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Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard (UUD)

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1 hour ago, Kira said:


I corrected the serial no and temp came up but not the others



I've checked the site , so my SSD is Kingston A400 120GB with 40TBW



Here is the query for my "SSD Lifetime Writes". Not sure what is going on with yours, but the math function looks different and check your data source in the upper left.




Also, follow the instructions here. You need to multiple by the LBA size and then divide to get TB. You are doing a LOT more in your math function.



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16 hours ago, MammothJerk said:

i seem to have commented out the "attributes=true" flag under diskio while comparing the telegraf config of my two servers. this appears to have been the issue.

i still have some issues with my SSDs though


sdl and sdk are both missing some info, and sdj still has a duplicate for some reason.

sdl, sdk, and sdj are all SSD's, where sdl is a mounted unassigned device whilst sdk and sdj are both part of different cache pools.

I cannot find anything specifically about SSD's in the telegraf config or in the first post so im stumped.


also did you get a chance to look at my post from earlier? 😁




Not sure what is going on with your SSDs. I am not on 6.9+ so can't speak to how cache pools mess with the UUD.


Regarding the Currency variable, that is something I adopted from @GilbN's unrelated dashboard in UUD 1.0 when I was first starting out with development. I just looked at my code and I am actually not using this anywhere that I can see, so I will remove that variable in UUD 1.7. From what I can tell, there is no way to dynamically set a unit from a variable. Since it is Legacy and does not apply to the UUD, I'll deprecate it. Thanks for pointing that out.

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4 hours ago, Kira said:


I corrected the serial no and temp came up but not the others



I've checked the site , so my SSD is Kingston A400 120GB with 40TBW

It's likely you need to change "data_units_written" to "total_LBAs_written" and add *512 to your math function.


not all SSDs have the same names. you should be able to click in the data_units_written field and in the dropdown you should find a synonym

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On 3/20/2021 at 10:25 PM, falconexe said:

One of the biggest issues I immediately found had to do with browser certificate security and the Image Panel Plugin. Many of you may have run into an issue by now where the Docker/VM images do not show up and only the item words do. It will look something like this:




This is due to the plugin not recognizing the authentication to the UNRAID web front end where these images live. We need to help it out the first time around. This fix will last until the browser cookies get wiped or you delete your web history. 


In order to fix this (this example is Chrome, but this workflow will also work on FireFox and other browsers), you need to right click any one of the items, and open the image/link in a new window.


Chrome Example:



Firefox Example:




Next, you will be presented with the UNRAID login page. Enter your credentials and you will land on your UNRAID web GUI homepage.




@falconexe don't know if you are aware of, but in the developer branch of the unraid API, @ElectricBrainUK made a nice change, that you can easily access the docker/vm images without to be logged in.




So normally you would have




now it is




i also made a feature request, to get a default icon if a docker/vm don't have one, to not break the layout in grafana. Hope to get this fixed soon.


I'm very happy so see, that my API idea get spread out and helped others! ❤️

Edited by corgan
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1 hour ago, Jackeldk said:

i got ssd's to work, and everything else is running great.
but i cant get it to pickup data from unraid API.

it keeps saying "No data found in response." tryed to correct ip's and all but nothing.




- have you installed the unraid api docker?

- do you get information from the api on url http://unraidIP:3005/api/getServers

- Have you installed and created the JSON API data source? On save, got you a green "Success" Message?


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Just for testing, create a new dashboard with a table panel, select the unraid json api as source and paste


$.['docker']['details']['containers'][?(@.status== 'started')].name


into the field as shown in the screen. Do you get docker information?



Edited by corgan
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30 minutes ago, guy2545 said:

So this is interesting, apparently my Traktarr Docker is basically a super computer and is using >9EB of RAM:  




I don't even remember installing that much RAM and it seems to be holding the entirety of the internet in memory...

We’re not worthy!

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2 hours ago, Orbsa said:

Loving the update @falconexe
However, I cannot get my variables for drive selection to work.
I am passing diskio into telegraf, as I can see SMART status from that panel, but the query for pulling disks is not returning anything.



Try changing the time range of your dash. The variable is set to update “On Time Range Change”.

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For my VM Details section, I removed the primary gpu field as well as the two fields for the hddallocation.  With the hddallocation fields removed I can see my data in the panel, but with hddallocation in there, I get nothing displayed and fields have different lengths error.  I've verified that both VMs are running with VirtIO for the drives (one has 2 VirtIO drives, one has 1 VirtIO drive).  Not sure if thats part of the issue or not.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 181607.png

Screenshot 2021-03-26 181549.png

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5 minutes ago, Orbsa said:

I see the variable list reload, but they still all show up as empty

This wasn't showing up for me either I changed the Query and Regex in all the disk variables. Pic shown but to copy and paste


Qurey: SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "diskio" WITH KEY = "name"

Regex: (?!sd.1|md|loop|nvme0n\dp.*).*$


The Regex isn't needed is will just remove all the partitions of drives and the array mounted drives, just gives a pit less to choose from.

Hope it works for others


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18 minutes ago, skaterpunk0187 said:

This wasn't showing up for me either I changed the Query and Regex in all the disk variables. Pic shown but to copy and paste


Qurey: SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "diskio" WITH KEY = "name"

Regex: (?!sd.1|md|loop|nvme0n\dp.*).*$


The Regex isn't needed is will just remove all the partitions of drives and the array mounted drives, just gives a pit less to choose from.

Hope it works for others


This works great. However, The Disk I/O panel pulls from serial numbers, not device names


However, I can adjust those to match.


Edited by Orbsa
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15 minutes ago, skaterpunk0187 said:

This wasn't showing up for me either I changed the Query and Regex in all the disk variables. Pic shown but to copy and paste


Qurey: SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "diskio" WITH KEY = "name"

Regex: (?!sd.1|md|loop|nvme0n\dp.*).*$


The Regex isn't needed is will just remove all the partitions of drives and the array mounted drives, just gives a pit less to choose from.

Hope it works for others


Heads up, this is not going to work for the UUD as intended since this query modification you made uses the “name”. The UUD panels are designed for serial numbers. Furthermore, the “SD*” names change at boot.


If the 1.6 drive queries are not working for some people (no idea why that would be...) then please download 1.5 and use that query.

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5 minutes ago, falconexe said:

Heads up, this is not going to work for the UUD as intended since this query modification you made uses the “name”. The UUD panels are designed for serial numbers. Furthermore, the “SD*” names change at boot.


If the 1.6 drive queries are not working for some people (no idea why that would be...) then please download 1.5 and use that query.

I should have known that was too easy. Yes I know SD* naming can change but they are pretty static unless boot order is changed in BIOS/UEFI or the hardware physically changed like a new bay on a backplane or plugged into a different SATA port. Serial would be better to use 100%. 1.5 also never listed drives for me either.

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24 minutes ago, skaterpunk0187 said:

I should have known that was too easy. Yes I know SD* naming can change but they are pretty static unless boot order is changed in BIOS/UEFI or the hardware physically changed like a new bay on a backplane or plugged into a different SATA port. Serial would be better to use 100%. 1.5 also never listed drives for me either.

Check your Telegraf docker log for errors. Something is off. Everyone should be able to get drives to populate if the correct Telegraf plugins are installed, enabled in the Telegraf config, and the correct datasource is present.



Edited by falconexe
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25 minutes ago, falconexe said:

Check your Telegraf docker log for errors. Something is off. Everyone should be able to get drives to populate if the correct Telegraf plugins are installed, enabled in the Telegraf config, and the correct datasource is present.



Here is my inputs.diskio config (I assume that's the plugin) for UUD to get drive info. The telegraf log has a smart error for a drive sitting in server in a precleared state, I dont think that is the issue. Everything seems to work all the smart stuff the array growth works. I haven's checked every panel but from what I've seen it will only mess up the "SSD Writes" panels.


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So I am messing with my personal dash and further tweaked the Plex Library stats. I added section totals stats panels, rearranged the furniture, consolidated, and changed the unit to "Locale format" to get the thousands commas. I think it looks great and will be adding this to UUD 1.7.









And it goes without saying, you guys will do whatever you want with your Plex Library stats panels. I'm adding all this stuff as a foundation for your to build upon and to provide example code. If any of you have suggestions, I'd be happy to add them. Also, I would love to see how you guys have adapted my UUD for your personal use.


Edited by falconexe
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25 minutes ago, falconexe said:

And it goes without saying, you guys will do whatever you want with your Plex Library stats panels. I'm adding all this stuff as a foundation for your to build upon and to provide example code. If any of you have suggestions, I'd be happy to add them. Also, I would love to see how you guys have adapted my UUD for your personal use.

I added SSD lifetime Writes, Reads, and Used for both NVME drives in my cache pool and the same for my octane drive as my second cache pool (can't wait foe @limetech to add multi array pools).

I don't have a Documentary and Anime directories for Plex so I removed them and added the TV Episodes and Movie Week, Month, and Year panels from 1.5. I also removed the Plex Library Growth snapshot since it showed added TV shows and not episodes since I don't use the *dars to add to my collection.

Plex Data.png

SSD Life.png

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