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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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I have just encountered an issue with the plugin.


I precleared a drive (using the preclear plugin) and it completed successfully.


Now I want to format and mount it using Unassigned Devices plugin but format button is grayed out (with array running and also stopped).


when I go into the new (sdf) and existing (sde) drives I don't see any format type option.


See attached

I also uploaded a logfile from the main screen as you described

Have you enabled the Destructive Mode on Settings>Unassigned Devices? It's a safeguard to avoid accidental lost of data.

i would like to ask if any one with ntfs usb drives are having problems??

i have been using this plugin with great success but the last 2 versions i cannot mount my drive..

i have done scandisk in windows [no problems found according to windows  ::)] and have run the correct flag several times with no success...


i do realise you want a log but i am just asking if this is a problem for other people?



thanks for your most excellent plugin, really appreciated..

I'll try this in a couple of days when I do my monthly offsite backup. Worked OK last month.

Just finished my montly backup with this, and it worked.


It is a little different than I remember from last time though. There is no checkbox for running the script in the background, I assume because it always runs in the background now. Also, when I push the Mount button, it does mount and run the script, but the Mount button just sits there "spinning" until the script completes. Not sure that is expected behavior or not, or whether I would even consider it a bug, but it might be a little disconcerting if you aren't aware of what's happening. Once the script completes, the button does show the drive is mounted. My script doesn't take any action on the unmount, so that happens quickly. Don't know if it would also "spin" if the script did anything or not.

It's designed that way. Imagine you accidentally hit Unmount while the script runs; it can do nothing, but can provoke some kind of corruption.

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Hi. I've hit a slight snag. Here is what I'm trying to do:

I have an old off-site grandfather backup copy of a Mac disc that I'm trying to pick out useful things off like image files and copy to the array. Files that are copied and checksum verified are then deleted from the disk. The disc is hfsplus. Initially it mounted fine in the plugin, but I got into trouble with permissions and some files couldn't be copied or deleted off it.

So I ran newperms on it, just on the hfs disk.


Now here's the problem.

There are multiple file system errors on the console.


Recoff XXX too large.


The disk won't unmount with 5 open files listed (nothing other than newperms should be accessing the disk now).


So, is there a way to force unmount it? I'm guessing the file system has been corrupted by running newperms on it. My priority now is to protect my array and do a clean shutdown, but not sure if it will be possible if the hfsplus disk won't unmount. The disk is actually currently still readable even with the errors and being unable to unmount.


Thanks for any help.


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Really love this plugin!.


I just upgraded my cache drive. Even though it's assigned to the cache slot it still shows under Unassigned Devices. Is that normal?


Also my cache drive does not persist between reboots now. I have to keep adding it back in manually. Not sure if that is something to do with this plugin, but never had that problem before. Any ideas?

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I too love this plugin.... I have one question...


I would like to be able to mount shared folders from my Windows 7 machine... IOW, I have a folder on my Win 7 machine, that I have shared with "everyone"... All my Win 7 machines in my home workgroup see this share... But I cannot mount it in unRAID. In Unassigned Devices I select SMB and then it properly shows the workgroup, but nothing shows in the shares dropdown, or even when I try to put my Win7 machine's IP address. I don't use a username/password in my Win7 machine.


Any ideas if this is possible? My goal is to set a cron rsync to backup irreplaceable documents and family photos to my Win 7 machine... I recently had to do a "reiserfsck -rebuild_tree" on one of my array drives and I think I had files loss. I want to have a safe backup.







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I too love this plugin.... I have one question...


I would like to be able to mount shared folders from my Windows 7 machine... IOW, I have a folder on my Win 7 machine, that I have shared with "everyone"... All my Win 7 machines in my home workgroup see this share... But I cannot mount it in unRAID. In Unassigned Devices I select SMB and then it properly shows the workgroup, but nothing shows in the shares dropdown, or even when I try to put my Win7 machine's IP address. I don't use a username/password in my Win7 machine.


Any ideas if this is possible? My goal is to set a cron rsync to backup irreplaceable documents and family photos to my Win 7 machine... I recently had to do a "reiserfsck -rebuild_tree" on one of my array drives and I think I had files loss. I want to have a safe backup.





When I select SMB, I get a button "Search for server in" workgroup name. Pressing this button gives me choices in the IP/Host dropdown. Selecting a host and pressing "Load Shares" button gives me choices in the Share dropdown.


Does it not work that way for you?

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Also my cache drive does not persist between reboots now. I have to keep adding it back in manually. Not sure if that is something to do with this plugin, but never had that problem before. Any ideas?

This might mean that there is file system corruption on the flash drive so that updates are not getting saved.  Worth putting it into a Windows system to see if it detects corruption (and then fixes it).
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When I select SMB, I get a button "Search for server in" workgroup name. Pressing this button gives me choices in the IP/Host dropdown. Selecting a host and pressing "Load Shares" button gives me choices in the Share dropdown.


Does it not work that way for you?


Sadly no.... when I select the Workgroup button, in the dropdown, I only get Tower which is the unRAID server... I have other *nix machines that use Openelec,and Windows 7 on that workgroup. My Win 7 machines has no issue seeing them all.





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When I select SMB, I get a button "Search for server in" workgroup name. Pressing this button gives me choices in the IP/Host dropdown. Selecting a host and pressing "Load Shares" button gives me choices in the Share dropdown.


Does it not work that way for you?


Sadly no.... when I select the Workgroup button, in the dropdown, I only get Tower which is the unRAID server... I have other *nix machines that use Openelec,and Windows 7 on that workgroup. My Win 7 machines has no issue seeing them all.



Is your unRAID server the local master? Not just set to be the local master, but actually the local master? There is a dynamix plugin to show you.
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I had in Settings > SMB:


Local Master Browser: No

Monitor Local Master Election: Disabled

Current Elected Master: UBUNTU


I have installed the plugin, and went back and changed the values to Yes and Enabled... and it still says UBUNTU. And it will not see other machines in the workgroup. Do I need to reboot?


Not sure what this master stuff is... sorry to be so ignorant, but my Achilles's Heel is Windows networking...





PS I did this command: nmblookup -M HOME and it is showing one of my Openelec machines as the master.


OK Trying this solution:




Waiting for a reboot....


Done rebooting.... I now have the little Yoda head telling me I am the master.... the nmblookup does show unrAID being the ip. But when trying to add a share, I still ONLY get Tower as my only device on the network.  :(



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Some recent version (not sure which) breaks serial number detection for me both in the GUI and as a variable in the script.


I do not know if this ever showed info but i include in case it is relevant "When you drill down into the disk view the GUI shows Partition size:  0 KB (K=1024) Partition format: BLANK"


Apologies if this is a duplicate.

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I have been trying to keep a precleared warm spare drive in my NAS. I use the unassigned devices plugin to maintain another drive outside of the array drive for MythTV. I precleared the device, hit the "Clear Statistics" mark in the unassigned devices plugin. Next I clicked on the drive itself, and set the spindown time to 15 minutes. After which the device spins down, and is reported by hdparm as "standby". Whenever I load the unRAID UI, the Unassigned Devices plugin takes a bit to load, after which the drive is spun up again. Is there any way to prevent the plugin from spinning up this drive  every time the unRAID UI loads?

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Really love this plugin!.


I just upgraded my cache drive. Even though it's assigned to the cache slot it still shows under Unassigned Devices. Is that normal?


Also my cache drive does not persist between reboots now. I have to keep adding it back in manually. Not sure if that is something to do with this plugin, but never had that problem before. Any ideas?


Did you find a fix for this? I have seen the same symptoms. I noticed my cache drive was no longer persistent before adding this plugin (I have recently added the pre-clear plugin and then noticed the issue when I rebooted to add a new drive). I did not change the physical cache drive, but I did unassign it to do a secure erase approximately a month ago. I probably hadn't rebooted the server since I first reassigned the drive following the secure erase and the recent power down to install the new drive.


I'm assuming this isn't related to gfjardim's excellent plugins, but I am curious if you've corrected the problem. I've removed the flash and checked it in a Windows box (indicating no issues) and unassigned/reassigned the cache drive multiple times with no change.

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It looks like several of you are having the same problem I reported in this thread:



Did you find a workaround or figure out the problem? Any insight would be helpful


So, I've corrected my issue. I'm still not convinced this is due to gfjardim's plugins, but uninstalling them temporarily did resolve my problem.


Basically, I uninstalled both the Preclear and Unassigned Devices plugins, rebooted the server (cache did not auto populate), assigned the drive, started the array, stopped the array, unassigned the drive, started and stopped the array again, then finally assigned the drive again. After that my cache has persisted through power cycles, even once I reinstalled these plugins.


That may not be the most efficient way to do it, but I was essentially trying to emulate the process needed for unRAID to "forget" a disk you wanted to rebuild onto. I'd done something similar with the plugins installed and the cache drive never persisted through reboots.

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Really love this plugin!.


I just upgraded my cache drive. Even though it's assigned to the cache slot it still shows under Unassigned Devices. Is that normal?


Also my cache drive does not persist between reboots now. I have to keep adding it back in manually. Not sure if that is something to do with this plugin, but never had that problem before. Any ideas?


Did you find a fix for this? I have seen the same symptoms. I noticed my cache drive was no longer persistent before adding this plugin (I have recently added the pre-clear plugin and then noticed the issue when I rebooted to add a new drive). I did not change the physical cache drive, but I did unassign it to do a secure erase approximately a month ago. I probably hadn't rebooted the server since I first reassigned the drive following the secure erase and the recent power down to install the new drive.


I'm assuming this isn't related to gfjardim's excellent plugins, but I am curious if you've corrected the problem. I've removed the flash and checked it in a Windows box (indicating no issues) and unassigned/reassigned the cache drive multiple times with no change.


I did finally fix the problem.


In Flash/config I manually edited the disk.cfg file and changed the cacheID entry to the name of my new cache drive (as reported by unAssigned devices). It then persisted through reboots.

My old cache drive, which I'm leaving in the system, now shows up in unAssigned devices as it should. Before it did not.


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I just got this up and running and did some transfers (smaller ones 25-60gb) with several smaller files (flac) in each directory. I am only getting 30mb/s is that normal for this kind of transfer? Considering, if I just go through my network, I get 85-98mb/s transfering larger files. Is it going to be worth it to do my transfers (just rebuilt my server and returning data) or am I better off just going through my windows system to do it?

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I just got this up and running and did some transfers (smaller ones 25-60gb) with several smaller files (flac) in each directory. I am only getting 30mb/s is that normal for this kind of transfer? Considering, if I just go through my network, I get 85-98mb/s transfering larger files. Is it going to be worth it to do my transfers (just rebuilt my server and returning data) or am I better off just going through my windows system to do it?

How is the drive connected? USB2? USB3? SATA? eSATA?

What kind of drive? Flash? SSD? HDD?

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Guys, let's start iron these bugs out.


Fuser shows that chown has files open, but I can't kill the PID or do a fuser -km to close the file.


It's already baked into the code, but not enabled. In the next release, it will try to unmount the disk 5 times, and, if it's locked (no opened files and yet it refuses to unmount) it will be unmount forcibly. I needed more time to test this out.


I did finally fix the problem.


In Flash/config I manually edited the disk.cfg file and changed the cacheID entry to the name of my new cache drive (as reported by unAssigned devices). It then persisted through reboots.

My old cache drive, which I'm leaving in the system, now shows up in unAssigned devices as it should. Before it did not.


Probably, your flash drive was corrupted.




Some recent version (not sure which) breaks serial number detection for me both in the GUI and as a variable in the script.


I do not know if this ever showed info but i include in case it is relevant "When you drill down into the disk view the GUI shows Partition size:  0 KB (K=1024) Partition format: BLANK"


Apologies if this is a duplicate.


I'll investigate this.

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