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Hello Unraid fans!  Earlier this year, we embarked upon a journey to reinvent our brand and come up with better ways to convey the value that Unraid brings to so many people.  What you are now seeing on Unraid.net is the first step of that adventure, and we sure hope you like it.  Unraid has become so much more important to so many people due to the sheer flexibility and control that it gives users over their hardware.  We let folks build rigs as small or big as they want, and the OS scales it's capabilities in parallel.  And best of all, we have one of the best user communities of any OS out there.  Our forum is filled with folks eager to help you realize the full potential of your system and ready to lend a helping hand when things don't go as planned.


That is why we took the time, effort, and resources to ditch the old "Lime Technology" site and embrace Unraid.net as our new platform.  But we're not stopping there.  The goal is to continually make the product easier and easier to use while delivering features that are highly desired and valuable.  Stay tuned to the announcements forums for more information on our upcoming software releases so you don't miss a thing!


Oh, and welcome to Unraid.net ;-).

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40 minutes ago, hernandito said:

my old eyes don’t like reading white text on black background.


I agree. Black text on white is much less of a strain. I use the white themed unRAID GUI for that very reason.


There's stuff in some posts that's now black on dark grey and unreadable. Here's an example:



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2 hours ago, smdion said:

This looks really nice.  That 6.6 screenshot teaser is killing me :P


2 hours ago, luisv said:

Same here, really liking the new website, forum and for sure, that 6.6 screenshot looks great!


Thanks for the kudos guys!


25 minutes ago, John_M said:


I agree. Black text on white is much less of a strain. I use the white themed unRAID GUI for that very reason.

When we migrated from SMF to IPS and the new theme was white, everyone complained.  Now we literally inverse that.  Guess it's true what they say about not being able to make everyone happy ;-).


1 hour ago, hernandito said:

I like the new look. Please keep the bottom part of the GUI white. Also make forum match, black header, white body.

In 6.6, I can tell you that we simply modified the existing White and Black themes, so you'll have an option for both a dark and light colored body to the webGui.


1 hour ago, ijuarez said:

What about Tapatalk is that still going to be an option?

Tapatalk should absolutely keep working as it's the same forum software.  There may be a delay in it picking up the new domain, so give that some time.



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17 minutes ago, jonp said:

Guess it's true what they say about not being able to make everyone happy ;-).


Yes, of course it's true and you shouldn't even try to make everyone happy. I'll get a new pair of glasses and adjust the contrast and brightness on my monitor and shut up. At the end of the day I don't care what it looks like, as long as the information is legible. And that's my point: there are some posts that now include black text on a dark grey background which renders it pretty much invisible.

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Well, orange is definitely the new lime. 


I liked the lime green myself, but, I completely understand that with the new branding and emphasis on the product name and not the company name, lime as a theme had to change.  I guess orange is as good as any other color.


Good job on the new logo, branding and website.  It appears we can expect similar good things from the product as well, and, at the end of the day, that is what really matters.

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3 minutes ago, BRiT said:

Just have multiple forums themes and allow the users to select what they want to use.


I'd go along with that. I think that the problem for me is perhaps with the choice of font. The stokes are so thin that after anti-aliasing most of each glyph is rendered as light grey against a dark grey background, reducing contrast and therefore visibility. Perhaps a slightly heavier font would help.

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And another thing!


I can't download attachments. I wanted to download someone's diagnostics that he'd attached to a post. I got this:




I was already signed into unraid.net but this page came from the old site. Clicking the Existing user? button took me to unraid.net/login where my credentials were rejected, though I'm still logged in and able to post.


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1 hour ago, John_M said:

I'd go along with that. I think that the problem for me is perhaps with the choice of font. The stokes are so thin that after anti-aliasing most of each glyph is rendered as light grey against a dark grey background, reducing contrast and therefore visibility. Perhaps a slightly heavier font would help.


The font 'nudista' which is used here, has quite heavy characters. On my monitor there is a very sharp white/dark contrast between text and background.

Everything is well readable. Perhaps adjusting your monitor settings helps?

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1 hour ago, John_M said:

And another thing!


I can't download attachments. I wanted to download someone's diagnostics that he'd attached to a post. I got this:




I was already signed into unraid.net but this page came from the old site. Clicking the Existing user? button took me to unraid.net/login where my credentials were rejected, though I'm still logged in and able to post.


Redirection should be fully working now.  Let me know if you still can't download the old attachment.

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2 hours ago, jonp said:

When we migrated from SMF to IPS and the new theme was white, everyone complained.  Now we literally inverse that.  Guess it's true what they say about not being able to make everyone happy ;-).



Why not provide a toggle for white and black/dark themes? this way each person can see the webpage in their prefered brightness setting.



I prefer the white background during day and dark at night, using a Mac and Mojave with auto dark mode makes its really nice.


great updates though....sadly lots of topic links dont seem to be working from the old domain is this something you guys are still updating or are lots of these links just going to be dead?



thanks again for all your hard work and to the community that makes this such a great O/S to run


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2 minutes ago, interwebtech said:

You need to update the old domain DNS to redirect here. Anyone not aware of the changes will think you are entirely offline.

This was already done when we did the cutover.  There was one redirect for the forums that wasn't working before, but yeah, this ain't our first rodeo ;-)

1 minute ago, Can0nfan said:

Why not provide a toggle for white and black/dark themes? this way each person can see the webpage in their prefered brightness setting.

Something we may consider for the future.

2 minutes ago, Can0nfan said:

great updates though....sadlly lots of topic links dont seem to be working from the old domain is this something you guys are still updating or are lots of these links just going to be dead?

We have URL forwarding set up which should redirect correctly, but let us know if it's still not working and please provide specific links to posts or post content that isn't working.

3 minutes ago, Can0nfan said:

thanks again for all your hard work and to the community that makes this such a great O/S to run

You are most welcome!

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