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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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I'm seeing this on the main page. Did a search, didn't see anything for it.


Warning: file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 210 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 66


I am out of disk space on no devices in the system at all.

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I'm seeing this on the main page. Did a search, didn't see anything for it.


Warning: file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 210 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 66


I am out of disk space on no devices in the system at all.


Never mind, my log partition was full. I've fixed that and this message has gone away.

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Hi - I am using this plugin in a 6.1.6 pro server with about 9 unassigned disks. All f them are working fine, thank you for the plugin!


I have a question on the spindown. The default spindown is 15 mins and I do not seem to see the disks spinning down. Anytime I pull up the tower main page, all the disks are lit up green and show a disk temperature including unmounted disks. The raid disks do not show this behavior. If they are spinned down, the disk icon is greyed and there no disk temperature reported. Am I interpreting this behavior correctly? 


Also, how do I custom mount the disks at a specified mount point and name? I am still using the SNAP plugin that mounts one of my vm ssd.

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Hi - I am using this plugin in a 6.1.6 pro server with about 9 unassigned disks. All f them are working fine, thank you for the plugin!


I have a question on the spindown. The default spindown is 15 mins and I do not seem to see the disks spinning down. Anytime I pull up the tower main page, all the disks are lit up green and show a disk temperature including unmounted disks. The raid disks do not show this behavior. If they are spinned down, the disk icon is greyed and there no disk temperature reported. Am I interpreting this behavior correctly? 


Also, how do I custom mount the disks at a specified mount point and name? I am still using the SNAP plugin that mounts one of my vm ssd.

SNAP is not supported.


As for mounting with this plugin, did you watch the video in the first post, all the way to the end?

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I had been hoping to use this plug in along with external USB drives for my backup plan.  But with the 5TB USB3 Seagates I purchased I could never get anything better the 30MB/s writing.    I've tried copying with MC from disk shares to the mount and its ~30MB/s at best.  I've tried copying with Windows 10 to the share, and it's ~30MB/s.  I bought a whole new USB3 card and it performed just as poorly as the previous one.  I began to suspect that it was the drive itself.  So I moved the USB3 card to my Windows 10 PC and performance was just as terrible.  Then I discover USB drives by default don't have write caching.  Once I enabled that, the drive took off and was doing 150MB/s.  Looking for something similar in the linux world I've discovered the SYNC command in NTFS-3G, but from my limited knowledge it doesn't appear that the drive is mounting with that. 

Dec  9 12:05:56 Tera ntfs-3g[18552]: Version 2015.3.14 integrated FUSE 27
Dec  9 12:05:56 Tera ntfs-3g[18552]: Mounted /dev/sda2 (Read-Write, label "5TB-External", NTFS 3.1)
Dec  9 12:05:56 Tera ntfs-3g[18552]: Cmdline options: rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=000
Dec  9 12:05:56 Tera ntfs-3g[18552]: Mount options: rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,default_permissions,fsname=/dev/sda2,blkdev,blksize=4096


Then I learned that NTFS performance with NTFS-3G is just poor in general and CPU bound.  While it does get up there, it never maxes out the cores.  Though I have repurposed an ancient Athlon X2 for unRAID.




dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/disks/5TB-External/zero.tmp bs=1M count=1024 conv=fdatasync,notrunc


I get ~50MB/s


1024+0 records in

1024+0 records out

1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 22.4819 s, 47.8 MB/s


Have I run out of options now?  I wanted them attach to unRAID so my Windows PC could sleep.  Would a Windows VM running on unRAID get better performance?  Not that I have the memory for that.


I guess I'll answer my own post.  I reformated the external drives to exFAT and I'm hitting the 50MB/s limit dd was getting.

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I have a disk that I am unable to mount.  Here is the reason based on this entry in my syslog:


Dec 15 17:12:44 Tower kernel: XFS (sdh1): Filesystem has duplicate UUID 92664c40-aa6f-436a-b4f9-e8b7cd8e6758 - can't mount


I had a problem with a disk...so I unassigned it and replaced the disk with one that was the same a WB Black 1 TB and had unraid rebuild the disk.  I now want to create MD5 checksums to compare the disks but am unable to mount the original drive.  Does rebuilding a disk give it the same uuid?


Any suggestions as to how to mount this original disk with this plugin?





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I have a disk that I am unable to mount.  Here is the reason based on this entry in my syslog:


Dec 15 17:12:44 Tower kernel: XFS (sdh1): Filesystem has duplicate UUID 92664c40-aa6f-436a-b4f9-e8b7cd8e6758 - can't mount


I had a problem with a disk...so I unassigned it and replaced the disk with one that was the same a WB Black 1 TB and had unraid rebuild the disk.  I now want to create MD5 checksums to compare the disks but am unable to mount the original drive.  Does rebuilding a disk give it the same uuid?


Any suggestions as to how to mount this original disk with this plugin?


Interesting problem!  Apparently XFS uniquely identifies each file system with a UUID.  So if you create an exact copy, it recognizes itself and refuses to mount the second instance.


Here (or here) is both a temporary and permanent solution.  But I don't know if Unassigned Devices has an input field for extra mount options, so you may have to do the mounting yourself at the command prompt.

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I generated the same error while trying to create a new backup external drive and testing the mount/unmount script I had assigned. I could remount (only once) each time if I rebooted the server. As these were simply backup discs that I had just formatted, I went with a different FS.


Given the prevalence of XFS in UnRAID, perhaps Rob's fix should be implemented in this plugin?

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I installed this plugin and appreciate the ability to rescan the list of drives in the case of a hot swap.  That said, now there are no more "spin down" icons next to the list of Unassigned Devices.  Has this functionality been moved elsewhere, or is there a way to have both this plugin as well as the spin-down feature?


Thanks a bunch!

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I was waiting to uninstall SNAP since I had trouble mounting one of my SSD with btrfs using unassigned plugin. I decided now is the right time to move away from SNAP.


a. I need help with one of my btrfs SSD. Although this drive is getting mounted, there is no status message indicating it has been mounted. The 'mount' button is enabled and temperature shows *


b. I see that all unassigned drives (mounted and unmounted) show drive temperatures anytime I refresh the screen. These drive icons are also green. Raid drives are greyed out indicating they are spun down and show * temperatures. The default spin down time is 15 mins. Does unassigned devices plugin spin down drives (mounted and unmounted)?


SNAP is not supported.


As for mounting with this plugin, did you watch the video in the first post, all the way to the end?

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  • 2 weeks later...



is there an easy way to add nvme disks (pcie ssds) to the plugins list?

Since they are not yet supported as cache disks, this awesome plugin would be ne next best thing :)


Right now they dont show up, you are probably not looking into /dev/nvme* for disks?

Not nesseseraly all features, but at least auto-mount (for VMs) would be nice.


If you dont have access to a nvme drive, I could test it for you or provide console output to your device search pattern.


Dont mind if it's too much work, it'll probably work without the plugin.


Anyway, great plugins so far, keep it up :)


I'll try this soon.

Was just wondering if there was an update about NVMe support for this plugin. Keep up the great work and thank you for your contribution!

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Did anybody figure out how "NFS Export" is supposed to work?

When I enable this option in "Settings" I see no way from the GUI to export a device under NFS.


Also a bug I suppose:

I am unable to edit remote smb share mountpoint name. Even though I edit the mount point name from GUI it always reverts to system-assigned "smb_<server>_<share>" when I click "mount"

The mountpoint name however gets changed in remote_config.cfg as mountpoint="/mnt/disks/<desired name>", but that is ignored even after reboot. Device keeps mounting under system-assigned name despite specifying custom"mountpoint".

So really two bugs: no ability to edit remote share name mountpoint from gui and ignoring custom mountpoint.


Unraid 6.1.6

plugin v 2015.11.18




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Ok my ssd failed me. I put in a new 500g but why am I getting two shares listed -


One is the hard drive other the share name I gave it. I dont' recall it doing it with the ssd I had in there before.


Is the pic I attached the correct setup.


I have two shares when I go to my tower related to this -

one called - hgst_xxxxxx

2nd called - 500g_sdg


With the previous drive I just had 200g_sdg share.


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I installed the Unassigned Devices 2015.11.18 on Unraid 6.1.6.  Seems to be a great plugin from reading this thread.


I did find an unusual behavior.  I've not had any unassigned devices in my system until I redid my cache setup.  I created a pool of two cache drives using two new drives - worked fine.  Once my old cache drive was no longer assigned it appeared under 'Unassigned Devices".  I did not do anything like mount the drive or take any other action.  Here's the odd part. I don't really need the old cache drive so I removed it. Unraid would no longer boot. I put the drive back in and Unraid boots fine. I can repeat this consistently. Is this expected?


I hooked a monitor to the system and the splash screen where one can make choices about how Unraid boots never shows if the old cache drive is removed. The boot sequence ends with a blank screen and a cursor.  Unraid never even starts loading. Text is flashing by pretty fast  before it fails.  My impression from watching successful and failed boots is that syslinux.cfg never runs, but that's a guess.


I suspect that I'm missing something obvious, but I would appreciate some instructions on how to remove the old unassigned cache drive and still have Unraid boot. Sorry if I'm being thick.


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I installed the Unassigned Devices 2015.11.18 on Unraid 6.1.6.  Seems to be a great plugin from reading this thread.


I did find an unusual behavior.  I've not had any unassigned devices in my system until I redid my cache setup.  I created a pool of two cache drives using two new drives - worked fine.  Once my old cache drive was no longer assigned it appeared under 'Unassigned Devices".  I did not do anything like mount the drive or take any other action.  Here's the odd part. I don't really need the old cache drive so I removed it. Unraid would no longer boot. I put the drive back in and Unraid boots fine. I can repeat this consistently. Is this expected?


I hooked a monitor to the system and the splash screen where one can make choices about how Unraid boots never shows if the old cache drive is removed. The boot sequence ends with a blank screen and a cursor.  Unraid never even starts loading. Text is flashing by pretty fast  before it fails.  My impression from watching successful and failed boots is that syslinux.cfg never runs, but that's a guess.


I suspect that I'm missing something obvious, but I would appreciate some instructions on how to remove the old unassigned cache drive and still have Unraid boot. Sorry if I'm being thick.

Unclear from your description. If you are booting from the flash then the boot menu should be the first thing you see. Maybe check your BIOS boot selections.
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Sorry for being unclear. When my computer boots it displays certain stats about memory checks and such before Unraid boots from the flash drive. It has been working for years. The only change is now having an unassigned drive. Maybe the config needs to be reset?

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Ran into an issue I've had before and thought was being fixed, but it's still happening with 6.1.6 and 2015.11.18 UD


1. Map SMB share in UD

2. PC that hosts that SMB share goes offline.

3. Webgui main page takes forever to load, sticks at Please Wait.

4. now offline mapped SMB share nearly impossible to umount.

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Ran into an issue I've had before and thought was being fixed, but it's still happening with 6.1.6 and 2015.11.18 UD


1. Map SMB share in UD

2. PC that hosts that SMB share goes offline.

3. Webgui main page takes forever to load, sticks at Please Wait.

4. now offline mapped SMB share nearly impossible to umount.


This has happened to me too. I didn't know it had attempted to be fixed so I haven't used SMB shares for a long time. It happened to me when I made a SMB link from my Main unRAID server to my backup unRAID and visa versa.


The only way I found to recover from this was to drop to the command line and start killing processes which I thought were the offending ones hanging things.

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I encountered a strange issue after upgrading to 6.1.4.  On my one unraid server, almost every morning the web UI would display, but the array page was blank and the dashboard didn't show any disks.  I rebooted yesterday and it cleared, but this morning it was doing the same.  I noticed in the /var/log/unassigned.device.log the following entries:


at Nov 21 10:31:14 EST 2015: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428

Sat Nov 21 10:31:24 EST 2015: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(289) : eval()'d code on line 550

Sat Nov 21 10:31:25 EST 2015: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428

Sat Nov 21 10:31:29 EST 2015: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(289) : eval()'d code on line 550

Sat Nov 21 10:31:30 EST 2015: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428


I removed the Unassigned Devices plugin, and the UI began acting normally again. 




I tried reinstalling to see if it would happen again, and now I get an error message as in the attached screenshot...


I've got the same mass of error messages in my unassigned.devices.log (they accumulate at a rate of several per second) but my UI is as responsive as it was before I installed the plugin. I'm running unRAID 6.1.6 and the current version of the plugin (2015.11.18). Did you ever resolve this issue?


Sat Jan 9 2:34:43 GMT 2016: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(276) : eval()'d code on line 550
Sat Jan 9 2:34:45 GMT 2016: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428
Sat Jan 9 2:34:45 GMT 2016: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428
Sat Jan 9 2:34:45 GMT 2016: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428
Sat Jan 9 2:34:45 GMT 2016: PHP Warning: set_error_handler() expects the argument () to be a valid callback in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 428


Line 428 of the UnassignedDevices.php file reads




but I don't understand the code as grepping the file for ori_error_handler returns no other instance of the string. So unless ori_error_handler is defined globally somewhere else, then set_error_handler() is being passed a null argument - hence the error message. Is anyone else seeing this. Maybe the author might be able to comment?


Update: I've installed the plugin on my other unRAID server and I'm getting the same error messages in its unnassigned.devices.log


Update: In less than 11 hours the log file has grown to over 4 MB. I'm going to have to uninstall the plugin.


Update: Uninstalled. Rebooted. Re-installed. Same problem - same error message repeated over and over. Has anyone else seen this? How do I fix it? Uninstalled and rebooted. I'll live without it for the time being.


Update: Exactly the same on two different unRAID servers.



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I'm fairly new to unRAID.. I've installed this plugin and I have two 4Tb hard drives that contain NTFS data partitions from pre-unRAID days.. Both have a grayed out mount and format icons and I'm not sure why or how to fix it?


I just want to mount them, transfer the data off to the unRAID array and then join them to the array afterwards.

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I'm fairly new to unRAID.. I've installed this plugin and I have two 4Tb hard drives that contain NTFS data partitions from pre-unRAID days.. Both have a grayed out mount and format icons and I'm not sure why or how to fix it?


I just want to mount them, transfer the data off to the unRAID array and then join them to the array afterwards.

I use this to mount NTFS all the time. Possibly you have multiple partitions on these disks. You have to mount a specific partition. Is there a '+' icon next to the drives that would let you expand to see the partitions? Maybe post a screenshot showing what you are talking about.
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I'm fairly new to unRAID.. I've installed this plugin and I have two 4Tb hard drives that contain NTFS data partitions from pre-unRAID days.. Both have a grayed out mount and format icons and I'm not sure why or how to fix it?


I just want to mount them, transfer the data off to the unRAID array and then join them to the array afterwards.


Look in the unassigned devices log and see what it says about the partitions.  You can view the log by clicking on 'Help' and then reading the help instructions.


I've tried to mount Windows 10 partitioned disks and it has been unsuccessful because of the recovery partitions from what I remember.

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