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[Plugin] Appdata.Backup

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Curious if backup can be done in multiple archives, like per app. And everything be stored in folder of backup.

This would be nice as a lot off cloud providers have single file limit of 50gb, if this would be separated will be bigger change to rsync them to cloud... Currently my archive is almost 200gb))

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5 hours ago, J05u said:

Curious if backup can be done in multiple archives, like per app. And everything be stored in folder of backup.

This would be nice as a lot off cloud providers have single file limit of 50gb, if this would be separated will be bigger change to rsync them to cloud... Currently my archive is almost 200gb))

I've been trying this.  The current version of appdata backup will create a seperate tar file for each container's appdata.  It will also backup the container config XML as a separate file.  So for example, for Nextcloud I have:



I have similar file pairs for every container.  You'll also have a timestamped flash-backup tar file if you've selected the option to do a flash backup.


Word of warning regarding rclone (assume you mean rclone rather than rsync?) to cloud.  As the tar files are subtly different each time you take a backup, every tar file will be uploaded every time you rclone.  The benefits of deduplicating and only synchronising changes is lost.  For me this means approximately 70Gb of upload every time I run the remote copy to cloud. 


I've settled on a remote copy to an SMB share on another local machine for now.  What I'd like to see in the future is the ability to backup into separate directories without tar/gzip so that tools like rclone and duplicacy can synchronise only small changed files up to the cloud rather than entire appdata directory tarfiles.

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I got an error overnight that I don't understand as the containers are stopped, then backed up :


[24.01.2024 04:23:06][][UptimeKuma] tar verification failed! Tar said: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names; mnt/user/appdata/uptimekuma/kuma.db.bak20230205165300: Contents differ

Is this simply a verification failed message ? or something more sinister ?

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Hey all.

I have a two containers that use an Unassigned Device SSD for their appdata as they're massive. Some have other external volumes mapped also such as the docker socket, media folders and /tmp/. To back up their appdata, I could set "save external volumes" to yes and add the other external volumes to the exclusion list?


Just want to make sure this works and I don't wake up after the next backup to find it's backup massive amounts of files I've tried to exclude and nuked my array space. I also don't want to know what would happen if it tries backing up the docker socket path. I ask mainly as paths like that and /tmp/ aren't normally accessible in the provided directory list.

Edited by Avsynthe
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On 1/22/2024 at 2:05 PM, Bjur said:

Hi new to this plugin. Have a few questions.


1. Is incremental backup available?

2. What is the general consensus on Plex cache etc. folders. Should they be excluded or not?


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On 1/18/2024 at 12:02 PM, KluthR said:


Is the volume mapping in question used by another container?

That container doesn't share mappings with anything else, and it doesn't matter if the container is mapped via FUSE or not (I haven't gotten around to setting up exclusive share yet).


It's a non-issue at this point, anyway. I just had to let it stop for longer by changing the stop->backup->start behavior

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Event: Appdata Backup
Subject: [AppdataBackup] Warning!
Description: Please check the backup log!
Importance: warning

NOT stopping ClamAV because it should be backed up WITHOUT stopping!

How can i set a Exclusion, than he not generated this Warning and send false nervously positives Notifications, Mails and Co.?

The warning can be in the log, but a message or mail is unnecessary because it is correct that it is not stopped.


Its correct that ClamAV not stop by Backup, for not interrupted a running Scan Job. The Container was closed automatic after scan and then he can backuped without stopping him.

Edited by Revan335
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When are dockers stopped?  I assumed that it was before the backup started so that verifications would be successful.  But, I have handbreak running and I seem to get an error every night related to the current encode.  So it seems to be taking the backup, trying to verify (and failing, obviously, because the current file has changed) and then stopping the dockers and updating them.  I feel like I've got something set wrong.

Also, I have it set to only retain 5 backups but I currently have 27 backups - all but four of them are marked "failed".


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I am wondering what the process is for restoring, say Emby Server?

If I lose the appdata folder on my cache drives and the USB boot drive but I have my successful backups, after I create a replacement USB and install new cache drives and the appdata backup app.


Do I go to CA and install the Emby Server container then stop it, run AB restore? I have tried several different ways and I always have to start all over with Emby Server configuration (users/library/etc).


Help appreciated

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3 hours ago, Kilrah said:

You restore the appdata first then go to the Previous Apps page in CA and select/install those you want back.

Hi! Thanks for the reply. That sounds great except Previous Apps in CA is empty.  Where does CA pull the list for Previous Apps?

installed apps.jpg

previous apps.jpg

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8 hours ago, Blaqwolf said:

Where does CA pull the list for Previous Apps?

From your USB drive in config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user, if you properly restored a backup of that they should be there.

AB also backs the xmls up so you could put them back in there yourself.

Edited by Kilrah
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8 hours ago, Kilrah said:

From your USB drive in config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user, if you properly restored a backup of that they should be there.

AB also backs the xmls up so you could put them back in there yourself.

That is interesting. I removed Diskspeed as a test and when I went to CA Previous Apps it was listed (the only one there at all). So I tested with MakeMKV by removing the container and deleted it from config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user, now CA Previous still only shows shows Diskspeed and not MakeMKV. I ran AB restore for MKV and it now shows in CA!! Awesome! Not sure why Emby isn't... 


Thanks Kilrah, I will do a complete reinstall of Emby and test it out again.


Update: damned if I know why but I reinstalled Emby and setup everything, then performed a manual AB, removed Emby docker, then deleted the xml of boot device. Ran AB restore and there Emby was in the CA Previous folder, reinstalled from there and everything works perfect!!


Again, thanks for the assist!


Edited by Blaqwolf
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I was wondering if it's possible to have a pre-run backup script per container? I have 3 container that I would like to run a script before they are stopped. I'm using the option to stop, backup, start each container. I see at the bottom there's 4 type of script but are these per container or before/after the global job?


Thank you

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Hey I'm trying to setup appdata backup and when I run the manual backup to test out my config I'm getting an issue that the destination is unavailable or not writable [see attached picture].


I've tried setting the destination to another share that I know I can write to and I get the same error.


Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

Screen Shot 2024-02-03 at 5.37.00 PM.png

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Something I did on my end, because targeting directly a disk could make your backup failed someday. I created a share so I target it in /mnt/user instead. And if your cache is big enough, I made it so it use the cache. With mover tuner, I scheduled the mover to run an hour after the backup (I could also trigger it with a post run backup script). This way, the backup is done very fast on the ssd and then moved to the safe HDD. 

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