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Unraid Forum 100K Giveaway

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I started to use unRAID because it was a complete package. It includes well-tested software that was designed to be working together and do it reliably. Plus it came with community support.


I would love to see VM snapshots being added in 2020. Would make testing and creating new base VMs (with some initial configuration) so much more convenient.

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Happy New Year.


I love how fast and easy I installed Unraid and how easy it´s to configurate for my needs. I am a noob and no IT-Expert! Using Unraid daily is easy for me too. This forum helps me.


I like to have a plugin/tool/setting for easy USB-Updates from my data shares onto an extern Stick or HDD. It would be fine if the (e.g. rsync-)Update starts autumatically when USB-Stick/HDD is plugged in.



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The flexibility given by the wide variety of plug-ins and apps to greatly extend the function and features of a "file server" is what's bringing me back to Unraid after trying other storage solutions.


More granular encryption options; file/folder/share encryption decrypted on network user authentication instead of whole drive w/passphrase on boot.

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I absolutely love Unraid. I love how easy it is to use, and also, migrate servers. 

On Christmas morning I woke up to my storage server being completely dead (motherboard failure) and had a lot of family frantically wanting to watch Christmas movies. Luckily for me, as I was using unraid, all I needed to do was move the hard drives from my dead server to my new server, unplug the USB, plug the USB into the new server and start it. I was then able to recreate my media server and it was away. Total resolution time was about 15 minutes after I started the work. 

I would absolutely love for iSCSI to be made available natively (without the use of VM’s)

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I love the easiness of use. I have the knowledge to run other solutions, but I don't need to spend my limited time configuring bits when I would better be on the couch without worrying about my data safety.


I'd like to see an easy implementation of iSCSI compatibility!



Edited by EmuAGR
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On 12/27/2019 at 2:27 PM, SpencerJ said:

The Unraid forum is about to hit a major milestone: 100,000 members! As of Christmas time, 2019, we're sitting at approximately 99,000 forum members. To commemorate this awesome community achievement, let's do another giveaway!


What's at stake?

  • 90 winners will receive limited-edition Unraid case badges! These 2x2 inch domed, polyurethane server badges will look great on your own home lab (badges not for sale, sorry)!
  • 9 winners will receive an Unraid case badge AND a $25 gift card to the Unraid merch store.
  • 1 Grand Prize Winner: receives a case badge, a $25 gift card AND an Unraid pro license! Pretty sweet huh!?


See the linked blog post for pics and additional info!


How to Enter:

Simply tell us:

  • one thing you like most about Unraid


  • one thing you'd like to see added to the OS in 2020



That's it! Winners will be drawn at random from the forum entrants here. 

At our current rate, we will likely hit 100,000 members late January or early February 2020. Follow the Unraid twitter account for periodic forum # updates!


Entries will close as soon as we hit 100,000 forum members so don't delay in entering! Good luck.



1) Ease of getting your new NAS up and running while you plan to have it do more then just be a NAS!


2) iSCSI

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Best thing is that i have been able to consolidate, 3 machines (or 4 really) into 1. Hyper-V server, NAS and HTPC. (And also running a virtual router now.)


I would like to see snapshots in 2020, so that i can backup my VMs on the fly.


Also, would be nice to replace the "Lime Tech" Sticker on the server, with a new UNRAID.


Edited by jowe
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Have to agree with the majority of responses, that the community has been one of the greatest assets. 


Hm... DEFCON, COMICON, with enough of a user base how about UnRAID'CON?  Vegas anyone?


Oh. My vote also is for multi cache pools as well.

Edited by DirtyHippy
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What I absolutely love with unRaid is the ability to mix and match drives very easily making it very easy to upgrade


I would love to see down the line would be multiple arrays on a single system.


On a side note, congratulations to the outstanding unraid community that excels in providing help and developing new features!

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The things I like about unraid is how it can replace expensive devices like QNAP with more power !!! 


One thing I want to see is better error handling for dockers.  This has happened to me more than once.

If you have say 10 dockers running and you mess one up it takes the entire system out. Orphans all dockers and you have to restore everything!!!! Royal PITA !!!!!

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By far the most simple NAS solutions to deploy, with the added bonus of mixing disk size and no requirement of ECC ram.


Would love to see built in backup features (plug in external drive and copy shares a d or folders in shares to it). Can do via cli but woul be nice via Gui.

Well done team!

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Hi there folks


Have to say that I like the fact that even though there are other free alternatives out there, that the cost and feature set of unRAID still make it sit head and shoulders above the competition in my eyes.


As for what features, I have to +1 to the having some form of file manipulation within the browser. Not neccessarily editing the files themselves, but the ability to move copy and delete would mean a good deal for clearing out/restructuring "dump and sort" folders on the network. This could be restricted to certain users to avoid it being a free for all.


Thanks for doing this and listening to the userbase ! too many software vendors get to a stage where they stop listening. Don't change, and keep checking in on what people actually want as future features.



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I love how easy it has been to transition all my old drives into one new array, that I can check from any browser in the house.  The interface is user friendly, as is the community support.  This first build has been very educational.


I would love to see something like the Disk Location or Server Layout that could automatically populate the layout from backplanes from manufactures such as SuperMicro.


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Best All-in-One Solution for me. I am Gaming on my NAS, or NASing on my Gaming PC. For me it is a On-demand-System.


I would love a build in Backup Solution. A one click solution to backup all settings and data so it can be restored from that backup. Did a backup once a month for my old Synology NAS and took it to work to keep it safe from any hazards. (I know maybe not so interesting for the >20 TB Systems)

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I‘m a user from china 。I Love the ease of use, the UI gets even better with every release, making it so easy to use.


One thing I would like to see added is a sync feature so I can setup another server to sync my data/configs to.

Second,please increase support for Chinese!!!


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I love the variety of tasks Unraid can accomplish. It really is a do it all kind of software!



I would love to see more youtube tutorial videos for odd things like MineOS or Rust servers. I've dug around a bit there isn't much documentation for new users regarding that sort of info. It's possible I just didn't look in the right place though! I'm about halfway through my trial currently and so far liking it, a bit complex, but with enough googling anything is possible.

Edited by DrWAM
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