- https://api.github.com/repos/nxPublic/ValheimPlus/releases/latest

give you when you run it from a unRAID console (please put it in a text file an drop it here in the text box to not bloat the thread).

It would be better to run this command from the container console (Click on the icon -> Console -> paste this command).

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hello, just updated the forest docker and now the server dont come up again.

that are the last lines in the log

The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'axleRotate') is missing!

(Filename: Line: 1744)

Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 4.085200 ms
Skipping Steam initialization
DS configurations tests: Start tests
Fallback handler could not load library Z:/serverdata/serverfiles/TheForestDedicatedServer_Data/Mono/libc
Fallback handler could not load library Z:/serverdata/serverfiles/TheForestDedicatedServer_Data/Mono/.\libc
Fallback handler could not load library Z:/serverdata/serverfiles/TheForestDedicatedServer_Data/Mono/libc
NetworkInformationException: File not found.

at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Win32NetworkInterface2.GetAdaptersAddresses () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Win32NetworkInterface2.ImplGetAllNetworkInterfaces () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CoopDedicatedServerStarter.getMachineIp () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CoopDedicatedServerStarter.CheckNetworkConfiguration () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CoopDedicatedServerStarter.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 62400.
Total: 19.831900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.580900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.625100 ms MarkObjects: 12.490601 ms DeleteObjects: 0.120400 ms)


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2 hours ago, cloudstrife said:

In log it says -rcon.password not found

Shouldn't it be:

+rcon.password YOURPASSWORD


Have you added it to Game Parameters in the template?


Have you also set the rcon port and added a port forwarding for that in the template?


EDIT: Saw that the description from the container was wrong, fixed it. :)

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Hey there, hopefully you all have a nice weekend so far!! 


Can anybody help me with starting the container for TheForest?

I get following errors:



Yes, I know, the description says that it runs with wine and its a BETA, but was anybody able to run the server?


- Tec

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1 hour ago, TecEgg said:

Yes, I know, the description says that it runs with wine and its a BETA, but was anybody able to run the server?

Sure thing, the container runs just fine on my server.

Have you changed anything to the template?


May I ask if you have entered your Steam credentials? If so, please remove them and start over again, delete the container, delete the "theforest" folder in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.


It looks like it doesn't downloaded the game files because it can't find the executable.


Here is the log from a full startup from my server: theforest.log

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Hi Ich777, 


This time I am posting in the correct thread. Here is some more information about the servers I got running and the problem I am facing with Valheim. 


I have a server running with a Ryzen 1600 6c/12t. This CPU is running at stock speeds. 

There is also 32GB of ram running at 3200 C16.

This server runs multiple containers and a few vm's. One of these vm's is running 24/7. The other rarely turns on. 


I have isolated the following cores:



And the gameservers are running like this:




Before the Valheim and Terraria containers were both using the same core and the problems were worse, but after giving Valheim its own core, the stutters are still there. 


The main problem is that when we play the game, it can get laggy. This manifests in the form of stutters. These get worse the more players are active. We play with 3 people most of the time. 


I saw that when the stutters are bad, then the core that Valheim is running on, tends to be stressed. I wanted to give this container multiple cores to run on, but for some reason I can't. All gameserver containers only run on a single core, not more. 


You mentioned that I could try to not have any cores assigned to these containers. But doesn't that mean that the containers still only use 1 core, but that Unraid switches the core assigned to the containers arround? I am not sure about not assigning cores to these containers, since the containers that I use for media, can stress the CPU to 100%. If, for example, Plex starts some maintenance, then the gameservers will run on cores that are running at 100%. This is why I have isolated the cores that the gameservers run on. 

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41 minutes ago, workermaster said:

I have isolated the following cores:

I think you are doing isolation wrong...

Isolating cores is usually done for VMs because you are isolating them from the Host (unRAID) for exclusive use in VMs.


I think that is the main cause of your issue that only one core is used, please don't isolate CPU cores for Docker, just assign them for the containers but don't do isolation.


AFAIK if you are isolating cores and assigning it to a Docker container it will always run on the first assigned core and not on all cores that you've assigned.

If you have isolated cores and assigned multiple cores to a Docker container the task assignment to CPU cores will not work properly because the cores are basically isolated from the Host (unRAID).


I would strongly recommend that you don't assign cores to Docker containers but if you really need to then simply assign them and not isolate them or better speaking don't use isolated cores for Docker containers.


EDIT: See here:


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6 minutes ago, ich777 said:

AFAIK if you are isolating cores and assigning it to a Docker container it will always run on the first assigned core and not on all cores that you've assigned.

If you have isolated cores and assigned multiple cores to a Docker container the task assignment to CPU cores will not work properly because the cores are basically isolated from the Host (unRAID).

100% correct.  Pinning a container to multiple isolated cores has the side effect that the app will only ever run on a single core.  This is because unlike a VM a docker container (although separate from the OS) is still running on the OS itself, and if the OS doesn't have access to the cores, then neither does the container.

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8 hours ago, ich777 said:

Shouldn't it be:

+rcon.password YOURPASSWORD


Have you added it to Game Parameters in the template?


Have you also set the rcon port and added a port forwarding for that in the template?


EDIT: Saw that the description from the container was wrong, fixed it. :)

So I should use + instead of - for every command in "Game parameters"? :)

I have set the rcon port and forwarding it



I tried with + instead, it still says not found on:




This works:

server.port: "28015"
server.hostname: "Rust Stormtroopers"
server.description: "Simple Unraid Rust Docker Server"

rcon.web: "True"

rcon.port: "28016"

server.maxplayers: "10"

Edited by cloudstrife
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3 minutes ago, cloudstrife said:

So I should use + instead of - for every command in "Game parameters"? :)

Add something like this to the Game Parameters:

+rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password YOURPASSWORD +rcon.web 1


This should get you covered, also note that the RCON port is TCP not UDP.

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22 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Add something like this to the Game Parameters:

+rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password YOURPASSWORD +rcon.web 1


This should get you covered, also note that the RCON port is TCP not UDP.

I removed the docker, folder in appdata and the template for rust. Downloaded it again in CA, set the parameters, waited for files to be downloaded and still it says rcon.password not found.


Does the password need to be some length? Just letters, numbers or something? Tried another password with no success


Command 'rcon.password' not found

Edited by cloudstrife
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12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I will look into this but to be honest every tutorial tells you to do it like that.


I will report back when I know more...


How do you try to connect to rcon anyways?

Have not tried to connect to it x)

Just looked in the log and see Command 'rcon.password' not found


Tried with this and did not work



My friend connected to the rust server and he cant do anything in the console, with or without the password

Edited by cloudstrife
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11 minutes ago, cloudstrife said:

Have not tried to connect to it x)

Just looked in the log and see Command 'rcon.password' not found

Works just fine here:


(RCON:IO this also works in your local network without forwarding the ports because your browser actually connects to your server and not the website itself through a websocket so you can for example connect with yourunRAIDIP:28016).


Please ignore the message in the logs, seems like not every message actually means that what it is.

As you also can see in the log the rcon.password is not printed out instead it is replaced by asterisks a few lines above where it shows you the start command.


Also, the first server start can take very, very long, depending on your server hardware, in my case it almost took 3 minutes to fully start up, when you see this messages in the log the server is fully started:

SteamServer Initialized
Server startup complete
SteamServer Connected


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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

I think you are doing isolation wrong...

Isolating cores is usually done for VMs because you are isolating them from the Host (unRAID) for exclusive use in VMs.


I think that is the main cause of your issue that only one core is used, please don't isolate CPU cores for Docker, just assign them for the containers but don't do isolation.


AFAIK if you are isolating cores and assigning it to a Docker container it will always run on the first assigned core and not on all cores that you've assigned.

If you have isolated cores and assigned multiple cores to a Docker container the task assignment to CPU cores will not work properly because the cores are basically isolated from the Host (unRAID).


I would strongly recommend that you don't assign cores to Docker containers but if you really need to then simply assign them and not isolate them or better speaking don't use isolated cores for Docker containers.


EDIT: See here:


Thanks for the info!  I will do some testing tomorrow and let you know the results. 

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15 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Works just fine here:


(RCON:IO this also works in your local network without forwarding the ports because your browser actually connects to your server and not the website itself through a websocket so you can for example connect with yourunRAIDIP:28016).


Please ignore the message in the logs, seems like not every message actually means that what it is.

As you also can see in the log the rcon.password is not printed out instead it is replaced by asterisks a few lines above where it shows you the start command.


Also, the first server start can take very, very long, depending on your server hardware, in my case it almost took 3 minutes to fully start up, when you see this messages in the log the server is fully started:

SteamServer Initialized
Server startup complete
SteamServer Connected


My bad! I forgot to add the rcon port in the template too. Thanks for your time! :P :)

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