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[Support] HaveAGitGat - Tdarr: Audio/Video Library Analytics & Transcode Automation

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14 hours ago, questionbot said:

Like everyone I just watched SpaceInvaders new video and thought I would give it a go... I was just wondering about how the cache works?


Like won't all the new encoded files go into the cache drive? Meaning that only a few encodes and the drive will fill up and then... what?


SpaceInvader says to use "prefer cache" for the transcoding tmp dir.. but how dose the other stuff work.. like the place the files are stored.. should be not use the "shares" to find the media folder.. or should be be browsing through the "disk" area and physically setting tdarr to the disks themselves?


Is that making sense? I'm a plug and play kind of user.. so not super techy.


Also, would anyone be willing to make a noob tutorial on how to connect to a unraid server a node on windows 10?

It uses tmp to encode then overwrites the existing file so at most if your doing 3-4 encodes only those 3-4 at a time should be in your temp folder. 

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I have just finished watching doing a test conversion after watching Spareinvaders video but I have a question which I can't find within the app.


when I use Handbrake I have the following settings for

TV Shows = 480 NTSC  H265 p30 - duel sound. 

Films =  HQ 1090 Full HD H265 p30 = surround sound


but when I look in Tdarr I can't find the option to choose which profile I want to use, as my last test only convert the formatted from 254 to 265 and nothing else.


is there a way to do this ?

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On 4/5/2021 at 4:11 PM, Yekul said:

Probably a long shot, but any way to control the % of overall cores/threads tdarr uses? Was hoping to have a situation where you can specify say 90% usage of all cores rather than pinning and locking out an entire core/thread. Been having solid success so far with tdarr, so thanks OP.

There is a -cpus="" command, but you have to tell it how many threads it can use


You should be able to put the following in the "Extra Parameters" line:



Replace the XX with 90% of your cpu/threads installed.


I have 40 threads and wanted to limit a container to 25%, so i put --cpus="10".

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I've looked thought the thread and can't find what I am looking for -- help with Quick Sync GPU setup for the new v2 tdarr dockers.  I have my iGPU working in Plex via /dev/dri, and passed it to the tdarr node the same way.  I have tried a few different QSV plugins but none seem to work.  I can convert with a CPU plugin without issue, so I know the containers and directories are set up properly.  


Can someone recommend a QSV plugin that works for them?  I've tried the ones listed in the default options and one I found online but no dice.  


Some logs from the node showing the processing starts, but nothing really happens:

[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.055] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mStarting Tdarr_Node
Preparing environment
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.075] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mUpdating plugins
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.079] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mTdarr_Node listening at http://localhost:8267
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.173] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39m---------------Binary tests start----------------
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.181] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mhandbrakePath:HandBrakeCLI
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.190] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mffmpegPath:ffmpeg
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mmkvpropedit:mkvpropedit
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mBinary test 1: handbrakePath working
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mBinary test 2: ffmpegPath working
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mBinary test 3: mkvpropeditPath working
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39m---------------Binary tests end-------------------
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.356] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mCloning plugins
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.679] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mFinished downloading plugins!
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:05.095] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mNode registered
[32m[2021-10-04T09:06:05.790] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39m[2.435s]Plugin update finished
[32m[2021-10-04T09:07:04.156] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mProcessing file: /mnt/media/Unsorted/movie1.mkv
[32m[2021-10-04T09:07:36.176] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mProcessing file: /mnt/media/Unsorted/movie1.mkv


tdarr node.JPG

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On 10/5/2021 at 4:38 PM, Walter S said:

Hi All,  I've checked-out Spaceinvader Ones' Video on setting up Tdarr.  I've been playing with this app/docker for a couple days now after seeing the vid and it seems pretty useful.  I was wondering how to setup CPU=Health checking, GPU=Transcoding? any help would be great. ty..  Are these the right settings?  I just don't see any change in the Node Overview (Active workers) Thanks..


Health checks are quick and likely to be all done. Only took an hour or 2 to scan 20tb. 

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On 10/4/2021 at 9:20 AM, Andiroo2 said:

I've looked thought the thread and can't find what I am looking for -- help with Quick Sync GPU setup for the new v2 tdarr dockers.  I have my iGPU working in Plex via /dev/dri, and passed it to the tdarr node the same way.  I have tried a few different QSV plugins but none seem to work.  I can convert with a CPU plugin without issue, so I know the containers and directories are set up properly.  

Update:  I have resolved my issues.  Here is what I did to get Quick Sync GPU transcode working in Tdarr on a 10th gen CPU:

  1. Set the Tdarr_node docker to Privileged  
  2. Change the node options (on Tdarr main page > Nodes > (select your node) > Options) to use "vaapi" hardware encoding, and NOT "qsv"
  3. I then ran the following command within the Tdarr_node docker container's console:  
    apt install vainfo intel-media-va-driver-non-free

After doing these steps, I was able to get GPU transcode working on my i7 10700k iGPU.



Edited by Andiroo2
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On 10/8/2021 at 7:47 AM, rav007 said:

I'm having a super weird issue, I've got 4 nodes total, 2 windows and 2 unraid with unraid running the server. If the unraid box that runs the server initiates the mover, all the transcodes "complete" at 1kb-5mb and replace the originals. Anyone else having issues ? Diagnostic attached of server/node1

diagnostics-20211007-1146.zip 161.64 kB · 0 downloads

Looks like your transcode folder is set to prefer to use the cache drive. Try changing this to only so that the mover wont touch them

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21 hours ago, 5hurb said:

Looks like your transcode folder is set to prefer to use the cache drive. Try changing this to only so that the mover wont touch them

I did end up moving to another nvme cache and it's currently set to only. The folder the videos are in had cache set to yes and the files upon completion were being moved to the primary cache drive as a result. It seems when the mover is invoked when the cache drive reaches it's set 90% tdarr is processing the files as expected and moving them from the nvme cache drive to the primary cache drive (due to cache being enabled on the video folder location) during the move it's not placing a lock on the files and the mover just happily moves a 1kb-200meg in-copy file and then tdarr, I assume, just errors out due to the move. I'm not sure if this is a bug or just the nature of the way tdarr replaces files. In the short term, I have turned off cache to process my library for my video folder. I would caution anyone in a similar situation processing a large chunk of their library to watch out for this, as you may find several video files cut very, very short.

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On 10/6/2021 at 3:09 PM, Andiroo2 said:

Update:  I have resolved my issues.  Here is what I did to get Quick Sync GPU transcode working in Tdarr on a 10th gen CPU:

  1. Set the Tdarr_node docker to Privileged  
  2. Change the node options (on Tdarr main page > Nodes > (select your node) > Options) to use "vaapi" hardware encoding, and NOT "qsv"
  3. I then ran the following command within the Tdarr_node docker container's console:  
    apt install vainfo intel-media-va-driver-non-free

After doing these steps, I was able to get GPU transcode working on my i7 10700k iGPU.




Which QSV plugin did you end up using. Not really finding any that work for me outside of the one that moves audio into AC3 which I don't really want. Thanks!

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Im having some problems. Is there a way to stop the program while it's transcoding?? Some of my files ends up in error transcoding../Cancelled.. Is there a way to get them converted?? i've tried to re-queue but with no effect..

Im having a amd 2700x and a nvidia 400 card so transcoding should be fine..


Anyone who has the same problem??


I dont know if this helps but hope so..

[matroska @ 0x56502fa107c0] Only audio, video, and subtitles are supported for Matroska.

Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument

Error initializing output stream 0:0 --

Conversion failed!




Edited by Mattti1912
an update
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On 10/10/2021 at 1:29 PM, lordsiris said:


Which QSV plugin did you end up using. Not really finding any that work for me outside of the one that moves audio into AC3 which I don't really want. Thanks!

I'm using "Tdarr_Plugin_drdd_standardise_all_in_one" which converts audio to aac.


I lied.  I am using these two:

- Tdarr_Plugin_JB69_JBHEVCQSV_MinimalFile (I edited this plugin to ignore all files that were already in HEVC completely)

- Tdarr_Plugin_JB69_JBHEVCQSZ_PostFix

Edited by Andiroo2
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39 minutes ago, Mattti1912 said:

Hello again :)


When im trying to convert mkv files i get this error:


The new transcode arguments were the exact same as the last ones meaning

the file/worker would most likely be stuck in an infinite transcode loop if not stopped.

Last arguments:

New arguments:




I was getting this error as well before I cracked my GPU issue.  If you are using QuickSync GPU, check my earlier post for the 3 steps I took to get it working.

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Hello again and Thank you for reply..


I don't know if it works for me, since i'm on a Amd cpu and a nvidia graphic card. but i'll try :)

Do you have any idea of how to solve my other issue??


I've used this guide:

The thing is that i would very much like all my media files converted to h265 mkv..

Do anyone know another plugin that can handle that??




Edited by Mattti1912
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Hello ..


Im also getting this error:

[matroska @ 0x55f1435c87c0] Only audio, video, and subtitles are supported for Matroska.

Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument

Error initializing output stream 0:0 --

Conversion failed!


anyone who knows about this??



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LInking my issue here:



I am not sure what is causing the issue, but very consistently larger files are failing while smaller ones are succeeding.  I am need a little guidance on what else I can troubleshoot here, but I'm curious whether or not this is related to the plugins I'm using.  Any help would be appreciated.


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On 10/17/2021 at 5:18 PM, jackfalveyiv said:

As an update, it seems like file size is not a determinative factor as files as low as 1.4gb are also failing, and I still can't find the reason why.


I was experiencing the same issue while running the "trex-miner" docker container, both were using the same graphics card (Quadro P2000) after disabling the trex-miner container tdarr had no problem with any of the files... maybe Tdarr has issues with using the same device as another container and you're having a similar issue?

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Managed to fight my way through the previous error, but came across a new one.  I had been transcoding successfully for the past week, but my Node stopped a few hours ago and I'm receiving the below errors in the log.  Both docker containers for Server and Node are running and I haven't made any configuration changes to either one, unsure what has caused this new problem.

Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 4.57.06 PM.png


Also, I can confirm Health Checks are running without an issue, and I am using the GPU for both tasks.

Edited by jackfalveyiv
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