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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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On 9/14/2019 at 6:23 PM, Dad_Rage said:

I wanted to summarize how I got Mullvad working with DelugeVPN as I had to piece together several "solutions" from different comments in this thread and there was some incorrect info; likely old.


First go to https://mullvad.net/en/download/config/?platform=linux (you may have to sign into your Mullvad account first), select a region, leave "Use IP addresses" and "Connect via our bridges." left unchecked, then click "Download". This will download a .zip file with all your config and cert files.


The .zip file will contain a folder with the following files:


mullvad_ca.crt (the cert file)

mullvad_<whatever region you selected>.conf (the config file)

mullvad_userpass.txt (a text file with your account number)

update-resolv-conf (some file with no file extension that I have no idea what it does lol)


You will extract these files later after we do the initial set up for Deluge VPN.


Next grab binhex-delugevpn from Community Applications (you've probably already done this if so just click "edit" on the binhex-delugevpn docker container)  and adjust the following container settings:


Host Path 2 (Container Path: /data) set this to your downloads location; usually a share you created. Mine is /mnt/user/Downloads. If you are using Sonarr or Radarr it should be the same /data path they use.


Key 1 (VPN_ENABLED) should be set to "yes"


Key 2 (VPN_USER) should be your Mullvad account number; a 16 digit number you received when you set up your Mullvad account which also can be found in mullvad_userpass.txt. Do not include the "m" as shown in the .txt file, just the 16 digit account number.


Key 3 (VPN_PASS) same account number as Key 2, no "m".


Key 4 (VPN_PROV) set to "custom"


Key 6 (STRICT_PORT_FORWARD) set to "yes"


Key 8 (LAN_NETWORK) put the first 3 numbers of your routers IP (most likely 192.168.1) followed by .0/24 (example "")


Everything else can be left alone.


Click apply. It will pull the container and run it.


Open a file explorer and navigate to <your server>/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/


Now extract the files:



mullvad_<whatever region you selected>.conf




from the .zip you downloaded from Mullvad into <your server>/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/


change the file extension of mullvad_<whatever region you selected>.conf to mullvad_<whatever region you selected>.ovpn


Open mullvad_<whatever region you selected>.ovpn with a text editor and add the following lines to the bottom:


    pull-filter ignore "route-ipv6"
    pull-filter ignore "ifconfig-ipv6"


Save the file.


Restart the binhex-delugevpn container


That should do it. I hope this helps.



Further to my last post, I have taken out a trial with Mullvad. I am having difficulties however in getting DelugeVPN and SabnzbdVPN to work with the change of VPN provider. 


I've followed the advice quoted above, however both DelugeVPN and SabnzbdVPN fail to load and the logs gives the following error;


2020-08-22 17:08:17,515 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/mullvad_ch_zrh.ovpn:21:     (2.4.9)


I've attached two screenshots below of my ovpnfile (the only change to within the file are the additional two lines at the bottom);





Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 


***EDIT - Well, I was reading @binhex VPN faq and decided to try copying the two "pull-filter" lines directly from his page and copying that into the config.....and that seems to have done the trick. I'm not entirely sure how as they both look exactly the same from what was suggested above, however I have been wracking my head for the past few hours so the error is probably right there in front of me. 😂


Edited by LoneTraveler
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Is there a reason why Sweden has been removed as a supported PIA end point with port forwarding?

2020-08-22 11:43:46,581 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] PIA endpoint 'sweden.privateinternetaccess.com' is not in the list of endpoints that support port forwarding, DL/UL speeds maybe slow
[info] Please consider switching to one of the endpoints shown below

2020-08-22 11:43:46,582 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] List of PIA endpoints that support port forwarding:-

2020-08-22 11:43:46,582 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] ca-montreal.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] ca-vancouver.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] de-berlin.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] france.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] czech.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] spain.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] Attempting to get dynamically assigned port...

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I seem to be having problems with my download directory. I can't seem to get the directory right.


This shows at the bottom of the delugevpn page....



When I add a torrent it starts ok and then slowly dies off (because it seems it has nowhere to store the files???).


I think its one of those "I'm lookin' at it but ain't seeing it"🤔


How does the path provided in the docker property sheet match with the setup in the actual Deluge preferences? Does the docker property sheet = the /data directory and go from there in the actual deluge Preferences?






I guess I still have Sonarr or Radarr setup in my head.....


This is the structure of my Downloads folder:




Could someone point me to a detailed explanation of how this works? (I think I have a flat spot on my head from banging it against the wall--ow!)


Thanks in advance.







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I was connected to Sweden but torrents would not download. Then i think following an update to the container i lost the web UI.


I swapped to the Czech Republic as per @rikdegraaff suggestion above. The Web UI returned after about 10-15 minutes. There were a lot of entries similar to the below in the log. Eventually i got connected, I'd guess 2-3 cycles through the 12 connection attempts?

2020-08-25 17:21:54,237 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] Exit code '52' from curl != 0 or no response body received
[info] 12 retries left
[info] Retrying in 10 secs...

I swapped the Czech endpoint for Berlin and then to Torronto, both PIE port forwarding endpoints. With these endpoints the VPN established and the Web UI started far quicker. However my torrent for Ubuntu 20.04 appears idle, and does not download.


Any ideas?

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I just moved from the normal deluge to the vpn version I am running an older build binhex/arch-delugevpn:1.3.15_18_ge050905b2-1-04 because i still use the windows gui to connect to my server and there is no 2.0 windows client yet.

On the non vpn build i could port forward 58846 to my internal ip and be able to access deluge from outside of my network.. now after moving to the vpn build i can no longer access the server from outside of my network. my unraid server is still the same so the port forwarding still should be good. During the setup i did miss changing the LAN_NETWORK variable to my correct local network, and that prevented me from being able to use the windows client to access the server, once i fixed that to the correct ip i can connect locally.

is there anything i can do to be able to connect from out side of my unraid network?

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Like everyone else usin PIA I a now having issues. Question: in the OPENVPN folder that we place the certs and ovpn files, is it ok if I place all of PIA's ovpn files so if I change servers I dont have to place that particular file back into directory? This should cause a problem if I place all the files right? I am not able to get deluge to open the UI and want to make sure this isnt part of the problem?


Thanks for the help

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7 minutes ago, drpete said:

Like everyone else usin PIA I a now having issues. Question: in the OPENVPN folder that we place the certs and ovpn files, is it ok if I place all of PIA's ovpn files so if I change servers I dont have to place that particular file back into directory? This should cause a problem if I place all the files right? I am not able to get deluge to open the UI and want to make sure this isnt part of the problem?


Thanks for the help

Firstly you can only use the ones with port-forwarding and not all the PIA's ovpn files. The ones without port-forwarding enabled would have issues ranging from low speed to outright no network. I think right now Canada and Germany are consistently working. The other are hit and miss.


I think the docker will only use openvpn.ovpn file so what you can do is have a folder with all the port-forwarding enabled ovpn and do a script to randomly pick one file and copy over to the appdata ovpn. So let's say you have the ovpn in /mnt/cache/appdata/deluge/PIA then the script would be something like this.


ls $src/*.ovpn | sort -R | tail -1 | while read file; do
    cp --force "$file" "$des/openvpn.ovpn"

docker restart deluge

That's how I can switch quickly when one goes down.


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To change from PIA ovpn file and so from endpoint, I just uploaded Czech_Republic.ovpn and removed the Switzerland.ovpn from the openvpn folder at Deluge's appdata folder on Unraid.


After uploading a new ovpn file (without renaming), I reboot my "Deluge-docker" and open the web-UI after full start of the docker.

Full start will say, that the docker is completley done loading everything, and keep your eye at the log files.


The docker is done "booting" when it says:


20xx-xx-xx xx:xx:19,xxx DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] iptables chain policies are in place

20xx-xx-xx xx:xx:19,xxx DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] VPN incoming port is xxxxx
[debug] Deluge incoming port is xxxxx
[debug] VPN IP is xx.xx.xx.x
[debug] Deluge IP is xx.xx.xx.x


Edited by rikdegraaff
Wrong code, resolved.
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Firstly you can only use the ones with port-forwarding and not all the PIA's ovpn files. The ones without port-forwarding enabled would have issues ranging from low speed to outright no network. I think right now Canada and Germany are consistently working. The other are hit and miss.
I think the docker will only use openvpn.ovpn file so what you can do is have a folder with all the port-forwarding enabled ovpn and do a script to randomly pick one file and copy over to the appdata ovpn. So let's say you have the ovpn in /mnt/cache/appdata/deluge/PIA then the script would be something like this.
#!/bin/bashsrc='/mnt/cache/appdata/deluge/PIA'des='/mnt/cache/appdata/deluge/openvpn'ls $src/*.ovpn | sort -R | tail -1 | while read file; do   cp --force "$file" "$des/openvpn.ovpn"donedocker restart deluge

That's how I can switch quickly when one goes down.

Alternatively edit the 'remote' line to another endpoint, as this is the only difference between the ovpn files, sed will do this easily.

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, rikdegraaff said:

To change from PIA ovpn file and so from endpoint, I just uploaded Czech_Republic.ovpn and removed the Switzerland.ovpn from the openvpn folder at Deluge's appdata folder on Unraid.


After uploading a new ovpn file (without renaming), I reboot my "Deluge-docker" and open the web-UI after full start of the docker.

Full start will say, that the docker is completley done loading everything, and keep your eye at the log files.


The docker is done "booting" when it says:


20xx-xx-xx xx:xx:19,xxx DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] iptables chain policies are in place

20xx-xx-xx xx:xx:19,xxx DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] VPN incoming port is xxxxx
[debug] Deluge incoming port is xxxxx
[debug] VPN IP is xx.xx.xx.x
[debug] Deluge IP is xx.xx.xx.x


I can see the above entries in my log, so i have to assume that any issue i have is related to PIA rather than the container?

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For some reason deluge will no longer download torrents. Torrents just sit there and there is no connections/seeds/peers. I have tried restarting deluge as well as my whole server. I've tried changing the PIA end point and other than completely removing the container and reinstalling it and I'm not even sure that would fix the problem I'm not sure what else to do. Any help is much appreciated. 

Edited by DirtDiver
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23 minutes ago, DirtDiver said:

For some reason deluge will no longer download torrents. Torrents just sit there and there is no connections/seeds/peers. I have tried restarting deluge as well as my whole server. I've tried changing the PIA end point and other than completely removing the container and reinstalling it and I'm not even sure that would fix the problem I'm not sure what else to do. Any help is much appreciated. 

see here:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/help.md

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9 hours ago, DirtDiver said:

For some reason deluge will no longer download torrents. Torrents just sit there and there is no connections/seeds/peers. I have tried restarting deluge as well as my whole server. I've tried changing the PIA end point and other than completely removing the container and reinstalling it and I'm not even sure that would fix the problem I'm not sure what else to do. Any help is much appreciated. 

I'm having the same issue, started a few days ago and nothing on the server has changed on months. I can only conclude it's PIA and I've tried every port forwarding server listed so I'm now looking for another VPN provider.


I tried disabling the VPN and it still doesn't work...wonder if that option doesn't work since it's the VPN version?

Edited by detz
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27 minutes ago, Wetterchen said:

For me PIA is dead to use DelugeVPN. I think we must wait until PIA has make a openVPN for the new generation and the binhex-delugevpn can handle this. 

ca-montreal is working fine (im using it), others may also work, but as you mentioned until the whole next-gen work is done things could be up and down.

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