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[SUPPORT] AMP (Application Management Panel) - CorneliousJD Repo

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On 11/7/2020 at 1:15 PM, CorneliousJD said:

You can just chmod the folder to gain access, or if you're not comfortable with a command line you can use something like Krusader or Dolphin docker containers to modify permissions to give yourself access too short of SFTP, but yeah you can certainly use SFTP if you'd like to!

how does one chmod the folder to gain access via samba?

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On 12/8/2022 at 11:35 AM, variants said:

Hi I am running this docker on my unraid machine and I am using nginx proxy manager.

I have my current panel running fine by using nginx proxy manager and setup amp to use a subdomain the same way by pointing the subdomain to the IP and Port for AMP but I get a gateway error when using the subdomain.

I can use AMP just fine by typing in the same IP and Port in the browser, is there anything I need to change in nginx proxy manager for amp?

I am also having this issue; I seem to keep getting a 502 error. Specifically, Nginx Proxy Manager

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1 minute ago, gmoran1016 said:

I am also having this issue; I seem to keep getting a 502 error. Specifically, Nginx Proxy Manager

I just fixed mine last night, same error. On nginx proxy manager I changed the setting from https to http and it worked, when I go to the domain it is https so good enough for me

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When attempting to connect to my minecraft server (local IP:25565), minecraft does not see the server and I get connection refused.


Steps I did:


  • Installed AMP docker and did the MAC address entry per the instructions on the main page of this support thread
  • Entered AMP license and updated the credentials (password) in the container
  • Started the container and then accessed AMP Web UI
  • Created a minecraft instance, setting the version to 1.19.2
  • Java and memory: 4096 memory limit, Java Version JAVA 17 (openjdk) )[system default]
  • On the Status tab, did "Update" and then Started the sever
  • Console shows server starting just fine and has no issues out of the gate - but about a minute after I start the server, I get the below.

Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error



Starting up the minecraft launcher, then going into multiplayer tab, I added the server directly [localIP:port] and immediately see "can't connect to server"


Before I used AMP, I tried another docker for minecraft and that worked fine, so this must be something with AMP somewhere that I can't figure out?

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I reinstalled amp and left everything as default except the port 8080 I changed to 7979

I added my amp key

I added custom ports for Valheim 2456-2458 at the bottom


when I create a Valheim server I am unable to connect to it.

when i click the connect button on the status page it gives me a different ip than my local or public IP so Im guessing something is wrong there.

I went through the connectivity diagnosing https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/diagnosing-connectivity-issues/2290

but all I get is

[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.0.10 built 27/10/2022 18:16
[Info] Release spec: Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
Instance Name       Friendly Name     Module      IP               Port   Up
Main                Main              ADS          8080   
Valheim01           Valheim           Generic        8081   


on another forum I found some one mention


I had the same issue. The link that Mike from AMP has shared righfully asks you to look at the networking for the installation and your instances as that is probably the issue however what worked for me was related to networking but in AMP settings:

In the networking tab in AMP before you have made your instances, made sure to set your “Docker External IP”, “Default AMP IP”, “Binding and Default Application IP Binding” to the IP address of the machine that is running AMP and the IPV4 that youre going to setup firewall rules for in your router.

If you dont have this set before you create your instances then the instances are not bound to look at your IPV4 address of the machine running AMP in my example its

From the routers perspective i have set any incoming singal trying to get to the valheim ports to go to the machine with the IP of

You’ll know if the binding has worked as when youre looking at your instances home page you’ll see the IPV4 address of the machine running AMP as the “endpoint” shown on the thumbnail for the instance and when you single click on the valheim instance.

but Im not sure how to bind the IP. when I see the instance it shows as even after I deleted the appdata, xml template, and reinstalled amp on bridge mode. if I try to install as host it just crashes out.

In the networking tab in AMP settings the only IP's I can select for Default AMP IP Binding are,, ::, is there a way to manually add my systems IP?

Edited by variants
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7 hours ago, variants said:

I reinstalled amp and left everything as default except the port 8080 I changed to 7979

I added my amp key

I added custom ports for Valheim 2456-2458 at the bottom


when I create a Valheim server I am unable to connect to it.

when i click the connect button on the status page it gives me a different ip than my local or public IP so Im guessing something is wrong there.

I went through the connectivity diagnosing https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/diagnosing-connectivity-issues/2290

but all I get is

[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.0.10 built 27/10/2022 18:16
[Info] Release spec: Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
Instance Name       Friendly Name     Module      IP               Port   Up
Main                Main              ADS          8080   
Valheim01           Valheim           Generic        8081   


on another forum I found some one mention

but Im not sure how to bind the IP. when I see the instance it shows as even after I deleted the appdata, xml template, and reinstalled amp on bridge mode. if I try to install as host it just crashes out.

In the networking tab in AMP settings the only IP's I can select for Default AMP IP Binding are,, ::, is there a way to manually add my systems IP?



so I created a minecraft server and I am able to connect to it locally even though the ports still dont show up for it so I guess the issue with my valheim server might not be the ports

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On 2/21/2021 at 10:15 AM, CorneliousJD said:


Here's my setup screenshots, hope it helps!





Valheim Instance Ports



Then in Valheim instance, configuration, server, you can set your wold name, seed, and password (must have password from everything I'm reading i think?)


Then forward ports 2456-2458 *UDP* through your firewall, or to test locally just connect to your unraid IP running AMP on port 2457 (the actual port it uses to connect).




wow thank you so much this solved my issue, I needed to add a custom port since by default it only had sftp, port 1 and port 2. I just added custom port 2458 and as soon as I did that my valheim client updated with the servers name

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  • 3 weeks later...

im having real issues getting satisfactory working, seems that the ports are not allocating within the docker. i have set everywhere I Can but when launched the only port showing as active is the webserver port., port 1 2 and 3 are set just not allocated when you do the ampinstmgr ports command.





this is the error below.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been trying to get a garrysmod server running for awhile, I think I finally found the issue, for some reason amp is trying to use the srcds_linux script instead of srcds_run inside "instances/YourInstance/srcds/4020", it shows this as the last executable in the

support tab. When running ./srcds_linux in console I receive the error:


error while loading shared libraries: libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


This can be resolved by running 


however ./srcds_run works without issue and is the script that's supposed to be used, when running that script through console manually the server starts up perfectly fine and goes online, in contrast to when running in amp and all I get is a log message of


[API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.


with absolutely nothing happening. Any help on this would be really appreciated, I wanted to use amp for this server but at this rate I'm much better off downloading a standalone gmod server docker container, shame since I love the ui of amp. 

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Anyone got any ideas why after my first time setup I can get to and see the AMP login page but it just spins and won't login? Logs seems to indicate everything is updated and running.


Edit: Can't use special characters in the admin password.



Edited by Acefej
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So I am having an issue where the Create in Docker Containers slider tells me it can not find docker, or something similar to those words, I am not currently able to check. Is there something I am missing? I am currently running local instances inside the AMP docker, and I think it is causing performance issues, for example my Project Zomboid server takes  30 minutes to restart, when my friend using the same server files on a windows 10 machine using the normal AMP application is seeing 5-10 minute restarts. I am pretty new to unraid and AMP so I am sure I did something wrong lol. I appreciate any help!

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On 12/20/2022 at 9:22 PM, pixelgraft said:

When attempting to connect to my minecraft server (local IP:25565), minecraft does not see the server and I get connection refused.


Steps I did:


  • Installed AMP docker and did the MAC address entry per the instructions on the main page of this support thread
  • Entered AMP license and updated the credentials (password) in the container
  • Started the container and then accessed AMP Web UI
  • Created a minecraft instance, setting the version to 1.19.2
  • Java and memory: 4096 memory limit, Java Version JAVA 17 (openjdk) )[system default]
  • On the Status tab, did "Update" and then Started the sever
  • Console shows server starting just fine and has no issues out of the gate - but about a minute after I start the server, I get the below.

Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error



Starting up the minecraft launcher, then going into multiplayer tab, I added the server directly [localIP:port] and immediately see "can't connect to server"


Before I used AMP, I tried another docker for minecraft and that worked fine, so this must be something with AMP somewhere that I can't figure out?

Did u fix it meanwhile?

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  • 1 month later...

When trying to manage instance, getting error :


[21:44:59] [GSMyAdmin:admin Activity] : Authentication token for admin requested by ManageInstance on behalf of admin

Game instance:
[21:45:00] [Core Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[21:45:01] [Core Activity] : Authentication failure for user admin from - TokenRejected

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I've been using Crafty, Saw this figured id give it a try since I wanted to host other games.

Followed the Guide, made a Vanilla MC to test... and It shows its running but i can't connect by my local host IP or anything?
I've had a server running via crafty for awhile, ports are forwarded.... But can't connect? No Errors on the Instance Console...
What am i missing?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had some trouble with getting AMP going in UnRaid as I'm brand new to both it and Docker. For any other newbies that may be cruising around looking for a brief step-by-step, I hope this helps. **As an aside, this is primarily for addressing port issues**


My goal was to migrate my existing Valheim world from my ancient Dell R300, bare metal Linux server, to my newly built custom chassis with UnRaid. Here's what worked:


Edit the AMP container and follow these instructions:

  • By default, the container will have a 'Port:' variable for you to populate. You'll notice in that variable that it's commented as 'Web Interface Port'. This will be the port you use to get to AMP's GUI. Pick a port that's not being used by anything else on your network.


  • Now we need to add the ports the game server needs. For my Valheim server, port 2456 is default, so that's what I'm going to add. First, navigate to the bottom of the page and click "+ Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device". 



  • On the configuration window that opens, select "Port" from the drop-down, choose a name for the new config. (this can be anything you like), and then put your game server port in "Container Port", "Host Port", and "Default Value". Now, for connection type, you're going to select TCP or UDP. You'll need both of these, so once you finish creating this one as TCP, you'll create another config. for UDP using the same ports. 



Once you have all of this done, you should see all of these ports being mapped to AMP in your docker tab



And now, specifically for the folks who want to run a cross-play Valheim Server, you'll need to do a couple of things before it will work.


  • Enable cross-play in your Valheim configuration in AMP



  • Next, you're going to need to install some dependencies in your AMP Docker container. To do this, navigate to the Docker tab in Unraid, click on the AMP icon, and select Console. Your first command should be 'apt update'. Once the repo is updated, enter this: 'apt install libpulse-dev libatomic1 libc6'. Once these packages install, restart AMP and you should be good to go. 


Most of this is probably common knowledge, but I hope it helps someone! 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot for the life of my get amp to work. It runs, i set up the instance, update it and start it. Shows its running, but I can't connect to it by either the local ip, or public ip. Game is just never found. I have no idea where i am going wrong. 

Forwarded the port i chose for the game below and i am using the unraids ip to connect locally. Tried using a vpn and my public ip, still nothing. Just times out, some games say not found. 

Is this even alive? I see a lot of people asking for help and 0 responses. 

Edited by ToastedPirate
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Got it to work with MC, its very clean and better than doing all from command line and scripts, but a few things, some that has been mentioned before here:

-the docker does not open any game ports, just the AMP web-port so you need to add any game ports you want to the docker config.
-AMP uses "instances" and inside 1 instance you run 1 game. So if you just from the main page choose config, this is the AMP config.

-To config a game, goto "instances-->select the game-->manage" the top of "main page" should now say "Return to Instances" and everything in this menu is now for that specific game.

-Same goes for starting the game server. The instance may say running, but you need to go to manage and from the "Status" click on Start to start the server. At least this is true for Minecraft, not tried anything else yet

This last part really confused me because I thought when you start the instance you also start the server, but NOPE!
I wonder if this is the problem @ToastedPirate has

  • Thanks 1
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