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Unraid Feature Request Wishlist


Unraid Feature Wish List  

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11 hours ago, Ellis34771 said:


I guess I'm still not seeing the value proposition here.  Why use UnRAID for ZFS?  There are other platforms that implement ZFS quite well.  UnRAID was supposed to be what RAID is not.  


Just my 2 cents.  I do realize this is a popular request.

ZFS is not only a raid, it can also be used on a single disk. And even in this version, for me ZFS will be preferable to XFS, BTRFS. ZFS is now available by default on popular distributions. ZFS has a lot of fans. After all, when there is a choice of what to use it is good. Some people like Parity, others like ZFS raid. It's good when you have a choice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maximum size limits on shares. That way i can partition X TB on a single large disk and set the samba settings so only certain users can access Y TB of it. This is nice so i can use something like a single 12TB disk and give 3TB to everyone in the household to use exclusively so no one goes over their quota.


Also big +1 to user groups with folder/share permissions

Edited by Taako
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I really want ZFS native support without needing to have at least 1 drive in Array (Unraid's array). ZFS can also do snapshots, encryption, and other stuff, it's literaly pleasing to be there :)..

That feature is on my top 10.

followed by;

2. Backup option (incremental with rotation) using SMB, NFS, or whatever else users want

3. Better network settings, actually it is somewhat confusing and not professional (vlans, routing, firewall)

4. Better user controls (more admin accounts, higher control of user access, 2FA..)

5. Boot from HDD/SSD/network (change license linking, I believe it is easy now with My Servers plugin)

6. Better SHFS performance (it is cpu intensive and cutting speeds somewhat)

7. Better VM configuration, It is weird that I need to edit xml each time I change path of virtual disk (this change qcow2 to raw format in xml) and some other stuff

8. Telegram notifications tweaks (when network is lost, all messages are lost from that time)

9. Modernised WebUI, interactive

10. Thanks :))

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13 minutes ago, orlando500 said:

After crash and burn today with the update from 6.10.0 to 6.10.2 that had me loose network config, nvidia driver config and plugins i rlly want a snapshot setup where i could just roll back to working config. Had saved me hours i guess....



Don’t see how a snapshot would have helped.


if you take a backup of the flash drive before updating it would only take about a minute to roll back by copying files from the backup back to the flash drive and then rebooting the server.

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1 hour ago, itimpi said:

Don’t see how a snapshot would have helped.


if you take a backup of the flash drive before updating it would only take about a minute to roll back by copying files from the backup back to the flash drive and then rebooting the server.

If he happens to be impacted by the tg3 blacklisting (seems likely), he'll need to delete the entry from /boot/config/modprobe.d/ otherwise the NIC will still be blacklisted when he rolls back

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12 hours ago, itimpi said:

Don’t see how a snapshot would have helped.


if you take a backup of the flash drive before updating it would only take about a minute to roll back by copying files from the backup back to the flash drive and then rebooting the server.

i was thinking i could use the my server backup of the usb. but that plugin updated the backup in the cloud the "second" i booted so that had the wrong files. Next time i will do a better backup 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see the ability to run a "clone" parity disk to make it less vulnerable when upgrading a parity disk.  Basically designate an unassigned drive as a duplicate parity of parity 1 or parity 2 - unraid would begin cloning the drive, and updating it live as necessary.  Then it would be easy to swap the clone with the real parity disk and remove the old parity drive without ever leaving the array unprotected.

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56 minutes ago, quinnmc said:

I would like to see the ability to run a "clone" parity disk to make it less vulnerable when upgrading a parity disk.  Basically designate an unassigned drive as a duplicate parity of parity 1 or parity 2 - unraid would begin cloning the drive, and updating it live as necessary.  Then it would be easy to swap the clone with the real parity disk and remove the old parity drive without ever leaving the array unprotected.

i think you can do the same by assigning two parity disks to your array, it's basically the same protection level than a "cloned" parity disk.

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