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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/22 in Posts

  1. I am also having this same issue. I am unable to get the Data Gather tasks to complete. Checking the Postgres logs I see this updating several times a second with the same error:
    2 points
  2. A couple weeks ago I stumbled on this guide and decided to give it a go. Unfortunately much of it is outdated, and it took a lot of searching, troubleshooting, and help from @PSYCHOPATHiO to fill in the gaps. After hitting what feels like every possible snag I finally got it all working and wanted to share what I've learned. This guide doesn't include video chat, but it will give you a matrix server with an improved postgresql database, element web app, and voice chat. This guide will be assuming you already have swag setup (or know your way around an equivalent like nginx proxy manager). ------------------------------------------------------- DNS Setup: ------------------------------------------------------- • Create a CNAME record pointed to your unraid server. • I'll be using the "chat" subdomain in this guide but you can use what you'd like. (If you're on Cloudflare and want federation "Proxy status" has to be toggled to "DNS only". It works internally with a proxy but I couldn't communicate with other matrix servers). • Create an SRV record for the service _matrix targeted at your subdomain like so: • Create a CNAME record for element pointed to your unraid server: ------------------------------------------------------- Swag (proxy) Setup ------------------------------------------------------- Navigate to /appdata/swag/nginx/proxy-confs and create the following configs: element-web.subdomain.conf server { listen 443 ssl; server_name element.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app element-web; set $upstream_port 80; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } } matrix.subdomain.conf server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name chat.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 32M; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; include /config/nginx/resolver.conf; set $upstream_app UNRAIDSERVERIP; set $upstream_port 8008; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } location ^~ /_matrix { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; include /config/nginx/resolver.conf; set $upstream_app UNRAIDSERVERIP; set $upstream_port 8008; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } location ^~ /.well-known/matrix/server { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; include /config/nginx/resolver.conf; set $upstream_app UNRAIDSERVERIP; set $upstream_port 8008; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } location ^~ /.well-known/matrix/client { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; include /config/nginx/resolver.conf; set $upstream_app UNRAIDSERVERIP; set $upstream_port 8008; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } } • Change UNRAIDSERVERIP to your unraid IP in all 4 spots above. ------------------------------------------------------- Postgres Database Setup: ------------------------------------------------------- Matrix defaults to an SQLite database, but performance is better with postgres. Before installing matrix we'll prepare a database. • Search CA for "postgres" and install postgresql14 from jj9987. • Set a superuser password and leave the rest on default. • After installing open the console and enter the following commands to set a password for the default postgres user: su passwd postgres Now exit out of su (type: "exit") and login (type: "login") as the user postgres with the password you just created. Now we're going to create a superuser in the maintenance database named "matrix" in psql by running the following commands: psql CREATE USER matrix SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'passwordstring'; (replace passwordstring with your own password but leave the quotes) Now that we have a database superuser setup lets install pgadmin4 to make administration easier. Search CA for pgadmin4 and grab the one from FoxxMD. Enter an email/password into the template - email doesn't need to be functional it's just serving as a username. (It can take a minute to load after install so be patient with it.) • Login to pgadmin with the the email/password you just set. • Select Add New Server and give it a name (I used my unraid server name) • Go to the Connections tab and specify your unraid server IP in the host field. • Enter the database user matrix and passwordstring that you created above in psql. • Click Save and you should see your server pop up on the list to the left. Right click it and select Create > Database • Give the database a name (I named it matrix) and go to the Definition tab. Set everything just like this: • Click Save and you should see the database show up on the left. Now that we have a database ready to go its time to actually install matrix. ------------------------------------------------------- Matrix Setup: ------------------------------------------------------- • Go to CA and Install matrix from A75G. • Set "Network Type" to your custom proxy network. • Set "Server Name" to chat.yourdomain.com Leave the rest on default and install. Navigate to \appdata\matrix and edit the homeserver.yaml file to this: server_name: "chat.yourdomain.com" pid_file: /data/homeserver.pid web_client_location: https://element.yourdomain.com public_baseurl: https://chat.yourdomain.com listeners: - port: 8008 tls: false type: http x_forwarded: true bind_addresses: [''] resources: - names: [client,federation] compress: false database: name: psycopg2 args: user: matrix password: "PASSWORDSTRING" database: matrix host: UNRAIDSERVERIP port: 5432 cp_min: 5 cp_max: 10 log_config: "/data/chat.yourdomain.com.log.config" media_store_path: "/data/media_store" suppress_key_server_warning: true report_stats: false macaroon_secret_key: "KEY1" form_secret: "KEY2" signing_key_path: "/data/chat.yourdomain.com.signing.key" serve_server_wellknown: true trusted_key_servers: - server_name: "matrix.org" ## TURN ## # The public URIs of the TURN server to give to clients turn_uris: ["turn:chat.yourdomain.com:3478?transport=udp", "turn:chat.yourdomain.com:3478?transport=tcp"] # The shared secret used to compute passwords for the TURN server turn_shared_secret: "KEY3" # New User Registration registration_shared_secret: "KEY4" # vim:ft=yaml • Replace yourdomain.com with your own in all spots • Change PASSWORDSTRING to your psql matrix user password • Change UNRAIDSERVERIP to your host IP. If you used something other than "matrix" for the database name/user then adjust accordingly. Open a terminal window and paste the following command: cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 This will give you a random string. Copy it and replace the macaroon_secret_key with it. Repeat this process for the form_secret, turn_shared_secret, and registration_shared_secret. Restart the matrix docker to apply changes. Now its time to create your first matrix user. Open the console again and paste the command: register_new_matrix_user http://localhost:8008 -c /data/homeserver.yaml Follow the prompts to create your matrix admin user. You should now have a functional matrix server. Feel free to log in and try it out. Visit https://federationtester.matrix.org/ to test federation. Also I recommend installing synapse-admin from A75G in CA for easier administration. (Install with all defaults and login with the admin user you just created above). ------------------------------------------------------- Element Setup: ------------------------------------------------------- First we need to manually create the config path and pull in the default config. • Open the unraid terminal and run the command: mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/element-web/config • Then download the default config by running: wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/element-web/config/config.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vector-im/element-web/develop/element.io/app/config.json • In CA search for element-web by vectorim • Set the "Network Type" to your custom proxy. • Install • Navigate to /appdata/element-web/config and edit config.json • Change "default_server_name" to chat.yourdomain.com • And add chat.yourdomain.com under "roomDirectory" like so: • Save and restart element. Visit element.yourdomain.com and test that it works. (chat.yourdomain.com should also redirect to it). ------------------------------------------------------- Coturn Setup: ------------------------------------------------------- • Search for coturn by xthursdayx on CA. • Change Network Type to "Custom: br0" and give it its own static IP on your LAN • Delete all ports from template except 3478 TCP & UDP. • Install Next go to your firewall settings and forward the following ports: WAN UDP 3478 -> coturn static ip WAN UDP range 49152:49172 -> coturn static ip And lastly we have to edit our coturn settings. Navigate to /appdata/coturn and edit turnserver.conf so it looks like this: listening-port=3478 listening-ip= external-ip=COTURNIP min-port=49152 max-port=49172 lt-cred-mech use-auth-secret static-auth-secret=TURN_SHARED_SECRET total-quota=100 stale-nonce=600 realm=chat.yourdomain.com server-name=chat.yourdomain.com • Change COTURNIP to the static IP you gave the coturn docker • Change TURN_SHARED_SECRET to the key you generated for that field in your homeserver.yaml file above. • Change realm and server-name to your subdomain. That's it. We're finally done. Make sure to restart coturn to apply your settings and then give it a try. (https://icetest.info/ is a great TURN troubleshooting tool if you have issues). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully if you've correctly followed all these steps you now have a fully functional matrix server with a few bells and whistles. This is what worked for me but I'm sure there's more elegant ways to do parts of this. I really struggled to get to this point and I AM NO EXPERT. I'm sure there's room for improvement so let me know if anything should be changed. I will do my best to keep it updated and implement suggested changes/improvements. Shoutout to @yinzer for the original guide and @HojojojoWololo for his supplemental post! And a huge thank you to @PSYCHOPATHiO for all of his help! I never would have gotten all this working without him. He runs a support channel at #support:sykorp.com that was invaluable to me - If you have trouble feel free to drop in and we'll try to help.
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the report. Happy to look into the issues you are facing with over 110,000 plots in your Chia farm running Machinaris. Please ensure you follow the guidelines for Scaling. Don't hesitate to drop into the Discord for additonal help.
    1 point
  4. I suspected pm-utils were deprecated in favor of a new tool, but "elogind" and "loginctl" didn't come up in my google searches. Anyhow, all I had to do is replace pm-suspend with loginctl suspend, and everything works fine again. Thank you!
    1 point
  5. Not possible with the current technologies available. The USB key needs to be the lowest common denominator able to be read and written by every popular OS. BTRFS doesn't play well with current versions of microsoft software without 3rd party mods.
    1 point
  6. Problem sorted. It was quite easy to fix. Postgresql is currently only available in either the nightly or develop branch hence this isse. Switch the branch, and the problem is solved. Thanks!
    1 point
  7. Phew! that fixed it. I shall be naming my first born after you.
    1 point
  8. Now that's some progress!!!!!! Set your Alarm Clocks everybody its going to be a while.
    1 point
  9. "Suspend key pressed" Du hast nicht zufällig eine Katze (oder so) die an einer Suspendtaste auf dem Keyboard vorbeischnurrt oder sich gerne am Ein/Aus Taster am Gehäuse schubbert?
    1 point
  10. I see no mention if you adding /dev/dri. Did you?
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Yes works fine, just delete the Plugin and install it again, all settings are still there and works like charm. that was a fix fix thanks
    1 point
  13. Sorry for slow reply, I gave up trying to make my comments and quotes look pretty. I agree on `udisksctl`. We should not consider adding this as it is unnecessary. I only mentioned it as it had a documented caveat that seemed relevant to any similar approach. `If I implement a 'safely_remove' feature it will not be generic in the sense that it will not be done on every unmount. The user will have to add a 'safely_remove' command, and only USB devices will be operated on. You can appreciate doing a safe removal on a built in hard disk by accident. A reboot would be required to restore it.` Can we consider making this a button (or buttons) operation. I had imagined this never being event driven but rather would require a human button action in an identical manner to umount each and every time. This feels safer to me, allowing users not to press it of they choose (or even need) to do so if there are any edge cases out there. It would also let us add some safety where the button is only available within the correct context i.e. drive is not mounted. The term `safe removal` might be too harsh if we go this route since it implies not pressing would be `unsafe` which we have no proof is actually true. We can discuss terminology if this is agreed. `You can appreciate doing a safe removal on a built in hard disk by accident. A reboot would be required to restore it.` I agree that this would be a terrible situation but I expect that since we know `echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_device/<scsi bus>/device/rescan` can reactivate a device we could create an action to undo this mistake. e.g. https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-rescan-scsi-bus.sh. I say this for two reasons. Whilst I agree with your conclusion about maintaining flash /boot writes is bad I suspect `I'm not sure a re-attach is practical for UD.` could also be covered by this generic scan/undo action without having to maintain a state or action memory. More importantly I would like to made sure hotplug disks are not excluded from this as there is no real need to limit it to USB as long as we can exclude arrays disks and have a scan/undo option. Should we create a new thread on this whole concept and discussions to attract more attention and make it easier to refer back to and google later?
    1 point
  14. Yes, it is maybe necessary to reboot once for you so that this fix applies since the plugin has to grab a new plugin package, or simply uninstall it, reboot and then grab a fresh copy from the CA App.
    1 point
  15. While the first one sounds like a good idea, you need to request that from the app developers, not the container dev. So add your feature request here: https://forums.sonarr.tv/ For the second one, you can do this already with a custom filter
    1 point
  16. Hello, you should probably look at this : You can also attach this syslog since you already have it (it is NOT included in the diagnostics).
    1 point
  17. Apperantly not, but I wasn‘t sure if it is supported by LibeELEC
    1 point
  18. Do you have a computer available in which you can put a couple of hard drives for an Unraid trial before formatting disks and mass migrating data? Make sure it meets your needs and get comfortable with the platform and play around with some docker containers/plugins from the Apps tab.
    1 point
  19. Update: Direct-connect two Win10 PC, iperf3 still around 4Gbps with single-stream. File copy, however is 700MB/s either direction, so problem is likely network cables or switch. I've ordered cat6 patch cables, will update after swapping those in.
    1 point
  20. Perfecto! Thanks mate. I was thinking I’d have to move everything off the cache and rebuild the whole thing again. did exactly what you said, it balanced and it’s now happy (so am I 😁) thanks again!
    1 point
  21. alright, works now. i must have misundestood this post
    1 point
  22. it said that the checksum was bad. it redownloaded and I rebooted. the GPU is now showing. thank you!
    1 point
  23. Glad to hear swapping m.2 slots won't affect the cachepool. And yes, I only do File System checks as read only. Thanks again.
    1 point
  24. Ok you have 2 choices on this. 1. When you see all of your Dockers DO NOT click the update all button at the bottom. Only click the link to each docker in your list. 2. If you use the Auto update plugin go into each Plugin/Docker and you can select the update all button and turn it off. Then you are presented with the buttons to turn off/on auto updating for each Plugin/Docker. I use #2 Myself because I don't want the MyServer Plugin to auto update on my system because I'd rather be sitting at my system when a remote application updates. I do want all other Plugins to update. I also do not want my VPN to autoupdate because its been known to take down a few Dockers so I do it myself when I'm at the machine.
    1 point
  25. Grab the Trial of unraid and give it a go.
    1 point
  26. Genau das war mein Problem. Ich habe New Config nicht ausgeführt. Ich danke die vielmals für deine Hilfe.
    1 point
  27. If it's working fine let it be, if it happens again try booting legacy.
    1 point
  28. CA auto update applications plugin has the ability to set selected (or all) to auto update (plugins and dockers)
    1 point
  29. Thanks for letting us know you're still having issues. I am seeing intermittent errors as well but after retrying a few times it always connects. We are going to do another round of server side tweaks before asking for your logs. In the meantime, if your online flash backup is out of date please make a manual backup of your flash drive by going to Main -> Boot Device -> Flash -> Flash Device Settings -> Flash Backup
    1 point
  30. Hello, I have been trying for days to get GhostFolio working, and after every reinstall I get the same issue. It is unable to download Historical Market Data or current stock prices. Everything else is working fine, I can add stocks and transactions, even get Asset Profiles. It will just not fetch stock prices. What am I missing?!? �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[NestApplication] �[39m�[32mNest application successfully started�[39m�[38;5;3m +417ms�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m ________ __ ____ ___�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / ____/ /_ ____ _____/ /_/ __/___ / (_)___�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ /_/ __ \/ / / __ \�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m/ /_/ / / / / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ /_/ / / / /_/ /�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m\____/_/ /_/\____/____/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\____/ v1.188.0�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32mListening at�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.391 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.392 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:10 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringProcessor (GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA)] �[39m�[32mHistorical market data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:57 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:31 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:32 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:35 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for BTCUSD (YAHOO).�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:40 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for TSLA (YAHOO).�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:45 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for VTI (YAHOO).�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.693 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.695 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.515 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.516 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:05 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:09 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.343 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.344 seconds�[39m �[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 8�[39m �[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 1�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"USDEUR"} already exists.�[39m �[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m Any help is greatly appreciated!
    1 point
  31. Apologies if this has already been addressed elsewhere, but are there any plans to change from gzip to zstd? I believe there's some performance gains to be had here.
    1 point
  32. For now you can do this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/127955-error-on-reboot/?do=findComment&comment=1165935
    1 point
  33. This was enough to get rid of the error touch /usr/local/emhttp/state/flashbackup.ini
    1 point
  34. Possible Feature Request. A Checkbox that could be checked like the over writing one after something is completed to send you a Notification? For example I'm moving a fair bit of data and I've checked though out the day to update its status. If I simply received a message. Your Dynamix File Manager Operation has been completed Obviously it would use whatever notifications you have already established in your settings.
    1 point
  35. Read post number 1; instructions to manually upgraded are provided. Many/Most don’t seem to have luck upgrading with GUI.
    1 point
  36. As long as your unattended shutdown can happen in 2 minutes or less, you should be fine. I'm not sure I found that exact unit, but an 850VA APC I found specs on is rated for 6 minutes at 300W, so if you wait 1 minute before starting shutdown, you need to be done and powered off before the 3 minute mark. It listed typical recharge times of 12 hours, so if you draw down to 50% you need to wait at least 6 hours before waking things back up. That's running a little close for my taste, but everyone's risk tolerance is different. I recommend dry runs to see how things act. Keep the server plugged in where it is, so it doesn't lose power during the test. Find a way to switch the input power to your new UPS without unplugging it. Switched outlet, power strip, whatever. It's vitally important the ground stays connected the entire time. Plug the USB communication lead into your server, verify it is detected and monitoring properly. Find roughly 300W of load, like a small space heater on low, or something similar. Old school halogen floodlamps are good too. Plug that into the power protected outlet of the UPS, verify the server is showing the load in the UPS monitoring. Turn off the supply to the UPS, and observe the server. Don't intervene, just let it think the power is down. Time how long it waits to start shutting down, and how long the process takes. Verify the dummy load on the UPS has stayed stable, no blinking lights or abnormal heater fan speed variations. When the server powers off, turn off the dummy load. Leave the power turned off to the UPS for a period of time, to simulate prolonged outage. Power up the UPS if it turned off, turn on the dummy load, boot the server. See how the stats look for charge percentage and such.
    1 point
  37. Hi, Is there a way to route all network traffic through Nord container?
    1 point
  38. Bashing my head against the wall on this, haha. I followed the steps completely and I'm fine getting into the Web GUI, I set myself up, add an account, go in to try and add my first transaction - then I get the infinite loop with postgres14. To be clear, I installed redis, installed postgres14, (both are running), then installed ghostfolio setting the links to both other containers. Ghostfolio auto-starts after clicking apply, I hit the ghostfolio console and did the migrate command. Then as above and get the errors. I tried a couple additional things. I nuked ghostfolio and postgres14 and tried again with the database setup command and as shown here that infinite looped it immediately. Then I tried nuking only postgres14 thinking maybe ghostfolio was doing something as it started up that was an issue - but confirmed I'm still having the problem. This is what I'm seeing in the postgres14 logs infinitely after trying to add an F buy. Total noob on database items so probably something simple I'm missing. 2022-06-05 10:39:32.634 EDT [34] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "MarketData_date_symbol_key" 2022-06-05 10:39:32.634 EDT [34] DETAIL: Key (date, symbol)=(2020-12-29 00:00:00, F) already exists. 2022-06-05 10:39:32.634 EDT [34] STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "public"."MarketData" ("createdAt","dataSource","date","id","symbol","marketPrice") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) RETURNING "public"."MarketData"."id" 2022-06-05 10:39:32.651 EDT [34] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "MarketData_date_symbol_key" 2022-06-05 10:39:32.651 EDT [34] DETAIL: Key (date, symbol)=(2020-12-29 00:00:00, F) already exists. 2022-06-05 10:39:32.651 EDT [34] STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "public"."MarketData" ("createdAt","dataSource","date","id","symbol","marketPrice") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) RETURNING "public"."MarketData"."id" 2022-06-05 10:39:32.665 EDT [34] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "MarketData_date_symbol_key" 2022-06-05 10:39:32.665 EDT [34] DETAIL: Key (date, symbol)=(2020-12-29 00:00:00, F) already exists. 2022-06-05 10:39:32.665 EDT [34] STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "public"."MarketData" ("createdAt","dataSource","date","id","symbol","marketPrice") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) RETURNING "public"."MarketData"."id"
    1 point
  39. @binhex I just wanted to request a feature. Would it be possible to add a feature where it randomly selects a openvpn config file? assuming the user/pass is same for all. My VPN provider has a lot of servers and sometimes one i have been using for a while get saturated or won't connect for one reason or another. I would like to just dump a couple config files in and let the docker pick at random.
    1 point
  40. YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER TO RUN THIS DOCKER: After installing the docker container, there should be a folder in appdata on the unraid host named pgadmin4. You must change the permissions on this folder: Here's how: On the unraid host, click the terminal button at the top right: When you get a terminal window, set the permissions on the pgadmin4 folder as follows
    1 point
  41. This is great, I was going to attempt to recreate the Docker Safe New Perms script and run it on a schedule for my Dropbox share... now I can just throw this one line into the User Scripts plugin! Link to the source code if anyone is interested: https://github.com/limetech/dynamix/blob/master/plugins/dynamix/scripts/newperms +1, love you @Squid
    1 point
  42. Has anyone figured out how to route only a subset of docker containers through the VPN? This seems to be of interest for many of us but I haven't seen a step by step guide on how it would be implemented. Thanks.
    1 point
  43. In a nutshell, GitHub is a piece of shit. (If some one can come up with a better term that has all of the same connotations then please let me know) A change has been now implemented in the application feed to account for it being a P.O.S., and you won't be seeing this kind of stuff again
    0 points