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[Support] knex666 - Nextcloud

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I haven't messed with My Nextcloud container for awhile but i just noticed this error.   It isn't starting correctly. I see this error in the log. any ideas?


An unhandled exception has been thrown:
Exception: Environment not properly prepared. in /var/www/html/lib/private/Console/Application.php:166
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/console.php(99): OC\Console\Application->loadCommands(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#1 /var/www/html/occ(11): require_once('/var/www/html/c...')

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On 5/5/2022 at 12:28 AM, emptyfish said:

Hi - I am trying to do a clean installation, new DB and new container for the front-end. Everything is set up correctly, but I am running in to an issue where I cannot log in via the web at all - I get the login page, I enter the user/password and it just keeps looping back to login.


I know the ID/password are fine - I can sign in through the iOS app without any issue and I can see all the default files have been created. I don't see any error messages on the web and I have no clue where to even start to troubleshoot this - would appreciate any advice on where to begin. Thanks!


On 5/5/2022 at 1:34 PM, emptyfish said:

The real cause was me spending too much time tweaking late into the night and not enough time thinking. Firefox + addons were the root cause. I just needed sleep. 😀 Thank you!


I'm having the same problem: an endless loop of entering credentials to be taken back to the login screen without any error message. I'm also using Firefox, but when I use a private session in Firefox it works fine. I've disabled all add-ons in the regular session and fiddled with privacy/security settings, but I haven't figured out what's causing this behavour. @emptyfish, did you figure out what the specific cause was for you?

Edited by MisterSanders
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15 hours ago, MisterSanders said:



I'm having the same problem: an endless loop of entering credentials to be taken back to the login screen without any error message. I'm also using Firefox, but when I use a private session in Firefox it works fine. I've disabled all add-ons in the regular session and fiddled with privacy/security settings, but I haven't figured out what's causing this behavour. @emptyfish, did you figure out what the specific cause was for you?

Mine was either uBlock Origin or Decentraleyes if I remember correctly - I don't think I had any other extensions that would have caused the issue.

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You write: "Please make shure you got the volume mounting correct. Please note you can mount any share to for example /mnt/Share and mount it in nextcloud with the "external storage" app."


I've enabled the External Storage app, but when I go to set it up (following Spaceinvader One's YT video, which I've followed in the past with a different docker image), I get this error message: ""smbclient" is not installed. Mounting of "SMB/CIFS", "SMB/CIFS using OC login" is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it."


What can be done to fix this?

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27 minutes ago, mrtrilby said:



You write: "Please make shure you got the volume mounting correct. Please note you can mount any share to for example /mnt/Share and mount it in nextcloud with the "external storage" app."


I've enabled the External Storage app, but when I go to set it up (following Spaceinvader One's YT video, which I've followed in the past with a different docker image), I get this error message: ""smbclient" is not installed. Mounting of "SMB/CIFS", "SMB/CIFS using OC login" is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it."


What can be done to fix this?


He is using a different image. Dont use smb use local and then choose the mounted folder

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On 12/21/2022 at 3:29 PM, emptyfish said:

Mine was either uBlock Origin or Decentraleyes if I remember correctly - I don't think I had any other extensions that would have caused the issue.

Thanks for your reply. In my case, it turned out to be cookies. I cleared Firefox's cookies for my server's address (Firefox: Settings > Privacy and Security), and the login worked as expected -- no looping login screen. I'm writing this message in case others find themselves in the same situation as us.

Edited by MisterSanders
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I have a few Unraid systems, staggering them in updates from least priority to most.

I recently updated one system from 6.9.2 -> 6.11.5 and Nexcloud took a dive.


Standard reboots and force update of the docker container had the same issues.
Reverted the upgrade back and everything worked again.

Seems the permissions in one of the later Unraid builds tightens security so that Nextcloud breaks.

Do we have a fix for this, at the moment the only reason I have to update is for the new SSL certificate system.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How to access remotely via Cloudflare tunnel & NPM ?

I'm running unRaid 6.11.1

  • I have a Nextcloud container using the official template with default port mapping. It is running on the same custom docker network I use for all of my containers.
  • I have a domain (mydomain.net) on Cloudflare with a tunnel set up to my server. I have created a CNAME for Nextcloud (cloud.mydomain.net).
  • I have set up a proxy host in NPM using my domain cert from CF and the following settings enabled: HTTP scheme, cache asstes, block common exploits, force SSL, HTTP/2 support, HSTS Enabled, HSTS subdomains

I can't connect remotely. If I try with HTTPS scheme, I get a Bad Gateway Cloudflare error. If I try with HTTP scheme, I get a Nextcloud "Access through untrusted domain" error. I have tried adding variations of mydomain to the whitelist in config.php with no change (*.mydomain.net;

cloud.mydomain.net; https://mydomain.net; etc.)


What is the proper, most secure way to get remote access to an official image instance of Nextcloud from CA?

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16 hours ago, VelcroBP said:

How to access remotely via Cloudflare tunnel & NPM ?

I'm running unRaid 6.11.1

  • I have a Nextcloud container using the official template with default port mapping. It is running on the same custom docker network I use for all of my containers.
  • I have a domain (mydomain.net) on Cloudflare with a tunnel set up to my server. I have created a CNAME for Nextcloud (cloud.mydomain.net).
  • I have set up a proxy host in NPM using my domain cert from CF and the following settings enabled: HTTP scheme, cache asstes, block common exploits, force SSL, HTTP/2 support, HSTS Enabled, HSTS subdomains

I can't connect remotely. If I try with HTTPS scheme, I get a Bad Gateway Cloudflare error. If I try with HTTP scheme, I get a Nextcloud "Access through untrusted domain" error. I have tried adding variations of mydomain to the whitelist in config.php with no change (*.mydomain.net;

cloud.mydomain.net; https://mydomain.net; etc.)


What is the proper, most secure way to get remote access to an official image instance of Nextcloud from CA?


I suggest you follow IBRACORP's most excellent guide here. This is the one I used, and it worked perfectly for me. It is so easy to forget one of the steps if you try to go by memory, so better to follow a guide that works from A-Z.



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12 hours ago, mrtrilby said:

I suggest you follow IBRACORP's most excellent guide here. 

That is indeed the video I followed back when I originally set up cloudflare and NGINX. However I since followed their video for creating an tunnel via CF.


To clarify, my setup is working currently with other containers. It has also worked previously with a different template for Nextcloud (linuxserver.io). I switched to this official container because of other problems I was having with Nextcloud.


Since this has worked previously and is currently working with other containers, I think the problem is with my Nextcloud config. Given the fact that the requests are making it through CF and NGINX and hitting Nextcloud, but are getting flagged as insecure, I don't think I'm whitelisting properly since it doesn't solve the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/2/2023 at 2:21 PM, VelcroBP said:

That is indeed the video I followed back when I originally set up cloudflare and NGINX. However I since followed their video for creating an tunnel via CF.


To clarify, my setup is working currently with other containers. It has also worked previously with a different template for Nextcloud (linuxserver.io). I switched to this official container because of other problems I was having with Nextcloud.


Since this has worked previously and is currently working with other containers, I think the problem is with my Nextcloud config. Given the fact that the requests are making it through CF and NGINX and hitting Nextcloud, but are getting flagged as insecure, I don't think I'm whitelisting properly since it doesn't solve the issue.

Can you share config? I had similar issues.  Cannot remember exactly what fixed it but 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https', was one thing I had overlooked which config needed.  

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On 2/21/2020 at 4:40 PM, knex666 said:


I have no idea how it works If you setup it with MySQL. For me it works well with sqlite.
You Do not habe to follow the guide sinice onlyoffice is fully included in this Image and will automatically setup.


Gesendet von meinem Redmi Note 8 Pro mit Tapatalk

Hello, since it's been almost 3 years, have you tested it now ?


I cannot pass the setup screen with a MariaDB setup.

Could you help me please ?

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413: The file is too large.


I didn't have this problem on the linuxserver.io version of Nextcloud but moving to this one, I have been struggling to sync or upload any file over 100MB. 


I have managed to change the "Upload max size:" by editing both the /nextcloud/html/.htaccess and /nextcloud/html/.user.ini file with

php_value upload_max_filesize 16G

php_value post_max_size 16G

php_value memory_limit 8G

php_value max_input_time 3600

php_value max_execution_time 3600

Still can't upload any file over 100MB though. Literally pasting the codes I find all over my nextcloud docker folder via trial and error to get see what does what.


I understand that I need to edit the Apache file as per docs.nextcloud.com but can't find it. Or was that the apache file? Everything else seems to be working fine. The idea is really to get off Google Drive.

Edited by SentouProject
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/22/2023 at 6:35 AM, SentouProject said:

413: The file is too large.


I didn't have this problem on the linuxserver.io version of Nextcloud but moving to this one, I have been struggling to sync or upload any file over 100MB. 


I have managed to change the "Upload max size:" by editing both the /nextcloud/html/.htaccess and /nextcloud/html/.user.ini file with

php_value upload_max_filesize 16G

php_value post_max_size 16G

php_value memory_limit 8G

php_value max_input_time 3600

php_value max_execution_time 3600

Still can't upload any file over 100MB though. Literally pasting the codes I find all over my nextcloud docker folder via trial and error to get see what does what.


I understand that I need to edit the Apache file as per docs.nextcloud.com but can't find it. Or was that the apache file? Everything else seems to be working fine. The idea is really to get off Google Drive.


same (or simmilar) issue here if you are using the app (which I assume because of error 413). I can upload massive files (>20GB) via my chrome webbrowser on my PC but not via App.

Do I assume correctly you are refering to the App? Also, did you try to upload via browser? And finaly, don't forget if you are using cloudflare and use the proxy settings to hide your IP, max filesize is 100MB you will have to activate uploading large files as chungs in the app. You can do this when going into the settings of the app and there should be an option like "advance" (sorry, not using the english translation of the app) you can set the chunk sitze for the file in the app.


This issue seems new to me, because I'm quite sure I downloaded massive files from the app before. So, what I'm wondering is, did somethin go wrong in the app since a last update or so.



-I completely deleted my account from my phone

-logged in again (didn't use an app login, but normal login)

-set the chung size to 90MB

-activated the auto upload and voila, was able to upload my 2GB video File

Edited by Autchirion
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I have a rather strange issue with file and folder access, it seems. I have mapped external drives in Nextcloud (mapped as ext_Cloud), and I am able to see old folders and files. I can also manually upload new files to any location. However, if I create a new folder on the drive in the file system, I am unable to see this folder in my Nextcloud. Furthermore, using the Android app, I am unable to auto-upload images to any location. I have used this in Nextcloud in the past for the camera, although not from this docker image.


These lines are repeated over and over in the log. (The IP is not mine, it is probably Cloudflare's, which I'm using): - mrtrilby [09/Feb/2023:16:48:53 +0200] "HEAD /remote.php/dav/files/mrtrilby/ext_Cloud/Photos/2023/02/ HTTP/1.1" 404 509 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.23.1" - mrtrilby [09/Feb/2023:16:48:53 +0200] "MKCOL /remote.php/dav/files/mrtrilby/ext_Cloud/Photos/2023/02/ HTTP/1.1" 409 747 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.23.1" - mrtrilby [09/Feb/2023:16:48:54 +0200] "MKCOL /remote.php/dav/files/mrtrilby/ext_Cloud/Photos/2023/ HTTP/1.1" 423 768 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.23.1"


Please advise on what could cause this..?

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Can someone please help me gain root/admin on this docker container?


$ apt update
Reading package lists... Done
E: List directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial is missing. - Acquire (13: Permission denied)
$ sudo apt update
sh: 2: sudo: not found
$ su -p
su: Authentication failure



I can't seem to find the password for admin on this container or maybe I'm missing something. I need to run "nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf"


Thanks in advance

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  • 2 weeks later...

I attempted to install Nextcloud yesterday evening and I set my User files path to be my existing data directory, and I created additional paths for other directories I wanted to access through Nextcloud.


Unfortunately something went terribly wrong and all of the contents of those directories were deleted when I started up the docker for the first time. I am baffled as to why this would have happened and would like to not repeat the same thing in the future. I'm hoping to be able to cobble together my data again from various backup sources, but this is a pretty big screw up on my part, even though I'm not sure what I did wrong.

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45 minutes ago, hopstah said:

I attempted to install Nextcloud yesterday evening and I set my User files path to be my existing data directory, and I created additional paths for other directories I wanted to access through Nextcloud.


Unfortunately something went terribly wrong and all of the contents of those directories were deleted when I started up the docker for the first time. I am baffled as to why this would have happened and would like to not repeat the same thing in the future. I'm hoping to be able to cobble together my data again from various backup sources, but this is a pretty big screw up on my part, even though I'm not sure what I did wrong.

Oh damn!


hope you can recover your data.


please mount your share to a non existing folder like /share.


where did you mount the folders to?


maybe you mount that folder as read only next time.



Edited by knex666
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  • knex666 changed the title to [Support] knex666 - Nextcloud

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