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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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Q22 complete and still can't connect properly.  I've tried several servers across various countries.


Currently on romania with config:

dev tun
proto udp
remote ro.privacy.network 1198
remote nl-amsterdam.privacy.network 1198
remote uk-manchester.privacy.network 1198
remote ca-vancouver.privacy.network 1198
remote ca-montreal.privacy.network 1198
remote ca-toronto.privacy.network 1198
remote ca-ontario.privacy.network 1198
resolv-retry infinite
cipher aes-256-gcm
auth sha1
remote-cert-tls server

It seems to connect, webui works, downloads start, then drop to 0 KiB/s quickly.  This behavior is the same after each deluge reboot, no matter what I change it seems. Any ideas?



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This behavior is the same after each deluge reboot, no matter what I change it seems. Any ideas?

Maybe try the WireGuard option instead of OpenVPN? It’s working very well for me, none of these cipher problems.
Although your problem seems unrelated if it actually connects successfully at first.
Are your trackers blocking you? Have you run out of space on any disks that deluge are using?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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1 hour ago, Jorgen said:


Maybe try the WireGuard option instead of OpenVPN? It’s working very well for me, none of these cipher problems.
Although your problem seems unrelated if it actually connects successfully at first.
Are your trackers blocking you? Have you run out of space on any disks that deluge are using?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Tried switching to wireguard, same result.  Disks look good on space.  Not sure on trackers.  I'm going to check out the deluge forums to see if anyone is experiencing anything similar.

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3 hours ago, KillahPwnz said:

Tried switching to wireguard, same result.  Disks look good on space.  Not sure on trackers.  I'm going to check out the deluge forums to see if anyone is experiencing anything similar.

Couldn't find much on deluge forums - only that people had success switching to QBitTorrent.  I switched to QBitTorrent (by binhex) and I'm getting the same result.  The torrent(s) is added to the client, then almost immediately drops to 0 KiB/s after starting (upon container reboot).  I'm at a loss here, not sure what else I can try.  Keep in mind, everything worked fine just a few days ago.

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Couldn't find much on deluge forums - only that people had success switching to QBitTorrent.  I switched to QBitTorrent (by binhex) and I'm getting the same result.  The torrent(s) is added to the client, then almost immediately drops to 0 KiB/s after starting (upon container reboot).  I'm at a loss here, not sure what else I can try.  Keep in mind, everything worked fine just a few days ago.

So is the VPN still up when the download drops to 0? I guess it must be if you can access the deluge web UI.
You have tried other endpoints?
Debug logs might reveal something, but I agree that this seems to be a problem outside the container, especially since the other container has the same problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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6 hours ago, KillahPwnz said:

Couldn't find much on deluge forums - only that people had success switching to QBitTorrent.  I switched to QBitTorrent (by binhex) and I'm getting the same result.  The torrent(s) is added to the client, then almost immediately drops to 0 KiB/s after starting (upon container reboot).  I'm at a loss here, not sure what else I can try.  Keep in mind, everything worked fine just a few days ago.

Have you tried a well seeded torrent? Ubuntu maybe.

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5 hours ago, Jorgen said:

So is the VPN still up when the download drops to 0? I guess it must be if you can access the deluge web UI.
You have tried other endpoints?
Debug logs might reveal something, but I agree that this seems to be a problem outside the container, especially since the other container has the same problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah I've tried several endpoints and the logs don't seem to show anything wrong.

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recently restored my cache, but delugevpn no longer working as it was

i believe it has to do with the .ovpn file in app data folder


i've used the spaceinvader one tutorial (2017), but it may be out of date at this point

please let me know if these files are correct, or if i should be looking at something else


In my  appdata>binhex-delugevpn>openvpn folder i have pasted the following 3 files



CA Toronto.ovpn           (i've tried Israel, Netherlands, Romania & Switzerland as well)


the PIA site suggests US has port forwarding available too, but unclear to me exactly what to paste in app data folder



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35 minutes ago, strykn said:

recently restored my cache, but delugevpn no longer working as it was

i believe it has to do with the .ovpn file in app data folder


i've used the spaceinvader one tutorial (2017), but it may be out of date at this point

please let me know if these files are correct, or if i should be looking at something else


In my  appdata>binhex-delugevpn>openvpn folder i have pasted the following 3 files



CA Toronto.ovpn           (i've tried Israel, Netherlands, Romania & Switzerland as well)


the PIA site suggests US has port forwarding available too, but unclear to me exactly what to paste in app data folder



See Q19 and Q22 in the FAQ to get up and running: https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md


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First off thank you Binhex for all your hard work on keeping all your apps up to date.


I recently switched over to the wireguard setup following A21 in the FAQ doc:


The switch was painless and easy to get up and running.  You made it very easy to follow.  Thank you!


One question I have on changing endpoints, we just need to change the first part of this line, and leave the port at 1337 correct?

Endpoint = nl-amsterdam.privacy.network:1337


When I look at the nextgen Netherlands.ovpn file I see this line:

remote nl-amsterdam.privacy.network 1198


I am assuming the ports are specific to the type of connection, udp or wireguard, and should be left untouched.

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20 minutes ago, Burizado said:

One question I have on changing endpoints, we just need to change the first part of this line, and leave the port at 1337 correct?

yes, dont touch the port, 1337 is pia's choosen port for wireguard, port 1198 is used for openvpn.

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So i've had multiple issues now


Q22, Q19, Q16 fixed almost all of them (PIA change thing)


Now everything works but 0.0kbps always on upload. Download works fine. I currently have 2 of the most requested things on iptorrent running, and both are 0.0kbps and have been for over 24 hours. 

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Hey BinHex and averyone else,


I am completely new to the whole docker concept so i am trying to learn.

For the obvious reason i was pointed towards arch-delugevpn to have deluge running on a nas where i want all the other apps running not behind a vpn. 

To understand what to do i read through the following info:




but reading through this i am left with a few questions.

for now i am running Docker-se 2.0 (19.03.8.r5) on ADM (3.5.2.RAG2) on a Asustor as6102 nas with portainer CE (2.0.0.r01)

i have pulled arch-delugevpn correctly but haven't run it yet (as i'm not sure if i correctly know how). As i dont' wanna mess things up on the NAS i just wanna double check if my train of thought is indeed correct. 


so reading through the above link i noticed there is often refered to use with PIA.

Do i assume correctly when i assume PIA stand for private internet access and is a VPN that does use a (similar to) openVPN protocol?

ifso.. i understand i should not use the PIA guidelines as i use surfshark VPN but should still follow the first general usage protocol the text starts with and just adapt that so it is correct for usage with surfsharks openVPN setting and place the unzipped files openvpn config and cert files in the /config/openvpn/ folder? and run the adepted general usage protocol?


additionally i found several discussions on adaptations of the copenvpn config file. but i believe this only relates to usage with the next gen pia vpn. is that correct? should i just use the files as supplied by surfshark or should i make some adaptations to is?


I hope i am not asking to much obvious questions here, as i said i am really new to this and a bit anxious to mess things up.


Thanks ahead for the support! Kind greatings




ps: Binhex thanks very much for all you have done! much appreciated, and that beer will come your way and also nice to find a fellow BOTP-er ;)








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32 minutes ago, spikey1973 said:

Do i assume correctly when i assume PIA stand for private internet access and is a VPN that does use a (similar to) openVPN protocol?

yes and yes


33 minutes ago, spikey1973 said:

it is correct for usage with surfsharks openVPN setting and place the unzipped files openvpn config and cert files in the /config/openvpn/ folder? and run the adepted general usage protocol?

yes, just set VPN_PROV to custom


33 minutes ago, spikey1973 said:

additionally i found several discussions on adaptations of the copenvpn config file. but i believe this only relates to usage with the next gen pia vpn. is that correct?



34 minutes ago, spikey1973 said:

should i just use the files as supplied by surfshark or should i make some adaptations to is?

yes and no adaptions should need to be made


34 minutes ago, spikey1973 said:

also nice to find a fellow BOTP-er

nice profile pic 🙂

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