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**VIDEO GUIDE How to route any container through the network of another (VPN)

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That's great Doublemyst, I've updated to the latest Unraid version plus forced updates to DelugeVPN but for some reason my template stills seems different than yours. Mine as shown above has VPN input ports and VPN output ports rather than the single Additional ports yours and everyone else's seems to have. As noted above i nuked everything and just got DelugeVPN back running. I'll work on adding in Radarr and Jackett this weekend to provide an update. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Doublemyst Thank you so much dude. Your instructions really helped. I had this working previously by following spaceinvader's video but I had to recreate my docker.img as it got corrupted. I set up my containers using the templates from the previous installs but I couldn't get access to the Sonarr, Radarr or Jackett web UI's when they were routed through DeluveVPN. I followed your instructions and everything is working again now so thank you again.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having an issue when the VPN docker updates itself, it's shutting down the traffic that's supposed to route through it. I find myself trying to access the dockers via the url, not getting a connection. Then I will log into Unraid, go check out my dockers, use curl to see if the VPN ip pops up, and then everything seems to work.


Is there a way I can get all the dockers that are routed through the main VPN to refresh themselves if the connection has gone down?


In all of this, I am ASSUMING they all went down because my Deluge-VPN docker updated itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Similar pickle on my end to @AustinTylerDean's:


If the VPN connection goes down in the "parent" docker (with killswitch), e.g.,

2021-05-03 16:12:50.229168 [ERROR] Network is down, exiting this Docker


All the "child" dockers that rely on the "parent" seem to melt down (Radarr and Sonarr in this case) and are inaccessible until I restart them, despite the "parent" reconnecting moments later.


Is there a way around this? It wasn't a problem when going the proxy route (although I agree this method is preferable for other reasons).

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  • 4 weeks later...

This hasn't worked for a few months for me now, I think it stopped working when I changed my LAN address.


The container routes through the VPN container, but the webUI does not load. I don't know how to troubleshoot it either. I've made sure the VPN container has the correct LAN_NETWORK (same as my router), I set the port up correctly and everything, but the webUI is still just blank white.


Force update on the VPN container didn't work. I've also tried other VPN containers and it's always the exact same problem.

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This hasn't worked for a few months for me now, I think it stopped working when I changed my LAN address.
The container routes through the VPN container, but the webUI does not load. I don't know how to troubleshoot it either. I've made sure the VPN container has the correct LAN_NETWORK (same as my router), I set the port up correctly and everything, but the webUI is still just blank white.
Force update on the VPN container didn't work. I've also tried other VPN containers and it's always the exact same problem.

If you are using one of Binhex’s VPN containers, a hardening of iptables was introduced a few months ago to prevent up leakage. You will need to add and configure additional container settings, please refer to the support thread for the specific docker you’re using.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/13/2021 at 1:20 AM, Doublemyst said:

Hi Jayg37

I am using Unraid 6.9 right now. Maybe the missing information comes from different unraid versions (I don't know, I am a newbie). The Unraid 6.9 Version is now the official release, as much as I know and you can update your Server over Tools -> Update OS. Just make a Backup of your thumb drive first .. Just in case. For me the update went smooth as butter :).

Here is a Screenshot of my Deluge (they are Up-to-Date at the moment) and Radarr config (I hope I don't show anything I shouldn't :D).

To update to docker container, you should first check for the updates under Docker -> Check for Updates (button below the dockers).






And Radarr



I hope this helps.


Edit: The Open WebUI dropdown selection isn't available, when you are using this passtrough. For me, to open for example the Radarr WebUI I am going over the URL http://myserverIP:7878/, where myserverIP is the IP adress of my server. for example in your case (if you are using port 7878 for radarr). Then I added this URL as a Bookmark for ease of access. Plex is http://myserverIP:32400/web/index.html


Edit 2: After it is running and you can access Radarr for example, you need to change (for the passtrhough VPN containers) all the written down server IP adresses to "localhost". here my example of Radarr Download client (don't forget the indexers, there you have to change it too):


You need to change it everywhere in the dockers, which are running through your vpn deluge docker. I've seen you are using Jackett, so there too.

On 3/13/2021 at 1:20 AM, Doublemyst said:

Hi Jayg37

I am using Unraid 6.9 right now. Maybe the missing information comes from different unraid versions (I don't know, I am a newbie). The Unraid 6.9 Version is now the official release, as much as I know and you can update your Server over Tools -> Update OS. Just make a Backup of your thumb drive first .. Just in case. For me the update went smooth as butter :).

Here is a Screenshot of my Deluge (they are Up-to-Date at the moment) and Radarr config (I hope I don't show anything I shouldn't :D).

To update to docker container, you should first check for the updates under Docker -> Check for Updates (button below the dockers).






And Radarr



I hope this helps.


Edit: The Open WebUI dropdown selection isn't available, when you are using this passtrough. For me, to open for example the Radarr WebUI I am going over the URL http://myserverIP:7878/, where myserverIP is the IP adress of my server. for example in your case (if you are using port 7878 for radarr). Then I added this URL as a Bookmark for ease of access. Plex is http://myserverIP:32400/web/index.html


Edit 2: After it is running and you can access Radarr for example, you need to change (for the passtrhough VPN containers) all the written down server IP adresses to "localhost". here my example of Radarr Download client (don't forget the indexers, there you have to change it too):


You need to change it everywhere in the dockers, which are running through your vpn deluge docker. I've seen you are using Jackett, so there too.


I followed your example and it worked great!  I am on 6.9.2 now and ADDITIONAL_PORTS key is no longer there.  What you see is

VPN_INPUT_PORTS instead.  I entered in all of the ports I need to open up....  same way I would with ADDITIONAL_PORTS.  Thanks!


Edited by iichrisphamii
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/3/2021 at 5:42 PM, Refrigerator said:

Similar pickle on my end to @AustinTylerDean's:


If the VPN connection goes down in the "parent" docker (with killswitch), e.g.,

2021-05-03 16:12:50.229168 [ERROR] Network is down, exiting this Docker


All the "child" dockers that rely on the "parent" seem to melt down (Radarr and Sonarr in this case) and are inaccessible until I restart them, despite the "parent" reconnecting moments later.


Is there a way around this? It wasn't a problem when going the proxy route (although I agree this method is preferable for other reasons).


OK, just in case someone comes here later with a similar problem – I solved this by using the docker Rebuild-DNDC, which will monitor the host VPN docker and if it goes down, it will rebuild the dependent dockers so that they stay connected.


Additionally, I changed the approach to connecting to the host VPN docker, using the creating a new network connection method as outlined here, and that made matters a little easier when adding new docker "children" and whatnot (rather than using the advanced parameters method outlined in this thread's tutorial).

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  • 6 months later...

I have been trying to get traffic routing through vpn-containers to work for several months now and have followed numerous guides and used many different vpn-containers. I can get the routed container to get the correct ip most of the times but I have never been able to access the webui of any routed container. 


Is there any special instructions when using a vpn-container that uses wireguard ? I suspect that I need to modify the PostUp/PreDown settings in the wireguard conf.

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2 hours ago, Cliff said:


Is there any special instructions when using a vpn-container that uses wireguard ? I suspect that I need to modify the PostUp/PreDown settings in the wireguard conf.

No. I suspect you have not completed the container firewall port modifications. I suggest reading through binhex's VPN FAQ on github.

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/13/2021 at 4:20 AM, Doublemyst said:

Hi Jayg37

I am using Unraid 6.9 right now. Maybe the missing information comes from different unraid versions (I don't know, I am a newbie). The Unraid 6.9 Version is now the official release, as much as I know and you can update your Server over Tools -> Update OS. Just make a Backup of your thumb drive first .. Just in case. For me the update went smooth as butter :).

Here is a Screenshot of my Deluge (they are Up-to-Date at the moment) and Radarr config (I hope I don't show anything I shouldn't :D).

To update to docker container, you should first check for the updates under Docker -> Check for Updates (button below the dockers).






And Radarr



I hope this helps.


Edit: The Open WebUI dropdown selection isn't available, when you are using this passtrough. For me, to open for example the Radarr WebUI I am going over the URL http://myserverIP:7878/, where myserverIP is the IP adress of my server. for example in your case (if you are using port 7878 for radarr). Then I added this URL as a Bookmark for ease of access. Plex is http://myserverIP:32400/web/index.html


Edit 2: After it is running and you can access Radarr for example, you need to change (for the passtrhough VPN containers) all the written down server IP adresses to "localhost". here my example of Radarr Download client (don't forget the indexers, there you have to change it too):


You need to change it everywhere in the dockers, which are running through your vpn deluge docker. I've seen you are using Jackett, so there too.

Thanks for putting this out there, been searching all over since my ovpn_privoxy stopped working for me. Rather use this and just remove ovpn_privoxy. Appreciate it!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm hoping someone can help me with this, because I'm lost.  I've tried a ton of different guides, watched the video, and been troubleshooting this problem for 4 days now.  I simply cannot open the sabnzbd webUI.  I posted some details and my docker configs here.  I really need some help before I start pulling out what little hair I have left.


EDIT: Nevermind, I finally got it working.


EDIT 2:  And now it's not working again.  Sonarr and SABnzbd are working, but I've downloaded both Deluge and Transmission containers and both are having the same problem.  I'm flummoxed and perplexed, and getting really cheesed off at the insanity of this.  Some help would be GREATLY appreciated, guys.

Edited by Coogan2007
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I'm having the same issue of docker containers are working but the WebUI is not opening 

but I'm using NordVPN container ( it self doesn't have a WebUI BTW ) 


I don't know why it's acting like this .. the container that I'm routing through Nord needs to access a wesite that is blocked from my ISP so I needed to connect to a VPN service abroad .. 

so yes my story is different than the others here .. is there anyone with a logical reason why I can't access the WebUI while the container it self is working correcting and using NordVPN to connect to the server abroad?


Settings are correct and I have followed the video 100%


dose any one have a solution for this ? is it a bug in the NordVPN container ?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm in the same boat as last 2 visitors, with no possibility I can access the webgui once a docker runs through a deluge/privoxy vpn.


Running Unraid 6.11.5, tried with binhex-delugevpn & binhex-privoxyvpn. Followed all steps including the VPN_input_ports & add port for i.e. Radarr.

Checking the ip through console curl ifconfig.io  does confirm vpn runs and Radarr docker goes through the VPN (address of set server country in the wg0 file).


I do have to make a side mark, I currently trialing & erroring through the main VPN from remote location. In other words, the buildin VPN allows me access through a wireguard setup to access the network & run internet through my home server.


If I run all dockers without VPN setup I can access Web Gui and all dockers work as advertized.


I also tried removing/keeping ports in the docker containers, no change. Running HTTPS also no change.


I have tried same with Sonarr & SABNZB: no webgui but i.e. sabnzb keeps running on background as I can see the load on the disk so VPN does work.


Keen to get it resolved, nice to know how I can run certain dockers through the VPN, but I seem to hit a wall like a few others here.


Radarr Settings:



Deluge_vpn (same as privoxyvpn)




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a small bump as no replies. I am still stuck on this one and keen to get it resolved.

I am I really thick or have a missed the latest developments? My knowledge is not extensive enough to do proper trouble shooting by myself, but happy to spend more time on this matter with a few hints how to trace the fault to root cause.

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On 1/20/2023 at 10:01 AM, Caesar said:

Just a small bump as no replies. I am still stuck on this one and keen to get it resolved.

I am I really thick or have a missed the latest developments? My knowledge is not extensive enough to do proper trouble shooting by myself, but happy to spend more time on this matter with a few hints how to trace the fault to root cause.


Have you checked the comments on the previous pages? I have written few replies, maybe those would help - the docker container variables may be a bit different - saw a reply, that they changed naming of one.

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On 1/22/2023 at 10:28 AM, Doublemyst said:


Have you checked the comments on the previous pages? I have written few replies, maybe those would help - the docker container variables may be a bit different - saw a reply, that they changed naming of one.


Hi thanks for your input, I have spend last 3 hours rereading this topic and try all options, but to no avail. To recap what I have tried and done,  and for example to run Sonarr (port 8989) through VPN (I have tried Radarr and SABNZB as well):


1. I have tried both binhex-DelugeVPN and binhex-PrivoxyVPN)

2. Once setup as per Spaceinvaders video I do get the VPN IP address when testing through console curl ifconfig.io (both Sonarr & Deluge/Privoxy)

3. Sonarr docker: I added to 'extra parameters': --net=container:binhex-delugevpn

4. Sonarr docker: network type: none

5. VPN docker: I added 8989 to key 13 'VPN input ports' in Deluge/Privoxy

6. VPN docker: I checked key 9 'LAN_NETWORK' and set to My router provides IP's (DHCP) to 192.168.178.x where server is .25 and router .1

7. I do run from remote desktop (WAN via VPN via wireguard), all files and dockers accessible without running through Deluge/Privoxy. To be complete I opened port 8989 on my router, but no difference.

8. FYI: I do have  a NAT loopback restriction: Modem doesn't support NAT loopback so Home Assistant runs DNSMasq to handle internal DNS requests

9. As stated before, I believe Sonarr works with VPN setup as I can see the load in dashboard, and confirming with curl ifconfig.io I get a VPN IP. I am just limited accessing the Webgui.


As I can't access webgui through IP address (, and/or there is no point trying to add localhost to settings in Sonarr


I am not sure how to run a Docker run command (what syntax do I use, I have tried a few things, nothing sensible comes out?), but if I get a hint I'll upload my log.


Any idea how I can further troubleshoot and come back with more information to paint a full picture?


Please find printscreens of my settings, perhaps I am thick as mince and making a very stupid mistake I fail to recognize:


Sonarr prtsc 1 &2:








Edited by Caesar
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As a small update, I came across this topic and saw this question with answer:


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Currently using DelugeVPN with a few containers networked through it.

 I have noticed that when I'm outside my network and using the wireguard vpn plugin to access my server, DelugeVPN and all containers routed through it are inaccessible via their respective webUIs. Not sure if I missed something in the FAQ or on here.


Any ideas?






Only devices with IP's on the defined LAN_NETWORK container variable are allowed access. You can add additional network ranges to that variable.



I'm currently on the VPN and I have 2 ip's: my local wifi IP as provided by my local wifo hub:


Wireless lan adpater:

VPN peer-tower-wg0-8:


Based on above provided answer I have added the following to LAN_NETWORK in DelugeVPN:




but still no result to get into the webgui.


I start to think it is a remote access problem, but am I on the right track how to add the IP of my laptop?



Next possible solution (no joy) as I try to remote access:


I have added the following to my go file:


echo "# force iptable mangle module to load (required for *vpn dockers)" >> /boot/config/go echo "/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle" >> /boot/config/go


As per instruction of Q2 of the VPN faq.


I do doubt, Space invader adds a port in VPN manually near end of video, but if I do that I get an orphaned docker image. Is this proceeded by the 'VPN_INPUT_PORTS"?



Edited by Caesar
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  • 1 month later...
On 1/29/2023 at 11:28 AM, Caesar said:

As a small update, I came across this topic and saw this question with answer:


Topic: Link to Topic








I'm currently on the VPN and I have 2 ip's: my local wifi IP as provided by my local wifo hub:


Wireless lan adpater:

VPN peer-tower-wg0-8:


Based on above provided answer I have added the following to LAN_NETWORK in DelugeVPN:




but still no result to get into the webgui.


I start to think it is a remote access problem, but am I on the right track how to add the IP of my laptop?



Next possible solution (no joy) as I try to remote access:


I have added the following to my go file:





As per instruction of Q2 of the VPN faq.


I do doubt, Space invader adds a port in VPN manually near end of video, but if I do that I get an orphaned docker image. Is this proceeded by the 'VPN_INPUT_PORTS"?




I've been having the same issues and I found an answer in the Binhex Documentation. Starting at Q24. 


These are the steps I took using binhex-privoxyvpn as the container I wanted to route my applications through. 


I'm using Radarr for this example. To start in privoxyvpn, I added port 7878 (Radarr's port) into VPN_INPUT_PORT. I then added a custom port with Radarr's port again, and a different port that will be used to access the WebUI. I just added one to my port and made it 7879. 




I then set up Radarr as usual and added the --net=container:<container name> into the Extra parameters field. 


After applying these settings, I was able to access my WebUI again through serveraddress:7879


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