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[DOCKER] ownCloud is here!

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The official owncloud docker app is available on CA (and has been forever) (Bungy's repository) which pulls 9.02 (as of today). 


EDIT: According the the owncloud website 9.03 was released yesterday, and owncloud hasn't even updated their docker container yet.


If you choose to stick with owncloud and not switch, then you really should cut some gfjardim some slack.


Thanks for the responses. Hope to migrate to another owncloud docker or nextcloud. gfjardim deserves a lot of credit for his efforts no doubt about it. Since his last post in April not one single clue that this docker will / will not be supported any longer. Let's give the user a little more respect.


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The official owncloud docker app is available on CA (and has been forever) (Bungy's repository) which pulls 9.02 (as of today). 


EDIT: According the the owncloud website 9.03 was released yesterday, and owncloud hasn't even updated their docker container yet.


If you choose to stick with owncloud and not switch, then you really should cut some gfjardim some slack.


Thanks for the responses. Hope to migrate to another owncloud docker or nextcloud. gfjardim deserves a lot of credit for his efforts no doubt about it. Since his last post in April not one single clue that this docker will / will not be supported any longer. Let's give the user a little more respect.

My point was that owncloud haven't even updated their own official docker container to 9.0.3 yet


Sorry if you took offence (although tbh as you noted, gfjardim does disappear from the forums / support for long periods at at time)

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Thanks. My concern isn't really updating to the latest 9.0.3, 9.0.2 should be fine for now. I should have made that more clear. The problem is that the current owncloud docker is stuck on 8.2.2 I believe, and when an update like 8.2.5 became available quite some time ago I (others as well) upgraded to that current version, only to find out that once I updated to unRAID to 6.2B23 and the docker.img was deleted then re-added, by reinstalling owncloud via CA owncloud webui gives an error "downgrading not supported" and unable to login. So,...


Not too much of a problem for me as I managed to upgrade to that last upgrade (8.2.5) I did manually prior to deleting the docker.img. I basically modded version.php to match config.php to 8.2.2 and then was able to login to owncloud admin control panel, and then updated via docker command line.


I'm sure current (gfjardim) owncloud docker users like myself will be experiencing adverse issues once they update their unRAID version to 6.2+.


I'm looking at Bungy's version of owncloud and have some questions. Apparently gfjardim only used /var/www/owncloud/data whereas Bungy uses both /data and /config. In this case should I reassign gfjardim's /data/config folder to /config and /data separately?



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

hey lads. just got the docker installed and running. have access to it locally. first thing is how do I do a first set up of the included database?


basically I need help setting up an initial database. I only intend on having my own account so was going to use the included databases but setting up username and password on the included database doesnt seem to be working for me. first time using anything like this so bit of a noob.


Fixed my issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. Upgraded to unRAID 6.2 and ownCloud requested an upgrade as well. The webgui keeps telling me that the upgrade is underway....since more than an hour now.


Please update your experience with the upgrade to 6.2  vis a vis Owncluud working. I will hold off on the upgrade till I hear that all is well.



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I upgraded to 6.2 first. All is working well but ownCloud Docker was showing the blue "upgrade available" text so I pushed the button which was a failure from my side.


[EDIT] No ownCLOUD upgrade without issues  >:( Here is what was working for me:

[*]delete the container and the apps directory

[*]reinstall ownCloud via "Previous Apps" from the fabulous Community Applications

[*]start owncloud and stopp it once again

[*]overwrite the config directory and copy server.key and server.pem from your Community Applications Backup (that you hopefully have installed and running)

[*]reinstall the apps you need from ownCloud menu


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



my container updated and now i get -Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues (from to


thats the only thing displayed :(


any ideas on how to sort?


I'm having the same issue. Kind of a bummer. Maybe this will be my excuse to migrate to Nextcloud  :)


In my case, I am sure part of the issue is that I was updating Owncloud from within its own web UI, and when the Docker updated within unRAID it didn't pull in the latest version of Owncloud, which I guess I would have expected (my updates had taken me to


I had some other issues I was able to fix from the docker command line about a year ago, so I might try messing around there first. If I come up with a solution I will post back here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you had any luck on "fixing" the upgrade?




my container updated and now i get -Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues (from to


thats the only thing displayed :(


any ideas on how to sort?


I'm having the same issue. Kind of a bummer. Maybe this will be my excuse to migrate to Nextcloud  :)


In my case, I am sure part of the issue is that I was updating Owncloud from within its own web UI, and when the Docker updated within unRAID it didn't pull in the latest version of Owncloud, which I guess I would have expected (my updates had taken me to


I had some other issues I was able to fix from the docker command line about a year ago, so I might try messing around there first. If I come up with a solution I will post back here.

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I'm trying to update to 9.1.1 owncloud from the gui updater but I get this message.



cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate


I know how it has to do with the certificates but the resolution is with a straight install of owncloud and not a docker version.



Anyone else have this issue?  Any help would be appreciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I went into the config folder and edited the config.php. Changed the version manually, then updated first thing once I got in successfully.


Have you had any luck on "fixing" the upgrade?




my container updated and now i get -Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues (from to


thats the only thing displayed :(


any ideas on how to sort?


I'm having the same issue. Kind of a bummer. Maybe this will be my excuse to migrate to Nextcloud  :)


In my case, I am sure part of the issue is that I was updating Owncloud from within its own web UI, and when the Docker updated within unRAID it didn't pull in the latest version of Owncloud, which I guess I would have expected (my updates had taken me to


I had some other issues I was able to fix from the docker command line about a year ago, so I might try messing around there first. If I come up with a solution I will post back here.

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I went into the config folder and edited the config.php. Changed the version manually, then updated first thing once I got in successfully.


Thank you very much for this tip. This got owncloud up and running for me after being offline for months due to the update downgrade issue.


What did you change the version to in order to get owncloud out of maintenance mode?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm using https://hub.docker.com/_/owncloud/

And yes, it's running the latest 8.2.2.

Haven't used in-app update yet, so don't know how persistent it is.

I've mapped the whole /var/www/html to /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud and added a mapping of /data:/mnt/user/ownCloud, pointing the installation wizard to save user files at /data instead of the default location of /var/wwww/html/data (if that makes any sense to you).

I've also installed the official Redis container (https://hub.docker.com/_/redis/) for memcache and file locking.

The only caveat I still have is cron jobs, but am using www.crondash.com for webcron.

Hope that helps



For ownCloud cron, Easycron.com is a webcron service provider. It does have a easy-to-use interface to manage cron jobs.

PS: Unfortunately Crondash will be shutting down on 1 February 2017.


I'm indirectly restoring this post for these reasons:

* User 'Charlotte' has been here for a year and a half, and has spent quite a bit of time on the forums, so is a quiet lurker (something I fully understand)

* User 'Charlotte' has never been reported for spam, here or elsewhere

* Post is legitimate, includes true and useful info about crondash shutting down, includes link to legitimate alternative


However the original post was sent to the Bilge because it was the very first post by the user and included a link to a commercial product, something that is always very suspicious, spam-like behavior.  I would hope that Charlotte speaks up and justifies their posting.  It is my hope they were just trying to be helpful, but that does not stop us from being vigilant.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I installed OwnCloud not too long ago to keep some files synced between desktop and laptop and it's been working great so far. However I think I screwed something up when I installed it and don't know what I can do to correct it.


When I installed it I pointed the data directory to a drive on my array cause I didn't want the synced files to live on the cache drive. So I have this mapping:


/var/www/html/data >> /mnt/user/Media/owncloud/data


It works, but it's always keeping a connection open to the one drive (currently anyway) that the files sit on. So that drive is never spinning down as a result.


I see a database file in the data directory along with some other files and of course the directory that I'm actually syncing. IF it's these other files that are keeping the drive from spinning down, how do I move those to the cache drive but keep the actual user files on the array??


Here's a full list of my mappings:


/var/www/html/apps >> /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud/apps

/var/www/html/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud/config

/var/www/html/data >> /mnt/user/Media/owncloud/data


Thanks in advance.


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I installed OwnCloud not too long ago to keep some files synced between desktop and laptop and it's been working great so far. However I think I screwed something up when I installed it and don't know what I can do to correct it.


When I installed it I pointed the data directory to a drive on my array cause I didn't want the synced files to live on the cache drive. So I have this mapping:


/var/www/html/data >> /mnt/user/Media/owncloud/data


It works, but it's always keeping a connection open to the one drive (currently anyway) that the files sit on. So that drive is never spinning down as a result.


I see a database file in the data directory along with some other files and of course the directory that I'm actually syncing. IF it's these other files that are keeping the drive from spinning down, how do I move those to the cache drive but keep the actual user files on the array??


Here's a full list of my mappings:


/var/www/html/apps >> /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud/apps

/var/www/html/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud/config

/var/www/html/data >> /mnt/user/Media/owncloud/data


Thanks in advance.




As a test of my theory I stopped owncloud and the drive with all the data spun down normally. What I don't get is why since the media share uses cache so anything being written should go there until moved. So the drive should spin down. Why isn't it?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I have been running owncloud on one of my two servers (6.1.9)  for a while now, with no problems. I put together a second server, running the latest 6.3 and wanted to setup the Owncloud on this machine. I was able to install the 9.1.3 owncloud.


I am having a few issues.


Logging in only goes through http and not https. How do you switch? My other server is correctly using https.


I get the following error: "Cron:  Last cron job execution: 1 hour ago. Something seems wrong."  I have that set to Cron.


Any help?


Thank you,



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I installed OwnCloud not too long ago to keep some files synced between desktop and laptop and it's been working great so far. However I think I screwed something up when I installed it and don't know what I can do to correct it.


When I installed it I pointed the data directory to a drive on my array cause I didn't want the synced files to live on the cache drive. So I have this mapping:


/var/www/html/data >> /mnt/user/Media/owncloud/data


It works, but it's always keeping a connection open to the one drive (currently anyway) that the files sit on. So that drive is never spinning down as a result.


I see a database file in the data directory along with some other files and of course the directory that I'm actually syncing. IF it's these other files that are keeping the drive from spinning down, how do I move those to the cache drive but keep the actual user files on the array??


Here's a full list of my mappings:


/var/www/html/apps >> /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud/apps

/var/www/html/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud/config

/var/www/html/data >> /mnt/user/Media/owncloud/data


Thanks in advance.




As a test of my theory I stopped owncloud and the drive with all the data spun down normally. What I don't get is why since the media share uses cache so anything being written should go there until moved. So the drive should spin down. Why isn't it?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Never mind folks. After digging around I didn't see any easy way to do this so I just moved the damn data directory to a drive that is already spun up 24/7.

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