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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nextcloud

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6 hours ago, bombz said:


Glad you got it working.
Currently I cannot update linuxserver/nextcloud to the latest version due to limitations of mariadb, nor can I export the NC db to another SLQ docker. Been a challenge to say the least.

what kind of limitation ? i am currently linuxserver/nextcloud latest and MariaDB-Official latest

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When loading the nextcloud webui I keep getting this message - i've tried to downgrade the installation of nextcloud to a lesser version, but nothing works. 




I know the version installed is 25.0.18, shown below - so no idea why it's trying to downgrade to 25.0.0?



When clicking the download button at the bottom of page - or using occ upgrade - same error, which is: 



Can't get this to go away. 


Any help?

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Hi everyone. Any update on a fix for the PHP version mismatch error. The trick to use the "linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.5" version tag worked for me. It got me up and running but the version it installs is very out of date. Given my usage scenario (just local backup) it's not a big deal but some people out there may need the latest version. 


For the DB server I'm using the MariaDB container from Linuxserver. 



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Hi there,


with the beginning of today I can't reach my Nextcloud anymore. It seems a few people here have issues, but I know to little about all of this to know if it's the same as mine?


I run Linuxserver Nextcloud with a MariaDB and nginx forwarding. Not sure when it stopped working, but around 9am I noticed. I restarted all Dockers, I updated all Dockers, but still no avail.

I always get a connection timeout, when I try to access Nextcloud through unRAID (IP+Port), it will still use the domain-forwarding I use to reach the Nextcloud from outside.


I have no idea how to debug this, because I can't access it at all (neither through webinterface, nor desktop/mobile apps).


Is there some kinda known issues right now, or how could I potentially find out what's wrong? Could be only the nginx forwarding for all I know.

I didn't install any updates since it stopped working this morning, I only updated the Dockers to see if that helped in any way.


Best Regards

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1 hour ago, CameraRick said:

Hi there,


with the beginning of today I can't reach my Nextcloud anymore. It seems a few people here have issues, but I know to little about all of this to know if it's the same as mine?


I run Linuxserver Nextcloud with a MariaDB and nginx forwarding. Not sure when it stopped working, but around 9am I noticed. I restarted all Dockers, I updated all Dockers, but still no avail.

I always get a connection timeout, when I try to access Nextcloud through unRAID (IP+Port), it will still use the domain-forwarding I use to reach the Nextcloud from outside.


I have no idea how to debug this, because I can't access it at all (neither through webinterface, nor desktop/mobile apps).


Is there some kinda known issues right now, or how could I potentially find out what's wrong? Could be only the nginx forwarding for all I know.

I didn't install any updates since it stopped working this morning, I only updated the Dockers to see if that helped in any way.


Best Regards

Hi Rick. 


I bet you anything you started having this issue after updating the docker container. This is  precisely how it happened with me. I suggest rolling back the nextcloud docker version with the versioning tag trick someone outlined in an earlier post.


Basically just edit the container and in the repository field change it to "linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.5"


Then hit install and it will roll back to that older repo. 


It seems to work for quite a few people. 

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1 hour ago, allinvain said:

Hi Rick. 


I bet you anything you started having this issue after updating the docker container.

Hi there allinvain,


I can guarantee you that I didn't update the Docker earlier before it stopped working, I noticed this morning only because the auto-upload from my phone camera didn't work, haha :) I don't update that regularly and didn't do anything over the weekend (but used the cloud a lot), but what gives, but I guess it doesn't matter all too much :)


I tried your fix, however it didn't work unfortunately :( I still get the timeout.


Is there anyway I can check what actually doesn't work? Or should I installt the official Nextcloud Docker and somehow migrate all data and setup there?




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4 hours ago, CameraRick said:

Hi there allinvain,


I can guarantee you that I didn't update the Docker earlier before it stopped working, I noticed this morning only because the auto-upload from my phone camera didn't work, haha :) I don't update that regularly and didn't do anything over the weekend (but used the cloud a lot), but what gives, but I guess it doesn't matter all too much :)


I tried your fix, however it didn't work unfortunately :( I still get the timeout.


Is there anyway I can check what actually doesn't work? Or should I installt the official Nextcloud Docker and somehow migrate all data and setup there?





So if you go to the docker section of the Unraid admin panel and click on the nextcloud container icon and then click on WebUI the nextcloud login page times out, correct?


You can try and install the official nextcloud docker, but migrating data is not going to be fun. If you want to have an idea of the work involved, check this out:






For me the nexcloud docker failed around the time I did an update (I have a habit of religiously updating my containers) so I assumed the two events are correlated in some fashion but it's possible it just broke on it's own. What triggered it I have no clue. I didn't have a lot of time to dig through the logs as I needed it working fast.


I'm surprised that there is no "official" response yet from linuxserver crew. 

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Yes, excatly like that.

When I hit WebUI, a new window appears, first through the IP:Port, then switching to my custom URL, ultimately timing out.


Hm, it looks like moving the Nextcloud is indeed a big pain. I'm not completely IT-illeterate but I'm not good with this sorta stuff. Also, how to put something in maintenance mode that won't open?

Maybe I wait for a day or two and then see further. It's already a pain, I use it a lot to sync files from machines, my phone and so on, haha :)

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8 minutes ago, CameraRick said:

Yes, excatly like that.

When I hit WebUI, a new window appears, first through the IP:Port, then switching to my custom URL, ultimately timing out.


Hm, it looks like moving the Nextcloud is indeed a big pain. I'm not completely IT-illeterate but I'm not good with this sorta stuff. Also, how to put something in maintenance mode that won't open?

Maybe I wait for a day or two and then see further. It's already a pain, I use it a lot to sync files from machines, my phone and so on, haha :)

Yeah sounds like for sure the nextcloud container is busted. I'm guessing that even if you were to manually punch in the IP and port of your docker container (you can see the port mappings in the docker Unraid panel) it still fails.


Well to put the docker in maintenance mode you'd have to use the command line - ie console. To pull up the console of a container you just click on the container's icon and click on Console which is right below WebUI. Putting it in maintenance mode is the easy part. The tricky part is backing up the database. If you forgot to note down your mariadb admin username and password and nextcloud database username and password then it will be a disaster. 


Backing up the nextcloud installation folder is a bit easier because you likely have a unraid file share that the nextcloud container already has a mapping to. You just copy the entire nextcloud directory and then move/copy the backup to the mounted nextcloud data directory share - it will be something like /mnt/user/Nextcloud


To backup the database as per the instruction in the nextcloud manual it's the same scenario where you pull up a console prompt for the MariaDB container and copy/paste the command altering only the pertinent variable (ie database username/password etc).


If you don't want to bother with all that you could always just recreate your entire nextcloud environment with a different container and manually copy the data files for each user you have. That data is not lost it's just sitting unaccessible via the nextcloud backup clients. Like I said your data should be in the unraid mounted nextcloud file share /mnt/user/Nextcloud (if you used the same scheme I used for example - you could've called the directory something else when you setup the container for the first time).


Hope this helps a bit!

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Phew, now that you say it I'm not sure if I marked down all passwords... there's a chance I saved them in a browser or something, but the database username... huh. Passwords can be guessed, usernames is harder.


I will wait a bit to see how it turns out. The data is least concern, I mean in the end I could reach it in any moment by adjusting the folder rights. The bigger issue is to setup the working condition (with logins for all users etc) again. I hope it gets resolved soon :(

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Same problem here, since updating Docker container and upgrading Nextcloud to 25.0.0, getting 504 error whenever I want to access a file...

Tried to rolled back to the older repo version but that doesn't work.

What would be the best thing to do? Migrate both mariadb and Nextcloud to the official Docker repos instead of Linuxserver? Is there an easy way to do this?



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1 hour ago, blaine07 said:

Are all of you with issues on/trying to upgrade to 25?

Hi there blaine,


when my Docker stopped working I didn't upgrade anything, neither Nextcloud the Docker nor through Nextcloud the Webinterface. I only updated the Docker later to fix this (didn't work), changed from latest to 24.0.5 (didn't work) and now I just look forward to a solution :(

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My issues were resolved by updating all of the conf file in my swag nginx folder. Some were really old (2020) and I think updating to Nextcloud 25 might have cause incompatibilities. 

Now Nextcloud is working fine using the latest Linuxserver docker image.

New problem: I can't access Onlyoffice in Nextcloud. When I open a docx file I get a blank error screen saying "documentserver.myserver" doesn't allow connection. I didn't change anything in the Onlyoffice settings panel and I can access the welcome page. I think something is messed up in my swag config files but can't figure it out.

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Hi there,
I hope someone can help me with my issue.
I´ve been trying to get it fixed, with several things i found online.
It started with the "stuck on step 6 update"
*Tried manually updating using occ command, and ended up completely without working NC (giving - Internal Server Error) .

*So i did a restore of the docker.
*After that i Updated the Mysql/Mariadb because of corrupt mysql.proc.
and so on.
But now still stuck with NC not working properly.
Apps page keeps loading but nothing shows.
A lot of apps give Internal Server Error since then.
@ the admin/overview page by Version this error is shown

Hope someone has a solution for me


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4 hours ago, spiderben25 said:


My issues were resolved by updating all of the conf file in my swag nginx folder. Some were really old (2020) and I think updating to Nextcloud 25 might have cause incompatibilities. 

Now Nextcloud is working fine using the latest Linuxserver docker image.

New problem: I can't access Onlyoffice in Nextcloud. When I open a docx file I get a blank error screen saying "documentserver.myserver" doesn't allow connection. I didn't change anything in the Onlyoffice settings panel and I can access the welcome page. I think something is messed up in my swag config files but can't figure it out.

Hi Spiderben,


how would one update those files? Any pointers? :)




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You can check which files are deprecated by looking at swag log on the Docker tab of your unraid webui.

Then you can delete (I strongly recommend you make a backup first) them, they are located in /mnt/user/appdata/swag/nginx. The next time you will restart the swag container it will create up to date config files.

You can also do this to the nginx config files in /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/nginx. Same warnings here.

Of course if you made custom changes in said files you will have to make them again. An easy way to check that is to compare side by side the old and new config file, with notepad++ for instance.

Edited by spiderben25
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Tried some more things today.

First of all, connection between Nextcloud and OnlyOffice was ok (you can check this by using "occ onlyoffice:documentserver --check" command in Nextcloud docker command prompt).


When I tried to open a file, I got a "Onlyoffice cannot be reached" error. I got more explanation on this error by pressing F12 in Chrome. The source of the error was "too many redirects".

Than I edited my swag/nginx/proxy.conf swag file like this:

proxy_redirect off;
#proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://;

to turn off the redirecting system.


Tried again, this time it doesn't work and the error Chrome shows is "Refused to display 'https://documentserver.mydomain.net/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

I tried to comment out "add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always;" line in /swag/nginx/ssl.conf but it didn't do anything.

Can anyone help me with this?


I will roll back to Collabora in the mean time.




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Can anyone confirm that the latest linuxserver container works? I used to use a reverse proxy but a year back I uninstalled that container and stopped using it. Could it be possible that nextcloud breaking is due to residual config issues? But as to how that would result in a incompatible PHP version error is beyond me.

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On 1/8/2022 at 7:20 AM, Vitor Ventura said:



Im having a problem, cant make it work, nextcloud is tell me, that is updating, but never finish.



Log is simple:

Could not open input file: /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php



Did you ever find a fix for this?  Mine has done this as well when it was updating.

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Hello guys!


Im having a lot of trouble with the syncing of big archives in Nextcloud. It seems like its a common problem, but i have tried a lot of proposed solutions in the web, with no avail.



Unraid 6.11.1

Nextcloud Server: Latest LSIO Docker V25, Maria DB LSIO Container.

Nextcloud Client: Latest APPImage 3.6.1 (Kubuntu Linux 20.04)



  • Nextcloud client in desktop gives the error " 413 Request entity too large", in all my files bigger than around 500MB.
  • Web client / Android with no issues.

Attempted Solutions:

nano /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/nginx/nginx.conf

# Original: 
    client_max_body_size 0;

#Test 1:
    client_max_body_size 16G;

#Test 2:
    client_max_body_size 16G;
    client_body_buffer_size 400m;


nano nano /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/php/php-local.ini

post_max_size = 10G
upload_max_filesize = 10G
post_max_size = 10G
max_input_time = 3600
max_execution_time = 3600
memory_limit = 1024M




Restarting the docker service between al the testing.


appreciate any help!

Edited by mrdavvv
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Can somebody explain how to set the System Timezone?  All my logs are in UTC.  System time shows UTC.  I want to change this to PST.



Ive tried editing php-local.ini to include this line

date.timezone = America/Vancouver

but it doesn't do anything.

Edited by 007craft
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6 minutes ago, 007craft said:

Can somebody explain how to set the System Timezone?  All my logs are in UTC.  System time shows UTC.  I want to change this to PST.



Ive tried editing php-local.ini to include this line

date.timezone = America/Vancouver

but it doesn't do anything.

Go to the Unraid control panel and go to settings and then date & time. 

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