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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/22 in Posts

  1. USB_Manager is in CA as of 6th June 2021, Please continue to use USBIP-GUI but will be replaced by USB_Manager. The plugin supports attaching multiple USB devices of the same Vendor/Model to a VM. Also it will auto hotplug devices are plugged in if defined and the VM is started. Dashboard View add in 16.02.2021. To see USBIP Functions you need to enable in Settings. This function is only valid from 6.9.0-rc2 onwards. Once enabled additional panels are available. (USBIP status and connection host/ip from vers >14.02.21 USB_Manager Change Log 2021.12.12a Revert 2012.12.12 2021.12.12 - Add Hub processing.You can define a port mapping for a hub. If connected or vm starts all devices on that hub will be connected to the VM. Will not process next level down hubs. - Chg Disable device mapping for Root Hubs and Hubs. Disable port mapping for Root Hub. - Chg Detach button show next to connected port or device on the main line. - Fix Buttons if Hotplug mapping used. - Note reboot or disconnect/reconned of Hub may be required. 2021.09.18 - Code review and update. 2021.09.01 - Fix start of usbipd and load of modules on array start. 2021.08.01 - Code clean up - Change to udev rules for 6.10+ support. - Enable zebra strips on tables. 2021.07.27 - Fix Change Unraid Flash to Unraid inuse on the hub lines on dashboard page. - Chg Use Port as standard rather than Physical BUSI/Port. 2021.07.23 - Fix Disable roothub and hubs used for Unraid Flash device. 2021.07.10 - Add volume to device list in USBHotplug page. 2021.07.09a - Add display of Hotplug Devices on main USB page and allow detach. 2021.07.09 - Fix Virsh error if both port and device mapping exist for a device a connection time. - Add USB Manager Hotplug page on VM page, to enable change options in settings. Base code from DLandons Hot plug plugin. Addition support to show on USB page if mapping doesn't exist in next release. 2021.06.02a - Fix table formating if both port and device mappings for new volume column - Add Log virsh calls. 2021.06.26 - Enhancement Show Volume for USB Storage Devices. 2021.06.20 - Enhancement enable port processing for mappinng ports to VM at start. - Update text on edit settings page to describe entry being changed. 2021.06.19 - Install QEMU hooks file code, thanks to ljm42 for code. 2021.06.08 - Fix USBIP command check. 2021.06.06 - Initial beta release. If you are using USBIP-GUI continue to do so at this time. This plugin will suppercede USBIP-GUI in the future and will migrate configurations. USBIP-GUI and USB_Manager cannot co-exist. If you want to replace USBIP-GUI then uninstall first, Config files we remane on the flash drive you can copy them to usb_manager directory. USBIP and USBIP-HOST module are not loaded by default. If you want to use them enable USBIP in the Settings and click the install button to install the additional plug. Add the following lines, see support page for complete code as cannot be insert here to /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu after the PHP line, These will be automatically added in the a future release. if ($argv[2] == 'prepare' || $argv[2] == 'stopped'){ shell_exec("/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/usb_manager/scripts/rc.usb_manager vm_action '{$argv[1]}' {$argv[2]} {$argv[3]} {$argv[4]} ................ Includes all changes from USBIP-GUI + Topology Slider addition. USBIP-GUI Change Log 2021.05.15 - Chg Fix Remove USB device from VM for devices not in a shutdown state, was previously only for running. 30.04.2021 - Add Remove USB Device from VM when disconnected. 2021.04.22 - Add Roothub and Hubs to view. - Add Switch to show empty ports. - No process added at this time for additional devices. 10.03.2021 - Add VM disconnect option to be used in pre sleep commands to remove USB mappings from VM before sleep. 09.03.2021 - Chg Fix issue introduce as part of port mapping for checking status. 24.02.2021 - Add Support for port-based mappings Auto connecting to a VM when device is connected to a USB port. Only devices being plugged in are supported for Ports at this time. Support for port level will be added in the furture for VM Starts. Precedence is for device level mappings over port. If a device is set to autoconnect no then the auto connect at the port level will be evaluated. 17.02.2021 - Add Dashboard update and refresh. 16.02.2021 - Add USB Dashboard entry. Enable within settings. 14.02.2021 - Add Display host name or IP address for remote USBIP Clients. 13.02.2021 - Add Show remote connection status. Host/IP to follow WIP. 12.02.2021 - Chg Fix for Bind/Unbind Button. 10a.02.2021 - Add Disconnect update function implemented. - Add Auto Connect on VM Start. - Chg Auto Connect on device added checks VM Status - Add Update Status when VM Stops. Note you need to manually add code to /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu for VM start/stop process to function. See support page. Development yet to be completed. Update of qemu hook file. Add checks before historical info can be removed. Rename Plugin to USB Manager Change to include USBIP package install in the settings page. 08.02.2021 - Add: Autoconnect function. If VM defined and Autoconnect is set to Yes then when usb device is connected device will be connected to VM. If VM is not started Error is show. - Chg: Main USB list is no longer depetant on USBIP. Version change to support 6.8. Error will be seen during install as it trys to install USBIP package which doesnt exist pre kernel 5.10.1, but is ignored. Development yet to be completed. Autoconnect function, check VM status before connecting. Autodisconnect function. Will provide log entry but no action taken at present. Add checks before historical info can be removed. Rename Plugin to USB Manager VM Start/Stop process. Change to include USBIP package install in the settings page. 07.02.2021 - Add: VM Mapping functions - Add: Display USBIP function messages if not used. Enable/Disable for USBIP added to settings. Defaults to disable, change to enable if you are upgrading. - Add: Historical Devices added, list includes current devices also which can be removed whilst inuse. - Add: Failure Message for virsh errors. Note, Existing Libvirt plugin cannot be used to connect devices. Development yet to be completed. Autoconnect function. udev Rules exist and process works, but there are timing issues to be resolved. Add checks before historical info can be removed. Rename Plugin to USB Manager VM Start/Stop process. Changes to USB device list not to be depentant on usbip. Once change version pre-6.9.0-rc2 will be available. 31.01.2021 - Add: Revised Load process and addition of loading usbip package from ich777. USBIP package includes all commands and modules required for USBIP 28.01.2021 - Initial beta release.
    1 point
  2. Not without more information. The regular logs are stored in RAM and are reset on boot. You should setup a syslog server and post the file after a crash.
    1 point
  3. Not sure about that, the diagnostics show 2133, as if the XMP profile is not applied. So the issue is probably not cause by memory speed.
    1 point
  4. Just make sure the speed at which the RAM is running (as reported in the BIOS) is equal to or lower than the speed the CPU can support according to the chart in the linked post. Also note that supported RAM speed is often dependent on how many RAM slots are filled. XMP profiles are often overclocks.
    1 point
  5. Have you checked out the suggestions in this post related to Ryzen-based servers? Memory overclocking (pay attention to what speed the board/CPU can support and not the rated speed of the memory) and C-states seem to be the most common causes of Ryzen-based system issues.
    1 point
  6. Just so you're aware, I did about the same thing last week - 6.9.2 -> 6.10rc3 in order to get the AMD reset plugin to work & it did just fine. I have another issue passing through that card that will require more testing on different hardware, but windows 10 & 11 rebooted just fine with the AMD reset plugin installed.
    1 point
  7. Like mentioned if the boot freezes in safe mode you likely have some hardware issue, would need to be onsite to be able to help, also I frequent the forum mostly when at work and time permits, can't really be doing one on one sessions with teamviwer or similar since I can't allot time for that.
    1 point
  8. ok, passt schon, ich weiß jetzt nur nicht ob moonlight als streaming client das unterstützt, vor allem in der Auflösung ... die streamer encoden das Bild ja in Echtzeit und streamen dann mit ca. 100 - 150 mbit zum client im besten Fall ... mehr schafft der Encoder auch nicht in Echtzeit bei hohen Auflösungen, jetzt schau mal mit wieviel mbit dein stream da läuft, wenn du jetzt tatsächlich auf 120fps willst und die auch noch streamen willst heißt das doppelte Leistung ... entweder du wirst (und ich denke nicht zu knapp) an den Einstellungen spielen müssen (Quali runter fahren) und/oder dein stream wird in die Knie gehen (pixeliges Bild). wie @DataCollector oben richtig aufzeigt ist der native stream ja wesentlich höher, nur das hat jetzt nichts mit gamestreaming zu tun, das ist die pure Bandbreite die bei HDMI anliegt ... aber trotzdem schonmal ganz interessant um zu sehen wieviel da reduziert wird ... in linustech hatte ich mal gesehen wie darüber diskutiert wurde selbst einen hdmi dummy zu programmieren, am Ende wahrscheinlich einfacher und billiger als einen fertigen zu kaufen (wenn er dann kommt), ist ja nur ein edid zu schreiben ... aber zum Gamestreaming an sich, teste doch mal 1920x1080p mit Vollgas Einstellungen und 120 hz was passiert ... und ob das überhaupt schon geht ...
    1 point
  9. If it helps at all, it works for my Movies library 100% of the time, but not once for any other library
    1 point
  10. Thank you, ignoring the error and rebooting fixed everything! You rock!
    1 point
  11. Sure do I have datasets created by Docker but this is also the case if you run it on a BTRFS volume, this is just normal and these are the actual Docker Images.
    1 point
  12. da scheint es aktuell nicht wirklich was zu geben ... aber mal davon ab, was heißt "auslasten" ... deine 3080 sollte bei 4k60 schon ausgelastet sein, gerade wenn du mit den settings etwas hoch gehst ... und wenn du nur "remote" drauf bist, kann dein remote Protokoll, Gerät, ... überhaupt mehr wie 4k60 umsetzen ? Gamestream und co machen auch kein VRR etc ... und 4k120 kannst du definitiv knicken nur mal aus Interesse was du eigentlich vorhast
    1 point
  13. Hi, I checked the template I did not use any port forwardings so you should delete that option and add a new one. I didnt get it.
    1 point
  14. ACS Override auf multifunction war auch mein erster Gedanke, hat leider nichts gebracht. Ich bekomme eine Ausgabe des Unraid Terminals bis meine Karte an vfio gebunden wird. Im Bios ist mir dann aufgefallen dass das 'above 4g mmio' noch ausgeschaltet war, allerdings hat auch das nicht geholfen. Ich versuche später noch mal meine gt710 als Primäre Karte und meine rx580 auf den zweiten Steckplatz.
    1 point
  15. Your destination in the Flood download client config in Sonarr should be /user/mount_mergerfs/downloads/complete/sonarr/ I believe. That should hopefully get it sorted
    1 point
  16. Correct. The card is no longer visible to the nvidia-smi utility so the plugin cannot retrieve data from it.
    1 point
  17. You should follow the guide from nextcloud: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_database/db_conversion.html
    1 point
  18. ok, mal anders angesetzt welchen docker nutzt du ? den aus CA ? wenn ja, entferne diesen mal, benenne deinen userdata ordner um, Bsp. /mnt/user/appdata/adguardhome zu .../adguardhome_backup installiere den docker nochmals mit add container, runter scrollen zu user templates, adguardhome auswählen, dann ist der zwar erstmal "blank" aber zum Test ob dieser sauber startet, neu startet, usw usw ... wenn ja, dann ist recht sicher dass die Config nicht sauber ist, sprich, pass dann nochmal deine config "step by step" an ... und teste dazwischen ob er sauber startet ... so würde ich jetzt das Thema angehen ... simpel, Ausschluss ...
    1 point
  19. Liegt vermutlich an einer falschen config oder ähnlichem. Hast du denn eine konfiguration drin in deinem appdata Ordner, wenn ja, passen die Rechte auch? Warum benutzt du Portainer auf Unraid wenn ich Fragen darf? Hast du einen wirklichen Mehrwert davon?
    1 point
  20. Nothing to worry about, please see this post:
    1 point
  21. Usually : appdata domains system You might want to check if your cache pool has a minimum free space set. Generally we suggest to set it to something larger than the larger file you expect to go through your cache. The Array needs to be stopped to change the value.
    1 point
  22. Ich werde mal am Wochenende eine Anfrage dazu starten. Mal schauen, ob es dazu eine Antowert gibt.
    1 point
  23. I finally did it. Now kodi database works on mariadb docker. I had installed mariadb official setting: Generate random password - yes (remember on the first run to read and save the password from the log) Database name: kodi Database User: kodi Database password: set a password after the installation I entered by mariadb console and copied all files in mariadb.conf.d to conf.d (cp not mv) then modified the path in the link from /etc/mysql/conf.d to /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d activating advanced settings (I had to copy the files because if i didn't the mariadb.conf.d after changing the link resulted empty, I don't know why) from UNRAID console I edited the 50-server.cnf setting the bind address to from mariadb console: mysql -u root -p (entering the root random password) GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'kodi'; remember to setting up kodi with proper advancedsettings.xml
    1 point
  24. You have no video acceleration, so this is expected and not limited to monterey. --- If you run: qemu-img info /path/to/vdisk.img in a unraid terminal and in the output you see "virtual size" = "disk size", it means that the vdisk didn't shrink when you deleted files in the vm and when free space on vdisk increases (when you delete some files in the vm) it doesn't sync with the free disk space on the host; this means that one day in the future the host will see the real disk full. You can sync the free space between the vm and host in different ways, the fastest and preferred is to use trim inside the vm and setup the vdisk as non rotational. Note that if you use virtio controller to attach the vdisk this will probably not work (at least it didn't work last time I tried, now I'm passing through the sata controller directly); it works with emulated sata controller. a. For unraid < 6.10RC1 (6.10RC1 excluded): a1. check your vdisk settings in the xml, for example: <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/> <source file='/path/to/vdisk.img'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hdd' bus='sata'/> <alias name='sata0-0-3'/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/> </disk> and change the second line to: <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' io='native' discard='unmap'/> <source file='/path/to/vdisk.img'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hdd' bus='sata'/> <alias name='sata0-0-3'/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/> </disk> add this after <qemu:commandline> <qemu:arg value='-set'/> <qemu:arg value='device.sata0-0-3.rotation_rate=1'/> sata0-0-3 being the alias of the disk. b. For unraid >=6.10RC1 (6.10RC1 included): b1. check your vdisk settings in the xml, for example: <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/> <source file='/path/to/vdisk.img'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hdd' bus='sata'/> <alias name='sata0-0-3'/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/> </disk> and change to: <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' io='native' discard='unmap'/> <source file='/path/to/vdisk.img'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hdd' bus='sata' rotation_rate='1'/> <alias name='sata0-0-3'/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/> </disk> c. in the mac os vm enable trim: run a terminal, type: sudo trimforce enable and follow instructions. Mac os will reboot, the vm will see the vdisk as an ssd, trim will be enabled and free space will be synched. --- That is not opencore, but opencore configurator. About the update of opencore I wrote something here: https://github.com/SpaceinvaderOne/Macinabox/pull/47#issuecomment-869157952
    1 point
  25. I think I finnally found the culprit. The I/O errors actually came from, I believe, the insufficient sata power. I used a molex-to-2x-15-pin-sata cable to power the silverstone 5HDD hot-swag cage due to the clerance problem. And I never ran into problems untill I populated all 5 HDD into a single cage (I have two of the cages). I found a simular issue, which prompted me to try power the cage with two dedicated sata cable straigh from the PSU. THE end result is that the disk 1 was pre-clear at double of data rate at 200+MB/s instead of 90MB/s . The rebuild process was done in 10 hrs with average 202MB/s. I wish the system log could be more precise about the I/O error (" hard resetting link") , or the drive itself should have reported under-power issue. I hope this will be helpful for someelse.
    1 point
  26. anscheinend wohl nicht, es werden auch nicht viele portainer auf unraid nutzen ... br0 ist custom:br0 ? wenn ja kannst du dir die port mappings schenken da der docker ja ne eigene ip hat und alle ports eh offen sind auf dem docker, ansonsten ... mal ohne portainer probieren ?
    1 point
  27. That share has a very restrictive Split Level setting (1) so you may get Unraid trying to put files on drives without sufficient space for the file in question. As described here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI the Split Level setting takes precedence over any other setting when trying to decide where to put a file.
    1 point
  28. Could have something to do with you allocation method combined with split level… Check out those settings and play around with them .. Set split level to “split any ditectory as required”, that might be it.. Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Wenn man mit tags arbeitet, dann nicht. Einfach nextcloud:21 und man bleibt auf Version 21 mit dem jeweils aktuellsten Sicherheitsupdate. Größere Sprünge gibt es dann erst, wenn man selbst den tag verändert.
    1 point
  30. If you're running 6.9.2, then you need to delete the /config/BTRS.key file
    1 point
  31. You will need to register for an account and add a credit card to sign up for the free tier (I'm not 100% sure on this but this is what I had to do.) but there is no cost for bandwidth cost. The terms of service only allow for regular website traffic (not video streaming like plex), so you aren't supposed to use a lot of bandwidth. If you do, it will likely trigger something in their system and you make get taken off the free plan.
    1 point
  32. This looks like some sort of race condition in the DOM. Perhaps the order of operations for plugins have changed? Setting a breakpoint on this line: let dropdownElement = $(`#dropdown-${id}`).clone(true) You will find that the dropdownElement length is equal to 0 -- meaning that it can't find that particular element. I verified that the id that is being passed is the container id which is correct. After the page loads, you can open up developer tools and run: var id = "a44765f3cd56"; let dropdownElement = $(`#dropdown-${id}`).clone(true) Where id is equal to the container id you would like to check. You will see that jQuery was able to find the element now, but wasn't quite ready when the code wants to execute. I posted on the project GitHub with what I suspect an issue is. There is a defect reported for this. I'll take a look when I have some time after my work deliverables.
    1 point
  33. Not a super advanced user so take all of this at your own risk I also have a Gigabyte board - gigabyte z270mx gaming So using sensors-detect this is the only module detected other than coretemp ITE IT8686E Super IO Sensors (address 0xa40, driver 'to-be-written') I used this command to force load the it87 driver under a different an ID which it recognised which works correctly with the IT8686 chipset (for me) modprobe it87 force_id=0x8628 This got my PWM fans working and detected by Unraid I was then able to see the fans in Dynamix System Temp and enable the fans so that Unraid can see them and display them on the dashboard You then need to put that last command into your go file so it gets loaded at boot I used 'Config Editor' by Squid to edit this easily Using pwmconfig or pwmcontrol in the console just ended up messing with things and I had to reboot to get it all fixed Dynamix Fan Auto Control was then able to see the chipset and PWM fans It could see the fans in this fan control fine before my reboot but it wasn't able to control any of my fan speeds After the reboot Fan Auto Control was able to correctly detect my 4 fans and detect the minimum PWM value (min PWM detect was a particular issue before reboot) I was still having trouble before I realised that you have to enable the fan control function individually for each of the PWM fans Finally success, I have conquered this Gigabyte board! You may need to add this line below to syslinux.cfg to get this to work on some boards acpi_enforce_resources=lax Here are some links to key resources that helped me: In reality all of this is just saying that Squid's advice just below works for Gigabyte boards https://hwmon.wiki.kernel.org/device_support_status_g_i https://forum.level1techs.com/t/i-patched-the-it87-temperature-monitoring-driver-need-some-help-testing-it/132675 https://github.com/lm-sensors/lm-sensors/issues/154
    1 point
  34. If anyone else stumbles upon this via google, I had exactly the same problem, clearing the website cache and cookies in chrome fixed the issue for me.
    1 point
  35. What IP address did you use for trying to connect? The IP should be that of your Unraid server and the port should be 5900 or greater (depending on which VM you're trying to connect to).
    1 point
  36. Try editing USE_SSL in /config/ident.cfg from "auto" to instead be "no" and see if that makes a difference (reboot will be required). And if it does, then within the gui change it back to auto in management settings
    1 point
  37. Just found this solution - I am running Windows 10 1709: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4046019/guest-access-smb2-disabled-by-default-in-windows-10-server-2016
    1 point
  38. If you look at the link in the second post of this thread it tells you how to do it basically 1/ stop the ups software in unraid 2/ ssh into unraid 3/ run apctest chose option 10 4/ wait
    1 point
  39. Mein UNRAID Server steht da wo er laut pusten kann und es keiner hört. Über Gigabit verkabelt sollte 4k@120Hz ja kein Ding sein. An meinem Schreibtisch steht ein 3440x1440 (max. 144 Hz) Monitor. Das streamen dorthin klappt auch wunderbar. Aber eben nur mit max. 60Hz, da der aktuelle Dongle nicht mehr hergibt. Ich hatte mal eine zeitlang Shadow (Gamestreaming Anbieter) und dort ging ebenfalls mehr als 120Hz und das übers Internet. War mir dann aber auf Dauer zu teuer (haben die Preise zwischenzeitlich mehr als verdoppelt und die Latenz war mir zu hoch). Mein TV kann nur 60Hz. Da passt das ja alles. Aber an meinem Monitor hätte ich schon gern das Maximum was geht. Spiele ja nicht immer super aktuelle Titel. Die 120 und aufwärts erreiche da locker meistens. Zum streamen über die Nvidia Karte nehme ich Moonlight (https://moonlight-stream.org/). Wie gesagt klappt bisher alles wunderbar. Nur halt in max. 60Hz.
    0 points