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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server

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How can I update to the latest stable version of PMS 1.20 using this container? I don't want to be on the beta release because I don't want to test new features or bugs, but I'd like access to the new Plex Movie agent and installing this container from community apps only pulls down v1.19.

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18 minutes ago, HALPtech said:

How can I update to the latest stable version of PMS 1.20 using this container? I don't want to be on the beta release because I don't want to test new features or bugs, but I'd like access to the new Plex Movie agent and installing this container from community apps only pulls down v1.19.

There is no stable 1.20 yet. When there is, our builder will push out a new image with it.

You can set the version to docker and it will use the version the image comes with.

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9 hours ago, HALPtech said:

How can I update to the latest stable version of PMS 1.20 using this container? I don't want to be on the beta release because I don't want to test new features or bugs, but I'd like access to the new Plex Movie agent and installing this container from community apps only pulls down v1.19.

Go to the settings of the image and change the VERSION to "latest".

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22 hours ago, HALPtech said:

Any idea how stable the latest version is?

1 minute ago, aptalca said:

That's really a question for plex. With that said, I've personally been on the beta/plexpass track for years and never had any issues.


I agree, and have had the same experience.  I think the intention of PlexPass releases is that they are stable, just released early to subscribers.

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6 minutes ago, BoxOfSnoo said:


I agree, and have had the same experience.  I think the intention of PlexPass releases is that they are stable, just released early to subscribers.

Yeah, the time for a release to go from beta to stable is pretty short. I guess they're more like release candidates but that could change and it's all up to plex.

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As a counterpoint, I used to run the Plexpass/latest version and it screwed up things a few times for me. I can't remember exactly what, but it got annoying enough that I just set mine back to run the public version instead to avoid the early adopter headaches and it has been better in that regard.


Honestly there's very little difference and usually only a short amount of time before changes and updates get pushed down to public from plexpass, assuming they don't break things. Plex itself is pretty stable, so unless there is a bug that made it into public that is affecting me, or some super cool new feature I just can't wait for, I don't see a need to run the Plexpass/latest/beta/rc/whatever-you-want-to-classify-it-as version.

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Has anybody experienced problems with ?


After patching my library doesn’t update, i cannot delete any movie manually via ‘delete’ button. When i push ‘delete’ or ‘scan library files’ it just loads for a few seconds and then nothing happens. I can’t even delete tv or movie library altogether, it just it just shows yellow exclamation point for a second near a library and then it comes back.

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I know this is a terrible question but I'm new to all of this and just trying to figure out how best to setup Unraid.


What I'm wondering is if its best to setup multiple shares to categorize the media for instance a share for Movies, share for TV Shows, share for Music....as opposed to one share called Media.  Or would I create one share called Media then add folders inside of it to separate the different types?

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20 hours ago, SPOautos said:

I know this is a terrible question but I'm new to all of this and just trying to figure out how best to setup Unraid.


What I'm wondering is if its best to setup multiple shares to categorize the media for instance a share for Movies, share for TV Shows, share for Music....as opposed to one share called Media.  Or would I create one share called Media then add folders inside of it to separate the different types?

Not really a plex question and probably more suited to add on to one of your other threads you have started recently.


Either way will work with plex and other things. Many people do separate shares because they want to manage them separately with the settings for each, such as Included Disks, Split Level, Minimum Free, etc. That is what I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I set up my linuxserver plex docker and got everything set up and it works well on my home network.  Remote access is set up and I am able to access the plex server using plex web or the plex app for android from outside my home network, say on verizon 4g.  My problem is that I can navigate to a movie or tv show and look at the files details but if I select to play it I get the buffering circle and it never plays.  Come on home and switch to wifi and the file plays right away.  I did try using plex web outside of my network and that worked after a little while but it kept buffering.  I just build a brand new machine for unraid with a 12 core threadripper.  It's pretty dang fast so I'm not sure what's happening.  Upload speed is excellent.


One thing I noticed on going to plex web was it says that I have a server update available but in the docker tab it says everything is up to date.


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Just recently now the boys Xbox one will not connect to the plex server.


I tried signing the device out and removing it from "authorized devices" and signing it back in - no luck says it can't connect to the server.

I even removed the app and reinstalled it same thing.

It is hard wired and so are the rest of my streaming devices.


All my other devices in my house connect fine -

2 Rokus

2 Nvidia Shields

2 Iphones

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8 hours ago, cosmicrelish said:

Sorry. On my 4g network I’m getting 50 down. I had transcoding on for 15mbs stream but even tried original quality. I’ve tried several speeds and none work. 

I usually have pretty good luck using transcoding and speeds around 4mbs. That’s on WiFi though. Not sure if you’ll see the same results with 4G. You might have to go with lower speeds. I would start playback with very low speeds and gradually increase the speed in playback settings until you start seeing buffering.

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8 hours ago, chip said:

Just recently now the boys Xbox one will not connect to the plex server.


I tried signing the device out and removing it from "authorized devices" and signing it back in - no luck says it can't connect to the server.

I even removed the app and reinstalled it same thing.

It is hard wired and so are the rest of my streaming devices.


All my other devices in my house connect fine -

2 Rokus

2 Nvidia Shields

2 Iphones

within the app settings (not the server settings) I went and changed the prohibit insecure connections to Allow on local network. The app started working after that.

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4 hours ago, wgstarks said:

I usually have pretty good luck using transcoding and speeds around 4mbs. That’s on WiFi though. Not sure if you’ll see the same results with 4G. You might have to go with lower speeds. I would start playback with very low speeds and gradually increase the speed in playback settings until you start seeing buffering.

That worked!  I thought I had it set but I had to set the bitrate in the app on the phone and once set to 4mbps then it started playing after a few moments


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7 minutes ago, cosmicrelish said:

That worked!  I thought I had it set but I had to set the bitrate in the app on the phone and once set to 4mbps then it started playing after a few moments


IIRC you can also set a max or default streaming rate on the server once you figure out what that should be. Will eliminate the need to adjust it in the app every time you start watching a video.

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4 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

IIRC you can also set a max or default streaming rate on the server once you figure out what that should be. Will eliminate the need to adjust it in the app every time you start watching a video.

@cosmicrelish  Yep, this is the default streaming rate I have set in the Plex server (Yes, I am using the docker container and not Plex for Windows).



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I'm using the official image and I like to know why Plex is writing constantly to the docker.img (its the only active container, so it must be plex):



Logging is already disabled. I used the console of the container and this command to find the changed files:

find / -mmin -10 -ls > /config/recent_modified_files5.txt

And it contains... sorry... need to check later. Someone started a movie while writing this post ^^

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12 minutes ago, mgutt said:

I'm using the official image and I like to know why Plex is writing constantly to the docker.img (its the only active container, so it must be plex):



Logging is already disabled. I used the console of the container and this command to find the changed files:

find / -mmin -10 -ls > /config/recent_modified_files5.txt

And it contains... sorry... need to check later. Someone started a movie while writing this post ^^


If 6.8.3, probably this




TLDR; update to 6.9


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