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[Plugin] CA Fix Common Problems

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On 3/21/2018 at 3:51 PM, Squid said:

Updated Update Assistant to properly handle "next" releases.  There's now 2 buttons.  One will check against the "Stable" version, and the other will check against the "Next" version of unRaid  (You must already be on 6.4+ for the "Next" button to appear)


Hi Squid, would you consider adding a third button labeled "Update OS" that takes you here?

That is the next logical step after running the tests. 


I've been running the update assistant on two systems for every beta release, and adding this direct link would save some clicks.

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5 minutes ago, ljm42 said:

I've been running the update assistant on two systems for every beta release, and adding this direct link would save some clicks.

After running it, doesn't the banner appear at the top from unRaid stating a new version is available, with a click to download link?

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Just now, Squid said:

After running it, doesn't the banner appear at the top from unRaid stating a new version is available, with a click to download link?


In fact, it did :) I actually didn't like that though, because it applied the update without a confirmation and without giving you the option to read the release notes. Maybe my issue is more with the banner than this plugin 

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I ran Extended Tests, and there were a bunch of files with whitespace etc, however, now I have a few blank looking ones. Any ideas on how to find them?


The following files / folders contain whitespace at either the beginning or the end of the file names. This will cause issues with Windows / SMB because whitespace is disallowed at either the beginning or end of a file/folder



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8 hours ago, richardsim7 said:

I ran Extended Tests, and there were a bunch of files with whitespace etc, however, now I have a few blank looking ones. Any ideas on how to find them?


The following files / folders contain whitespace at either the beginning or the end of the file names. This will cause issues with Windows / SMB because whitespace is disallowed at either the beginning or end of a file/folder



Try today's update and see if it doesn't let you see the files / folders  ( You will probably have to re-run the extended test though)

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On 4/8/2018 at 9:19 AM, jonathanm said:

I have an issue, and a suggestion for a fix. I have a box where the results from the extended test are huge, and clicking on the view results button brings up a blank view window and a hung browser, and then after several minutes it crashes firefox.


To fix, I suggest adding 2 more things.

1. display size of log file in KB beside buttons

2. add button to download as text file instead of inline viewing

@Squid, do you have any suggestions? I poked around to see if I could find a solution, but didn't see anything.

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Some quick feedback. I am new to this plugin.


First off my compliments. It is super useful and very powerful


Couple of enhancements for consideration:


  • we suggest turning off mover logging which makes sense except that it also removes mover error logging.. we should not be hiding errors. not sure what the best fix would be here.
  • when you enter the settings dialogue it actually kicks off a scan. I would suggest this is a break with the GUI design model and that entering settings should be limited to just that. Activating a scan should be a positive user action especially since it can take tens of minutes to complete.


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2 hours ago, NAS said:

we suggest turning off mover logging which makes sense except that it also removes mover error logging.. we should not be hiding errors. not sure what the best fix would be here.

LT recommendation is disabled mover logging

2 hours ago, NAS said:

when you enter the settings dialogue it actually kicks off a scan. I would suggest this is a break with the GUI design model and that entering settings should be limited to just that.

Only the first time.  After that it only rescans on your schedule or when pressing rescan

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LT are wrong then :P But seriously I think all we need here is normal nix separation of error states. The reason I bring this up is that after manually tracking down where cache space had gone i noticed that i have had mover errors for weeks so this is based on real world issues.


Also it is not my experience here that it only runs once but PECAK is entirely feasible. Will pay more attention and report back.




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3 minutes ago, NAS said:

Also it is not my experience here that it only runs once but PECAK is entirely feasible

Here's when it runs:


  • On initial install when going to it's settings *
  • After an update when going to it's settings *
  • 10 minutes after an array start (background)
  • On the schedule the user selects
  • When pressing Rescan

* If a scheduled run happens before going to FCP's settings, then a scan will not happen.


7 minutes ago, NAS said:

i noticed that i have had mover errors for weeks so this is based on real world issues

Put in a feature Req for errors to be logged.  The test in FCP is classified as "Other"  It will log the fact (if logging is enabled), but it will not trigger a notification from FCP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

tl;dr Can you use curl/wget to http://github.com to determine internet connectivity?

Only found out now that the github CDN in my neck of the woods doesn't respond to pings... and FCP is complaining...

root@MediaStore:~# ping github.com
PING github.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- github.com ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1056ms

root@MediaStore:~# curl -v github.com
* Rebuilt URL to: github.com/
*   Trying
* Connected to github.com ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: github.com
> User-Agent: curl/7.59.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-length: 0
< Location: https://github.com/
* Connection #0 to host github.com left intact


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  • 4 weeks later...

I need a tester to give me data needed to refine Troubleshooting mode




You CANNOT be running unraid in GUI mode

You must have a keyboard / monitor attached to the server


If you qualify, then enter in the following commands at the local shell

exec 1> >(tee -a /boot/console.log) 2> >(tee -a /boot/consoleerror.log)

And then reboot your system.  After rebooting, post the resulting file here.  (And yes, I want you to type in "blah" - it gives me a baseline).  I have to run GUI mode, so this is a PITA for me to do.

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The Unraid OS Warning still shows as below:


"You are currently running 6.5.2 and the latest version is 6.5.3. It is recommended to upgrade here: and review the release notes HERE"


and should instead link to Unraid 6.5.X separate update page now ( "/Tools/Update" )

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  • 4 weeks later...

unRAID 6.5.1


The FCP extended test was giving me a long list of 'The following files exist within the same folder on more than one disk.  This duplicated file means that only the version on the lowest numbered disk will be readable, and the others are only going to confuse unRaid and take up excess space:' errors. They all existed on cache and one of the other drives.


I decided to remove the cache drive completely and followed a guide I found. Following the removal unRAID appears to be happy with everything working as normal.


I re-ran the FCP extended test and most of the duplicate file errors have gone. What I can't understand is that there are still warnings related to PlexMediaServer and CrashPlanPro. It's still reporting that files exist on cache and I haven't got a cache drive connected.


I've rebooted unRAID twice, once to plug the cache drive, and then again just-in-case.

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