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[Support] Linuxserver.io - SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (Nginx/PHP/Certbot/Fail2ban)

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10 minutes ago, saarg said:

No you can't, as nginx isn't started until you have a valid cert.


So, at this point I am trying to figure things out.  

In my router I have configured port 80 and port 443 to forward to my UnRaid server on ports xx080 and xx443 which are the same ports on my SWAG configuration. 
I am getting timeouts try to renew my expired cert.

I tried to telnet into unraid on xx080 and it tells me it cannot open a connection. 

If I can't establish the connection to the SWAG container how can I renew my cert?

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1 hour ago, BTPBen said:


So, at this point I am trying to figure things out.  

In my router I have configured port 80 and port 443 to forward to my UnRaid server on ports xx080 and xx443 which are the same ports on my SWAG configuration. 
I am getting timeouts try to renew my expired cert.

I tried to telnet into unraid on xx080 and it tells me it cannot open a connection. 

If I can't establish the connection to the SWAG container how can I renew my cert?

You have to fix your port forward or whatever it is that is blocking the connection.

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So I have been banging my head off the wall trying to figure this out. I have searched this thread and google as much as I can. I think I might just not have the right search terms to get the info I need. (or something is not working right)


I am trying to get nginx to pass the real client IP to the backend. I cannot figure for the life of me why it does not work. My proxy.conf is set to default right now but I have tried every combination of settings I can think of. It appears that I am passing a list of IPs to the backend that includes both the reverse proxy and the client IPs but apps are only reading the reverse proxy IP. I need to get it to pass just the client IP. How do I do this?


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10 hours ago, saarg said:

You have to fix your port forward or whatever it is that is blocking the connection.


That's what I can't seem to figure out what's blocking the connection. Based on the line below. If I open the UnRaid terminal should I be able to telnet to port 180 on the UnRaid server and get a response from SWAG before I get a certificate?

telnet 192.168.0.xxx 180



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5 hours ago, BTPBen said:


That's what I can't seem to figure out what's blocking the connection. Based on the line below. If I open the UnRaid terminal should I be able to telnet to port 180 on the UnRaid server and get a response from SWAG before I get a certificate?

telnet 192.168.0.xxx 180



Follow this https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/

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31 minutes ago, BTPBen said:

Followed the guide, found out that my ISP is what's blocking port80 and SWAG won't work if I setup a dynu port redirect to something like 40080.  So I guess I will never get a certificate :/

If you use DNS validation you only need 443, only thing you really will lose is automatic http->https redirection.  

DuckDNS is free and supports DNS validation.  

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I have swag up and running and there has been no issues. However, recently I saw this pop up in the container log:


[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html)

Server ready

Has anyone ran across this or can shed some light on this?

Thank you,

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I've been trying to search for a way to do this, but have come up empty-handed - probably because I haven't got the search terms quite right, so apologies if this has been covered before (as it almost certainly has).


I would like to access some internal-facing websites via SSL - ones that I do not want accessible from the internet, such as Unraid, and Unifi - but I can't find a guide to do this that doesn't also point them to the internet.

What settings can I change to a) have them receive an SSL via certbot (or is my wildcard cert already covering them?) and b) to be accessible by https://subdomain.mydomain.com address, but only from my LAN?


Can someone point me to the right place that explains how I can do this? As I said before, I couldn't find it in the documentation mainly because I'm not quite sure what to search for.


Bonus points for help on how (if it's possible) to set up a cert + SSL for my pi-hole instance, which is running on a separate RPi, rather than an Unraid Docker.


Many thanks for your help.

Edited by jademonkee
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7 hours ago, bombz said:

I have swag up and running and there has been no issues. However, recently I saw this pop up in the container log:


[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html)

Server ready

Has anyone ran across this or can shed some light on this?

Thank you,

See the pinned notice at the top of the thread.

Nothing to worry about.

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Need Help Setting up swag for the first time . I have my own domain, and I have the DNS through my provider point the subdomains bitwarden.XXXX.xyz and nextcloud.XXXX.xyz at mydomain.duckdns.org. I currently have openvpn running, and when i go to my server address with openvpn enabled, it gets through to the server, so I'm pretty sure that the duckdns part is working.


Not sure what I'm doing wrong1899836940_SWAG1TS1.thumb.PNG.5084851d685d31f59cf0adbad8c80c79.PNG1762041178_Swag2TS1.thumb.PNG.8bdecfb86c0bb5326ddfa879a257c822.PNG664081158_gandiTS1.thumb.PNG.1540048ef3dd9da3d5897d5834983c0b.PNG

router TS1.png

TS1 Log.txt

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I have trouble making outgoing connections from inside the Docker proxy net (not using the Unraid bridge).

  • curl -I google.com works
  • curl -I some.dyndns.for.same.lan fails  (e.g. cloudpi.dns.navy, a test device on a Raspberry Pi)
  • curl -I -x swag:80 some.dyndns.for.same.lan works

  E.g. when I open the console for the SWAG container and try to access a Raspberry Pi that's connected to the web:


# curl -Iv cloudpi.dns.navy
*   Trying
*   Trying 2a02:908:4b60:a2e0:ba27:ebff:fe83:4fe:80...
* Immediate connect fail for 2a02:908:4b60:a2e0:ba27:ebff:fe83:4fe: Address not available
*   Trying 2a02:908:4b60:a2e0:ba27:ebff:fe83:4fe:80...
* Immediate connect fail for 2a02:908:4b60:a2e0:ba27:ebff:fe83:4fe: Address not available


This is puzzling me a lot. If you copy and paste the CURL command, you'll notice that this will work fine from a regular computer. (Maybe even from your own Unraid SWAG instance? Dunno)


If I define a proxy parameter in the request, this works out better:


# curl -I -x swag:80 cloudpi.dns.navy
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.18.0
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 11:10:48 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 169
Connection: keep-alive
Location: https://cloudpi.dns.navy/


The same -x parameter makes the CURL request reach the destination device from my SWAG container and my Nextcloud container.


I can't get it to work with a https:// URL when I specify swag:443 as the proxy. I get a 400 Bad Request by SWAG. Same for -x swag:443 https://google.com, so the port 443 forwarding isn't limited to my DynDNS.


I went down the CURL rabbit hole because my Nextcloud could connect to an instance I hosted on my web server, but not to the device with the dns.navy URL (it is in the same LAN). I don't know anybody with a DynDNS Nextcloud instance to try to figure out what may be going wrong.


Am I holding it wrong? Is there any other debugging tool for this I could use? nslookup works, ping works, curl doesn't -- and to that extend connecting Nextcloud instances here don't work either.

Edited by ctietze
added info that command usually works
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with the latest update, unfortunately all of my reverse proxies are no longer working.


I have it configured to use my own domain, and there is a cname associated to each subdomain. My dynamic dns is resolved with DuckDNS, and I have all of the relevant containers set on proxynet along with the SWAG container.


My logs show that the Server is ready, however it is flagging that the Prox-conf files are out of date. Could this be causing the issue? did the templates change materially?


The containers in use are Bitwardenrs, Nextcloud, and OMbi

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So I got openvpn working again, but I still can't get the certificate to issue I get the following error

Domain: bitwarden.XXXXX.xyz
Type: dns
Detail: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for
bitwarden.XXXXX.xyz - check that a DNS record exists for this


I have Gandi liveDNS set to redirect from bitwarden.XXXXX.xyz to XXXXX.duckdns.org using CNAME


NAME         TYPE    TTL       VALUE

bitwarden CNAME 10800 XXXXX.duckdns.org

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2 hours ago, Ryguy said:

with the latest update, unfortunately all of my reverse proxies are no longer working.


I have it configured to use my own domain, and there is a cname associated to each subdomain. My dynamic dns is resolved with DuckDNS, and I have all of the relevant containers set on proxynet along with the SWAG container.


My logs show that the Server is ready, however it is flagging that the Prox-conf files are out of date. Could this be causing the issue? did the templates change materially?


The containers in use are Bitwardenrs, Nextcloud, and OMbi


Same with me ... I had my server down like for 3 weeks(I had my mainboard in the warenty) and everything worked  plex, gitea, sonarr, deluge, nextcloud ... finally I had all of them working and now all are down again

Funny thing now as an exception for other not working dates(misconfiguration of swag/pipeline until swag) is that swag is validating the certificate for everything domain and the above mentioned subdomains but am still getting Bad Gateway ...

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22 minutes ago, alexandru360 said:


Same with me ... I had my server down like for 3 weeks(I had my mainboard in the warenty) and everything worked  plex, gitea, sonarr, deluge, nextcloud ... finally I had all of them working and now all are down again

Funny thing now as an exception for other not working dates(misconfiguration of swag/pipeline until swag) is that swag is validating the certificate for everything domain and the above mentioned subdomains but am still getting Bad Gateway ...


After some further investigation I had this lines in my swag log:

**** The following reverse proxy confs have different version dates than the samples that are shipped. ****
**** This may be due to user customization or an update to the samples. ****
**** You should compare them to the samples in the same folder to make sure you have the latest updates. ****

I will investigate and comeback with results ...

Edited by alexandru360
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5 minutes ago, alexandru360 said:


After some further investigation I had this lines in my swag log:

**** The following reverse proxy confs have different version dates than the samples that are shipped. ****
**** This may be due to user customization or an update to the samples. ****
**** You should compare them to the samples in the same folder to make sure you have the latest updates. ****

I will investigate and comeback with results ...


Nope ... I backed up all my configs, reset everything to default, cloned only deluge[...].conf and restarted swag and for subdomains I get Bad Gateway ... If someone has an idea I'll be all eyes ...

Just a thought: 
I saw on another thread here a response from 2019 that Nerd Pack might interfere with swag "mojo" ... is this still the case ?

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1 hour ago, alexandru360 said:


Nope ... I backed up all my configs, reset everything to default, cloned only deluge[...].conf and restarted swag and for subdomains I get Bad Gateway ... If someone has an idea I'll be all eyes ...

Just a thought: 
I saw on another thread here a response from 2019 that Nerd Pack might interfere with swag "mojo" ... is this still the case ?

I’m in the same boat. Same log warnings. Can’t figure this out at all. 

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