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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Tried searching for this.


I have 3 USB external HDD's attached to my server for crash plan backups.


Before crash plan these drives use to sleep automatically as external HDD's normally do. My backups only run weekly. However the drives no longer sleep. I am currently testing with crashplan turned off and waiting the result.


I am also using the open files plugin to see if I have any open files (none open to "disks")


Not sure if anyone else has issues with USB drives not sleeping?


How are you backing up to the external disks?  Why don't you unmount the drives after the backup?  There is no reason to leave them mounted for a once a week operation.

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i think i am missing a step, but for some reason all my mounted usb drives mount without any permissions, so dolphin (docker) or windows explorer can not write to the drives. This worked for for me a few weeks ago and not its not, not really sure what could be causing it.


SMB is set to NO. I tried YES as well. I also tried having unassigned create the NFTS partition as well.

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i think i am missing a step, but for some reason all my mounted usb drives mount without any permissions, so dolphin (docker) or windows explorer can not write to the drives. This worked for for me a few weeks ago and not its not, not really sure what could be causing it.


SMB is set to NO. I tried YES as well. I also tried having unassigned create the NFTS partition as well.


We need more information.  What version of unRAID?  What does it mean to mount with no permissions?  I assume you are mounting the drives NTFS?  So Windows can browse to the drive, but not write to it?


Check the UD log.  It sounds like the drives are mounting read only.  The log will give more information about the drives mounting.


Sometimes NTFS drives can't be mounted read/write and UD will go ahead and mount them read only so they can at lease be read.  The log will give more information.

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i think i am missing a step, but for some reason all my mounted usb drives mount without any permissions, so dolphin (docker) or windows explorer can not write to the drives. This worked for for me a few weeks ago and not its not, not really sure what could be causing it.


SMB is set to NO. I tried YES as well. I also tried having unassigned create the NFTS partition as well.


We need more information.  What version of unRAID?  What does it mean to mount with no permissions?  I assume you are mounting the drives NTFS?  So Windows can browse to the drive, but not write to it?


Check the UD log.  It sounds like the drives are mounting read only.  The log will give more information about the drives mounting.


Sometimes NTFS drives can't be mounted read/write and UD will go ahead and mount them read only so they can at lease be read.  The log will give more information.


oddly enough its working now. Not sure why but its working. Could this have been the read/write issue you mentioned? Where some times it connects and sometimes it doesnt? I just switched to b23 of 6.2. I was on on b21 the last time it was working, if that matters at all. But again, its working now.


Weirdly enough I would have said it was just Dolphin acting up, because reinstalling dolphin is the only thing I did to "fix" it, however windows couldn't write to it either.

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I know the unassigned devices plugin can handle NFS and Samba shares. I would love it if you could add sshfs shares. I have a server on another continent and being able to securely mount it on my unraid box would be awesome. Yes, I know I can do it manually via nerd tools but having it in the GUI would be handy.


Thank you!



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Question: Is there anyway to periodically mount a SMB share?


I want to (automatically) mount an smb share from my workstation to my unRAID server for back up purpose. It would only mount every Friday night and unmount on Sunday night.

That should be doable if there's a command line or something I guess.

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Can someone help me with this log:


Jun 14 23:09:38 Adding disk '/dev/sdd1'...

Jun 14 23:09:38 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd1' '/mnt/disks/500GB'

Jun 14 23:09:38 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdd1' on '/mnt/disks/500GB'.

Jun 14 23:09:38 Error: No valid smb users defined. Share '/mnt/disks/500GB' cannot be accessed.

Jun 14 23:09:38 Defining share '500GB' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/500GB.conf'

Jun 14 23:09:38 Adding share '500GB' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'

Jun 14 23:09:38 Reloading Samba configuration...

Jun 14 23:09:38 Directory '/mnt/disks/500GB' shared successfully.

Jun 14 23:09:39 Device '/dev/sdd1' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.


Since yesterday, after a power failure I can't access the drive.


Any idea why I can't access the share and how to solve it?






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Can someone help me with this log:


Jun 14 23:09:38 Adding disk '/dev/sdd1'...

Jun 14 23:09:38 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd1' '/mnt/disks/500GB'

Jun 14 23:09:38 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdd1' on '/mnt/disks/500GB'.

Jun 14 23:09:38 Error: No valid smb users defined. Share '/mnt/disks/500GB' cannot be accessed.

Jun 14 23:09:38 Defining share '500GB' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/500GB.conf'

Jun 14 23:09:38 Adding share '500GB' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'

Jun 14 23:09:38 Reloading Samba configuration...

Jun 14 23:09:38 Directory '/mnt/disks/500GB' shared successfully.

Jun 14 23:09:39 Device '/dev/sdd1' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.


Since yesterday, after a power failure I can't access the drive.


Any idea why I can't access the share and how to solve it?





Check UD settings.  It appears the SMB settings do not have a user defined for access to this drive.

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Having a brain fart.


I have a umount script that Unassigned Devices calls and does a bunch of things like index etc and its great. Totally rely on it for my workflow so a big thanks.


However I just went to add a simple `smartctl -a /dev/sds > blah.txt` to it but it seems the partition device is set as a variable i.e. /dev/sds1 but the disk device partition device, e.g /dev/sda is not.


Before I go away an pull together a kludge and I missing something obvious?

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Having a brain fart.


I have a umount script that Unassigned Devices calls and does a bunch of things like index etc and its great. Totally rely on it for my workflow so a big thanks.


However I just went to add a simple `smartctl -a /dev/sds > blah.txt` to it but it seems the partition device is set as a variable i.e. /dev/sds1 but the disk device partition device, e.g /dev/sda is not.


Before I go away an pull together a kludge and I missing something obvious?


Only partition is exported. You can extract the disk device using the following code:


DISK=$(echo $DEVICE | grep -Po "/dev/sd[a-z]$")

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Having a brain fart.


I have a umount script that Unassigned Devices calls and does a bunch of things like index etc and its great. Totally rely on it for my workflow so a big thanks.


However I just went to add a simple `smartctl -a /dev/sds > blah.txt` to it but it seems the partition device is set as a variable i.e. /dev/sds1 but the disk device partition device, e.g /dev/sda is not.


Before I go away an pull together a kludge and I missing something obvious?


Only partition is exported. You can extract the disk device using the following code:


DISK=$(echo $DEVICE | grep -Po "/dev/sd[a-z]$")


Appreciated as always.

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I'm having an issue with mounting an ISO. Each time I get a readme.txt inside the mount point saying:


This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system
that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification.


It works fine if I manually mount (mount -o loop file.iso mountpoint). Any thoughts?


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Having the same issue as another user after what must have been an upgrade. SMB shares aren't working any longer - well, they are, and I can see the share directory... just not able to access.


Gone into the Unassigned Device settings page and made my two accounts accessible via Public share, Read/Write access.


Not sure if the drives being mounted @ /mnt/disk/plex ; /mnt/disk/scratch (disk, not disks) has anything to do with it or not.


Latest version of unRAID and most up to date version of the plugin. Running Windows 10 w/a Microsoft account using my email address, so when I go to log in w/ "Server\<unRAID account>" or just "<unRAID account>" it barks at me. I've created new accounts, still no dice.


Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding new config...
Jun 23 23:51:08 Defining share 'plex' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/plex.conf'
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding share 'plex' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
Jun 23 23:51:08 Reloading Samba configuration...
Jun 23 23:51:08 Directory '/mnt/disks/plex' shared successfully.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding NFS share '/mnt/disks/plex' to '/etc/exports'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding NFS share '/mnt/disks/plex' to '/etc/exports-'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Reloading shared dir '/mnt/disk/scratch'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Removing old config...
Jun 23 23:51:08 Removing SMB share file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/scratch.conf'
Jun 23 23:51:08 Removing SMB share definitions from '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
Jun 23 23:51:08 Reloading Samba configuration..
Jun 23 23:51:08 Successfully removed SMB share 'scratch'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Removing NFS share '/mnt/disk/scratch' from '/etc/exports'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Removing NFS share '/mnt/disk/scratch' from '/etc/exports-'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding new config...
Jun 23 23:51:08 Defining share 'scratch' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/scratch.conf'
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding share 'scratch' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
Jun 23 23:51:08 Reloading Samba configuration...
Jun 23 23:51:08 Directory '/mnt/disk/scratch' shared successfully.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding NFS share '/mnt/disk/scratch' to '/etc/exports'.
Jun 23 23:51:08 Adding NFS share '/mnt/disk/scratch' to '/etc/exports-'.


Thanks for any help, driving me crazy this evening. Been out since ~ yesterday, IIRC. Worked fine before that (could have been an old version, I just installed the "Auto-Update" feature for plugins recently).


EDIT: Couldn't tell you why, started working again. Turned off security, maybe that's why?! Seems weird, but whatever, just happy to be able to browse. I renamed my plex drive as "/mnt/disks/plex" (with an S) and now it won't let me change it back, so that kind of sucks (it's forcing me to rescan all my stuff; I've got a very large library).

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I am running Unraid 6.1.9.

I plug an usb stick (8gb) using "Unassigned Devices" and mount it + share it (within UD). When I try to access it from my windows machine I see it but I get a login popup asking for credentials to log into unraid.

Actually I have no password at all for Unraid.

So I type my windows machine username (domain\username) and password and I can´t log in.

I have been trying to look for a solution on the web, with no success.

My windows machine is a vm with windows 8.1, but it happens the same with my laptop running also windows 8.1.

Anyone can help with this? I really need to make this work.

EDIT: Sorry I missed completely that I can access the "Settings>User Utilities>Unassigned Devices". There I can select to make my usb stick visible to the network.




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I've done a quick search and can't find out for sure but are nvme drives working fine? I know support was added in May but has anyone tested it yet?

I've seen at least 2 users successfully using them, but I don't remember if allowed yet as an array drive.

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I have a reiser disk that I plugged into the 6.1.9 server via unassigned devices and see the following errors in the u/d log.  And even though the disk mounts, is shared and shows up in Windows Explorer, navigating to it brings me to the password required page, and no way can I browse the disk from Windows.


From telnet the following errors spit out when I try to do a "ls"

/bin/ls: cannot access Pictures: Permission denied

/bin/ls: cannot access Music: Permission denied



Jul 14 17:54:46 Adding disk '/dev/sdg1'...
Jul 14 17:54:46 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t reiserfs -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/sdg1' '/mnt/disks/ST_NC4Q'
Jul 14 17:54:57 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdg1' on '/mnt/disks/ST_NC4Q'.
Jul 14 17:54:57 Error: No valid smb users defined. Share '/mnt/disks/ST_NC4Q' cannot be accessed.
Jul 14 17:54:57 Defining share 'ST_NC4Q' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/ST_NC4Q.conf'
Jul 14 17:54:57 Adding share 'ST_NC4Q' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
Jul 14 17:54:57 Reloading Samba configuration...
Jul 14 17:54:57 Directory '/mnt/disks/ST_NC4Q' shared successfully.
Jul 14 17:55:57 Device '/dev/sdg1' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.

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hi are there changed some things with the last update of Unassigned Devices for  when I have mount my external hdd to use for temp file whit sabnzbd, it will not use the space  is are the same whit dolphin  I point to it whit /mnt/disks/diskname/  I have try make a folder on the disk, also try change permission



I try to mount it from cmd and mount it on the catch drive in a folder now it work 

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Just out of curiousity, is there a way to have the share show up with uppercase letters? Specifically when being viewed from Windows? I may be doing something wrong, or missing something, but I label the drive as 250GB_SSD but it shows up as 250gb_ssd when viewed over the network from a Win10 VM. Via the unRAID GUI, UD still shows the drive as 250GB_SSD though. unRAID seems to be able to name shares using caps and also spaces. Is this an ability in UD? If not, might I ask if it could be added?

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Just out of curiousity, is there a way to have the share show up with uppercase letters? Specifically when being viewed from Windows? I may be doing something wrong, or missing something, but I label the drive as 250GB_SSD but it shows up as 250gb_ssd when viewed over the network from a Win10 VM. Via the unRAID GUI, UD still shows the drive as 250GB_SSD though. unRAID seems to be able to name shares using caps and also spaces. Is this an ability in UD? If not, might I ask if it could be added?

in my experience this is a Windows issue, not an unRAID one!.  With the latest Windows 10 it appears to lower case share names which are all uppercase.  Mixed case seems to be respected.
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Just out of curiousity, is there a way to have the share show up with uppercase letters? Specifically when being viewed from Windows? I may be doing something wrong, or missing something, but I label the drive as 250GB_SSD but it shows up as 250gb_ssd when viewed over the network from a Win10 VM. Via the unRAID GUI, UD still shows the drive as 250GB_SSD though. unRAID seems to be able to name shares using caps and also spaces. Is this an ability in UD? If not, might I ask if it could be added?

in my experience this is a Windows issue, not an unRAID one!.  With the latest Windows 10 it appears to lower case share names which are all uppercase.  Mixed case seems to be respected.


Cool! Thanks for the info! I'll try mixing it up when I get home and let you know how it goes :)

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