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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server

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All I can say is that after four days of trying everything to get Plex Media Server to work in UNRAID was a lot of time wasted. I ended up doing something simple that worked in less than 5 minutes:


I loaded PMS onto my desktop which is on same network at my UNRAID NAS and linked the assets from UNRAID to the PMS and it works perfectly.


I would love to find out why the UNRAID PMS docker would never do that as easy.

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On 1/19/2020 at 12:21 PM, tr3bjockey said:

Unraid just told me that plex has been updated.  How can I find out what's new in this version?

It might just be an update to the docker container and nothing to do with an actual Plex server version update.  If your Plex server version changed, you can go to the Plex website for details.  The Plex docker containers are just a Docker friendly packaging of the Linux version of PMS.  None of the container authors does any development work on Plex itself and they do not know what may have changed in PMS.

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On 1/11/2020 at 4:57 PM, cypres0099 said:

I'll grab a screen shot if it happens again.


Zip attached


Yeah, I created that share a long time ago. Can't remember specifically why.

mongo-diagnostics-20200111-1659.zip 130.8 kB · 1 download


Well the problem happened again. Plex went up to 100% RAM usage this time and totally locked up the clients. Server was running super slow too. Once the Plex container was manually restarted, everything went back to normal. 


Any ideas how to fix this? It's very frustrating.


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On 1/21/2020 at 5:32 PM, cypres0099 said:


Well the problem happened again. Plex went up to 100% RAM usage this time and totally locked up the clients. Server was running super slow too. Once the Plex container was manually restarted, everything went back to normal. 


Any ideas how to fix this? It's very frustrating.



Would love to start trouble shooting this. It's locking up every other day. 

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I recently migrated my Plex database from Windows over to a new Unraid build using the Linuxserver.io docker.  For some reason, newly added movies correctly pull the metadata, but do not add the poster.  When I edit the movie entry I see all of the poster options I normally would and am able to choose one with no problems.


I've been searching, but haven't found anything that helped.  Any suggestions?

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I recently migrated my Plex database from Windows over to a new Unraid build using the Linuxserver.io docker.  For some reason, newly added movies correctly pull the metadata, but do not add the poster.  When I edit the movie entry I see all of the poster options I normally would and am able to choose one with no problems.
I've been searching, but haven't found anything that helped.  Any suggestions?

Please look at the attached thread


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hope this is a quick question, I just discovered my Plex - with a error message message saying that there no no public external connection, so I have rebooted it and now it is giving me a message of 


Fully accessible outside you network.


great. but I have question at the moment it is showing my private IP address as my internal IP Address and my Public IP address as my external IP address.

so is there a way to push this via my delugeVPN connection ? as I don't want the world to see what type of traffic I have.

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6 hours ago, cypres0099 said:

Hey all, I'm still having problems with Plex filling up the RAM to 100% then locking the server up every other day. A reboot of the plex docker fixes it temporarily. I've attached my sys log here, but I rebooted the docker before I downloaded the log. Hopefully it's helpful.



mongo-diagnostics-20200129-1744.zip 179.35 kB · 1 download

I had the same proble.   Do you have the dvla turned on. If so turn it off and retry.

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13 hours ago, trurl said:

Bring us all up to date on your docker run command and plex transcode directory.

Attached run command & transcode directory below. 


8 hours ago, chris_netsmart said:

I had the same proble.   Do you have the dvla turned on. If so turn it off and retry.

It looks like DLNA is off, if that's what you meant.




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17 hours ago, cypres0099 said:

Hey all, I'm still having problems with Plex filling up the RAM to 100% then locking the server up every other day. A reboot of the plex docker fixes it temporarily. I've attached my sys log here, but I rebooted the docker before I downloaded the log. Hopefully it's helpful.



mongo-diagnostics-20200129-1744.zip 179.35 kB · 2 downloads

You'll need to post the log while memory is full or near full.
Keep an eye on memory usage and before it reaches the point of being unusable try capturing the diagnostics. 

Sadly, no process seems to be using an abnormal amount of memory in these logs, and I don't see any kernel OOM entries logged in syslog. 

MiB Mem :  64420.0 total,  60521.1 free,   1782.2 used,   2116.6 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  61152.4 avail Mem 

It may not be the plex process itself eating all your ram, it could be one of it's child processes.
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1 hour ago, Xaero said:

You'll need to post the log while memory is full or near full.
Keep an eye on memory usage and before it reaches the point of being unusable try capturing the diagnostics. 

Sadly, no process seems to be using an abnormal amount of memory in these logs, and I don't see any kernel OOM entries logged in syslog. 

MiB Mem :  64420.0 total,  60521.1 free,   1782.2 used,   2116.6 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  61152.4 avail Mem 



It may not be the plex process itself eating all your ram, it could be one of it's child processes.


ok, thanks for checking into that. I'll keep an eye on the usage and grab the log the next time I see it full.

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Hello.  I am fairly new to Unraid and have recently setup the linuxserver plex application.  Everything seems to be setup properly and my media has been linked.  However when I go to the web ui for plex, it informs me of an update.  I believe to be correct in the fact that I can't just download the update from plex and install as I normally would through Windows as an example.  My question is, if there is an update through plex, will an update soon follow for my container?  I am familiar with how to check for updates, but at this time no update is appearing and am just curious if it is just something that comes a little later.  Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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17 minutes ago, Rojen Mcche said:

I believe to be correct in the fact that I can't just download the update from plex and install as I normally would through Windows as an example.  My question is, if there is an update through plex, will an update soon follow for my container?

^^^This is correct.  Don't download and update Plex directly.  Updates should come through the docker container.  If there is a PMS update available, it will makes its way into the container soon.  It all depends on the timing between when Plex releases an update an the container authors schedule for updating the container.  The lag is never more than a few days.

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6 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

^^^This is correct.  Don't download and update Plex directly.  Updates should come through the docker container.  If there is a PMS update available, it will makes its way into the container soon.  It all depends on the timing between when Plex releases an update an the container authors schedule for updating the container.  The lag is never more than a few days.

I think this container pulls the latest plex when it starts so you don't have to wait on an update to this docker, just restart it. Worked for me a few days ago.

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1 hour ago, trurl said:

I think this container pulls the latest plex when it starts so you don't have to wait on an update to this docker, just restart it. Worked for me a few days ago.

Probably true.  I never restart the container and just wait for updates to appear.  It could very well be that a restart pulls the latest updates and I had just never forced an update that way.  Good to know.

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19 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

Probably true.  I never restart the container and just wait for updates to appear.  It could very well be that a restart pulls the latest updates and I had just never forced an update that way.  Good to know.

It updates on start, so if it says a new version is available, restart the container.

The container is also rebuilt when there is a new release, but that is only true for the public version. If you have plexpass, it will update to the plexpass at start.

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1 minute ago, saarg said:

so if it says a new version is available, restart the container.

By "I never restart the container" I mean that I never manually restart the container as an isolated action.  Of course, when I click on the 'Apply Update' link or 'Update All' button in the Dockers tab, the container is restarted, so the effect is the same.  I have Plex Pass but am usually not in a rush to update to the latest version unless it happens to fix bugs rather than introducing new ones 😁

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What is the difference in Container Path and Host Path?  For example if I am adding movies from a location /mnt/disk2/Movies/Blu-ray do I want both Container path and Host path to be the same?  My movie collection did show up in PlexUI when I made them the same so I figured I did something correct however just wanted some clarity on what each of those paths are for and if they should be identical.  I do not have user shares setup on my unraid so there is no "movie" folder that spans across all the disks and I manage my movies disk by disk.


I apologize in advanced if my questions are dumb however I have been using unraid for over 10 years now but never had any dockers installed.  I tried searching for the difference between the two paths however wasn't able to find any specifics.  If this is the wrong place to post then please let me know where is more appropriate since I am a newbie when it comes to dockers and Plex.

Edited by chooch
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