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[Support] knex666 - Nextcloud

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1 hour ago, knex666 said:

Oh damn!


hope you can recover your data.


please mount your share to a non existing folder like /share.


where did you mount the folders to?


maybe you mount that folder as read only next time.




How would you recommend making my existing data accessible through Nextcloud at their existing locations? That's ultimately what I'd like is read/write access to my existing data.

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That's really not what it's made for, but doing a normal install with an empty folder, creating the user, and then adding more path mounts for the folders you want as subfolders of <nextcloud folder>/<user folder>/files than doing a rescan might be workable. Could mount them read only too if you don't intend to move/delete files from nextcloud.

Edited by Kilrah
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2 hours ago, Kilrah said:

That's really not what it's made for, but doing a normal install with an empty folder, creating the user, and then adding more path mounts for the folders you want as subfolders of <nextcloud folder>/<user folder>/files than doing a rescan might be workable. Could mount them read only too if you don't intend to move/delete files from nextcloud.


I'm curious what Nextcloud is for if not for providing access to my files? I'm asking that sincerely - not trying to be a jerk.

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7 hours ago, hopstah said:


How would you recommend making my existing data accessible through Nextcloud at their existing locations? That's ultimately what I'd like is read/write access to my existing data.

please read about volume mounting in docker. A folder inside your host system can be mapped to any location inside your docker.

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59 minutes ago, knex666 said:

please read about volume mounting in docker. A folder inside your host system can be mapped to any location inside your docker.


Thank you. I'm aware of that and that's what I did. What I don't understand is why that resulted in the data in those directories being wiped. Again - not trying to be a jerk, just not understanding why the folders that I mapped for Nextcloud to use got their contents deleted.

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57 minutes ago, hopstah said:


Thank you. I'm aware of that and that's what I did. What I don't understand is why that resulted in the data in those directories being wiped. Again - not trying to be a jerk, just not understanding why the folders that I mapped for Nextcloud to use got their contents deleted.

I can just repeat my question where did you map the folder to?


did you try to mount it into a user folder or did you use the external storage plugin as written in #1 post here



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7 hours ago, hopstah said:

I'm curious what Nextcloud is for if not for providing access to my files? I'm asking that sincerely - not trying to be a jerk.

An equivalent to your typical Dropbox/Gdrive/Onedrive cloud drive solution - Set it up with an empty data folder, upload what you want to have in it shared between machines from webpage or sync client. 


1 hour ago, hopstah said:

Thank you. I'm aware of that and that's what I did. What I don't understand is why that resulted in the data in those directories being wiped. Again - not trying to be a jerk, just not understanding why the folders that I mapped for Nextcloud to use got their contents deleted.

Can't tell without you telling exactly how things were mapped in the template. 

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3 hours ago, knex666 said:

I can just repeat my question where did you map the folder to?


did you try to mount it into a user folder or did you use the external storage plugin as written in #1 post here




As I've deleted the docker image since this all happened, I can't show exactly what I did, but I did not use the external storage plugin - I hadn't even gotten that far in the setup process. That's what I'll do once I get my data back. Thanks for the tip.

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25 minutes ago, hopstah said:


As I've deleted the docker image since this all happened, I can't show exactly what I did, but I did not use the external storage plugin - I hadn't even gotten that far in the setup process. That's what I'll do once I get my data back. Thanks for the tip.

Ok, I think you tryed to mount your share to user/files and that folder will be recreated by nextcloud as an empty dir.


give it a try by mounting your share somewhere as ro and use external choose local drive there

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Dear knex666,


I have an issue with the background tasks and cron. The "offical" way to run cron in docker seems to be starting a second container with the entrypoint /cron.sh (Link). But your template uses the user 99:100 for unraid instead of the standard nextcloud user 33 (=www-data). This leads to the error "crond: can't set groups: Operation not permitted" in the second container and the cronjob doesn't work. When I start both containers without --user 99:100 everything is fine.

Do you have an idea how I can get this working with the unraid standard user 99?


Thank you for your help!


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If you just mean running the Nextcloud's cron tasks periodically, I have the following in the User Scripts plugin set to run every 5 minutes


#docker exec -u www-data Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
docker exec Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
exit 0


Disclaimer: this was set a fair while ago, and aside from updating the docker I haven't been diving too deep into Nextcloud, just using it.

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2 hours ago, Cessquill said:

If you just mean running the Nextcloud's cron tasks periodically, I have the following in the User Scripts plugin set to run every 5 minutes


#docker exec -u www-data Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
docker exec Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
exit 0


Disclaimer: this was set a fair while ago, and aside from updating the docker I haven't been diving too deep into Nextcloud, just using it.

please use it without the # before docker otherwise it will not run ;)

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1 minute ago, knex666 said:

please use it without the # before docker otherwise it will not run ;)

Yep, that was the first of two commands in the script, the second one is the one I use.


I can't quite remember, but I *think* the rem'd out command was the one to use in general Docker circumstances, and the second one the script actually uses is for Unraid.

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20 hours ago, Kilrah said:

nextcloud-cronjob container in CA with user set to 99 should work


This container does exactly what I want.

The script on the host would also work, but I prefer to keep my containers seperate from the host.


Thank you all for your help! Appreciate it! 👍


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having some issues with my install. For some reason I have lost the ability to edit the container. Second, I'm getting the notification of an update, but each time I get this error "Configuration not found. Was this container created using this plugin". I am also unable to uninstall the container, no option to. I've attached screenshots. Thanks for your time. 



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4 hours ago, Kilrah said:

This would happen if the template for the app was somehow deleted from your USB drive (should be in config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user). Have you had USB issues or can copy it back from a backup?

This is what is in that folder for nextcloud. I do not have current backup.



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Hey guys!  I need some help big time.


I was trying to get NextCloud to work with SpaceInvaderOne's video, using the linuxserver version of NextCloud and MariaDB.  Seems like the dockers and/or install scripts are out dated and I just couldn't get it to install properly.  I tried so many times but just kept running into problems.  So I decided to use the "Official" versions of MariaDB and NextCloud, so here I am!


I really don't know what I'm doing.  The process seems very much over my head.  But I think I at least have it installed.  I was able to create an admin account, but then couldn't log in.  Every time I put in the credentials and hit the button, the screen would just refresh with the login prompt again.  However, if I connected to the webui using my tablet (by first logging into unraid, then going to the docker, then webui) I could log straight in.  I then read somebody suggesting a fix to that is to clear the cache/cookies in the browser.  Sounds kinda pointless, but I tried it and so far I was able to login with my regular machine.  Inside the admin settings, I seem to be getting a lot of security errors, so maybe that's why I'm having trouble?  They say things like:


  • Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead, as described in the security tips ↗.
  • You have not set or verified your email server configuration, yet. Please head over to the Basic settings in order to set them. Afterwards, use the "Send email" button below the form to verify your settings.
  • Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add "default_phone_region" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code ↗ of the region to your config file.


I have no idea how to fix the first point, unless that's referring to the OP, about using a reverse proxy.  I will do that eventually, but for right now I'm only interested in using this locally when I'm on the same network - no remote access yet.  So I can just ignore that warning right?  As for the 2nd point, that just means I've not setup the email service yet right?  And I can just use my current email provider (yahoo) like I do for unraid correct?  As for the 3rd issue.. I have no idea how to fix that.  I don't believe there is a setting for that in the admin settings.


Once I get these things fixed, I'm pretty much good to go right?


Again, I'm really not sure what I'm doing.  I'm still very newbish to all this (unraid, dockers, etc).  My goal here was to eliminate the need for my iPhone to keep photos stored on the iCloud, as my storage is all used up.  My brother uses Amazon Photos but his storage is now full too, and he needs a free alternative, so I thought this might be the solution for both of us.  The way I understand it, we just need an ability to connect to our server for the syncing, and then we can go into our share and move the data around (like put uploaded photos into a photos share on unraid, etc).  Am I mistaken about this functionality?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks guys!

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I think I've got a lot of of this working now, but I can't get a few of the files on my phone to transfer over.  Photos and some 3-5 second videos transferred fine.  But I can't transfer large files.  The app says I'm not authorized and complains it's too big.  How do I fix that?  For reference, I've already tried reading through https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_files/big_file_upload_configuration.html with not much luck.  I can't find any of the files I'm supposed to edit to add the lines to.  Can somebody be super nice and help me out?


Also, all that I've done so far is install the "OFFICIAL" mariaDB, and this thread's "OFFICIAL" nextcloud.  I created an admin account, and then also created a user (added to admin role) that I use for my phone.  I can upload files, and access them on another computer, just not anything large.


Thanks guys!

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I'm having a really weird issue where I get this error: 

[core] Warning: Login failed: 'username' (Remote IP: 'router ip')

GET /remote.php/webdav/
from 'router ip' at 2023-05-07T19:33:35+00:00


Also this one: 

[no app in context] Warning: Invalid cliBasedCronUser data provided to provideInitialState by settings

GET /settings/admin
from 'router ip' by 'username' at 2023-05-07T19:53:33+00:00


and last one:

#PHP# Error: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool at /var/www/html/apps/settings/lib/Settings/Admin/Server.php#76

    GET /settings/admin

    from 'router ip' by 'username' at 2023-05-07T19:55:19+00:00

Any ideas how to fix this?!

Edited by GreenEyedMonster
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