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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Looks good, no issue.

Looks like S3 Sleep plugin did correctly detect that there is disk activity and does prevent sleep.

If you try to shut down in this state, you will get an unclean shutdown.


So I don't see any issue with the plugin.


You now have to look to what is causing disk activity on your cache drive. But this is something unrelated to the plugin and maybe worth an own topic.


You will find lots of documentation online about how to detect which processes are causing disk access.


You probably need the nerd plugin to add necessary tools to find out which process is causing disk access.

Once you found the process which is accessing the disk, you may need help of other people to understand what kind of process it is.


But in the end it is not related to s3 sleep plugin.

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1 hour ago, Falcosc said:

Looks good, no issue.

Looks like S3 Sleep plugin did correctly detect that there is disk activity and does prevent sleep.

If you try to shut down in this state, you will get an unclean shutdown.


So I don't see any issue with the plugin.


You now have to look to what is causing disk activity on your cache drive. But this is something unrelated to the plugin and maybe worth an own topic.


You will find lots of documentation online about how to detect which processes are causing disk access.


You probably need the nerd plugin to add necessary tools to find out which process is causing disk access.

Once you found the process which is accessing the disk, you may need help of other people to understand what kind of process it is.


But in the end it is not related to s3 sleep plugin.

As i said, i researched all of that and there is absolutely no disk activity, open files, dockers, vms, scheduled tasks interfering.... I also said that the plugin caused an unclean shutdown, i didn't force it.


Theres some posts of other users with the same problem in this and other forums so, forgive me but categorically saying it's not the plugin just by seeing a log seems precipitate for me. However, i can't certify if it is or not. Thanks anyways. 

Edited by kalidus
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6 hours ago, HDT said:

Does anyone know if the TRIM SSD plugin, by default, trims all SSD's regardless if their file system is XFS or BTRFS?


Or, does it only trim XFS SSD's since I've read that performing TRIM on a BTRFS SSD can be bad?


There is no way to exclude BTRFS in the settings of this plugin.

Maybe this can help you::


  • Thanks 1
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I tried to install the plugin, but receive this error.....


plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.encryption.key.plg
plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.encryption.key.plg
plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.encryption.key.plg ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response)
plugin: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.encryption.key.plg download failure (Invalid URL / Server error response)


Other plugins are updating, so i think it's not on my side.....

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Is there a known issue with CPU spiking with Dynamix Cache Directories? It keeps hitting 2 of 12 cores to about 80% every 11 seconds. Once I disabled the folder caching function it stopped. I only noticed because it was causing my fan to speed up and down and got quite annoying.

I heard there was an issue if "Scan user shares" was enabled, but I have it set to "No"

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15 minutes ago, Freddy23 said:

Is there a known issue with CPU spiking with Dynamix Cache Directories? It keeps hitting 2 of 12 cores to about 80% every 11 seconds. Once I disabled the folder caching function it stopped. I only noticed because it was causing my fan to speed up and down and got quite annoying.

I heard there was an issue if "Scan user shares" was enabled, but I have it set to "No"

Reduce the number of cached selections. Only cache locations that absolutely need it. You are probably trying to cache too many entries, especially if you selected appdata.

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Hello, is there anyway i can troubleshoot Dynamix Fan Auto Control? In the last few months my fan's have been running extra loud compared to what they used to. I have the array powered off, processor and mainboard are showing 31 & 33 degrees, respectively. All the hard drives are under 34 degrees, but the fans are still spinning at medium-high speed.


Settings are screenshotted in the attachment, let me know if there is any other information i can include for diagnostics.


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a feature request id like to see is..  not to use  "SDx"  to define hard drives..   but use there UID numbers..   if you pull a UD drive.. and reboot  unraid.    then the SDx  get all jumbled at times in the exclude drives  so a drive you wanted excluded  is now moved a hard drive or 2...  be nice to  have    (array 1 drive)   uid #      not (array 1 drive) sda     as tomorrow sda  could be array 2 drive 


but if it could go to each unique id of a hard drive... then it wouldnt bugger up...  same with the "hwmonX"   it changes if you pull a UD drive out and you reboot.. now  a hwmon1   is either hwmon0  or hwmon2       be nice if there was a way to fix it.. that it never changes


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17 minutes ago, comet424 said:

a feature request id like to see is..  not to use  "SDx"  to define hard drives..   but use there UID numbers..   if you pull a UD drive.. and reboot  unraid.    then the SDx  get all jumbled at times in the exclude drives  so a drive you wanted excluded  is now moved a hard drive or 2...  be nice to  have    (array 1 drive)   uid #      not (array 1 drive) sda     as tomorrow sda  could be array 2 drive 


but if it could go to each unique id of a hard drive... then it wouldnt bugger up...  same with the "hwmonX"   it changes if you pull a UD drive out and you reboot.. now  a hwmon1   is either hwmon0  or hwmon2       be nice if there was a way to fix it.. that it never changes


The system never uses the sdX designations to identify drives.    In the main array it is by serial number, and If you want it under UD then you CAN already get UD to always use the same identifier for each drive by simply setting the name to use explicitly.

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under fan exclude you see its sdk sdj sdl   well they always change if i were to add a drive to the array...  and if you add a UD drive  and reboot well exclude the check marks are off by 1   or 2 or 3 depending how many UD drives you add and do a reboot for whatever reason..

so if i have array 1 to 7 checked off  and you add 2 UD drives and you reboot things.. then   array 1 is checked  2 3 is unchecked 4 5 6  7 could be checked off..   it picks and chooses


what i mean about uid 

beside Disk 1  instead of it looking for SDJ   it be nice if it was UID   cuz 


so  Disk 1 (sdj)     would be  Disk 1 (UID #)

this way  fans wouldnt bugger up every time a any hard drive   you plug into the server and then you happen to do a reboot causes the fan list bugger up...


so like


Disk 1   UID#

Disk 2  UID#

Disk 3  UID#



this way  it be always linked to the UID number not a SDx number

as i guess the Fan Speed Exclude  only looks at "SDx"  not "UID"


and is there a way to fix that HwmonX issue i notice too?


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and about the UD  and identifliers.. what i mean 

is if i have what you see in above pic...  if i have  2 USB drives plugged in.. and reboot.. it will  then uncheck those check boxes.. same if i add  a drive to the array


but also mostly  the Hardware monitor keeps changing when you remove a UD  from the system.. so if you have 2 UD drives pluged in and HWMON2  is set.. when you pull the 2 drives out and reboot..   HWMON2  changes to HWMON0     and buggers up the fans... and or sometimes the disk1 etc wil sometimes uncheck and re check others..




and say if i add another Disk to the array.. so Disk8  it buggers up the fans checked off cuz its not doing UID  but the SD and the orders change,,  so each time you add an Disk either a cache or a Disk  will missup what you have already set

Edited by comet424
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6 hours ago, comet424 said:

@mmwilson0  probably the HwmonX  has changed.. re detect.. and see if its changed from  hwmon0  to like 1 or 2  for each of the 6 pwms  that normally fixes it for mel

Thanks for the suggestion @comet424, i tried uninstalling and reinstalling System Temps and Fan Auto Control, and went through the detect on all PWM's... but the fans still dont seem to be being controlled by the plugins at all. Any other thoughts? They sound like they're running at a steady 75%, which they didn't always used to do. If i was downloading and extracting heavily then the fans used to scale up and down appropriately, but currently my home is just one loud "blowing" noise from the fans

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@mmwilson0  try in your bios  and if it has  like settings for manual and automatic fan controls   try the opposite is set for..  i know i had to do that for my asus x570 boards  i think i have manual


i know the HWMON  keeps changing  if i pull or add an un assigned drive

it start of as 

hwmon1   but after a reboot  it could be hwmon0 or 2    so far no one has an answer to my question how to force it to be 1   not toggle itself



so i always have to click the DETECT and then apply...  cuz of the hwmon change each time you reboot if you add remove a unassigned drive

Edited by comet424
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2 hours ago, Masterwishx said:

i Think that after reboot autofan is not started automatic but was enabled on pwm3,pwm4 .

What should be done to start it automaticly after reboot ? 

look in the autofan config dir, for multiple config files, delete then all except the one that currently reflects your setup, and remove any numbering from the file name, reboot and it will auto start.


i can not believe this plugin has gotten 0 support for so long! it has alot of issues!

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1 hour ago, comet424 said:

@mmwilson0  try in your bios  and if it has  like settings for manual and automatic fan controls   try the opposite is set for..  i know i had to do that for my asus x570 boards  i think i have manual

in bios fans should be set to 100% or full speed so auto fan can ramp them up and down 100%.


if they are set to 50% in bios, the auto fan at 100% will only be 50% of the fans output

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@spl147  ill have to try that  set to 100% i cant remember what i have  i know i think its in manual mode.. except cpu fan  i leave that on automatic..


ya the autofan issue i have had issue for couple years.. where i mentioned  if you add or remove a hard drive or cache drive  as i guess the sdX  keeps changing and bumps things so if it were to use UID then each drive would still have UID  and the sdX  can change as much as it wants  it would still stick to the UID  or even if you had to swap a drive   that say Disk 1  needed replacing that auto fan plugin would also update  to that new hard drive like when you do a pull drive and put a new one in and rebuild..  cuz it messes up .. and the HwmonX  keeps changing  i asked in general chat.. if there is a "Force"  so you could force  hwmon be either 0 1 or 2..  since it changes after a reboot if you change a drive either by adding it to array or to the un assigned devices..   i was hoping there was likea boot.ini  and youd say  force hwmon#=hwmon0     or force hwmon%=0    then at bootup the sensor hwmon be the same everytime no matter howd drive changes


but i do appreciate to the programmer that wrote it.. as it keeps it quiet..  so some ideas and issues maybe he can work on would help but always appreciate it..  saves wear and tear on the fans 🙂


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On 6/12/2022 at 5:14 PM, spl147 said:

look in the autofan config dir


i can see my config is OK

also after checked i see autofan is working by % in bottom panel with systemfan i think ,

but cant see the service is running also not in syslog when changing speed like was after enabled pwm fans...

also fans was setuped in bios 25-100 % pwm and when i was enabled befor reboot autofan checked it was pushed fan to 100% for checking speed i think ..



Edited by Masterwishx
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