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[Plugin] IPMI for unRAID 6.1+

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You can already do that, I edited my post, wrote before seeing how the plugin works. [emoji5]

Yes that's the way the fan control has always been. The original point of the plugin's fan control was to control the side fans of my case based on hdd temps especially during parity checks/rebuilds.
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@dmacias, I was missing your script after having switched away from my ASROCK board and great to having it back 🙂


I have connected my CPU fan to FANA and FAN1-4 are all case fans. I chose settings according to this (see picture attached). CPU Fan is now running much lower than before (1.000rpm vs. 2.300).


No changes yet on the FAN1-4 in terms of rpm as I just installed a dual parity drive and data-rebuild is running, hence the quite high disk temperature requires FAN1-4 to run high.


Edited by EdgarWallace
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On 19/06/2017 at 0:27 AM, dmacias said:

If someone with a Supermicro X10 or X11 wants to give it a try here's the latest beta I've been working on. It is fully functional. No bugs or issues that I know of yet other than I'm still working on ASRock dual cpu support and Supermicro X9 support. So fan control will not work for a X9 board yet.
This is a new separate repo I split from my unRAID plugins repo and when I feel this is right I'll push an update to the main repo and point it to this one.




Just to report that I've been using the beta for over 24 hours on an X11 and it's working great, thanks

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4 hours ago, wgstarks said:
I've got the new beta installed. Is this update for that branch?

It's for the beta. I won't update the old repo except to update the plugin file to point to the beta/new repo.
The update was to fix the auto setting and to return the fans to the previous mode set in the BMC.

Edited by dmacias
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I tried to install the beta Supermicro plugin but it says the url is invalid.  Perhaps there is a issue with the link on page 1 of this thread.



plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg
plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg
plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response)
plugin: wget: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg download failure (Invalid URL / Server error response)

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13 minutes ago, Switchblade said:

I tried to install the beta Supermicro plugin but it says the url is invalid.  Perhaps there is a issue with the link on page 1 of this thread.



plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg
plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg
plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response)
plugin: wget: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugins/ipmi.plg download failure (Invalid URL / Server error response)



That should be "plugin", not "plugins".




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Forgot to remove the tablesorter package. It uses a cdn link now. It's fixed now.


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Just tested the beta, it works like a charm on my X11SSi-LN4F. Great work!


Only one point which I didn't got to run.


Low temperature threshold (°C): Lowest temperature in the linear range to determine fan speed. Below this temperature the fan will turn off unless minimum is set.

My fans didn't turn of, probably because I'm not able to don't set a minimum, a value between 1 an 64 is mandatory. If I'm setting a minimum lower than 19 at FAN1234, which is equivalent to 1000RPM on my CPU cooler connected to FAN1, my fan rotates at 1000RPM nonetheless probably forced by the mainboard. So turning fans of isn't possible on my board.


Edit: Enabling Network Connection Disables the fancontroll, an doesn't stets the MB back to auto!!!


I still have some feature ideas.

  1. It would be great to have the possibility to set a Fan speed maximum (1-64) because most stock coolers don't really have a better cooling performance just by maxing out the rpm of a loud fan.
  2. It would also be great to be able to set shorter Temperature Polling Time cycle because a CPU variates match faster in temperature than once a minute something like 5 to 15 seconds would be nice.
Edited by Diggewuff
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7 hours ago, Diggewuff said:

Just tested the beta, it works like a charm on my X11SSi-LN4F. Great work!


Only one point which I didn't got to run.

My fans didn't turn of, probably because I'm not able to don't set a minimum, a value between 1 an 64 is mandatory. If I'm setting a minimum lower than 19 at FAN1234, which is equivalent to 1000RPM on my CPU cooler connected to FAN1, my fan rotates at 1000RPM nonetheless probably forced by the mainboard. So turning fans of isn't possible on my board.


Edit: Enabling Network Connection Disables the fancontroll, an doesn't stets the MB back to auto!!!


I still have some feature ideas.

  1. It would be great to have the possibility to set a Fan speed maximum (1-64) because most stock coolers don't really have a better cooling performance just by maxing out the rpm of a loud fan.
  2. It would also be great to be able to set shorter Temperature Polling Time cycle because a CPU variates match faster in temperature than once a minute something like 5 to 15 seconds would be nice.

Unless you lower the thresholds of the fans on the Supermicro, they will spin up to full if they fall below the threshold.

I changed Temperature Polling Times to seconds and added 10 sec intervals below a minute.  Everyone will need to change settings, save and restart fan control otherwise the polling will be 6 times less. So 1 min = 10 sec.
I added fan max speed.

Didn't see the edit about the network connection change and fan control. I'll fix that on next update.


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I see there is an update ready, but when I tell it to update, I get this error,


plugin: updating: ipmi.plg
plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/archive/tablesorter-2.27.6-x86_64-1.txz ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response)
plugin: wget: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/archive/tablesorter-2.27.6-x86_64-1.txz download failure (Invalid URL / Server error response)





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I see there is an update ready, but when I tell it to update, I get this error,  

plugin: updating: ipmi.plg
plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/archive/tablesorter-2.27.6-x86_64-1.txz ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response)
plugin: wget: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/archive/tablesorter-2.27.6-x86_64-1.txz download failure (Invalid URL / Server error response)






I pulled the update. There should be a new update reverting the changes. I need to investigate more the impact of running the fan control script in intervals less than a minute. The script uses smartctl to get the highest drive temp. I was starting and stopping the script a lot, testing some settings and apparently one of my parity drives got a sata error. I didn't notice this till this morning after the mover caused parity errors on that parity drive. I'm not sure if they are related but I decided to pull the update till I can look through the logs. Also check why I wasn't notified till the parity errors. I would like anyone using the beta to update just in case.




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Recently I upgraded to a Supermicro board with IPMI support.
Time to install your plugin [emoji4] When done thru CA it installs version 2016.10.24, is this the expected version?

There's a beta version in the OP. I'm moving it to its own repo. So when I was ready I was going to update the CA version to point to the new repo (IPMI-unRAID).

Maybe you could shed some light on the issue in the post above. The plugin webgui uses unRAID vars to get the hdd temps but the fan control script uses hdparm to check standby and then smartctl to get highest temp. Could intervals of 10, 20 or 30 seconds cause problems.
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49 minutes ago, dmacias said:

There's a beta version in the OP. I'm moving it to its own repo. So when I was ready I was going to update the CA version to point to the new repo (IPMI-unRAID).

Maybe you could shed some light on the issue in the post above. The plugin webgui uses unRAID vars to get the hdd temps but the fan control script uses hdparm to check standby and then smartctl to get highest temp. Could intervals of 10, 20 or 30 seconds cause problems.


Ok, installed your beta version and have a look.


Regarding hdparm and smartctl. Just reading the disk state using hdparm doesn't cause negative impact on disk operation, but reading smart attributes using smartctl may have impact on disk operation, depending on disk brand and model. Therefor temperature reading in the GUI is set to an interval of several minutes (this is set thru Tunable (poll_attributes) under disk settings). Bringing it down to lower than a minute can give bad disk performance as it will interfere too much with normal disk operation. My advice: keep 1 minute as the lowest interval.


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Ok, installed your beta version and have a look.
Regarding hdparm and smartctl. Just reading the disk state using hdparm doesn't cause negative impact on disk operation, but reading smart attributes using smartctl may have impact on disk operation, depending on disk brand and model. Therefor temperature reading in the GUI is set to an interval of several minutes (this is set thru Tunable (poll_attributes) under disk settings). Bringing it down to lower than a minute can give bad disk performance as it will interfere too much with normal disk operation. My advice: keep 1 minute as the lowest interval.

That's what I thought. Thank you for clarifying that. I run both tunable and fan control at 3 min intervals.
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Would it be possible to implement a functonality to set Different Intervalls for each Zone?
For example
1sec for CPU FanA and
5min for HDD Fan1234?

That could lead to a similar problem by hammering the ipmi. It could freeze up the IPMI Settings/Readings pages and possibly the entire webgui if you have temps and fans in the footer. I have had this happen before when an ipmi command hung.

My question to you would be what use case would you need such fine control over the CPU fan? Is there a situation where the temp is going to rise that dramatically in less than a minute. The fan should already be spinning and cooling to some degree. It might have a small spike in temp but should even out.

The way the fan control its written right now it would be difficult to add this. The highest hard drive temp is injected as a sensor when I get ipmi sensor readings. So it shows up like an ipmi sensor. I wrote the fan control script with the mindset to minimize executions. It won't execute if the pwm is the same when polling. I also have it round the (% value x 16) then x 4 to get the pwm instead of just rounding x 64. Partly so it won't execute when a value changes just 1 point and goes from say 30 to 31 then back to 30. It needs to go to 32 or drop to 28. This then creates a +/- 4 in accuracy. So if you were to run it at a smaller interval, it may not even change anything.

I would say run it a little longer and watch the fan log.
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